Mom and daughter travel abroad and her secret wish come true
I've been in the US my whole life but always wanted to see the world.
So one day I searched the internet for someone exciting, (and oh.. Exciting he was..)
I found him on a regular board online, he came from Eu, a place I would be more then happy to visit.
As the day passed with fun conversations we noticed we had just more and more in common.
I even opened up about my secret crush I had as a little kid on my dad. I never got him in to bed, but I wish I did..
And he understood me. Actually, he seemed to like it.
I then told him that I was a single mom with a daughter, and I could tell on his response he got nervous.
He asked a little bit about her, then he became to nervous, and something in the back of my mind liked it.
So I started to send normal pictures of us, and every time he seemed happy, but afraid.
I could see that he liked her.. That dirty man.. And I liked it... More then he realized, and maybe more then even he did..
He wasn't that old, but he was a man, he reminded me of a sexy Viking. (Oh.. Think about those Vikinghand around her hips.. My little cutie..)
It was so weird, I had never acknowledged this side of me before. Now, somehow I wanted him to be with my daughter more then I wanted him to be with me?
How strange life is..
So one day we decided to meet.
I was excited about leaving US for the first time!
But now.. I had something I wanted to explore even more then the outside world.. My true sexuality called...
During this time I often fantasized that the fucked her... And it made me more wet then ever before.. Now I understand why guys haven't really interested me..
I missed the daddy felling... My inner child.. Trough her.. My little princess.
The plan left and my daughter was as excited as me, they had become quite good friends during this time, and she looked forward to finally meet him.
When we met, the hearts where going wild, i knew something special where about to happen, but we pretended everything was normal, hugged and talked towards his home on the countryside.
It was a warm day, so we went to a lake in the woods, near his home, it was only us there.
My princess got along well with my mysterious man, they played and laughed a lot.
She wanted to swim, but I (with intention) left her bikini at the house.. (What a horny and sneaky little mom I am)
I told her she could swim naked, he got nervous again, I smiled, she looked at him, blushed a little, then back at me, (I could see that she started to like him, I guess it runs in the family, what a proud mom I am)
"Okaey" she said and started to take her dress off
My viking man coughs and put on his sunglasses, obviously stressed.. And happy I bet, haha.
I knew he watched her.. All of her body.. In all it's glory.. And it's glorious let me tell you.. I have to admit shes a real beauty..
While her little butt run down towards the water I could see that he held his breath.. My heart started to pound.. And I smiled while I got wet...
Afterwards she came up she laid down on a towel in the sun, he forgot his glasses and I could clearly see his eyes scanning her body where it shined like gold.
His jaw was slightly open as he saw her little cute cunt when she moved around.. He noticed himself and turned his head fast towards mine, I looked at him smiling and intensely..
He was chocked, but before he could excuse himself I took his hand and said "It's okay" And smiled even more!
(How natural it felt! Finally, this is what I've missed my whole life!)
Our hearts pounded..
We looked at each other a few seconds, clarifying with our thoughts that it truly was okay..
I nodded towards my little princess, he looked questioning toward me and I nodded a Yes.
His eyes finally found there way back towards her body.. And I squeezed his hand and moved closer to him, I could feel his heart.
I looked down on his crotch.. I grew..
After a while of enjoyment we smiled and started to head home..
Towards the evening my daughter finally asked me when we where alone, if it's okay if a girl likes an older man.
I smiled and questioned her about it for a while, she finally admitted that she likes our "Viking".
My whole body was laughing! Everything was falling into place! Destiny! Wonderful Destiny!
I told her it was okay if the man was a good man, and he was. I even said that I would support her, and she hugged and kissed me.
She sat with him in the sofa the whole evening.
When it was time for bed I told her to get ready, she asked is she really needed a pajamas, A smiled, winked and said no.
When she was away I told him what she said to me earlier, how she liked him. He was frilled!
He asked what I thought about that, and I answered with a smile, and a kiss on his cheek.. "How did you know? I mean, that I.."
"A mother knows. And you had the luck to find the right one.." I laid my hand on his cock..
She came back, in just her panties. He adored her looks..
I asked her "Do you want him to put you to bed tonight darling?" and winked
"ehm.. Do you want to?.." She looked shy at him.
"Sure, if it's all okay for you?"
We said all goodnight and they went off to bed..
I snuck in to the other room.. I wanted to listen!
First I heard them talk and giggle.. Then I thing they tickled each other.. I smiled..
Then it got quite.. I heard some kissing noise.. I got wet... Very wet... My fingers started to do what they do best..
I could hear some new sounds.. She was trying to hold back her sounds of pleasure.. It didn't work for long..
This was the first time I herd those kind of sounds from my daughter.. Wow! How pure pleasurable sounds! My fingers worked fast!
I could hear her say that it hurts a little.. He was going inside her! I nearly came!
Then they continued.. Her noises got louder.. More intense! More pleasurable! I could her her come! I came! And all got quite..
Back to some few kissing noises..
I went up, heeding to the toilet.. completely satisfied.. Whole in body and soul.. When I passed there room he opened, I turned around, my girl saw me and hid under the covers.
He stood there, naked.. What a strong body! And wow.. Even thou it was no longer hard his cock was massive.. All wet with cum, and juices from my daughter.. I even spotted her virgin blood..
He closed the door. "Thank you" I smiled "I liked it as much as you.." I went down om my knew, looked at him, he nodded, I took his Massive bloody, wet cook in my moth.. How wonderful it tasted...
How glad I am that I got in contact with him!
Finally I was myself, I was me! Free, openly me!
I never forget his e-mail
I'm so thankful that I reached out to him and took contact..
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