My first orgasm
James Henderson.
I over heard Steve telling Wills in the playground during break, I asked what they were talking about and they just giggled. Come on I said, tell me what you're on about. Neither would tell so later that day I caught Steve on the way home, I asked him what was wan#@%g, you and Wills were talking about it earlier, he laughed again but this time told me what it was. I think my first thoughts were what a weirdo and how could that be nice. I'd had erections many times but thought nothing of it until now. Later that evening I'd been ordered to take a bath, being 12 years old taking a bath was never a priority but on this occasion I didn't take much asking. After washing my hair and my bits an erection soon followed, I lay down in the bath and grasped my hard cock and slowly started to slide my fingers along my shaft, increasing in speed as my wrist became comfortable with the action. Several minutes passed and my wrist started to ache, although pleasurable I couldn't understand the excitement spoken about it. A few more rubs along my shaft and I gave up rather frustrated and not quite sure if I'd done it right or had I even come as Steve put it. The following day at school I asked him about coming and what was I suppose to be expecting, he explained it again and told me just to keep going, he said I'd know when I had come. The same evening mother didn't need to tell me to take a bath, I was already in. Again I lay back and started stroking gently, my fingers gliding up an down my shaft. I must admit it was very pleasurable and this time a burning sensation was starting to happen in my groin. Sweating, hot, wrist aching, groin throbbing I continued until almost exhausted I couldn't go on anymore. I lay back in the bath trying to catch my breath and regain some composure. After several minutes I climbed out of the bath dried myself off and stood looking in the mirror. My cock still semi erect and that irritable aching in my groin had not gone away. I wrapped my hand around my cock one more time and again stroked my shaft, faster and faster, my heart pounding, groin aching, the tip now very sore and had to keep putting water from the tap over the tip. Then from nowhere a sensation in my groin started to grow. At first a small burning, throbbing sensation getting faster and building. My cock was on fire, my groin felt like it was about to explode, my head spinning, my legs shaking and then it happened. An incredible explosion of sensation, my mind spinning, my balls contracting, hips thrusting forward in a primeval dance of their own. Feeling as though my balls were trying to exit through my shaft, my heart climbing out of my chest with wave after wave of the most wonderful sensations coursing through every piece of my being I struggled to stand and slumped to the floor in a jelly like state. It took around 15 minutes to finally stand and regain control of my senses. What had just happened? I must have just come, I have not stopped coming since, 30 years later and still stroking. That first orgasm is and has to be the most intense masturbation you ever have. Three months later I was playing truant with Steve, we'd gone to his sister's flat while she was at work. We were talking about masturbation and coming. Needless to say we were both aroused, two young boys talking freely about girls at school, tits, coming, why wouldn't we be. Steve went to the toilet for a pee and I said hang on I am coming also. Both of us unzipped and started to pee, playing sword fighting with a line of urine is good fun at 12 years old. Steve suddenly commented on my cock being semi erect, I blushed in embarrassment but he said it was fine, it happened to him all the time. I looked down and he was fully erect and without hesitation I lunged forward with my hand grabbing his cock firmly. He looked shocked and started to tell me to get off calling me gay. I totally ignored him and by the time he'd finished his sentence my fingers had slid up and down his shaft several times. At this point his eyes rolled to the back of his head and he reached out to grab the sink in an attempt to stop himself falling. I couldn't have rubbed him for more then a minute and his cock started throbbing, he lurched forward spasm following spasm, moaning wildly he came. Totally powerless to stop me he was under my control and I loved every minute of it. Of course within minutes he had my cock in his hand, his tip touching mine as he rubbed, within seconds my first sperm ejaculation happened, not just the pre come but the real thing, all over his cock and balls. We both laughed later about it. We never did it again and neither of us had any sexual contact with each other or another male since.
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