The pub wall


The Pub Wall…what a surprise, Part I by Roger

I was a sweet young thing, recently married and with a small child who mainly stayed with my Mom while I was at work…hubby often gone for weeks, sometimes a month, as he made a good living supporting  us…I was too young to have a child, in my mind…I was just barely 21, full of hormones, didn’t want more children…one was enough…joy but burden along therewith…you know what I mean.  Days at home, no husband, boredom, a job was the thing and my Mom loved caring for the youngster.

I was a good girl but often horny.  I once told the nurse, who asked if I had any problems, that I got really wet down there.  She just laughed and left me in the examination room to ruminate what was so funny about the question.  So prim and proper but got wet easily and pregnant and now with a youngster.

I got a job.  Wouldn’t you?  A little walking around money and something to do…people to meet, like, shall I say, Johnnie.  We sold, or rather, rented TV’s and computers and things…pay as you go but have them now…for people with little credit…Johnnie would walk me home sometimes and flatter me along the way…”Do you know how people look at you?”  No, I didn’t, but he would tell me…how my long auburn hair was gorgeous…how I made men turn around and look at my hair and legs and my arse…how I was “hot.”  And so, working days would pass and the walks home were more fun than work.

One night he told me he’d buy me a drink on the way home…I arranged for child to be with Mom overnight…that day I wore a shorter skirt than usual…combed my hair until it really shined…we were going to a pub…have a drink and then he would, as usual, walk me home but what a surprise was in store for me that night along the low wall outside the pub.

Oh, I knew Johnnie was just a flattering young bloke who meant no harm…I was a married woman with a young child.  But he knew hubby was gone for periods…I guess he knew about hormones and young girls…he could never guess how I got so wet at times…how I made that nurse laugh with my question…and the other girls at work saw him paying attention to me and would tell me things:  “Watch out for Johnnie,” they would giggle,  “walking you home is just the start of things.”  I didn’t know what the “things” were…he was nice to me.  I would find out about “things” and “low Pub walls” that night.

All I could think of that day was the “after work” part…it was a Friday…a weekend ahead…and I would be paid on Friday…so finally it was that time and Johnnie and I walked from the office to the pub…it was early Fall…a warm evening and the crickets were mad in their celebration…we sat at a table and he brought a pint of lager and a glass of white wine for me…it was things about work and the people we worked with and the wine was warm going down…I didn’t know why I was nervous but I surely was.

Johnnie told me of his wife and how she never had time for him…how they argued a lot and then he began to talk about sex and how he got no sex at home and went on about his wife and she didn’t like “fucking” and that was a startling word for me.  Men didn’t talk about “fucking” when they talked to me…but the word was exciting to me…I felt myself getting wet.  It was so very strange that just a man using that word could make me wet…my skin was warm…my whole body was warm…Johnnie brought me another glass of wine to go with his pint and continued on about his wife and, then that word again:  “fucking” and if it was the wine or the word or how he looked at me or when I noticed some men at the bar looking at me…I shivered…I pressed my legs together…wrong thing to do just then…I was wet and squeezing my legs sent me more shivers…so I swallowed some wine and felt a little dizzy about it all…this man, those men at the bar, squeezing my legs, getting that thrill…my hubby gone now several weeks…I wished he was home tonight…I’d tell him to “fuck me.”  I wouldn’t say it out loud…I was a good girl…but I’d surely whisper it in his ear when he gave me a hug.

“I was talking to you,” Johnnie said, “you seemed to not be listening.”  “I was,” I lied, “I was just looking at the men at the bar.  They’re staring at us.”  “They’re not staring at us,”  Johnnie said, “they’re staring at you…You’re really pretty.”  I know I blushed.  He was a flatterer, that Johnnie, sitting across from me here in the pub on Friday night in our little town and I was feeling it was warm in the room and it was time to go and walk home and I told him I had enough wine, that I knew my limit.

What I didn’t know was my “limits.”  I was faithful to my hubby and my child and was not going to be unfaithful.  I was sure of that.  It was very hot in the pub and I waited for Johnnie to finish his pint and pay the bill.  I was looking forward to Saturday morning and going shopping in town…it would be a beautiful day…it was warm this evening and surely be a nice morning…those men at the bar…looking…and Johnnie and all his nice words and the “fucking” word lingered in my mind and I was thinking of fucking just now.  I went to the ladies to freshen up…my face was flushed from the wine…my panties were almost dripping…I took them off, wrapped them in a paper towel and put them in my purse. I wiped myself off but that sent more shivers…my lips were puffed up and wiping got me hot but it was time to go…I couldn’t stay the night in the bathroom!

Johnnie finally…finally…finished his pint and off we went…waving good night to the bar keep…the men at the bar gave us…me…a last smile and wave…and off we popped.  It was very dark outside and the crickets were in full voice…no moon and secluded.

There was a low wall along one side of the pub…Johnnie pushed me against it and kissed me full on the lips…his tongue went inside my mouth, exploring my mouth.  My tongue pushed back…”How dare he,” I thought as he insinuated it in and around my tongue…I jerked my head back and he looked me in the eyes, smiling…his arms were around my waist. “You’re really pretty tonight…did you see those men looking at you.  Jealous of me to be with a hot girl.”   I heard the office girls saying:  “…walking home with Johnnie is just  the start of things…”  Johnnie’s mouth was on me again…I was wet again…as his tongue wetted mine and my mouth felt thick…his breath hot on my cheek…I looked to see if there was anyone about…we were alone…laughter and noise from inside…but very quiet along the pub wall except for crickets…I kissed him back and licked inside his mouth…I shouldn’t have taken off my panties I thought…I was very wet again and maybe the girls were right:  “…it was just the start of things…”  I was a good girl but my body was being bad…his breath on my face…my breath on his…my tongue on his…I felt dizzy…the night was cool but I was hot…he pulled me to him and told me how pretty I was and how he wanted to “fuck” me…there was that word again.  I wasn’t going to “fuck” him and told him “No.”  But his tongue was whispering to me and his lips were teasing me and I was wet and hot and said “Johnnie…please don’t…please…”  He lifted me onto the wall…holding my waist with his hands, I pushed on his shoulders but our waists were aligned…my bottom on the wall his waist pressing against me. I looked  to be sure we were alone.

I heard him unzip and he was around my waist again…moving between my legs and I felt the cloth of his pants against them…pushing and spreading them…”Please Johnnie, “ I said again but it was not a “please don’t”  it was too late for that as I felt his flesh now…it was hot and the night was cool and I said just a very weak…a hoping and willing “please, Johnnie” as I knew I was wet, that my “cunt”  was wet and ready…I didn’t say that word…I imagined my “cunt” and it was ready for his cock as I felt his skin against my skin and I looked around, the pub noise and the night noise, and praying we wouldn’t be interrupted…I wanted him to “fuck” my “cunt”…we were both hot and wet and ready for “fucking.”

I reached under my skirt…he wasn’t in me yet…I took hold of his cock which was hot and slippery and I held it and looked at him…he was looking right into me…I was on that wall…”Please Johnnie!” I whispered, pleadingly now….”fuck me!”  His cock was not as long as hubby’s but it seemed very thick and he pressed against me and I felt the head spread my lips…he almost hurt me but I loved this bit of pain…he slipped inside and my cunt adjusted to this thick pole of a cock…I wanted release.  I wanted fucking…even outside on the low pub wall…he held me tight and pushed…I opened as wide as I could…”Please” I repeated as he forced his way deep and I felt his waist on my waist…his hairs on mine..finally I was impaled on his thick thing as he churned away into me…it was cool…we were very wet and hot all at the same time…he got at me…our tongues…my cunt, his cock, our breathing, and then I grabbed at his neck and his waist pulling him tight as he fucked into me  and I fucked him back…I couldn’t get enough of that thick hot cock until I was finished and came and was cool again and he lifted me down off that low pub wall…I had gotten off… and we walked home…his cum oozing down my thighs…I was so glad I could go home to an empty house, clean myself up and dream about low pub walls…and, for Johnnie and me…it was just the “start of things.”  Delicious sexy things as you will see.

Pub Wall Part I     

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