Womans Best Friend


I've been on my own for a year now and it’s taken me a while to raise the courage to share these two linked experiences… Start at the beginning as they say so here goes; With my only companion being my best friends red Labrador “Jackson” my journey starts, It was 07:00 and the sun was just coming up on this early spring morning with my routine usually set in stone, a walk in the woods was always my first act of the day. I got out of bed and almost tripped on my one and only sex toy an 8” rubber dildo that I’d had been bought for me by a secret Santa a few years ago, I’d been using it the night before while I flicked through the internet looking at pornography, I lifted it from the floor and for moment sniffed it’s soft rubbery texture the scent of my come still lingered down the pink veiny shaft. I loved watching porn on tube sites and always tried to fulfil my fantasies via the longest film clips I could find leaving my rubber dildo inside me as I played with my nipples and occasionally inserting a finger into my arse… the sensation of leaving my dildo in my pussy and having it move only by rocking my hips or moving my legs was amazing! I used to get off on riding my bike when I was younger and while riding on horses, I could get off for hours until finding something that I really wanted to orgasm to and then I’d use my hands to thrust it in and out at the same time as twisting its shaft.. anyway I got dressed, my usual clothes for a walk this time of year were my old beige jodhpurs thick socks and tee shirt, I never wore any underwear when out for the first walk of the day, I didn’t see the point as I was only going to get into the shower on my return… I went downstairs into the kitchen and put the kettle on to make a cup of coffee, as I was getting my cup I was reminded of the impending walk by a soft whimper coming from the boot room “Jackson” I called… Jenny’s dog always stayed in there when I was looking after him… I did allow him into the house, but at night time when I went to bed I always put it in the boot room, Jenny said that’s where he slept at home so I did the same… I opened the door and was greeted by the young playful and boisterous dog, his tail was wagging ten to the dozen and he was pleased to see me! I remember sitting down at the table and Jackson settling on the stone floor next to me, he was a very well behaved dog and trained to work whatever that meant, I know he used to go off with Jenny’s ex boyfriend shooting as that was his thing. When they separated it was the standing joke that Jenny kept Jackson to be nasty but in all honesty Jackson was more loyal to her than he was to he ex for some reason.. so he stayed.. I sat at the table and was drinking my coffee when I felt a warm nose between my legs, it startled me at first and I froze for a moment, as I did his nose gently nudged my jodhpur covered puffy pussy as if to say I’m here! I jumped and laughed “Jackson down” I said, he moved away instantly… naughty boy I thought. It did cross my mind that only 7 hours ago I was fucking myself with my dildo and I hadn’t had a shower yet so felt partly to blame for his intrusion.

Coffee finished it was time to go, wellingtons and wax jacket on with lead and collar in hand off we went. I live in a small village and there are plenty of woods surrounding the house, I’ve never felt anxious going out on my own as there’s never anyone around and the village is only somewhere you’d go if you knew someone who lived there…

We set off across the open field at the back of the house, it was shaping up to be a glorious day with the sun on the rise and a slight mist in the air, I could see the darkness above was giving way to blue sky. Once over the field I looked across the horizon and as per normal not a soul in sight… with that in mind I let Jackson off the lead and off he went along the fields edge, he returned every few minutes as if to check that I was safe and ok, I didn’t mind at all I always felt liberated and a little horny to be out on my own with all this space around me with no one to disturb my thoughts… usually naughty ones at that time of the morning especially taking into account my actions of the night before.

As we walked the first coffee of the morning had started to take affect and I needed to pee badly, we were into the woods proper now and the bird song filled the air, I looked for a place to stop so I could relieve myself, I moved off the little over grown pathway and stopped at a tree that had fallen on its side, there were tall grasses and brambles all around… I hoisted up my Barbour jacket and put my thumbs either side of the waist band and slid my jodhpurs down, the fresh air felt good around my warm body and in between my thighs, I moved my feet apart, squatted down and let my warm pee flow… I was almost finished and that’s when it happened again but this time the warmth of a nose had changed to a tongue!!! Some how Jackson had come in from behind and had managed to lick me… I stumbled forward onto my knees and before I could gather myself he’d managed to lick right into my warm pussy that was wet with pee, I was totally shocked and felt embarrassed at what had happened, I managed to get to my feet only to turn around and see Jackson cocking his leg to take a pee where I had just been! With a jump and nudging me aside he trotted off past me and down the path… I can remember feeling flushed and in a bit of a tiz… I needed that shower even more now. As I walked on I remember thinking how long, wide and warm Jacksons tongue felt and it seemed to go on forever, a long and deliberate lick three four maybe five times… Oh my God! The more I thought about it the more I walked with my legs tensed and deliberately rubbing like a naughty school girl running for the toilet desperate for a pee and not being able to hold on much longer… This was playing havoc on my now swollen pussy lips and I was reminded of the tingling I used to get riding both bike and horse.

Eventually we arrived back home, safe inside I striped for my shower, passing the mirror I couldn’t help but notice my nipples were hard and my smooth shaven pussy was swollen and puffy… I’m a blonde 5’ 6” and a size 10 with 36c boobs, I stopped in front of the mirror and gave myself a quick look, I can’t deny it I touched my smooth pussy and tried to run my fingers and hand along my lips for as long as it seemed Jacksons tongue did, I have to say I shuddered… I showered and played with myself until I came, when I walked out of the bathroom and into the bed room Jackson was laid on the bed and on his paws was my one and only dildo, I chuckled to myself and took it off him putting it into my bottom draw, in that moment I had put my arse in front of Jackson for the second time in as many hours, whilst bent over I again felt the pleasure of his warm wet and long tongue, this time I didn’t move instead I looked ahead and into my dressing table mirror… Jacksons tongue wasn’t just licking my pussy but he was licking hard at my bum hole so I tried to relax to allow his tongue access into my hole as I do with my finger. It had never crossed my mind that I’d be doing this with a dog but no one would know and I felt horny as hell… so I continued, relaxing my bum hole I pulled at my arse cheeks and lent forward Jackson firmly pushed inwards breaking its darkened seal, it was amazing! I turned around and he continued to lick me from the front, again he managed to force his tongue just inside, I let him lick in my mouth and I used my tongue, his long tongue shot down my throat and filled my mouth, it was a strange but sexual experience.

Jackson was moving around on the bed and seemed to be getting excited so I moved onto the floor at the end of the bed by the door, on my knees I crawled forward, Jackson jumped off the bed and licked me from behind and I felt myself shudder, my skin covering its self with tiny goose bumps, I now know why he was impatient, dogs get like this before they mount! In front of the long mirror I could see him pacing and sniffing and then he jumped up, his front legs hooking around my waist his nails catching me, instantly his rear legs jostled for position and with a few short and rapid jolts I felt his wet shaft dipping into my arse, just as I thought he was going to push into me he moved and with what I can only explain as a pop! he was in my pussy!! He quickly went into a frenzied hump and I was taken by the strength at which he was pounding me, I really felt naughty and dirty looking at myself in the mirror my boobs swaying as Jackson thrusted away… I could feel a pulsing as Jackson slowed down, he hadn’t felt massive inside me but let me tell you I could fell him swelling up, the pulsing was like a throb, I could feel a warmth inside and could see drops of clear dog seamen on the floor… Jackson had stopped moving altogether but in me was a dog and he was hard and swollen… it was literally stretching me and it felt like I was starting grip around the base of his shaft. The pulsing seemed to last an age, I had to rest my head on the floor, I didn’t want to move and had no reason to so I kept still and experienced the most intense pulsations and throbs Id ever felt. About 15 minutes had passed and Jacksons swollen member was starting to return to normal. (I now know I had been knotted and Jackson had locked himself into my pussy while pumping his clear and runny come deep into me)…

Eventually we separated from each other, Jackson went off down stairs and I went for a shower… for the next few days I had moments of shame and embarrassment coupled with the dirtiest horniest lusty feelings I’ve ever had, little did I know that the events that had taken place were going to lead to another sexual exploration… Adventure number two… It never crossed my mind that Jenny might of done something similar…

I think back now over a year ago, I really got off on my first adventure with Jackson and would get wet the moment I started to think about it , a truly amazing experience and I’m glad it happened… It happened another three times last year and I enjoyed every one of those encounters as well...
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