Best teacher possible


At 18,I still had no real experience other than jerking my own cock of course,every chance I got.I live with my mom who until recently,I never really thought of in a sexual way.I don't know why,she is everything any guy would want.She still wears two piece bikinis'and she never got any stretch marks even though she gained about sixty pounds with me.I guess she is lucky for that.
Just one day out by our pool,I got home and my buddy from school,David,and I got into our suits and went out to swim.My buddy said oh my gosh,dude your mom is soooo hot I get hard every time she is out in her bikini tanning while we swim.I said yeah duh,it is pretty obvious when you're tenting like now."Oh crap,do you think she notices?" "Well if so she hasn't said anything to me."
"Damn,I wish she would see it hard and poking out."Really,dude that's my mom." "Just l can't help it I just want to jerk off every time I see her." "I'm sorry bro,I'll cool it."So after he said that,I looked closer at her,for the first time paying close attention to every curve and I started getting arroused,she was damn sexy.The perfect MILF right here the whole time.Dave said hello and mom said hi boys,just tanning,you guys going for a dip?
"Yeah mom a quick one before Dave takes off." "Ok,don't mind me,I'm just doing the normal tanning like always."
Well after about half an hour,Dave said I'll see you later and he and his little woody left."Hey mom have you ever noticed how David lusts after you?" "What honey? Well yes,I do notice his tenting shorts every time he's here but I would never embarrass him by saying anything."
"Well do I ever get like that around you when you tan?"
"I don't know,I've never looked."
"Why do you ask?"
"Because I'm kind of excited now and I feel bad because you're my mom."
"Oh it's all right love,teenage boys can't help it,that thing has a mind of it's own."
"Ok,I'm glad you're not mad about it but I just never looked at you like this before,you are really sexy and I hope my tenting shorts don't shock you."
"Well it is normal but why are you suddenly wondering about it now?"
"I guess because I'm hard and 18 and extra horny I suppose."
"Well,your tent is pretty impressive I'll say,I never noticed you like this before."
"I have never looked at you in your sexy bikini's this way before I hope that's all right."
"Of course it is,you're young and a barely dressed woman even your mother just gets your attention.It's flattering an 18 year old thinks I'm sexy even my son.Especially my son."
"I'm sorry I just have the urge to take my shorts off and try to make this go away."
"Really?Just suddenly?Well we've always been close and open so go ahead,I don't mind."
"What,right here in front of you?"
"Sure,I would like that,I used to watch a couple of my boyfriends do it so I'd kind of like to see it again and like I said,it's flattering."
"Let's see if you do it like I guess most guys do it,now I'm curious."
"Ok but I feel awkward be easy on me."
Mom turned her head to look at me and I suddenly felt like I really wanted to do this,for her to see my cock and see how hot she made me so boom,I dropped my shorts and my 8" cock sprang free and it felt so good to let it out.I was grabbing it and still found it difficult to get into it and mom noticed.
"Honey,come over here and let me put suntan oil on it or you'll burn."
"Yes maam."
I sat next to her and she got a better look at it and she said something I'll never forget.
"Wow honey,that is a beautiful cock,so fat and hard and you're dripping pre cum already,I guess you like what you see,so here,it's only fair I take off my suit since you took off yours."
"There,much better don't you agree?"
"Oh definitely my God you're gorgeous mom.You're the sexiest woman I've ever seen,twice as sexy as any porn star."
"Thank you sweety,now let me oil you up before you burn that wonderful cock.I'm getting turned on just seeing you this way."
"Hold still,you're going to love this and I am too."
She reached and grabbed the base of my cock and I almost lost it.Then she drizzled a lot of oil on it and spread it all over then poured more then set the oil down and while holding the base with her left hand,she started sliding her right hand up and down.I moaned out and said wow,it feels so much better when you grab it.
"It's supposed to sweety now do you do it this way?"
"No I never lubed it up I just grab and beat it til I cum."
"Well I'm going to teach you how to slow down and edge it but not cum untill you are really hot for it,it's so much better this way and when you do cum,it will be better than you ever thought possible."
"It's already better than I have ever made it feel.It is so much better,how can I ever go back to doing it myself?"
"You'll be playing with it 5-6 times a day now I'm sure so remember the lube."
She slid up and squeezed it when slipping off the head then she would give it ten or so quick squeezing strokes on just the head then go back to full length strokes,over and over and she knew right when to stop and squeeze the base hard untill I was not so close to cumming then she started over again,squeezing and twisting like a real pro.
"Mom,that is so intense,teasing it like that over and over,just when I think I'm done you stop and at first I was like,hey what,then you had me there then back many times and now it's getting better and hotter,I love it."
"Why do something without doing it the right way?I'm just teaching you how to enjoy it,not rush through it,isn't it a lot better to enjoy it like this?"
"So much better but trying to do this myself will not be nearly as good as you do it."
"Well,we've been at it for a while,how about I show you how much more you have been missing?"
"Uh,er,sure mom,I can hardly talk."
"Ok now hold on this is what I love the most and you will too."
She really focused on speeding up and I knew I was going to really explode.I felt my entire crotch heat up and started bucking into her hands and she started telling me to let it go for her,let her see her boy explode and shoot cum all over.It boiled up and came blasting out like never before8-10 strong blasts going everywhere.She was moaning and giggling and we both just fell back and drifted off to sleep.
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