Paco and I


Hello everyone,, so I was a regular boy and used to dating “girls”not so many of them but I did had some sex with some of them and it was good or at least that’s what I thought about sex until I met Paco he was a regular guy three years younger than me he was not quite attractive physically but he had an super awesome personality he had some extra pounds here and there his face features where very manly and I guess so far that is what I can say about him, about me I am thin boy 5’7” very very hairless except for my legs and just a little bit if body hair and of course I did shaved that little, so I was in charge of a group of 6-7 people at my work and Paco happened to be one of them he liked drinking I could say a lot and well,, I didn’t mind it I thought that is his problem not mine so but this one day he came to me and told me that he was in need of a place to stay and if he could stay at my place because he did not have anywhere to stay to what I said yes why not I lived alone in big enough one bedroom apartment so I thought he could crash at my sofa for some time, so that same day I helped him move his few things he had into my place I was happy to have someone around to talk especially someone from work, he did start drinking right away sometimes a bit too much but he was in the living room and I was in my room and he would be quiet all the time,
everything was going fine for both of us until this one time that I was in my room ready to go to sleep and I felt thirsty and wanted to drink some water so I needed to go to the kitchen and I did on my way there I saw Paco of course sitting down on the couch so I said to and hi said hi back I said I’m thirsty right away he offered me a beer to drink to which I said no, and no because I usually don’t drink during the week days so he was cool with that sonó passed him and went to the kitchen had some water on my way back as I was passing him and very closed to the hall that connects to my bedroom he said something about me and my body but I couldn’t quite heard what he had said so I looked back and asked him what he had said to which he answered I said that You look very good in those clothes which was a T-shirt and underwear which was the only thing that I was wearing and it was a boy shorts very tight and a plane T-shirt that I like wearing when I sleep and they were both a little tight against my body I liked wearing tight clothes and I did answer thank you of course good manners after all so uff ,, everything went fine so the next day he did pretty much the same had some drinks and Me I decided to do the exact same thing as the night before and I went out of the roof same time and straight to the kitchen on my way to the there he saw me and said hi to me I said hi back he again offered me beer I said no thanks went to the kitchen and had my water on my way back as I was passing by him I said good night Paco and he responded good night! and this tome very clear said you look hot in those clothes, right there I did not know what to say to that and we’ll,,, of course I used the same thank you this time for some reason I felt kind of excited about it and somehow being dominated by another man, The third night I did the exact same but this time I did it because I wanted it to feel that something that sensation adrenaline I don’t know again I went out of my room and saw him said hi he say hi back I went passed him this time he did not offer me beer I went in the kitchen and even forgot about the water going back waiting for him to say something and of course he did he again said that I did look hot in those clothes this time I gather some courage and said well the three times that I had been out of my room I had had different clothes and then he answer yes and from those three times I like this the most because your legs look smoother and some how sexier that the other two,, what?? I was being seduced by another man? after that again he offer me beer this time I did not say no but I said that I only drink a little to which he offer me his own beer I wouldn’t drink from anyone’s drink except this time I did grab the beer and hardship he asked me to sit for a little bit to which I accept to very very curious about what would he say or what he would talk about so he started telling me how every time that I would go out he would get a little bit excited to which I asked why he said that I did look at it feminine I was supposed to feel offended by that but no coming from him and I have heard that before and even from my own ex girlfriends and honestly I do have some characteristics like my butt for example I do have a bigger and more feminine but than a regular boy and that is since I remember I did feel happy and excited to hear that and after a couple sips of beer need it to thing a bit so I told him that it was way passed my bedtime and said good night,

the next day was a Friday he invited me to go out I of course said yes so we did I was the driver he did not have a car and we went out and met some of my girlfriends at the club all night he tried lots of times to get to dance and get my girlfriends number she did not wanted to give it to him she said that she did not liked him so sadly at the end of the night we went home once at home he started drinking more he looked sad I said good night and went to my bed I was asleep when this sound woke me up I got out of bed and walked torch the living room on my way there I noticed the bathroom door open and I went in it and found Paco wow I felt so so scared, he was facing me his two feet on the floor out of the tub and siting down inside the bathtub he had fallen in when trying to pee in the toilet, and had pee around his cloths around his privates, and some or lots of vomit on the floor, I was scared and I asked out of impulse, what are you doing? there he couldn’t talk much probably for the position he was in. I offered him a hand and helped him out and sat him on the toilet sit and offer him to take his clothes off he say much i want it to put him in bed but he was very smelly and offer him help him take a shower, I took all his clothes off including underwear to clean him up well, he didn’t say yes nor said no l, so I started the bathtub for him he managed to be awake, I even put some bubbles in it!! I helped him sit down inside the tub and I started shampooing his hair and then some soap to got rid of some vomit around his hairy tummy once he was clean I did help him to come out of the tub, he then could stand up himself a little I started drying him out with the towel from his head down then passed the towel behind him and came to the front to his chest when I was near his lower belly and very closed to his penis he started to get an erection, I was surprised by his penis size big!! I haven’t seen someone else’s penis this close, and of course compared to mine own, at that moment I wasn’t sure whether or not to keep going doing what I was doing. It then thought to myself his drunk and he won’t remember that in the morning anyway so I kept going down drying his body as I was drying myself by that I mean I touched his penis and then went on my knees to dry up his legs and feet, I had a big hard clean very clean that I am sure penis right in my face,, he then pushed himself a little torched me letting me know that he was fine with it and yes I did what I need it to do, by then I had so much adrenaline running all over my body, how is this possible he is drunk and can and he is having this huge erection so I went a little bit down just so I wasn’t too obvious and kept dry his legs and around his feet when I was at his fit his full erected penis was right in my face and right there is when he started acting between weird and funny he started pushing penis against my face suggesting that I would see it closer, touch it, or give him a blow job? Nooo,, this is not happening, I pushed him away and said nooo,, I am done, he then graved my neck gently against his by now very well erected penis,?and pushed himself towards my face, at this exact time I felt like a total pervert fighting agonist a drunk person because I knew he was drunk and I shouldn’t do it in a regular time and especially not in his condition he kept pushing himself close to my face and so I looked up at his eyes and said Paco nooo,, and he said c’mon why not? Well first of all because I haven’t done anything like this in my life and secondly and the worst because you are drunk, c’mon I’m not drunk and I know that you like it because if you didn’t why did you aloud me telling you about you looking hot and all that??! That’s a good point, we’ll maybe it was just the curiosity of it, and if you didn’t why are you still in your knees,, c’mon try it? and again I’m telling that I am not drunk I am fine, he kept going until I said well let’s make a deal I’m trying it only on the condition that tomorrow I want you to tell me what we are about to do right now and you will have to even ask me for the more that will prove that you were not drunk and then I won’t feel the guilt and won’t feel like a total pervert doing it to you, yes I will do that but please open your your Leo’s and put in your mouth,, tomorrow right away OK,,yes yes,, ok I’m in a situation now I had never had another man penis in my hands nor in my mouth,, cheese,, I only wanted to feel that rush of adrenaline or sense of submission of another boy telling me about my body but here I am and at this moment Im about to grab it and taste it and lick it wow!!! well I offered it to him and a is a deal and I wouldn’t backed up so, so where do I start? I can feel his body heat I had never done it but now I really want to have my lips wrapping his perfectly shaped penis gland, but what if tomorrow he goes and tells everything to everyone?you won’t make fun of it tomorrow will you? What?? Nooo I wouldn’t this is between us, ok,,his whole body feels very warm I want to touch him but I don’t know is that the right thing to do, can I put my hand on you?? What ?? Of course,, i already like the feel of this hairy tommy!! time to go for his penis my first touch and super hard and felt very very hot so I thought I would taste it first and then I’ll see what I could do so I touched with the tip of my tongue feels good I like it and that was what I was expecting and even more I started feeling super good about it I felt his whole penis with my hands and now it was time to wrap it with my lips so I went very slow putting only he’s gland about two inches of his penis in my mouth going in a bit deeper and out three times very slowly I was getting super excited about the whole thing when I was about to go deeper for more he moved back a little and came right in my face I was in heaven his com tasted very awesome he looked at me and said I’m sorry and wanted to help me clean out and I said no it’s ok I did started it so I’ll take care of it no worries I started laughing he started laughing he thought that I was mad but it but I wasn’t I did want it more though but I felt like It was fine Paco’s penis went down I suggested that we need it to go sleep it was time to go to sleep he said yes we started walking out of the bathroom I was following he needed to go to the right to the living room and I needed to go to the left to the bedroom for some reason Me without thinking ask him if he wanted to sleep in my room in a bed it has been five weeks for him sleeping on a very very uncomfortable couch I know that for a fact hi looked at me and asked are you sure, I said yes, he followed me and we went to sleep

the next day we both woken up early very used to our week schedule even though it was a Saturday, the first thing I heard from him was I was not drunk, I was not expecting hear that statement from him so yes the deal was that I would give him a blow job again so I got all super excited about having his big penis in my mouth again so I play the victim and said I thought you would forget about it I guess I owe it to you uh!! Ok I always keep my promises are you ready I asked him very slowly I went down and under the sheets and touching his body to know were I was going down his tommy then I found his big and delicious dick very slowly I started kissing it and then sucking it like the night before I was expecting to feel it different and not liking it like the night before bot I felt the exact same way it was amazing having it even close to me I felt very turned on by his body and not in the way that a man feels turned on, I felt turn on by another men’s body I was super excited to have him in my mouth this time I didn’t lose time and I went straight to wrap his big penis with my lips and mouth in did it and felt very full and next time I went all the way in till it hit my throat with it amazing,, I was getting soooo excited right at the minute that yes,,, “Paco did it again” and again he did tried to pulled out and kind of pushed me away bu he didn’t know that that was what i was looking forward to, he was taking care of me so I wouldn’t get full of semen in my face I did not want it to move away pushed my mouth against his body right there he started squirting all his juice inside my mouth I started swallowing every time hi did, I did not move my mouth away I felt shy of him thinking bad of me when done he looked at me and he said sorry and said I tried to take away and out of you and let you know that I was coming I apologized and I was filling amazing by it, and I had to play inocente and said oh I did not know what you were trying to do and since this time we are inside bed I didn’t want us to get it all duty,, he again said I’m so sorry no worries Paco and I felt better.
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