Dancing with Shannon


My friend Shannon is really pretty. She is a true red head. She has a sprinkle of freckles across her cute face. Her lips are full and she has an enchanting smile.

I am half Native American (my father) and half Greek (my mother) I have dark Native American skin and even darker nipples. I have long jet black hair. Most people think that I look Mexican. Although my mom swears my features are more Mediterranean...like her. And she is sexy!

We are both seniors in high school. At eighteen, we're both ready to move on to college. I am on our high school basketball team. Shannon is a cheerleader. We are both athletic and our bodies show it.

We are both about the same height. She might be an inch taller. She has a boyfriend who joined the Army. I don't have a lover...except for my magical fingers. I guess it's safe to say that I am addicted to masturbation.

Our youth center was giving a dance. Shannon was inviting her boyfriend. He was coming home on leave after being gone for three months. The problem was that, Shannon did not know how to slow dance.

She wanted to do some serious dirty dancing with him before they made love. She told me that she could fast dance better than anyone in our school...but she has never learned how to slow dance.

She asked me to teach her. Evidently, she had heard about me. Last year, while at a party, I brought a guy to orgasm while slow dancing. He came in his pants while dancing with me. Of course, he immediately told the world about it. Shannon wanted to know how I did it.

To be honest, I didn't really do anything. While we were slow dancing, I was fantasying about the jerk's s****r and how I wish I had her in my arms instead of him.

I felt him rubbing his erection against me as we danced. I was feeling kind of horny so I didn't complain. By the time I realize that he was about to cum, it was to late to stop him. So, I just let it happen.

I must have told Shannon, "No!" a hundred times. But she kept asking me to teach how I did it.

The reason I kept telling her "no" was, I really like Shannon. Okay, let me rephrase that. I really lusted after her. I thought she was the sexy girl in the school. I knew that, once I got her in my arms, the chances of me controlling myself sexually were close to, "ZERO!"

I knew she was straight and I also knew that she really misses having sex with her boyfriend. She kept telling me that she was dying to get him into her bed. She had told me a hundred times how wonderful it felt to achieve orgasm while his dick was buried deep in her pussy.

Finally, she wore me down and I agreed to teach her how to slow dance. I told her to come over to my house after school.

We took the bus to my house. She talked about her boyfriend and his dick, the whole time. It was pouring rain when we got off the bus. We still had to walk three blocks from the bus stop. We were both soaked from the rain by the time we reach my house.

When we walked in the door, I saw that my Mom wasn't home yet. She was still at work. I live alone with my mom. Just her and I. My dad ran off with some slut he found about two years ago.

Since we were both dripping wet from walking in the rain, I told Shannon that we had to get undress at the door. I did not want to get the carpet wet. We both took off our shoes, socks, jeans and blouses. We were both soaked through to our underwear.

As she undressed, my eyes slowly drifted over Shannon's body. She was stunning! Her breast filled her bra to overflowing. I could see her pink, erect nipples poking through the cups of her white lace bra.

I let my eyes wonder down to her panties. Her panties were transparent from the rain. I could see that she had a full bush of dark red pubic hair.

I knew that she was looking at me too. My breast smaller than Shannon's but they are full and firm. I knew that my long erect nipples were plainly visible through my bra.

I watched her eyes rest on the crotch of my panties. She could see my jet black, pussy hair though my white panties. I keep my pussy hairs trimmed short but I don't shave it. I like the feel of my pussy hair when I am masturbating.

Wearing only our underwear, we ran to my room. I grabbed some towels so we could dry our hair. I handed Shannon a dry T-shirt and a pair of soft cotton panties. I could not stop myself from looking at her firm breast as she took off her rain- soaked bra.

We took our wet clothes and underwear and put them in the dryer. I went through my Mom's CD collection and got all the slow songs I could find. I like fast dance music. My mom likes old C&W slow songs. The kind that puts me to sl**p!

Needless to say, I was really nervous. I was about to hold one of the most gorgeous girls in our high school, in my arms. And the only thing that we were wearing was flimsy T-shirts and cotton panties. You were both braless.

I put in a CD and held my arms open for Shannon. She didn't move. She just sat there on my bed, looking at me.

She said, "I don't think this is such a good idea. I've never been that close to a girl before."

I said, "You' ve been after me for two weeks to do this. What's the problem?"

She turned bright red with embarrassment as she said, "I don't even have a bra on, I feel like I'm naked."

Her 36C breast would never fit into one of my 34b bras. But I did have some other clothes that might fit her.

"Find something in my closet to wear. But hurry, I want to make you an expert before my mom gets home from work. We have about an hour before she gets home." I said.

"Okay, forget the clothes...lets just dance." She said.

Shannon stepped into my arms. She has been a cheerleader at our high school, every since she was a freshman, but she knew nothing about slow dancing. She had the rhythm but the way she moved was all wrong.

I let her dance close to me for a while just so she could get us to being this close together. Then, I put both my hands on her hips and told her to settle down.

I began to move my hips in rhythm to the music. My hands were resting on her hips as she began to move with me.

She began to settle down and follow my lead. I knew that she was beginning to feel comfortable with me. She had her hands resting on my shoulders. I could feel the heat from them. I held my breath for a second when I felt her soft breast touching mines.

I whispered, "You'll have to learn how to dance closer if you want to drive him insane."

She said, "Okay." I pulled her hips against me. I could feel her erect nipple pressing into my soft breast. It felt wonderful! I also knew that she could feel my equally hard nipples pressing into her breast.

I felt her breathing on my neck as she wrapped her arms around me. Then, I felt her hot sex on my thigh. She wasn't wet, but I could feel the heat from her pussy through her panties.

I was becoming sexually aroused. I could feel my labia lips swell with arousal in my panties. My clitoris felt like it was coming alive with desire. I felt like it does when I need to masturbate.

I did not want Shannon to know that I was becoming aroused by her. There were enough rumors about me floating around school without Shannon telling everyone that I made a pass at her.

Just as I had that thought, I felt her arms tightening around me. She was really getting into it. But she still didn't have the right hip movements. I rested my hands on her hips and gently showed her (again) how to move with me.

My hips were doing a slow sensuous roll to the rhythm of the music. I could feel her mold her body to mine. I was becoming very turned-on by her. I could feel myself beginning to lubricate. My clitoris was begging me to grind it harder against Shannon's muscular thigh. But I did not want her to know that she was turning-me-on.

She laid her head on my shoulder. She seemed to be totally relaxed. Her hips were moving in perfect rhythm with my hips. Shannon started slowly moving her hands up and down my back.

I could feel her hot breath on my neck. It was causing electric bolts of arousal to shoot straight down to my raging clitoris. She was starting to sweat as her hip's movement became more urgent.

I was sweating too. I could also feel myself becoming very wet. I was afraid that my wetness would soak through my panties onto her thigh. I considered running to the bathroom for a panty liner but I didn't want to stop dancing.

As I was thinking of ways to control my growing arousal, Shannon lips touch my ear as she said, "You feel better in my arms than my boyfriend."

Her hot breath on my ear caused me to flush with sexual desires. I barely held back a moan.

I knew that we were heading for trouble. I knew that she would soon feel my wetness. My vagina turns into Niagra Falls when I become sexually stimulated.

I felt Shannon begin to literally grind her pussy against my leg. She moaned softly in my ear. I held her as tightly as I could. I realized that, by now, we weren't really dancing. We were just standing there, grinding our pussies against each other's leg.

Then the song ended. We stepped away from each other. Shannon did not look at me. She just walked to my window and looked outside at the rain. We both needed to catch our breath.

Another slow song began to play. I just stood there waiting to see what she was going to do. I was afraid to say anything to her. I was afraid that she would get dress and leave. Finally, she turned to me.

I will never forget the look of pure lust that I saw in her eyes. She first looked at my erect nipples that were poking through my T-shirt. Then, her eyes slowly wondered all over my body. I stood there and let her have her fill of me.

I held my arms open to her. She walked into my arms. She began to move against me. I held her tightly against me. I felt the crotch of her panties against my leg. With a jolt of excitement, I realize that she was wet.

Shannon whispered in my ear, "tell a soul about this and you're dead!"

I had to laugh. We both began to giggle. Then, our arms tighten around each other. Her soft breast rubbed against mines. We dance through another slow song. By now, we were both really wet. We could not hide the wetness in our panties as we grinded ourselves against each other.

I put my mouth to her ear and told her that she was an excellent dancer. As I said that, I let my tongue touch her ear. I felt her tremble in my arms. I traced her ear with my tongue. I heard Shannon moaned softly.

I knew I was taking a huge risk. Shannon was straight. I was suppose to be teaching her how to slow dance for her boyfriend. Kissing her ear was not part of the lesson. But she allowed it.

Meeting no opposition, I gently sucked her ear lob into my mouth. I toyed with it with my tongue. Still, she allowed me to do that.

I let go of her ear lob and began tracing her long beautiful neck with my tongue. I dragged my tongue down her neck to her shoulder. Amazingly, She rolled her head over so that I could drag my tongue up the other side of her neck.

When I reached her other ear, I began to trace it with my tongue. She allowed me to do this to her.

As I caress her ears and neck with my tongue, she began grinding herself against my leg really hard. She groaned as I placed my hands on her firm ass cheeks. I could feel her ass quivering as I held her against me.

I felt her wetness against my thigh as she grinded her clitoris against me. I was very surprised at how wet she had become. I continued to tongue her ear.

I left her ear and began to kiss her neck. I slowly kissed my way down to her shoulders. I planted little kisses at the base of her neck.

I felt Shannon squeeze me as hard as she could. She groaned loudly as she grinded her sex against me. She was no long dancing in rhythm to the music. She was humping me much to fast and hard for that. With utter amazement, I realized that she was actually masturbating herself against me.

I thought she might go into orgasm if she didn't slow down. I was hoping that my kisses on her neck and ears would help her achieve that. The thought of Shannon, bringing herself to orgasm against me, caused me to groan with lustful desires.

I kept kissing her neck. Her hands were on my ass as she masturbated herself against me. I was really wet but I am not sure if she notice that.

I felt her begin to tremble in my arms. I breathed hot air into her ear as my tongue toyed with it. She buried her head in my shoulder.

I knew she was close to orgasm. She said, "Oh God...I can't stop it...I'm going too...!" She stopped trying to talk, groaned and then she burst into orgasm.

I felt a gush of wetness roll down my thigh as she came in my arms. I felt her body pulsating in orgasm as I held her. She groaned loudly as she grinding herself against my leg. I couldn't believe it...she actually came!

I held her until her orgasm subsided. When it ended, she stepped way from me and stumbled to my bed. She sat heavily on the bed.

She covered her face with her hands as she said, "I can't believe that just happen. I can't believe I came."

I was just standing there in total shock. As she spoke, I looked down at her wetness on my thigh. I was actually tingling with sexual excitement from what just happened. I was in awe of her. She actually brought herself to orgasm in my arms!

She looked at me and said, "I'm really sorry Kala, but I couldn't stop myself. I couldn't hold it in."

She crawled onto my bed and buried her face in my pillow. She began to cry. I didn't know what to say or do. I just stood there silently as she cried into my pillow. I had know idea why she was crying. Was she mad at me or herself? Did I do something wrong?

I was still shaking with unused sexual energy. She had achieved orgasm...I had not. My clitoris was screaming for attention. My wetness had soaked through my panties. I felt a drop of wetness rolling down the inside of my thigh as I stood there looking at her.

I went over to my bed and sat next to her. I said, "I think what just happened was beautiful. I think you are beautiful. Please don't be embarrassed about that. It was wonderful."

She stopped crying but her face was still buried in my pillow. I laid down next to her and put my arm across her back.

Talking into the pillow, she asked, "then you're not mad at me? You don't think that I'm a freak? Damn Kala, I was humping you like a dog!"

So that was the problem. She was totally embarrassed at what had happened. I smiled as I answered, "Hell no! I'm not mad. And you weren't humping me like that. I thought it was really nice."

She still kept her face in my pillow. So I said, "It's okay. It's just us here alone. I swear I won't tell anyone. And no, I don't think that you're a freak. I think that you are my best friend."

Finally, she rolled to her side and took me in her arms. We hugged each other tightly. I saw tears on her lovely face. I kissed her tears. I kissed her beautiful eye lids. I kissed her forehead.

I thought she might push me away...but she didn't. She kept turning her face so that I would kiss different parts of it. I stayed away from her luscious lips because I didn't want her to push me away.

Then she laid on her back and said, "I love being like this with you. But I don't want to be a lesbian. I love my boyfriend. What just happened was an accident. I just lost it. I can't believe how wet I am."

I asked, "why do we have to put a label on what we are feeling? Why can't we just be nice to each other? What's wrong with losing it sometimes?"

"Because girls that do what we just did, are called lesbians. That's just the way it is." As she said that, tears started falling from her eyes again.

I wanted to cry too. I felt like I was about to explode with unreleased sexual tension. I felt totally frustrated because I could not stop myself from wanting her...and I knew she was crying because she was trying desperately not to want me.

I leaned across her and kissed her tears away. She put her arms around me. I moved halfway on top of her so I could kiss the tears on beautiful face.

As I did that, my leg fell between her open thighs. Again, I felt the wetness on her panties. I kissed my way to her ears again. I felt her shiver briefly as I kissed her neck.

While I was kissing her face and neck, I pressed my clitoris against her pelvis bone. I felt a rush of sexual energy surge through me. My breast swelled as my nipples became instantly erect against her soft breast.

Unable to control the mounting sexual pressure within me, I eased myself all the way on top of her. I placed my clitoris against her pelvis bone. I slowly began humping myself against her.

I knew that I should not be doing this, especially after she was just in tears about it, but I simply could not stop myself. I had to grind my clitoris against something...anything!

I felt delirious with a feeling of overwhelming sexual arousal. I couldn't breathe. My panties were sopping wet. I was trying as hard as I could to control myself, but it was a losing battle. I needed desperately to cum.

I kissed my way toward her mouth. I wasn't sure if she would allow me to kiss her glorious mouth. But I was insane with sexual desire.

Shannon had stopped crying. She held me in her arms. She did not try to stop me as I climbed on top of her. I think she knew that I had become desperate for an orgasm.

She felt me grinding myself against her. She felt how wet my panties were. I was approaching orgasm and she knew it.

As my mouth approached her lips, she turned her head away, preventing me from kissing her lovely lips. Then she put her hands on my hips to stop me from humping her. She said, "no Kala. This is wrong. We must stop. We're two girls, remember?"

I wanted to scream that I was to close to stop! Instead, I raised my head and looked her in the eyes. I said, "I'm dying Shannon. I can't stand being this close and not cuming. I'm so close. Please let me do it. I am almost there. Please!"

I was literally begging her for it...and she knew it. At first, she just looked at me. I thought she was going to push me off of her. Instead, she smiled and said, "My crazy Kala. I had mines. I guess you can have yours."

My eyes filled with tears of pure joy. She knew that I desperately needed to cum. She raised her thigh so it was between my legs. I began masturbating myself against her harder. I was fucking myself against her as hard as I could. She shocked me by reaching up and pulled me down into a kiss.

It was unbelievable! I was actually kissing her soft, wonderful mouth. I ran my tongue over her lips. She open her mouth and allowed my tongue inside. Our tongues danced together.

I slipped my hand down her belly. When I got to the elastic of her panties, I slipped my fingers inside her panties. I felt her thick pussy hair. I ran my fingers through her pussy hair.

Before I could touch her clitoris, I felt my orgasm begin to consume me. I pulled my hand out of her panties. I place both hands on the bed. I held myself up and looked into her eyes. I was furiously pounding pussy against her.

Shannon was looking into my eyes as I burst into an incredibly intense orgasm.

I came in waves. Long orgasmic waves. I was lost in the sensations of my orgasms. I felt tremendous orgasmic contractions in my pussy as I gush my wetness through my panties onto her.

Shannon held me tightly as I went into a second orgasm. I felt her arms around me as I pleasured myself on top of her. I knew she was getting soaked from me. I knew that she could feel my body shaking in orgasm.

Finally, my thunderous orgasms began to subside. I had cum twice from humping myself against her pelvis bone. I looked at her. She started laughing at me! I saw the joy in her eyes and I laughed too. I felt wonderful!

She pulled me down into another passionate kiss. I again slid my fingers inside of her panties as we kissed passionately. Her hips rose up to meet my fingers. I felt her stiff clitoris.

I gently rubbed her clit with my fingers. I felt her wetness. Her pubic hairs were soaked with her wetness. I was kissing her wonderful mouth as I gently caressed her clitoris.

Quickly, I broke the kiss and sat up. I pulled her panties off. She sat up and pulled her T-shirt off. I pulled off my panties and T-shirt. Not a word was spoken between us. We just stripped naked.

I wanted to taste her. I wanted to taste all of her. I gently pushed her down on my bed. I wanted to keep control of this wonder thing that she was allowing to happen.

I kissed her pink nipple. I felt it become hard in my mouth. I toyed with it with my tongue. I gently squeezed her other breast. I gently pinched her other nipple with my fingers. Then, I slowly kissed my way over to her other nipple. I sucked it into my mouth.

While I was kissing her breast, I was caressing her pussy with my fingers. I knew that she needed to cum again. I wanted to slowly bring her to orgasm. There was no need to rush this lustful thing that was happening to us.

She opened her legs. I slowly slid my finger into her sopping wet cunt hole. I felt the wall of her vagina against my finger. It was slick with wetness.

I gently circled her clitoris with my thumb as I finger fucked her pussy. I kissed my way to her belly as my fingers drove her mad with uncontrollable sexual wantons.

I kissed my way down to her naval. I circle her cute belly button with my tongue. My fingers never stopped fucking her pussy. Her clitoris was stiff as my thumb rolled it around in tiny circles.

My tongue finally touches her pussy hairs. I inhaled her musky sexual scent. I rubbed my nose in her thick wet pubic hairs. I could hear her moaning with undisguised lust.

I felt her hands on my head. She was trying to push my head down to her pussy. Her hips were bucking against my fingers.

I knew that she was right on the edge of orgasm. But I didn't want her to cum yet. Whenever I felt that she was about to cum, I'd change the rhythm of fingers. Once, I had to pull my fingers from her pussy in order to prevent her from going into orgasm.

I heard her saying, "My God Kala...what are you doing to me? What are you doing to me?" She kept repeating those words over and over again.

I knew Shannon was teetering on the edge of erotic insanity. I knew her orgasm lay just beneath her soul. I heard her begging me for it. She was pleading with me to let it happen.

I kissed the inside of her thighs. I was very close to her pussy. The musky scent of her wet pussy was intoxicating. I felt her pulling my hair as she tried to get my tongue closer to her clitoris.

I pulled back just enough to open her legs wider. I wanted to look at her beautiful pussy. I watch her wetness flow out from deep within her and trail down between her ass cheeks.

I used my thumb to pull back her clitoris hood. I gazed at the stiff pink nub of her clitoris. Her labia lips were puffy. I looked at her wet hole. Her pussy was beautiful.

I took my tongue and I drag my tongue from her wet hole straight up to her clitoris. She bucked her hips as I drag my tongue back down to her hole. I continued dragging my tongue, up and down, the entire length of her pussy.

While I did that, I slid my fingers into her. She was throwing her hips around wildly as she tried to bring herself off.

When I knew she could not hold it for another second, I removed my fingers from her pussy. I literally glued my mouth to her cunt. My tongue found her clit. I began to swirl her clitoris around with my tongue.

Then, I plunged two fingers deep inside her vagina and curved them upwards to caress her G-spot. I found it easily.

Shannon screamed as her orgasm exploded inside her. She lifted her hips off of the bed as her orgasm drove her to the very brink of insanity. I felt her vaginal muscles orgasmic clinching my fingers.

She went from one orgasm into another. She locked her legs around my head and squeezed as her orgasm tore her apart. She pulled my hair as she groaned her way into her third consecutive orgasm.

My mouth stayed glued to her pussy as she came. I sucked her clitoris into my mouth and whipped it with my tongue. I finger fucked her furiously as she went into a fourth orgasm.

I stayed glued to her pussy while she rode the intense waves of her orgasms. Then she pushed me away. She held her pussy with her hand. She was rubbing her clitoris with her fingers. Amazingly, I as watched, she brought herself to another powerful orgasm with her fingers.

Then she was finished. She was breathing like a race horse. Her body was covered with sweat.

I had never seen anyone orgasm as intensely as she did. I could not believe that she brought herself to a final orgasm with her fingers. I could not believe that she allowed me to go down on her like that. I could not believe that we had just made love. Oh my God! I just made love to Shannon...with my tongue!!!

Suddenly, without warning, I felt like I was about to cum. I didn't know what to do. I was about to experience an orgasm and I wasn't even touching myself. I lay on my back and started masturbating. I was to close to orgasm to wait for her.

She saw me. She sat-up and watched me for a second or two. I was almost there when she pulled my fingers away from my cunt. She said, "let me help you."

She leaned over and kissed me full on my mouth. I knew she could taste herself on my mouth as we kissed.

My tongue went into her mouth. I grabbed her hand and pulled it toward my pussy. She rubbed her fingers in my short pussy hair. She didn't go down to my raging clitoris.

I was desperate. I Stopped kissing her and yelled, "I need to cum RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!!"

She smiled and said, "Okay. Be patient. I've never done this before. "

Then, she slid her fingers down to my sopping wet cunt. It felt awesome. Her fingers slowly went in and out of my pussy. I felt her other hand caressing my breast. I laid back and gave myself to her.

She brought me to the brink of orgasm with her fingrs. Then She lowered her head and placed her mouth on my pussy. When I felt her tongue touch my clitoris, I immediately burst into orgasm. I came HARD!!! Her tongue stayed on my clitoris as I came.

Then Shannon moved around to get between my legs better. She held my legs open and ran her tongue down to my wet cunt hole. Her tongue went into my pussy while her finger rubbed my clit.

Then she dragged her tongue back up to my clitoris and sucked it into her mouth. I felt her fingers plunge into my pussy hole. She kept her tongue on my clitoris until I literally exploded in a second orgasm.

This was unbelievable. Shannon was going-down on me! She was licking my cunt hole. The very thought of it cause me to go into orgasm again. I knewn that I was moaning loudly.

At one point, I heard myself yelling from the thunderous orgasms that roared through me. Shannon's mouth never left my pussy. I experienced wave after orgasmic waves.

Shannon's tongue was all over my pussy. My clitoris exploded in another orgasm as she licked my pussy. Finally, I had enough. My clitoris became to sensitive for her to continue.

She laid next to me. We were both covered with sweat. The sheets on my bed were soaked with us. We were too exhausted to talk.

After a minute or two, I heard Shannon say, "I have never had orgasms that intense before in my life. I didn't think it was possible."

We looked at each other and began to laugh. Then we hugged and kissed each other passionately. We were both full of love and joy.

As we laid my bed, naked, sweaty and kissing each other like the lovers we were, I heard someone walking away from my bed room door. I suddenly realize that I had forgotten to close the door!

I jumped up just in time to see my mom walking down the hallway. Dammit! How much had she seen? I had know idea how long she had been standing by my bed room door watching us.

This was the first time that I had caught my peeping-tom mother spying on my while I was in bed doing stuff. I've caught her watching me, as I was masturbating, more than once!

Shannon was petrified. Her first time with a girl and she gets caught by a parent. I thought she was going to start crying again.

We dressed and came out of my room. My mom had caught me loving girls in my bed before. She knows that I love pussy. I was more worried about Shannon because she looked so scared. I told her that my mom was cool. But I could tell that she didn't believe me.

We found her in front of the TV. When she saw us, she smiled her loving smile and asked, "will Shannon be staying for dinner?"

Shannon was dumfounded, but she recovered quickly once she realized that we weren't in trouble. We both gave my mom a warm hug.

Shannon stayed the night in my bed. After a hot shower and dinner, we made hot, wet, passionate love again. I know we kept my mom awake with our erotic moaning and groaning. But we could not stop the passion that we had unleashed between us.

That was the only time that Shannon and had I made love together. I had hoped that she would dump her boyfriend and be with me. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. I still cherish the love we shared together that night. It was beautiful.
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