Baby then more Bsbies by daddy
Incest Girl
Dad and daughter fuck to make babies, and we have been doing this for a few years now. Mom thinks I am the high school slut who speards her legs for every man and boy at school. The fact that I am now a senior at Fillmore High at 18 years old and I already have 4 kids ages 4 to 1 years old, that I tell her I don't remember who the father is my lead her to believe that I am the slut she thinks I am. Yet In reality I did know who the father of all my babies are it is my dear sweat daddy and his 10" cock.. Yes I may be a slut I do suck lots of dicks at school of the students and teachers but I have a couple of rules about them fucking me they can only bearback my pussy after I am pregnant by daddy or else they must fuck my asshole or use a condom if they want pussy.
Daddy does not mind that I whore myself out at $50 a pop and I come home with 450 dollars minium a day, but most of all he loves the fact I am now 6 months pregnant with son number 5.. Mom only had girls.. And my sisters are both pregnant by daddy.
Daddy does not mind that I whore myself out at $50 a pop and I come home with 450 dollars minium a day, but most of all he loves the fact I am now 6 months pregnant with son number 5.. Mom only had girls.. And my sisters are both pregnant by daddy.
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