Basic training


It was a quarter till nine in the morning and I was running late. Well, not really. I was just in a hurry to get to the health club. I'd volunteered to be an instructor in 'free weight training' a couple of months ago, and I'd found it was something I never regretted. This morning for example, I had an appointment with a new chick that had just joined a couple of days ago. Her name was Lisa, and from what I'd seen of her the other day is what put me in such a rush this morning. She was a knockout!!

I'd been down in the free weight room in the middle of instructing some high school k** in doing a proper bench press when she'd come in. I'd felt my groin stir the moment I laid eyes on her. She couldn't have looked more out of place as she strolled through the room, heading in my direction. The weight room was drab and undecorated, but she on the other hand, was decked out in business clothes and was far from looking drab! Her thick black hair lightly bounced with each step she took, and the smooth fluid movement to her walk was right off the fashion show walkway! I hadn't checked out her facial beauty until she had got right up to me, and once I did, I'd found it absolutely staggering! Everything about her spoke of high-class. Her walk, looks, attire, and demeanor. Everything! I found her rather intimidating despite my substantial size. We'd walked off to the far side of the room for privacy and had discussed the issue of me being able to fit her in for a lesson in free weights. Though it hadn't been necessary, I would have canceled all my other appointments just for the chance to be at her side again!

That was why I was in such a hurry now.

I got to the club and my appointment with a few minutes to spare. I walked through the cardio room and made for the stairs leading down to the free weight room. The place was dead. There was only three people upstairs in the cardio room and none at all in the free weight room. That's usually the way it was until around noon time. That was part of the reason I liked working out here. You could get in, do your workout, and get out with no waiting around for equipment or stations.

It was five after nine when I heard the door upstairs open and close, indicating there was someone on their way down. My hopes were high and I wasn't disappointed when in walked Lisa. I nearly fell on my ass when she walked in and I saw the outfit she was wearing! Light blue sports bra, and short shorts to match. The stretchy cotton-like material molded to her so well, that it looked like she was wearing a second layer of skin. She looked sexy as hell!!

As she smiled her hello and made her way across the room, I couldn't find one reason why she wanted or even needed to workout. She was in outstanding shape! I'm guessing five foot five, and maybe a hundred and ten pounds. Her entire body looked as though it had been sculpted to precise dimensions!

"Morning." she said, as she came up to me.

"Morning." I said back, trying to tear my eyes off her bulging breasts. "Um, ready?"

"I think so." she replied, looking down at herself. "Am I dressed okay for the job?"

"Absolutely!" I said, and looked her up and down again.

She smiled knowingly and didn't say anything about my crude behavior. "Where should we start?"

"That depends." I said. "What is it you want to work on?"

"Everything!" she replied with humor.

"Well, we'll start out slow, and do a little at a time."

"Sounds good to me."

I first took her through a lesson in the squat press, and in doing so, I got my first look at what her ass looked like. Wow!! Holy shit did it look sweet!! It was so full and possessed such incredible shape, that I made a point in showing her only the exercises that gave me the best shots of it after that! After the lesson in squatting, I showed her the calf machine. The machine was built so you could put the weight on your shoulders while standing up, and during my instructing I took the liberty of squatting down in back of her to point out the muscle she was using. Of course, the main reason for getting down there was so I'd have a good close look at her ass. Her glutes were nice and round, but not so much that they gave her ass a bubbled look. No, no! Just full and sweet to the eye!

She was in the middle of her second set and I was still squatting behind her taking in the splendor of her ass, when she said, "John. You may want to stand up."

Thinking maybe she'd caught on to what I was doing, I replied nervously, "W-Why?"

She chuckled a little and said, "Well...Um....Because I have to pass gas."

I took a couple of seconds to think of a reply because I really DIDN'T want to move! Hell no!! Trying to sound nonchalant about it, I said, "Oh don't worry about it. Nobody else is down here to hear it. Us guys do it all the time."

She giggled pretty hard, then asked, "What, you mean you guys fart in each others faces?"

"That's not what I meant!" I exclaimed, feeling a little embarrassed.

"I know you didn't, but I couldn't resist." she said, giggling again. Then, once she got her giggles under control, she asked, "You're sure now. I mean, you ARE right in the line of fire."

"I'm sure already!" I said, looking straight at her ass. "I really don't mind!"

"Okay." she said in final warning, and then farted.

I swear it was the most precious sound I'd ever heard! Most likely it was because it was coming out of such a sweet looking ass as hers. Her fart rolled out in a long low tone, and escalated in pitch at its very end. What I did next was so spontaneous I was shocked when I realized what I was doing. I'd rushed in close and had taken a whiff of it! The end results however, were even more shocking! I absolutely loved the smell of it!! I was a bit unnerved when I backed off and gave some thought as to how much I'd enjoyed the odor of her fart. My cock was rock hard in my shorts, and I felt so aroused I was actually light headed!! Though it seemed perverted as hell, I was desperate to smell another.

"Still alive back there?" I heard her ask. Her tone was playful, almost teasing.

"Very much so!" I replied with feeling.

"Well that's good, because we just got started!" she again said in that playful tone.

I thought about those last words she'd said as we moved off to another exercise. I was hoping like hell she'd meant that she was just getting started at relieving her gas, though she was most likely referring to her workout instead. Oh well, It didn't hurt to dream. The next exercise I put her through was a 'bent over dumbbell row'. After showing her the proper form, I once again positioned myself right in back of her. She was supporting herself with her right knee and hand on one of the benches while she worked her left side. I'd sat down on the bench right in back of her so I could get another closeup of her beautiful ass. Her shorts had worked into her ass a little ways, and I could now see the crease lines were her ass met leg. God damn did her ass look good!!

"It's a good thing know-one else is down here." she said, continuing to do her row's.

"Why's that?" I asked her ass.

She giggled. "Because I have a serious case of gas this morning, that's why!"

I feigned a chuckle to try to keep the expectation out of my voice before I said, "There probably won't be anyone down here for another couple of hours, so go ahead and let them rip."

I heard her giggle in reply, and then she cut an even bigger fart then her first one had been. Again I rushed forward and sniffed at her foul gas, and AGAIN I loved it!! It had a deep dull quality to it, and was extremely abundant in aroma! Good Christ it smelt good!!

"Still there?" she asked.

"Yep!" I replied, from two inches away.

"Not too bad I hope?" she inquired playfully.

"Not at all!" I replied between sniffs.

I was so focused on smelling her ass, that it was some time later when I realized she was no longer doing her rows. Not knowing how long she'd been there motionless, I quickly backed away and looked over the top of her and right into her grinning reflection in the mirror. I was busted!! Instead of saying anything about having just caught me smelling her ass, she merely moved to the other side of the bench and began working her opposite side.

I was so scared over being caught that I thought it best if I kept my distance for a while. She may have grinned at me after catching me with my nose in her ass, but that wasn't as if she'd given me permission to continue doing it. No, it was best if I stayed away for awhile. She had looked into the mirror at me a couple of times during her next set, and I swear I could see a small smirk on her face. What did that mean?! Surely she hadn't found it arousing to see me smell her ass, did she?! Nahhh!

There was a faint look of enjoyment that remained on her face during her entire second set, and it stayed there even after we moved on to the next station. I got the feeling that she enjoyed the attention I'd been giving her, and had even liked it when I'd smelt her ass. I found this hard to believe coming from as high-class of woman as her, but that was the only thing I could think of that could explain her look of gratification.

"What next?" she asked.

"Um, how about we try the lower back station." I said nervously.

"Sounds good to me." she replied.

I could see the look of understanding on her face when I showed her the station and what she was to do. She looked rather excited in performing the exercise and quickly set to doing just that. After setting her feet into the supports and leaning forward against the lower body support, she began bending at the hips in deep slow reps. Once again I was right behind her taking in the exquisite site of her ass as she performed the movement. It was an ideal exercise for me to put her through, because it left her ass perfectly motionless when doing it. I wasn't about to pass up anymore opportunities again, so I ran my nose in close to her ass and sniffed at her ass during her entire set. I'd been a little disappointed when all I could get from her was a meager amount of odor, but it didn't stop me from continuing with my sniffing.

After her first set was done, she removed herself from the machine and with that knowing smirk on her face, she said, "Wow! I really like doing those!"

I nodded my head, and said, "Me too." Meaning I liked it when SHE did them!

From the look she flashed me, I think she understood my meaning as well. Her small smirk grew to a small smile before she turned around and got back into position for her second set. Just as soon as she started her first rep, my nose was up close to her ass, flaring as I inhaled her scent.

On her third or forth rep she stopped moving and stayed in the bent over position, then exclaimed in a tone of mock exasperation, "Good grief! I have to fart AGAIN! I'm really sorry to have to put you through this John. You really don't mind, do you?"

Leaving my nose extremely close to her ass, I replied with a little too much enthusiasm, "Hell no! Please do!"

There was a short giggle that escaped her and was followed by her release of gas. It was a really good one! Really long and drawn out, like she was releasing it as slow as possible. I inhaled, sniffed, and snorted just as much of it as I could!! I found the act of smelling her ass as she farted so personal, and so erotic, that I was positive it was better then sex itself!! Never in my twenty five years had I been more turned-on then right now!!

She remained motionless even after her fart had passed, and in my lust in smelling her ass, it was a few minutes later before I realized it. Taking one last needed whiff of her ass, I backed away. As soon as I'd stood upright, she started doing her exercise again. I was sure this was no coincidence, and that she had in fact waited until I'd been done smelling her ass before starting back up. That only meant that she knew and even desired me smelling her foul stench. Yes!!

Getting done with that exercise, I moved her on to a rear deltoid movement that I knew would give me excellent access to her ass for more of my sniffing pleasure. I directed her to lay flat out on her stomach on the bench with her legs d****d over the sides. I handed her a couple of two and half pound weights and instructed her in how to perform the movement. After a couple of reps to make sure she was doing them right, I moved in back of her and sat down on the bench right behind her. Having her legs d****d over the sides of the bench gave me an excellent shot of her crotch and ass. My eyes immediately zoomed in on the narrow strip of wet material that was centered over her cunt! Good Lord! She must have been as horny as I was!

"Jeez!" she exclaimed playfully.

"What's the matter?"

"I'm starting to think it's all you're fault!" she said teasingly.

"What is?" I asked puzzled.

"All this gas I seem to have!" she said. "I never have this much!"

Seeing as this was going to be played as some sort of game, I replied jokingly, "Well, I do like to think I bring the best out in women."

She laughed and cried out, "I guess you do!"

I chuckled a little myself, and asked, "Have some more do ya?"

"As a matter of fact, I do!" she replied in a playful tone. "I hope it's a big one too! It will serve you right for bringing them out of me!"

I laughed despite myself. I found this little game extremely fun and erotic as hell to play, so I continued to play along by saying, "Hey, I'm in pretty damn good shape! Go ahead, just try and knock me down!"

She giggled, and said threateningly, "Oh I will! Hope you're bracing yourself!"

Taking my cue, I got my nose in as close as possible to her crack and waited in excited anticipation for her to fart. My wont was MORE then fulfilled when she finally let it rip. It was huge! It was so loud that it actually echoed throughout the room! Despite the fact that she'd f***ed it out, it was still pretty damn long in duration! I was hit by a massive amount of putrid gas as she expelled her fart with exertion, and I found the odor positively mind-blowing! It pierced and fed my every sexual need!! There was nothing else I would have desired more!

"Still standing?" she asked in a strained voice.

"Still here!" I declared, keeping my nose a fraction of on inch away from her ass, greedily smelling up the gas emanating from it. "You're going to have to do better then that!"

Staying were she was, not doing her exercise at all now, she said playfully, "Well, in order to hit you harder then that, I'd have to remove my shorts!"

I found the idea incredibly desirable, but said, "It's not that I don't want to see you without your shorts, but if anyone should happen to come down, they might get the wrong impression."

"Yeah, you're right." she giggled. "I'll have to think of a different tactic."

"Just let me know when you come up with one." I said with humor. "I want to make sure I'm ready for it."

"Oh I will! Don't worry!"

As she did her next and last set of reverse flies, I racked my brain for another exercise to put her through, making sure it was one that would enable me to smell her ass some more. I found one! After she completed her set, I directed her to the seated row machine. I knew it was going to be her second 'back' exercise, and not wanting her to get too sore, I put the pin in the first slot. It would be like lifting nothing at all. The machine was built so you sat down, straddling a small padded seat, and pressed your chest up against a support while doing the exercise. Making sure she was seated so most of her ass was hanging off the back of the pad, I then quickly took her through the movement. The machine was situated sideways to the mirror on the wall, and I told her in order to make sure she was doing the exercise properly, she should watch her reflection in the mirror. She nodded, grinned knowingly, and began her first set.

I'd told her to look in the mirror for the simple fact that she'd be able to watch me smell her ass. Without looking in the mirror myself, I got in back of her and squatted down. This put her adorable ass level with my face. Knowing she was watching me in the mirror, I put my nose back up to her crack and started sniffing. She'd put a nice deep arch in her back, which in turn made her ass shoot straight back, making it so I had easy access to her sphincter's location. I took whiff after whiff of the subtle odor coming from her butt, and eventually got down to my knees so I could pull my erect cock out to stroke while I did so. I heard a small moan escape her, and knew she must have been watching and thoroughly enjoying what she saw.

"I think I've figured out a new and better tactic to try." she said teasingly, after a few minutes had passed in silence.

"Yeah? What is it?"

"Well, you'll probably think it's too vulgar. Maybe I should just think of something else instead."

"Don't be silly!" I said, playing along. "It takes an awful lot to gross me out. Let's hear it."

"You're sure now?! I don't want to offend you anymore then I already have!"

"Just tell me already!" I exclaimed playfully.

"Okay. think if you put your nose right up against my butt, I might stand a better chance at knocking you over."

"Hmm." I said, acting as though I was giving it some serious thought. "You're probably right. And after all, it IS my fault you have gas so bad. I suppose I have it coming, so I guess I should let you try."

"Good!" she said happily. "You better go ahead and get ready! I feel one building right now!"

Pressing my nose into the valley of her ass, I picked up my pace at jerking myself off. I was immensely excited about having my nose in her ass for the arrival of her next fart!! Not waiting, I went ahead and started sniffing like a hound hard on a scent.

"Brace yourself!" she grunted.

The fart she released was impossibly huge! The feel, sound, and smell of it as it blasted from her ass was so stimulating that I started cumming almost immediately! Stream after stream of cum hit the floor and machine in front of me, as I hungrily inhaled her enormous, odor packed fart!! It was a good two minutes later when she must have decided she'd had enough of my nose in her ass.

Standing and turning around to face me while I remained down on my knees, she smiled in satisfaction over the considerable mess I'd just made, and said, "Thanks for the lesson Sweetie. Should we schedule another one for tomorrow?"
I chuckled, and replied with passion, "God, I'd love that!"
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