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My name is Joe but I am called Joanne. I am a preop transgender/transvestite but being in the Military I had to be careful not to be caught. Though it is easier now it wasn’t many years ago. I have been taking hormones for 15 years now and have a respectable 38C/D pair of breasts with nice large dark brown nipples which I adore having stroked. I love my wife Sally very much and she has been very supportive. I also have a boyfriend called Bobby – he lives with us now. All 3 of us sl**p in the same huge bed and lovemaking alternates between the three of us.

Ahead of my return from a tour in Iraq Sally told me she had planned a treat for me when I got back and was due for discharge. She told me that instead of masturbating into my panties and making them lovely and slimey that I should save all my cum. She said Bobby was doing the same (with her help!!!). Sally loves Cum and is quite inventive when it comes to ideas of what to do with it.

On my arrival Sally said that I had never been properly married to a man and that she had arranged a wedding for me and Bobby with all Bobby’s gay friends attending. I said that was a wonderful idea. She said she had made a special outfit for me to wear. I couldn’t wait.

Well the day arrived. I spent the morning at the hairdresser having a really girly perm done. I was bathed in lots of baby oil making sure every last hair on my body was gone. Sally dried me off and rubbed moisturiser all over me then plenty of powder. She sprayed on so much perfume I thought I was in a spray bay. I pulled on a pair of white shiny stockings which I clipped to a lovely white lacy garter belt. Then some sheer white organza panties which were rather special – Sally had sewn a rubber vagina to the front which my cock fitted inside in a sleeve.Then a white organza bra which was a bit too large but I didn’t like to say anything. Sally did my makeup to make sure it was perfect. My eyebrows were make super thin and arched. First the foundation then a heavy dark eyeliner with pink eyeshadow. Eyebrow pencil and mascara followed with some blush on my cheeks. When I looked in the mirror I saw a new beautiful woman!!

Sally then brought in two rubber breast forms. These were the inflatable type with a couple of tubes, one on each side. She had filled them up with Bobby and my saved cum – we had made well over a pint each. They were sensuously sloppy to hold and when Sally fitted them to my oversize bra felt really wonderful. Then I put on the gorgeous wedding dress which had a long trail but was almost see through. For years I had been asking for a wedding dress – Sally knew it had always been my dream to get married in a wedding dress. Then came the veil – Sally had sewn a thin clear tube to the headband the end of which was routed under my bra and clipped into the right hand breast form. Across my forehead I later discovered were many tiny holes in the tube. A second tube was attached to my left breast form and routed under my bra again and into my left ear held in place by a special earring. I should say that my left ear drum had been punctured by an explosion and my party trick had been to blow bubbles out of it.

We arrived at the church where a gay priest was waiting along with 30 or so guests. Sally was giving me away and walked me up the aisle where Bobby was waiting. We looked at each other smiling admiring each other after I had lifted my veil. The priest then started our special service:

“Do you Bobby take Joanne to be your lawfully wedded wife”
I do he said and gently squeezed my right breast. I could feel the cum in the breast form squishing around and a small amount of cum came down my forehead from the tube in my veil.
“To suck and to hold her cock whenever she asks”
I do he said and another squeeze on my right breast and then lifted the front of my dress and put his fingers in the latex vagina and stroked the end of my cock. Wow!! The cum was now running over my eyebrows down my eyelids onto my eyelashes. Then it spilled over into my eyes when I blinked - it didn't hurt - in fact it soothed them. The whole world now looked all gauzy and out of focus with the gobs of cum whilst my forehead glistened with cum.
“ To give her cum whenever she wants”
I do he said with a big squeeze. Now the cum ran past my nose into my mouth and down my cheeks. And my whole face glistened. I couldn’t risk spoiling my make up so had to leave my eyes all covered in cum and blinking became quite sticky. I could hardly see anything but cum now. I licked my lips and with the cum smell I thought I must be in heaven.
“To forsake all others and only ejaculate on Joanne or Sally”.
I do he said and another big squeeze – now the cum dripped off my face onto my neck and ran down my cleavage. I felt really sticky but it was wonderful. Bobby’s fingers stayed in my vagina stroking my cock.

The priest turned to me. “Do you Joanne take Bobby to be your lawfully wedded husband”
I do I said. This time Bobby squeezed my left breast and I felt cum entering my ear. It was very sexy.
“To suck and to hold his cock whenever he wants.
I do I said and another squeeze whilst I unzipped his pants moving his lovely pink panties to one side pulled out his cock and stroked it until it was hard. Meanwhile I felt the cum coming from my ear down my eustachian tube and dripping into my mouth. It was a wonderful taste – definitely this breast had contained Bobby’s cum as mine tasted different.
“To suck his cock and swallow the cum unless he wants you to hold it in your mouth”
I do I said and another big squeeze which completely filled my ear drum and more entered my mouth.
“To forsake all others and only suck on Bobby or Sally”.
I do I said and another big squeeze and my mouth was almost full of cum some dribbled out of the corner of my mouth when I spoke. I carried on holding Bobby’s cock rubbing it up and down whilst it got slippery with precum.

The priest said” you may now exchange rings”. Bobby reached under my dress and put a lovely gold cock ring on the head if my cock which was poking out of the end of the latex vagina.. I slid Bobby’s right down to the base of his cock and it got much harder.
“You may now kiss the bride and enter her” said the priest. So we kissed getting our cum all over each other and shared the cum from my mouth. Bobby lifted my dress and put his cock in the vagina rubbing right alongside my cock – all the precum made it a lot easier. What a tremendous feeling to have a cock rubbing along side your own inside the vagina – we both came at the same time Bobby squirting cum inside my organza panties and I squirted over the front of Bobby’s panties.

At the reception there was a giant bed. We decided Sally needed a thank-you present. So we all got down to our underwear though I removed my special vagina panties and climbed on the bed. I pushed my cock into Sally’s vagina whilst Bobby went in behind. She was ecstatic having orgasm after orgasm – Bobby and I were the same – the membrane between the boy hole (even women have these!!) and vagina is very thin so we could feel each other’s cocks as we slid in and out of Sally – just like the vagina panties. Sally crushed me with cuddles and squeezed the last of the cum in both my breasts which came down my face and in my mouth. Sally's makeup was all covered in cum too from our kissing. I could taste Bobby’s cum for weeks afterwards as it came very slowly down the eustachian tube from where it had pooled in my eardrum.

We fell asl**p for a while and when I woke my eyelids were stuck down and as we lay on our sides on the bed recovering two of Bobby’s friends joined in and lying on their sides pushed their cocks into Bobby and me. I couldn't see anything but it felt wonderful as a large invisible cock was pushed up my boy hole as I was ****d from behind and hands groped all over me which spread the cum even more. That was quite the ultimate – Bobby and I filled from the rear with gushes of cum whilst both of us filled Sally who was in ecstasy. It all got a bit mad after that as the rest of the party got involved – there were 5 mouths to feed though I do remember having 2 cocks in my mouth at once one time. The remainder decided to ejaculate all over Bobby and me – I removed my bra so I could rub the cum over my nipples. I don’t think there has ever been so much cum in one place before.

We had used up all our stored cum on the wedding so the next day Sally had devised a plan for us. I had found that since I had been on hormones the volume of my cum was much greater than before even if it didn't have little tadpoles swimming in it!! I think the body tries to compensate. Bobby was fitted with a pink boy bra, which matched his panties, with an inflatable breast form and I had my original one. They both had nipples. Sally fitted us both with steel cock tubes which she slid down our urethras and clamped in place which made our cocks rigid all the time. She fitted plastic tubes from the cock tube to the inflation point on the breast forms.

I should explain that Sally was a nurse before becoming my sex fiend!! In my early days I found that the degreasing agent trichlorethylene was also am anesthetic. I used to put myself to sl**p like MC in Cider House. Later as I became turned on by water sports I would get dressed in my finest organza nightie and panties. Often filming from several angles and I used to fill my bladder and hold my foreskin tight. I would pee and the end of my cock would fill up like a balloon. I found if I sniffed the facemask gently I would go to sl**p very slowly - at a certain point the fingers relaxed even though the brain was telling them to hold tight - a warm feeling of pee inside my panties was wonderful just as i went to sl**p. Watching the video later seeing the spray inside the see through panties and the nightie sticking to my skin was a real turn on. Sorry got side tracked there.

So Sally made us both lie down and we were put to sl**p. She fitted two small defibrillating pacemakers inside our ball bags. Mine was easy because both of my balls had been removed by her many years ago. The wires were run under the skin and stitched each side if the prostate. She said we had to take it easy until the wound healed in a few days. So in the meantime whenever Bobby or me had a pee the other person had to nurse the nipple and drink it. Sometimes Sally would do both of us. We soon discovered that Bobby's boy bra was not nearly big enough when his breast form was full.

When it was all healed Sally gave us each a penis shaped butt plug and a 9 inch rubber cock. She explained that they both had strong magnets near the tip and that when the magnet was near the pacemaker it would send an electric pulse to the prostate which would make it ejaculate loads of cum. Bobby and I were so excited we dashed off to try them out. We got dressed in our best silky nighties and panties. First I gently inserted the rubber cock into Bobby's boy cunt - I started by moving it in and out gradually getting faster. - he moaned "I love you Joanne" - then I went all the way in and Bobby shuddered as the pacemaker fired and wave after wave of cum coursed up the plastic tube and into his breast form. Then Bobby started on me. Because of the hormones I take and lack of male bits I have always found it hard to ejaculate even though when it happened the cum volume was more than Bobby. The feeling of Bobby pushing the cock in and out of my cunt was beyond belief "Darling Bobby" I murmured as he went all the way in - the electrical orgasm I had was was like never before - it went on and on and cum gushed into my breast form. We did this a few more times - there was a 15 minute delay built into the pacemaker to allow the prostate to recover and it to recharge. Later Sally did both of us at the same time as she said she was feeling left out. Our breast forms were now quite squishy so we nursed on each others cum. I loved drinking Bobby's cum. By now we were feeling sl**py so we decided to try the butt plugs we fitted them to each other which caused both of us to ejaculate straight away. It was a very disturbed night - I drifted of to sl**p eventually between orgasms though throughout the night I had these vivid dreams of cum flying every where. When I awoke our right hand breast forms were now bulging from a night's orgasms and we were both dying for a pee.- so rather than get up because we were both desperate to nurse each other we moved the tap Sally had fitted to the cock tube to direct the flow through another tube to the left hand breast form. We couldn't decide who should nurse our cum first so we tried a 69 nipple sucking session going head to head. We each locked onto each others nipples.Oh I love drinking cum, sucking, slurping, sticky lips and then letting go and peeing - the most joyous feeling of sucking and peeing warm pee into my breast. Almost like being a baby again though I don't remember my mother having cum in her nipples!!

We have a great life. Bobby and I have tried spending a whole day with the butt plugs in but it is difficult to concentrate on anything!! Sometimes when in company I have secretly put the penis near Bobby's crotch to watch him have an unexpected orgasm. We have also connected the tubes to the hollow 9 inch penis and spent the day cumming into our own boy holes which go all squishy so you have to mince around like you are in high heels. Easy for me as I wear them most of the time but it is very funny to watch Bobby taking small steps!! We wear rubber baby panties during the day when we are wearing our rubber cocks so that any cum which leaks out is contained. It is lovely to feel these panties being all slippy underneath my skirt as more and more cum leaks into them. At night when we take the rubber panties off we swap them over and wear them over our faces to lick off all the cum. Often we fall asl**p like this. Sometimes we swap the tubes over so we come into each others cunts or I prefer when Bobby wears my wedding veil and I have a tube in my left ear. Sally dresses us in rubber thongs which f***e the magnetic butt plug right in and throughout the night we both ejaculate every 15 minutes or so while we cuddle close. It is an ecstatic feeling to wake up exhausted with both our faces covered in my cum and our lips stuck together and my mouth full .with Bobby' cum.

With all this practice from the pacemaker the cum making and ejaculation process have greatly increased. We both spurt on and on and on for about 10 minutes almost feeling it will never stop and I can fill up a cup each time. So are there now only small gaps in our cumming before the pacemaker fires again. It is wonderful but very tiring!!! When we want to save some cum for a special occasion we wear condoms held at the base with our cock wedding rings. We wake up to cum filled ballons between our legs. Once I couldn't resist going up to Bobby when he was asl**p and putting a pin in the condom and drinking all his cum then leaving his cock in my mouth as I fell asl**p so satisfied and cum filled.

When Sally takes out our steel catheter tubes so we can make love to her both ways she says the volume of cum from Bobby completely fills all her tubes until she feels she is about to burst. She says no other woman could have such amazing love making. My cum goes all the way up her colon and if she has had an enema prep course fills her entire small intestine - when we do this Bobby pumps pints of cum for her to drink so that all she has inside her is cum. For days she says cum leaks out soaking her organza panties and running down her nylon clad legs into her shoes. We decided to put Sally on a strict cum diet. We fed her cum soup for every meal - she says she loves the feel of slippery cum sliding down her throat and her lips were permanently caked in dried cum. We squirted cum in her cunt and ass and filled up all her tubes with cum. Then while she propped her cunt in the air we sealed her off with duct tape. After a month of this she did get a little thin but was pleased to lose the weight. Every bit of her seemed to ooze cum - even her sweat and her hair smelt of cum We fitted a tube to her sealed off area so she could piss but taped the tube to her mouth.- so when she had a piss which was mixed with cum she had to swallow it all. Nothing was wasted.

When I was a little boy just putting on panties used to make me ejaculate almost immediately. When I first had sex with girls the same happened and the girls were never satisfied. So Sally made a mod to the pacemaker which cancelled any natural signal so one can only ejaculate when the woman wants it during her orgasm. This great for both. A rubber penis shaped vibrator with 2 wires connected to the press studs using a timer is also lots of fun = especially walking round the mall. I love sucking Bobby while he has the vibrator in and I just have to press the remote control for more cum. He controls me the same way when we lie down in a 69. There is just nothing more erotic than ejaculating whilst sucking your friends cock. Eventually Sally becomes pregnant with Bobby's baby(s????). But that's another story.

Word got out regarding Sally's adapted pacemakers and she had inquiries from all over the world. So we modified it so that it could be used externally. Only two press stud electrodes were needed to be implanted between your legs. Also a remote control was used to fire the electrical impulses. Regular customers were "cumming" from all over for the experience and they all donated their cum. We set up a cum farm in the local prison where the inmates were only too happy to be used as cum cows. So now Sally had enough cum to market her delicious pink pearlescent "Cumstick" - its just so erotic to kiss with cum on your lips!! Also her "Cumsicle" frozen lollipops were sold locally when she had a surplus. With these you can just lick them or put them in your cunt or boyhole - the cold makes the cunt contract and squeeze tight on the Cumsicle and it feels like there is a huge cock inside you. As the cum melts it gets all sexily slippy and can be pushed in and out with its stick. When the stick comes loose I usually put a Butt plug in to hold all the cum in.

A young girl came to us the other day and said she was pregnant from the Cumsicle. Sally says she can come and live with us until the baby is born and she will look after it. Sally says its just like when she first got pregnant with my baby when she was only 12 before I started hormones. Sally is my daughter. If the baby is a boy I can see him wearing pink lingerie like me before long.
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