Growing up nudist you get to learn about sex


I grew up with a sister mom and dad.
everyone was always nude, me and my sister were
tought at a very young age to be comfortable
with out bodys and clothing was optional,
me and my sister would swim at a lake we had
on our 160 acre property so we could be nude
all the time, our parents thought it would work
out better if we lived in the country where
no one would judge us and no one would judge
our patents for having nude children around,
our friends would come over a lot they would
be nude to everyone was comfortable with it,
i would see a nude girl other than my sister
and get a raging little boner but no one made
fun of me for it, as we got older our bodys
started to change, every other week my balls would
hang lower and lower, my sister started to grow
little boobies, it was hard to see that, she was
getting older and growing more and more hotter
every day i would get a very hard boner when i seen
her, we would still go swimming in the lake
nude and play together touching our bodys together
it didnt bother us, my little boner would brush
against her body she wouldnt really say anything
but it felt good when it touched her smooth body,
we would get out and dry off she would be staring
at it for a long time asking why it was that way,
i dont know sis it does that when i look at you,
really? why? she would ask. i really didnt know why
but it felt good, she got closer to me to get a better
look at it then before i new it she was right down
there by it i could feel her hot warm breath on
it it made it even harder. does it hurt she asked,
no it feels really good i tell her, can i touch it
she askes, um ya sure i said, knowing what would
happen if she did cause at night in my room i would
play with it and it would ozz this creamy white stuff
after i played with it to long but when that creamy
stuff came out it felt like i was in heaven, ya
go ahead sis you can touch it, she reached out and
grabbed it with her hand, a shock ran up my spine
it felt so good to have someone else touch me there,
wow its really hard she said, here touch it like this
i showed her how i play with it at night with my
hands, she started to stroke it like i showed her,
it was an amazing feeling her stroking my
little hard cock that couldnt be more than 4 inches
she started to go faster, what happens if you stroke
it to long she asks, i do it tell it feels so good
like im gonna pee then my body goes numb and
this white creamy stuff comes out the end of it, is
it pee shes asks, no its something else i tell her,
ewwww can i see the white creamy stuff she asks,
you keep doing what your doing now and your gonna
see it if you want to or not sis, she picked up
the pase and sure enough my body went numb my balls
tingled and a lot of the creamy white stuff shot out
of me onto her hands and then
some landed in her open mouth, ooooo pppppp
she said with a fright, tastes a little salty but
tatses good, she then did something i will remeber
forever she whiped up all of it and put it in her
mouth and swallowed it, that tasted good brother
can i have more she said while jerking on my
still hard little prick, no its to sensative after
i shot my cream, she lets go with a sad look on
her face, dont worry sis it will be ready to shoot
more in a little bit, ok damit she said.
my crotch feels funny brother she says, ok sis
lets see whats going on maybe a bug or something
got on you, i layed a towel down on the ground
and had her lay down so i could see what was
going on, she spread her legs wide open and there
in front of me was a bald little pussy a wet
bald little pussy, see right here she says putting
her fingers at her little tiny clit, ok ok let me look
i touched her little lips and spread them open
to see if there was anything in there i didnt want
her to have some bug crawling inside her, i
spread them open and she let out a sound that i had
never heard before it was a sound of pleasure i
know that sound i let it out when i shoot my cream
i told myself in my head, sis i dont see anything
but this as i rubbed her tiny clit, mmmmmmmmmmm
brother thats where its coming from thats the tingling
i was suprised that she let me keep rubbing it,
i rubbed it for a little while longer then
something indside me said you need to taste that right
now, so i bent forward and put my tongue in her,
she let out a ooooooo sound and said what are
you doing, um i had to see what it tasted like to
see if you were ok i lied, oh ok keep doing that
it feels good, i licked at that little clit tell
she was squirming on the towal, that feels good
keep doing it keep doing it oh my god i think
im gonna pee, i didnt care i was in heaven
the taste i was getting was the best tasting thing
i hade ever tatsed, oh my god oh my god watch out
brother im gonna and then her little body shook
but no pee came out he body tenced up her breathing
was hot n heavy, then she came down a little,
wow that was amazing what was that i didnt pee
but it felt like i had to really really bad
she said in a panting voice, maybe thats where
you shoot your creammy white stuff sis i said,
did any creamy stuff come out of me she asked
no just a little wet juicey stuff that i cleaned
up for you. i wonder what thats called we both aksed
each other, then from behind us we heard mom and dad
that you naughty little children was an orgasm
and both of you can have them the boy
shoots his creamy white stuff which is called cum
or sperm into your pussy or your vagina his cum
is what makes babys thats how you to were made,
yes my cum shot into your mommys pussy and got her
pregant with you two great kids of mine said dad.
but mommy it felt like i had to pee and nothing
came out said little sis, thats an orgasm girls
have just like boys to sweatheart we can cum to
our juices arent like a mans cum but some
girls can cum like a boy can, can you mommy
yes i can honey she said. well sice you 2
made us horny while watching you 2 cum we are
gonna show you what your brothers penis is for
and what your little pussy is for ok, ok they
both said. now here see youyr daddys big penis
you 2, yes mommy, see how big and hard he is, see
it jerking strait into the air, we will show
you what a boy does with is penis, watch carefuly,
daddy mounted mommy and pushed is 8 inch cock
deep into mommys wet tight pussy, oooooo dam
your hard today she said our children made you
very hard, yes your pussy is extra wet to they do
the same to you, yes baby now show them what a cock
n pussy are for, brother and sister were right
next to daddys cock pushing in and out of mommys
pussy, slurping and slapping sounds echoed
everywhere, broters boner got very very hard again,
it poked his sister in the butt while she was
closely watching daddy fuck mommys pussy, sorry
sis he said, its ok brother. mommy and daddy
fucked and fucked as hard as they could, mommy came
very very hard first she screamed loadly, then daddy
came he filled mommys pussy with so much cum it was
running out of her still very wet pussy,
see brother said dad here bend down this is
what our cocks are for to fill this and make
babies, here feel mommys pussy, brothers fingers
slipped right in to mommys pussy she let out a
moan daddy hadent heard in avery long time,
oh you like that hu here brother rub this said
daddy, oh ya thats what i was rubbing on sis he said.
can i lick it like i did sis he asked, um mommy
said dad, sure honey how are you gonna know this
stuff if we dont teach you she said, brother
got down and licked mommys cum filled pussy,mmmmm
is all they heard, he went to town on her clit
makeing her moan in pleasure he kept going tell
mommy had another orgasm, my god brother your
very good wth your tongue no wonder your sis
came as hard as she did, daddy will you put
your penis in me like you did mommy asked sis?
oh no honey it will be to big for you and it will
hurt to much but i can make you feel good to said daddy,
he bent down between his daughter legs and licked at
her little clit tell she came very very hard on her
daddys tongue. wow daddy that felt great.
hey mom i have an idea why dont they have sex
so they know what its like said dad, his
little cock isnt big enough to hurt her and she cant get
pregant so let them explore, would you guys like that
asked mom and dad. yessss they both creamed.
ok sis lay down here on this blanket its better
than a towal, daddy rubbed sis pussy while mom
sucked on her sons little penis, oh my god
mom that feels really good oh my god, he was now
rock hard, ok now i think your ready said mom,
now come down here dad put his cock at sis little
pussy hole now so wet that anything could slide
right in, ok you to ready, yess they said nurvously,
brother eased his little cock into his sisters
pussy and then there was a road block, mom dad
it wont go any ferther he said, its ok honey
said mom its just her hymen its what virgin girls
have, daddy held sis hands and said it will only
hurt for a minute ok sweatheart, sis nodded and gritted
her teeth, brother pushed threw it and her little
tiny pussy sucked his cock deep into her as far
as it could go brother was in heaven, my god this
feels so gooood mommy, would it feel this good
with you, oh yes honey with any pussy it would
now be careful ok said mom. brother pumped his
little cock in and out of his sister he could feel
his balls tingling again, oh my god i think
im gonna shoot my cum what do i do, cum inside
your sister said mom and dad, but before
he could his sisters body went stiff as her orgasm
hit here to she shook and twitched on his cock that
it made his cum in her as hard as he had ever came
before he filled her with his cum it was running out
of her tiny fucked little pussy hole, brother took
his little still hard cock out of his sister,
his cum ran out of her, mommy nelt down and licked
her clean of her brothers cum. dam your cum tastes
just as good as your daddys cum does she said with a
smile, im still horny mommy said sis, are you sure daddy
cant fit in me, ok honey we can at least try
it just this once, dad got down to her with
his still hard cock dripping pre cum from
watching his 2 children fuck, im ready daddy she said
ok honey here we go, he put the head of his hard rod
at her pussy and gently pushed it was a very tight
fit but it went in her but not all of it would
go in, mommy was pushing her fingers deep inside
her pussy while she wacthed him fuck there little girl
it was so hot that she was rubbingbher clit with the
other hand, then daddy stopped for moment and looked at
her, honey make my boy into a man he said then
went back to fucking his daughter, mom looked at
brother and took him by the hand as she layed
down on the blanket, you wnat to fuck mommy
honey she asked, yessss plsss mommy he said with
exsitment, his little hard cock jerking in the air,
ooooo still nice n hard i see, mommys
not gonna be as tight as your sister but
i promise you its good pussy, he layed on top
of her and she guided his hard cock into her heaven
hole, he pushed into her and it felt like a warm
wet kiss from an angel, she was suprised as how
big it felt in here mmmmmm now fuck mommys pussy
baby n dont worry about cumming in mommys pussy
i cant get pregnant,they could here daddys big
cock slapping at sis pussy and ass it was the sound
of heaven, brother was fucking his moms wet pussy
as fast as he could she was close to another orgasm
yessssss baby fuck m ommys pussy yessssss faster honey,
then from sis n daddy , god daddy your so big it
fills me up, yesss baby you like daddys big cock
in your sweat little pussy dont you , yesss daddy
i want to feel your cum shoot inside me daddy,
im almost there baby he said as he pounded her little
pussy, then mommy creamed ooooooohhhhhhh
iiiiimmmmmmm cccccuuuuuummmmming as her body went
stiff brother was proud he just made is mommy cum
then he yelled im gonna cum mommy, yessss baby cum in
mommys pussy then daddy yelled im gonna cum then sis had
another orgasm of her own her pussy clamped down on dadddys
big cock then he yelled hey brother cum with me at the
same time lets fill both of these beautiful young
ladys with our cum, daddy i cant hold it any longer
yelled brother, then dont cum cum now yelled daddy
as they both came at the same time filling mommys
and sisters pussy with there hot loads of white
sticky creamy cum mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.
mommy kissed brother on the lips you filled
mommys pussy with a lot of cum baby im proud of you,
then daddy kissed sister on the lips and said thank you
sweatheart for letting daddy cum in your beautiful
pussy, it felt good feeling your cum shoot into me
daddy ive never had an orgams like that before
said sis, they all layed togther on the blanket
with cum running out of mommys pussy and out of
sisters little pussy, brother and dad switched
places and daddy cleaned out mommys cum filled
pussy while brother cleaned out his sisters cum
filled pussy. mmmmmmmmmmm they both said, hey daddy
next time can i suck your cock and you suck mine
and mommy and sis can lick each others pussies.
sure son said dad your cum tastes really good,
so does yours dad said brother. mommy and sister looked
at eat other licking there lips i know we cant wait to
taste each others pussies they both said then smiled
and everyone started laughing they layed in the warm
summer sun planning there next little family orgy.
plsss let me know what you think and dont be an ass about it

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