A gift of five dimes
BB Jack
For a very tight pair of white lace brief panties, she stand, as the note instructed, naked in the center of the room. Back straight, eyes lowered. Thin drapes flutter as the evening breezes gently through an open window, causing her nipples to harden slightly.
Behind her, the sound of a drawer slowing opening, then the creaking of polished hardwood and he makes his way toward her. Warm breath on the back of her neck contrasts the crispness of night air and sends goose bumps down her flesh. A length of navy blue silk is draped softly over one shoulder and comes to rest over top of her hardened nipple with the gentlest of kisses. The material smooth and cool, almost feather-like. Glancing to the side, she smiles, knowing it will soon serve, as it has many times before, as her blindfold for the evening. Stepping in front of her, eyes meeting, a mischievous smile gracing his handsome dark features, he draws her delicate hand to his soft lips. Slowly, teasingly, he begins to kiss each fingertip.
Turning her palm upward, he reaches into the pocket of his tailored trousers and pulls out five shiny new dimes., Placing a dime on each extended fingertip, he smiles and says "These are for you. Under no circumstances are you drop them"
Watching closely as the final coin is places carefully on her thumb, he collects her other hand, and once again, brings it to his mouth. Rather than stop with a mere kiss on each finger, with a devilish twinkle in his hazel eyes, he glides his tongue down the length of each digit to the fold where they meet. One after the other he does this until each has been given the same attention as the last. Her expression changes from one of piqued curiosity to desire as the final flick is delivered. Then, ever so carefully, he places this second hand on top of the first, over top of her first hand, trapping the coins between there small fingers.
Making his way behind her, course hand caressing the length of her forearm, over the elbow and then to the smoothness of her lower back, his touch never leaving her, he speaks softly.
"My little one.....I need you to listen carefully, because these are the rules." Retrieving the sash from her shoulder, allowing the length of the cool material to kiss at her flesh, he continues. "You will extend your arms over your head, and hold them there. You will hold those dimes between your fingers, and you will not drop them. Are these rules clear?"
The young girl raises her arms obediently over her head, and through a smile, whispers, "Yes."
As the silken material is placed over her eyes and tied gently behind her, she feels her sex pulse, and a combination of eager wantonness and vulnerability runs through her like a shot. Unsure of what he might have in store for her, but excited by his sensual game.
Stepping back, he drinks in the beautiful sight before him. In all of her nakedness, he could not want for anything more. Her long hair, perfect for tugging. Sweet, full kissable lips, perfect for so many pleasures. The thin line of her elegant neck and shoulders. The slight taper of her back to a thin waist, the subtle flare of hip and the sweet curve of her perfectly heart shaped ass.
Making is way around her, he continues to study her lovely form. His eyes move from the cute pattern of freckles that grace the bridge of her nose and extend to each cheek. The gentle swell of her breasts, though not large, are full and firm and capped by rose coloured nipples, no larger than a silver dollar. He notices too, that they are already hard, extended, as if reaching out to be kissed, licked touched, and rolled between thumb and forefinger. Her tummy, though not muscular, is flat and smooth and he watches it now as it's movements pattern her breathing.
Lowering his eyes now to her sex, he sees that the seam of her undergarment has pulled itself tightly between her thick outer lips, affording a lovely definition to her soft wet crease. Earlier in the day, he had given thought to having her stand naked, but then decided it would be more fun to unwrap that gift later. Travelling downward, his eyes dance along the line of thin, muscular legs to the small scar on her left knee...a little badge of honour attained when she was just six years old and first learning to ride a bike. A bright smile flashes as his eyes make their way to her delicate feet and carefully painted bright pink toenails All of her perfect beauty blanketed in flawless ivory skin that seemed to glow in the ever shifting moonlight.
The silence of the night is broken by his sudden movement as she tries to envision what he might be doing. The sound of a belt being loosened and the long, slow swish as it passes through each hoop of his pants, causes her heartbeat to quicken. This new sound is soon followed by that of a buckle jingling in her ear. Smiling, he lightly traces the tips of each of her sensitive nipples with the cold metal of the buckle, while she, in turn, leans into the cool caress of the metal.
Holding the buckle in grasp, the leather wrapped around his knuckles....all but an inch of it left free. Dragging the belt slowly from the base of her ear, across her throat and ever so gently over one rounded breast, he gives a quick tap to the swollen nipple. The act mirrors itself on the opposite side of her exposed body.
Almost dropping the dimes, she presses her hands more firmly together.
She feels the sweat forming on her palms, and knows this will only make things more difficult. He is behind her again. The leather belt licking her sweet little ass. One stroke after another. Not hard, but enough to make a sound that excites her to her very core. A wet spot begins to form at the crotch of her sexy undergarment as she feels the juices begin to boil within her.
As suddenly as it started, the belt is gone and silence fills the room once again. Her ears strain to locate him, her mind's eye tries in vain to locate him and guess at his next move. Then, after nearly a full minutes pause, his touch returns to her. This time, he's behind her and his fingers are at her spine. Two warm hands trace the vertebrae under her bare flesh. Running them slowly down her body and revealing in the thin sheen of sweat forming on her skin, he carefully massages each one. Once at her lower back, his palms come to rest flat against her pale skin and he feels her, once again, leaning in to his touch.
Educated hands move slowly from the small of her back, coming to rest on the bones of her hips. Fingers begin to ascend carefully up her rib cage, dusting her with the slightest of his touch. Giggling, her body impulsively twists away from him only to be met with a sudden stinging blow to her lace covered bottom. With a smile on his face, pressing himself to her back, his hot breath in her ear, he whispers, "Don't do that again or I shall have to give you another."
With all that she has, she fights off the urge to dance away and recomposes herself. Her hands pressing more firmly together in an effort to hold the five shiny coins fast. As his caress reaches her arms, she believes for the briefest moment that her torment is over, that he will lower her arms, remove the dimes from her hand and take her in whatever manner he desires. Instead, his rough palm glide lightly up he slender arms only to press her palms more firmly together, ensuring she has them secured.
Stepping back to admire her once again, and offering only a moments reprieve, he is again, upon her. His hands returns to her hips, with fingers spread wide and thumbs coming to rest just above her pubic bone. A slow, methodical stroking of the thumbs begins. First, upward to the bare flesh of her flat, rippling tummy, then going lower with each pass, deeper, toward the valley of her wet sex. As strong fingers curl under the waistband of her lace hip huggers, he hooks them and begins to pull down over the gentle curve of her shapely ass. In doing so, his thumbs are afforded more purchase and make their way over top of her mont de venus, stopping only when they reach the plump crease of her nether lips.
While her front remained covered by the thin garment, she feels a sharp contrast between his warm palms and the cool night air licking at the exposed flesh of her bottom. Gliding his thumbs back up, over the sweet slope of her womanhood, he hooks them under the front waistband and begins to pull them over her hips toward the ever increasing wetness of her sex. Inch by agonising inch, flesh is exposed. Every bit of newly revealed flesh is met with a soft kiss and an ever softer flick of warm tongue.
Almost ritualistically, her sex is exposed to his hungry eyes, his eager mouth. As the modest piece of cloth slides down her legs, finally puddling around her ankles on the polished wooden floor, she can feel his hot breath moving ever closer to the very center of her pleasure. A gasp escapes her lips as her patience is rewarded with a final kiss and lingering pass of the tongue over the hard nub that crowns the top of her pulsing channel.
She is wet, eager, pliable, just as he would have her. A shiver runs through entire body as he blows cool air softly across her naked form. Feeling his hands on her ankles, she instinctively lifts one leg, then the other, freeing herself completely of the gift wrap she'd presented herself in. Strong hands surround her ankles and begin the pleasurable journey upward, stopping along the way to massage her lean muscled calves. Then, at her knees, she feels a slight pressure. Without words, he's told her to open herself to him, exposer her sex to his lustful gaze, his touch. Obediently, she shuffles one foot away from the other and offers herself completely, willingly, to him.
Wandering hands climb her inner thigh, pressing more firmly and causing her to spread herself wider for him. Her flesh is hot where he touches her. By mid-thigh, he can already feel her wetness, her heat. She is soaked and this revelation only seems to add fuel to his already burning fire. His shaft pulses and throbs, pressed firmly between trouser and thigh as he reaches the tops of her thighs. She is a furnace. His hands now warmed by her center. Leaning again into his touch, she trembles, longing for more. Spreading her engorged lips, he eyes the hard pink jewel of this prefect girl. It reaches out to him, as if begging to be kisses. Her sweet scent envelops him as he moves his mouth closer, extending his tongue for a gentle flick at her moist passage. As quickly as it was given, it is taken from her, and she whimpers.
Steadying her with is grip, he rises, placing gentle kisses on the slope of her belly and then her hips. She is frenzied as her hips rock involuntarily toward him. Warm wet tongue traces the invisibly line where the material of her panties used to be. Across and down, across and down. Over and over her teases and tantalises, his head lowing just a fraction of an inch with every new pass. Finally, his searching mouth finds a home upon her opened sex. Before going any further, he looks up at her and speaks two very clear, precise words. "Not yet!!", he commands.
Returning to the soft folds displayed before him, he parts her and begins to lick at the wet crease before him. Lapping at her juices, he can feel her moving on him. Her knees bending, hips grinding as she tried to press herself against his thirsty mouth. Not wanting to let her efforts go unnoticed, he reaches behind her, grips her ass firmly and pulls her slippery treasure tight to his face. Stubble tickles, slap and stabs at her inner thighs while his hot tongue digs deeper and his nose mashes against her throbbing tits.
Her arms begin to tremble, her body shaking noticeably, her skin coated with a thin sheen of sweat. How much more of this can one girl take, she thinks to herself. A familiar tingling begins in her belly as he pierces her again again with his stabbing tongue, but she wills herself not to climax before he lets her. Soft moans and whimpers fill the room as she hovers over the precipice.
Her mind refocuses on the tiny coins trapped between her fingers, knowing that if they fall, the pleasure will come to an abrupt end. Her body fights the desire to release the overwhelming passion as her breathing changes....staggered, rapidly coming to her in small tight gasps.
His tongue comes at her relentlessly as she feels him spreading her ass and stroking a single finger over and around her tight puckered rosebud. Electrified, she cries out and presses herself back against his probing digit.
With is mouth, he sucks at her hard pearl, and pulls it gently between his lips. Alternating between sucking and nipping, gently scraping his teeth along the swollen pebble, he sends shockwaves through her quivering body. A single finger finds her tight rear passage, and as he presses it forward, into her, he removes his mouth from her trembling tits.
With a single word, her world is rocked....
The command rings out like a gunshot through a quiet night. With a grunt, she feels his mouth reclaim its purchase on her hardened tits and the sudden invasion of a thick calloused finger in her rear passage. Her knees buckle, but she is trapped against him as wave after wave crashes through her.
The coins boom like thunder in her ears as they fall and dance across the hardwood floor. With a final cry, her sweet nectar gushes, flooding his mouth and coating his chin. Clenching her swollen nub between sucking lips, he pulls harder, and presses his finger deeper into her tight virgin ass.
Another wave hits, and another. Just as one stops, another begins. Wild cries fill the empty room as she grabs at his head, pulling him to her, gyrate over him, coating him with her scent. As one stops, another climax begins, until they become one giant eruption. Her stomach clenches and she hears her juices splashing against his chin, feels them spilling down her trembling thighs to pool at her feet.
Unable to stand on her own any longer, she swings a knee over his broad shoulder and rides out the climax pouring out of her. Gripping her ass firmly, tightly enough to leave little bruises where his fingers dig into her, he begins to slowly slide his penetrating finger from the tight confines of her pulsing ass. As her movements slow, and he feels the final gushes of her escaping wetness on his cheeks, his chin, and soaking through is shirt, he releases his mouth from her twitching sex and holds her through the aftershocks.
Slipping her leg from his shoulder, he rises and fold his arms securely around her shaking body. Hugging her tightly to him he smiles. With a gentle touch, he moves the fallen strands of hair that are now plastered to her forehead. Her breasts rise and fall rapidly, sporting a deep red flush that contrasts so nicely against her porcelain skin. He feels the little ripples and spasms run rough shot though her body, and strokes her hair softly as she rides them out.
It is only then that he removes the blindfold, patched darker in spots from the sweat of her brow, and lifting he easily, carries her to the bed. Melting into the cool sheets. she smiles up at him. Her legs trembling still, the lips of her sex swollen and red, her nipples tight and hard as diamonds, she becomes aware of just how completely wet she is.
Thighs coated, ass slippery with her own juices. She watches as he removes his shirt and leans into her, blocking what little light sneaks its way into the room. His solid frame no more than a thick shadow over her as he leans in to kiss her.
Tasting herself on his lips, she moans again and reaches for the zipper of his pants.
Feeling the hard outline of his thick shaft, she tugs in desperation to free him. Looking up to meet his eyes, another wave of pleasure crashes over her as he whispers his next command...
Behind her, the sound of a drawer slowing opening, then the creaking of polished hardwood and he makes his way toward her. Warm breath on the back of her neck contrasts the crispness of night air and sends goose bumps down her flesh. A length of navy blue silk is draped softly over one shoulder and comes to rest over top of her hardened nipple with the gentlest of kisses. The material smooth and cool, almost feather-like. Glancing to the side, she smiles, knowing it will soon serve, as it has many times before, as her blindfold for the evening. Stepping in front of her, eyes meeting, a mischievous smile gracing his handsome dark features, he draws her delicate hand to his soft lips. Slowly, teasingly, he begins to kiss each fingertip.
Turning her palm upward, he reaches into the pocket of his tailored trousers and pulls out five shiny new dimes., Placing a dime on each extended fingertip, he smiles and says "These are for you. Under no circumstances are you drop them"
Watching closely as the final coin is places carefully on her thumb, he collects her other hand, and once again, brings it to his mouth. Rather than stop with a mere kiss on each finger, with a devilish twinkle in his hazel eyes, he glides his tongue down the length of each digit to the fold where they meet. One after the other he does this until each has been given the same attention as the last. Her expression changes from one of piqued curiosity to desire as the final flick is delivered. Then, ever so carefully, he places this second hand on top of the first, over top of her first hand, trapping the coins between there small fingers.
Making his way behind her, course hand caressing the length of her forearm, over the elbow and then to the smoothness of her lower back, his touch never leaving her, he speaks softly.
"My little one.....I need you to listen carefully, because these are the rules." Retrieving the sash from her shoulder, allowing the length of the cool material to kiss at her flesh, he continues. "You will extend your arms over your head, and hold them there. You will hold those dimes between your fingers, and you will not drop them. Are these rules clear?"
The young girl raises her arms obediently over her head, and through a smile, whispers, "Yes."
As the silken material is placed over her eyes and tied gently behind her, she feels her sex pulse, and a combination of eager wantonness and vulnerability runs through her like a shot. Unsure of what he might have in store for her, but excited by his sensual game.
Stepping back, he drinks in the beautiful sight before him. In all of her nakedness, he could not want for anything more. Her long hair, perfect for tugging. Sweet, full kissable lips, perfect for so many pleasures. The thin line of her elegant neck and shoulders. The slight taper of her back to a thin waist, the subtle flare of hip and the sweet curve of her perfectly heart shaped ass.
Making is way around her, he continues to study her lovely form. His eyes move from the cute pattern of freckles that grace the bridge of her nose and extend to each cheek. The gentle swell of her breasts, though not large, are full and firm and capped by rose coloured nipples, no larger than a silver dollar. He notices too, that they are already hard, extended, as if reaching out to be kissed, licked touched, and rolled between thumb and forefinger. Her tummy, though not muscular, is flat and smooth and he watches it now as it's movements pattern her breathing.
Lowering his eyes now to her sex, he sees that the seam of her undergarment has pulled itself tightly between her thick outer lips, affording a lovely definition to her soft wet crease. Earlier in the day, he had given thought to having her stand naked, but then decided it would be more fun to unwrap that gift later. Travelling downward, his eyes dance along the line of thin, muscular legs to the small scar on her left knee...a little badge of honour attained when she was just six years old and first learning to ride a bike. A bright smile flashes as his eyes make their way to her delicate feet and carefully painted bright pink toenails All of her perfect beauty blanketed in flawless ivory skin that seemed to glow in the ever shifting moonlight.
The silence of the night is broken by his sudden movement as she tries to envision what he might be doing. The sound of a belt being loosened and the long, slow swish as it passes through each hoop of his pants, causes her heartbeat to quicken. This new sound is soon followed by that of a buckle jingling in her ear. Smiling, he lightly traces the tips of each of her sensitive nipples with the cold metal of the buckle, while she, in turn, leans into the cool caress of the metal.
Holding the buckle in grasp, the leather wrapped around his knuckles....all but an inch of it left free. Dragging the belt slowly from the base of her ear, across her throat and ever so gently over one rounded breast, he gives a quick tap to the swollen nipple. The act mirrors itself on the opposite side of her exposed body.
Almost dropping the dimes, she presses her hands more firmly together.
She feels the sweat forming on her palms, and knows this will only make things more difficult. He is behind her again. The leather belt licking her sweet little ass. One stroke after another. Not hard, but enough to make a sound that excites her to her very core. A wet spot begins to form at the crotch of her sexy undergarment as she feels the juices begin to boil within her.
As suddenly as it started, the belt is gone and silence fills the room once again. Her ears strain to locate him, her mind's eye tries in vain to locate him and guess at his next move. Then, after nearly a full minutes pause, his touch returns to her. This time, he's behind her and his fingers are at her spine. Two warm hands trace the vertebrae under her bare flesh. Running them slowly down her body and revealing in the thin sheen of sweat forming on her skin, he carefully massages each one. Once at her lower back, his palms come to rest flat against her pale skin and he feels her, once again, leaning in to his touch.
Educated hands move slowly from the small of her back, coming to rest on the bones of her hips. Fingers begin to ascend carefully up her rib cage, dusting her with the slightest of his touch. Giggling, her body impulsively twists away from him only to be met with a sudden stinging blow to her lace covered bottom. With a smile on his face, pressing himself to her back, his hot breath in her ear, he whispers, "Don't do that again or I shall have to give you another."
With all that she has, she fights off the urge to dance away and recomposes herself. Her hands pressing more firmly together in an effort to hold the five shiny coins fast. As his caress reaches her arms, she believes for the briefest moment that her torment is over, that he will lower her arms, remove the dimes from her hand and take her in whatever manner he desires. Instead, his rough palm glide lightly up he slender arms only to press her palms more firmly together, ensuring she has them secured.
Stepping back to admire her once again, and offering only a moments reprieve, he is again, upon her. His hands returns to her hips, with fingers spread wide and thumbs coming to rest just above her pubic bone. A slow, methodical stroking of the thumbs begins. First, upward to the bare flesh of her flat, rippling tummy, then going lower with each pass, deeper, toward the valley of her wet sex. As strong fingers curl under the waistband of her lace hip huggers, he hooks them and begins to pull down over the gentle curve of her shapely ass. In doing so, his thumbs are afforded more purchase and make their way over top of her mont de venus, stopping only when they reach the plump crease of her nether lips.
While her front remained covered by the thin garment, she feels a sharp contrast between his warm palms and the cool night air licking at the exposed flesh of her bottom. Gliding his thumbs back up, over the sweet slope of her womanhood, he hooks them under the front waistband and begins to pull them over her hips toward the ever increasing wetness of her sex. Inch by agonising inch, flesh is exposed. Every bit of newly revealed flesh is met with a soft kiss and an ever softer flick of warm tongue.
Almost ritualistically, her sex is exposed to his hungry eyes, his eager mouth. As the modest piece of cloth slides down her legs, finally puddling around her ankles on the polished wooden floor, she can feel his hot breath moving ever closer to the very center of her pleasure. A gasp escapes her lips as her patience is rewarded with a final kiss and lingering pass of the tongue over the hard nub that crowns the top of her pulsing channel.
She is wet, eager, pliable, just as he would have her. A shiver runs through entire body as he blows cool air softly across her naked form. Feeling his hands on her ankles, she instinctively lifts one leg, then the other, freeing herself completely of the gift wrap she'd presented herself in. Strong hands surround her ankles and begin the pleasurable journey upward, stopping along the way to massage her lean muscled calves. Then, at her knees, she feels a slight pressure. Without words, he's told her to open herself to him, exposer her sex to his lustful gaze, his touch. Obediently, she shuffles one foot away from the other and offers herself completely, willingly, to him.
Wandering hands climb her inner thigh, pressing more firmly and causing her to spread herself wider for him. Her flesh is hot where he touches her. By mid-thigh, he can already feel her wetness, her heat. She is soaked and this revelation only seems to add fuel to his already burning fire. His shaft pulses and throbs, pressed firmly between trouser and thigh as he reaches the tops of her thighs. She is a furnace. His hands now warmed by her center. Leaning again into his touch, she trembles, longing for more. Spreading her engorged lips, he eyes the hard pink jewel of this prefect girl. It reaches out to him, as if begging to be kisses. Her sweet scent envelops him as he moves his mouth closer, extending his tongue for a gentle flick at her moist passage. As quickly as it was given, it is taken from her, and she whimpers.
Steadying her with is grip, he rises, placing gentle kisses on the slope of her belly and then her hips. She is frenzied as her hips rock involuntarily toward him. Warm wet tongue traces the invisibly line where the material of her panties used to be. Across and down, across and down. Over and over her teases and tantalises, his head lowing just a fraction of an inch with every new pass. Finally, his searching mouth finds a home upon her opened sex. Before going any further, he looks up at her and speaks two very clear, precise words. "Not yet!!", he commands.
Returning to the soft folds displayed before him, he parts her and begins to lick at the wet crease before him. Lapping at her juices, he can feel her moving on him. Her knees bending, hips grinding as she tried to press herself against his thirsty mouth. Not wanting to let her efforts go unnoticed, he reaches behind her, grips her ass firmly and pulls her slippery treasure tight to his face. Stubble tickles, slap and stabs at her inner thighs while his hot tongue digs deeper and his nose mashes against her throbbing tits.
Her arms begin to tremble, her body shaking noticeably, her skin coated with a thin sheen of sweat. How much more of this can one girl take, she thinks to herself. A familiar tingling begins in her belly as he pierces her again again with his stabbing tongue, but she wills herself not to climax before he lets her. Soft moans and whimpers fill the room as she hovers over the precipice.
Her mind refocuses on the tiny coins trapped between her fingers, knowing that if they fall, the pleasure will come to an abrupt end. Her body fights the desire to release the overwhelming passion as her breathing changes....staggered, rapidly coming to her in small tight gasps.
His tongue comes at her relentlessly as she feels him spreading her ass and stroking a single finger over and around her tight puckered rosebud. Electrified, she cries out and presses herself back against his probing digit.
With is mouth, he sucks at her hard pearl, and pulls it gently between his lips. Alternating between sucking and nipping, gently scraping his teeth along the swollen pebble, he sends shockwaves through her quivering body. A single finger finds her tight rear passage, and as he presses it forward, into her, he removes his mouth from her trembling tits.
With a single word, her world is rocked....
The command rings out like a gunshot through a quiet night. With a grunt, she feels his mouth reclaim its purchase on her hardened tits and the sudden invasion of a thick calloused finger in her rear passage. Her knees buckle, but she is trapped against him as wave after wave crashes through her.
The coins boom like thunder in her ears as they fall and dance across the hardwood floor. With a final cry, her sweet nectar gushes, flooding his mouth and coating his chin. Clenching her swollen nub between sucking lips, he pulls harder, and presses his finger deeper into her tight virgin ass.
Another wave hits, and another. Just as one stops, another begins. Wild cries fill the empty room as she grabs at his head, pulling him to her, gyrate over him, coating him with her scent. As one stops, another climax begins, until they become one giant eruption. Her stomach clenches and she hears her juices splashing against his chin, feels them spilling down her trembling thighs to pool at her feet.
Unable to stand on her own any longer, she swings a knee over his broad shoulder and rides out the climax pouring out of her. Gripping her ass firmly, tightly enough to leave little bruises where his fingers dig into her, he begins to slowly slide his penetrating finger from the tight confines of her pulsing ass. As her movements slow, and he feels the final gushes of her escaping wetness on his cheeks, his chin, and soaking through is shirt, he releases his mouth from her twitching sex and holds her through the aftershocks.
Slipping her leg from his shoulder, he rises and fold his arms securely around her shaking body. Hugging her tightly to him he smiles. With a gentle touch, he moves the fallen strands of hair that are now plastered to her forehead. Her breasts rise and fall rapidly, sporting a deep red flush that contrasts so nicely against her porcelain skin. He feels the little ripples and spasms run rough shot though her body, and strokes her hair softly as she rides them out.
It is only then that he removes the blindfold, patched darker in spots from the sweat of her brow, and lifting he easily, carries her to the bed. Melting into the cool sheets. she smiles up at him. Her legs trembling still, the lips of her sex swollen and red, her nipples tight and hard as diamonds, she becomes aware of just how completely wet she is.
Thighs coated, ass slippery with her own juices. She watches as he removes his shirt and leans into her, blocking what little light sneaks its way into the room. His solid frame no more than a thick shadow over her as he leans in to kiss her.
Tasting herself on his lips, she moans again and reaches for the zipper of his pants.
Feeling the hard outline of his thick shaft, she tugs in desperation to free him. Looking up to meet his eyes, another wave of pleasure crashes over her as he whispers his next command...
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