My Favorite student (Pakistan)


Hello, My name is Ghazala, I am from Pakistan.

This story is about the time when I just turned 22 and was teaching at a school. I was in my own world and wanted to advance, wasn't thinking about boys even though my family was forcing marriage down my throat because of our culture.
Teaching was keeping me busy and away from all the Rishtas that were coming to our house and all this non sense of trying to impress my future husband, I hated it.

Anyways, I had one of my favorite classes of all time in their final year of school before they head off to college or whatever else. There were 3 students i really enjoyed working with because they were smart, ambitious and most of all funny. Ata, Ashfaq and Hassan, now in previous years they were struggling students and didn't always get good grades but the last year and this current one they were doing great work and getting really good their studies.
They were all athletic, they participated in cricket, football and table tennis. Anyways, one day I overheard Hassan talking to another friend about my team mate Irum , his friend thought she was hot. Now Irum was 28 years old and hearing a 16 year old talk about her in that fashion was really cute and adorable. I kept my distance and was eavesdropping on their conversation, Hassan was one of my favorite students and he was always helpful to his friends, ive often caught them cheating but never said anything and this time he was giving his friend advice that Irum is too old for him and that again was super adorable to me to have someone his age give such mature advice lol.
I was really excited about what I heard and went in and told my teacher friends what I had heard. I got to Irum and pulled her aside and started telling her the story, Irum was blushing lol and then she told me something that blew me away. Here is how that conversation went.

Me: Irum, i heard Hassan and Jamshaid talking, it was so adorable
Irum : why is that?
Me: Well Jamshaid was talking about how you are his favorite teacher and how he thinks you are hot
Irum: giggles
Me: and Then Hassan was advising him that you might be too old for him and he should approach girls his age
Irum : really? Hassan said that?
Me : Yeah, i really think he is very mature for his age, thats why he is my favorite
Irum : well, you should know that he feels the same way about you
Me: Yes MRs Arshad said something about me being his favorite teacher...
Irum : thats probably true but i have heard him and his friends multiple times ranking their teachers, based on how hot they are, and Hassan always puts you at the top......
Me: shocked and just staring at Irum
Irum : So yeah his advice about teachers being too old
Me: **Cutting her off** Well im only 5 years older than him, not 12 (I didn't mean to offend her or call her old, in that moment i was justifying Hassan for whatever reason, maybe because I felt good about him thinking of me in that manor)
Irum : *Seemed slightly ticked* Well i have to get home, bye

I realized a few hours later that I might have upset her, but from that conversation I was in a different world. Even though I was getting marriage proposals left and right, I had never heard of someone thinking about me like that and this feeling of being admired was a great feeling. The next few days I started feeling different around Hassan and I even nominated him for class president which MRs Arshad gave to him.

Nothing really major happened so let me cut to the next significant event. Typically of my family members would give me rides to and from school but something happened and I didn't have a ride so I was unable to provide classes. Now where I lived, I could have taken a van half way to school and walked the rest but I did not feel safe, after all this is Pakistan, in the mid 90s. After the weekend was over MRs Arshad had talked to me over the phone and stated that she was arranging transportation for me for at least a few days.

To my surprise on Monday, Hassan's mom, Hassan, and his older sister came to pick me up, their family was very nice and friendly it was a fun drive to school he also had an older brother who was in college already.
Anyways I got to chat with them a lot during the week and got to know them really well. That Friday, I was in the teachers lounge cleaning up when i noticed that it was time for me to meet them at the front to go home. I grabbed my purse and in a hurry turned to walk thru the door at the same time Hassan was coming to get me. We bumped in to each other. My chin hit his shoulder and his arm hit my chest as our bodies collided. My purse fell and so did his back pack. We both went to the floor and started picking our stuff up but something happened and I think we both felt it which drew us to look at each other. We are both on the ground, our faces about a foot away from each other and we both looked at each other for probably only 2-3 seconds but it felt like forever.
Hassan had a slight smile on his face which caused me to blush a little.
He got up and offered his hand to lift me up. When I grabbed his hand i felt an amazing feeling, i dont know how to describe it, ive never felt it before. We walked to his moms car, she drove me home.
That weekend was spent entirely thinking of that feeling, what it was and why it happened and what to think of it.. Now again this is Pakistan so its not like I can just visit a friend and talk to her about this, this would be extremely frowned upon.
So I reached out to a friend that lived in america, this is before the internet so i had to call her and talk to her. She has been in the USA for a while and was in her mid 30s with a daughter that was around 10 years old. At first i didn't tell her who Hassan was or how old, just wanted to see how she would react. She told me what i felt was love or lust. I did not think so so i finally told her that Hassan was a student and only 16 years old, she told me love doesnt care about age or anything else but if im that confident that it isn't love then it must be lust.

After that weekend I had convinced myself that it was lust due to the age gap between us and us not really knowing that much about each other. I figured I would grow out of it eventually. days turned in to weeks, week in to months and I couldn't get him out of my mind. Now being in Pakistan the houses were small and privacy was not something you got, so masturbation is like a once in a month type of thing for me normally when no one else is in the house i would pleasure myself. But since this incident I found myself more horny than normal. I was masturbating once a week during my bath time. I found myself having intense orgasms thinking about Hassan, about 6 weeks after the bumping in to him, i was masturbating, thinking of him 4-5 times a week.
Next week, every time I bathed i masturbated imaging being with him, so at the end of Thursday I had already masterbated 5 times. Friday I go in to school and I had one student was not doing too well in class, Gufran was having a hard time understanding physics so I asked Hassan to stay after class to maybe help him. We brought 3 desks close so we can sit down and help Gufran understand an assignment. Hassan was sitting to my left and Gufran to my right, When Hassan sat down, his lag accidentally touched mine and then drove me crazy, I got extremely horny due to that touch, I couldn't focus. Hassan and Gufran kept talking about the subject so I took a crazy risk and moved behind them so i could see the book and guide them.
For the next 20 minutes i found excuses to touch Hassan, weather on the shoulder to say good job, or touch his hand and grab his pen to write something or to lean down over him touching my stomach on his back to flip the page or write something.
When the time was over I knew the only way for Hassan to get out of his desk is to turn in to me so when I saw him getting up I pretended to rub my eyes so i didn't see him and basically waited for him to bump in to me.
The way he got up, his shoulder bumped in to my breasts and that immediately sent a wave of intense shiver through my body and I had an orgasm standing there. Now with my orgasm going and my legs trembling i fell backwards on the desk behind me. Before I fell too far back Hassan grabbed my arm and stopped me falling completely, which helped the falling but also intensified my orgasm. After a few seconds of my sitting down, i felt my underwear super wet
Hassan asked if i was ok and told Gufran to run and get her some water. BTW the school was setup the water was downstairs in the break room or the teachers lounge. Gufran left to get me water.

Hassan stood to my right, holding my arm with one hand and support my back with his other hand, it felt amazing. Gufran came back with water and said his parents are already here and asked if I was ok and if i needed more help. I said thank you and that I was fine, he left.

Now at this point the only people left were us and the Chowkydar who would always leave after us.

Anyways, I drank some water but didn't let go of Hassan's hand. I was in shock still that I had an orgasm by him just brushing against me.
He was very apologetic and kept stating how sorry he was for hurting me. I didn't want him to feel like he hurt me so I told him it was my fault but because I wasn't fully normal yet i said something that i didn't really want to.
I said it wasn't his fault because of what I was tying to do. He looked at me questioning and i couldn't help but smile. In my mind it was over, i messed up by saying what i said and in that fight or flight response I decided to do something that was super risky.
I got up from the desk and gave him a tight hug.
Hassan was a gentleman i remember and he didn't even try to grab me or even hug me back. I hugged him for like 30 seconds before i pulled back and looked him in his eyes.
He said something that drove me over the edge, he said Ms Ghazala im just glad you are ok and you dint get hurt.

I hugged him again but this time i grabbed his hands and wrapped them around my waist. I held on to him for much longer than a normal hug. I was able to smell him and feel him breathing, he kept his hands where i had placed them and only moved his feet to adjust his balance.
That level on control was driving me crazy, I wanted him more the more he showed restraint.
I decided to try one more thing to see if i can get a reaction out of him.
While still hugging him, i kissed him on his neck and told him how grateful i was for him.
His voice trembling a little and he said, no problem I am glad you are ok miss.
It was something, i needed that sign to know that he is somewhat excited bout this long hug. It has probably been at least 2 minutes since I have been holding him tightly and his hand around me.
I decided its now or never, whatever happens will happen and whatever consequences i was ready to face.
I whispered to him to hold me tighter, he tightened a tiny bit so i reached around and pulled his hands tighter bringing our bodies super close, he finally holding me as much as i was holding him.
I was able to feel his body and after a few second i felt something pushing around my leg. I got super excited because i knew that was hid dick finally showing the erection.
I whispered in his ear, whatever you are feeling is normal, i feel the same way
I pulled away after saying that and looked him in his eyes, i saw his hormones racing and I knew i wanted him.
I brought his face closer to me and kissed him on his lips.
Thats when he grabbed me hard and kissed me back, but he didn't know what to do and that was turning me on even more. I wanted him badly.

I reached down and grabbed his belt and undid it, he had a huge smile on his face and he told me he thought i was beautiful and i told i knew, thats why i was so turned on.
I had already lowered his pants and now i was staring at a white underwear and an outline of his penis.
I pulled that down and was blown away. Now ive never seen a penis in real life and having one in front of me was amazing, i dont know if it was big or small or massive since i had nothing to compare it to but when i saw how big it actually was i didn't know how that thing would fit in someones pussy. I had only seen a few porn videos and most of them were the girl giving blowjobs and the sex scene would be censored. So i did the only thing I knew how to do and went in and put his penis inside my mouth.
I am not sure what I was expecting but other than his pre cum being a little salty the rest of it tasted like skin, nothing crazy. But then i looked at him i realized why those porns were made, he was in heaven. He told me he loved it.
He was trying to take my clothes off but he was shy. I told him if he gets tops 5 in class in the mid terms which were next week, I would let him do whatever he wants with me. Hearing that he came.
We had 11 days before we got the results of the midterm so the next 7 days I practiced with him so he wouldn't cum too fast and by the time friday came he was able to last almost 20 minutes of me licking his penis, and touching it while being sexy in front of him. I still have not shown him anything.
Monday was the celebration and the announcement of grades and award. He was number 2 in class but he wasn't at the celebration. I was annoyed because i was looking forward to this day. He showed up when the school was almost being closed to pick up his certificates. He looked at me and gave me a smile. I Smiled back.
His mom approached me and said "Hassan said you need him to help with some stuff at your house?" I was confused for a second but then caught in and said yes i need him and few other students to help me with my house. Now i knew her schedule very well so i told her that i dont need him until 4pm and told her thats when the other students will be there. I knew she would say she can't bring him that late, she would have to drop him there right now(145pm) and then she can pick him up later. I said ok i need them from 4-9, again knowing she would go for it, she said no no no, the latest i can pick him up is 8 i said ok.
We got in her car and drove us to my house.
Now again, my house isn't very big and privacy is not something i have so i knew if Hassan's mom came inside my parents would ruin this plan and tell his mom no one else is coming but i knew how to get rid of her, since i know her very well now, i told her she must have lunch before she goes, and she declined it and dropped us off without even getting out of her car.
Hassan and I walked in the house, my dad was watching TV and I introduced Hassan to him and said he is my student that I am tutoring at home, he said himself that he will make sure that they dont disturb us.

Upstairs we had 2 rooms, i took Hassan to my room and locked the door. He dropped his backpack on the ground, looked at me, showed me the trophy that said second place. I wanted to tease him so i said yeah i know congratulations!
I knew what he wanted and that was turning me on way too much.
I told him to bring out a few books and a notepad so he can pretend he was studying if someone comes by.
As soon as that was setup he practically ran to me, grabbed me, kissed me and was holding me tightly.
I told him, he can do whatever he wants since that was the promise i made to him.
I started undressing me without missing a beat. I let him.
after every piece he would remove he would stand back and admire the view, it gave me utter fulfilling feeling.
I was standing in front of him, completely naked. My breast bounce slightly, my body trembling in excitement and my pussy flooding. He started kissing me everywhere. seemed like his mission was to kiss every single inch of my body, he left nothing, he even spread my ass and kissed me asshole. him kissing my asshole and pussy made my pussy even wetter and it was coming out.

He undressed himself and laid me down on the sofa. he asked me to suck his dick but right as i was about to put it in his mouth, he said
Ms Ghazala can I do something else?
I said yes since i promised him he would be able to do whatever he wants.
he was super happy at the sound of that and lifted my legs up and put his penis next to my pussy.
Now my pussy was very hairy back then so the only hole he saw was my asshole and he stuck his tip inside it quickly, so quick that i didn't even notice and it felt so good that i had an orgasm right away. Now my pussy is pulsing and my cum coming out dripping down on his penis and my asshole, made basically lube for his penis. He kept sliding his penis inside my asshole, and I was still in my blissful orgasm to complain or feel any un comfort. By the time i realized where he was it was too late and honestly felt really good. He started pounding me and came within a few seconds. I felt him erupt inside my ass, im not sure why but it felt like it was supposed to be, didn't feel strange or painful or anything, just something that was meant to be.
After a minute his penis wasn't hard anymore and he laid down next to me and i had my head on his chest. We laid there for a while talking about his hobbies, my hobbies and we shared our feelings for each other, he was young so he dropped the L bomb and stated he was in love with me. We continued chatting and he said he wants to do it agin.
I finally told him that he came in side my ass and i wanted to feel him in my pussy instead.
He was in disbelief until I spread my pussy hair for him to see my pussy.
He lined up and started going inside, this is the first time im feeling something go inside that bigger than my finger. It felt amazing. He felt huge inside and was opening me up super nicely. I felt his entire cock inch by inch touching the inside of my pussy, sensations ive never felt before didn't even know existed, his slow descent in to my pussy was a true bliss, didn't think it could get any better until i felt him reach the end and completely fill every niche of my pussy with his cock. I looked down and there was still some of his shaft visible outside of my pussy and my thick bush. He kept pushing in and i felt his cock getting smushed against the back wall but the feeling was amazing. I started coming. I felt my juices engulf his cock inside my pussy and i felt the juice running down and out of my pussy and down to my asshole.
He was still trying to adjust his cock inside me for a perfect fit, i opened my eyes and told him that i came. He said thats why he felt super wet and asked if i wanted him to stop. I said hell no lol..

He tried for a little bit more to get more of his cock inside me, he managed to get a little more deeper by pushing my insides. He started going in and out slowly, every time he would hit the end of my pussy, he would send a shockwave through my body, felt amazing.
I was building up another orgasm and i could tell it would be intense. After a few more strokes i felt me reaching my orgams again, i quickly switched positions with him to where i was now sitting on top of him. As I was about to have my orgasm i reached back and grabbed his legs for support and arched my back. I started cuming and felt my cum struggle to get past his cock and out of my pussy.
After my orgasm subsided i opened my eyes and looked at him, he was smiling and i looked down between us to see a huge amount of liquid, on his legs, his stomach, my thighs, my pussy hair were drenched. He told me he loved seeing my pussy spurt out like that. I started riding him and only a few strokes in i felt him cum inside me and honestly I wasn't even scared of becoming pregnant, i didn't care because i wanted this way too much. I stayed seated on his cock and we continue chatting until his cock was deflated and plopped out of my pussy.
We both got dressed and went downstairs for some snacks, i made him Tea and gave him some biscuits before going back to my room.
Once back inside he grabbed me from behind and was kissing my neck and then he lowered my shalwar, bent me over the chair and stuck his cock against my asshole. This time i knew where he was and so did he but neither of us wanted to stop. My ass was dry so he was having trouble going in, i told him to spit on it, he bent down and before i knew it he was eating my asshole, sticking his tongue inside and probing him wildly. It was such a crazy turn on, we were oblivious to everything around us, my pussy was getting soaking wet again and dripping just a drop every 30 seconds or so, he stuck 2 fingures inside my pussy and then ran them across by asshole, got back up and in one swoop motion he went all the way in, i screamed a lil from the pain and the pleasure.
He was pounding my ass hard and reaching around and grabbing my boobs as he pulled my body on to his cock.
He whispered in my ear, Ms Ghazala i really want to see myself cum inside your mouth.
I didn't need much convincing as I was willing to do whatever for this guy in this moment. I turned around, got on my knees and started his sucking his cock the best i knew how.

He had a hold on my head, and was basically fucking my throat, i had tears in my eyes from the pushing as i hear the door open and see it in the corner of my eye. In sheer panic i tried to pull away but Hassan started coming right at the second and pulled my head close, i felt his cum hitting the back of my throat as I managed to pull my head back to see my mother at the door staring at us, while Hassan was still coming and his jazz hitting the side of my face and on my lips from some that i already swallowed. Hassan turned around and saw my mom standing there as well but couldn't stop coming, i had to grab his cock and point it away from my face which in hindsight probably looked worse to my mom.
Hassan pulled his pants up and I stood up and pulled my clothes back on properly..
My mom just stood in the door, not knowing what to say or do. Both Hassan and I just looking at her trying to gauge her reaction.
A few minutes of silence and Hassan said "Aunty I am so sorry"
My mom "Beta, do not be sorry, i was actually getting worried about Ghazala because I didn't think she liked any of the guys that have proposed to her but now I know why because she already has a guy in her mind"
Not a response i was expecting from my mom. Then my mom set the plate of food down on the desk and said some more shocking things.

She said she is glad that I found someone I can be sexy with because she was worried I wasn't sexual yet blah blah. She basically gave us her blessing and said to enjoy the time that we have.
She said because of the age gap this would never be thing and that we should just enjoy what we have while it lasts.
Now Hassan wasn't blunt until this point, but after hearing that she grabbed me a kissed me on the lips in front of my mom.
He told her that he will marry me because he loved me.
My mom reminded him that it takes courage to settle the family difference and age differences.
Hassan said i do have the courage to make Ms Ghazala mine.
My told Hassan to show not tell, meaning for him to take action like send Rishta etc.
But Hassan understood it differently.
He unzipped his pants, lowered my shalwar and pointed my pussy and his cock to my mom showing the extremely wet area from all the sex we had and said you can see that we are in love and nothing will stop us.
My mom got extremely blushed and said, you know what i mean, if you really want my daughter after tonight, i will await your rishta.

My closed the door and left, Hassan had a hard cock still so i went back to sucking on it, he lifted me up and undressed me completely again.
Laid on top of me and made slow and sweet love to my pussy, with lots of kissing and groping. We came together for the first time, after a few minutes he rolled over and we are both laying there naked, exhausted, his cock had a few drops of cum still and entire pussy was leaking his and my cum.

I asked him if he was satisfied, and he said yes, beyond his imagination yes and he really wants to marry me. I told him that he should talk to his parents and see what they say.
The next day his mom and dad came over with sweets and cookies and presented the rishta, they said they are against it but Hassan has been insisting that its either her or no marriage for him so they decided to come over.
My dad had no clue about the night before my mom never told hm, so my dad was completely against it simply due to the age, but his family is really wealthy, one of the wealthiest in Islamabad so my mom convinced my dad that I would be in a good place due to their stature. My family is in the kitchen discussing all of this as my older brother just looked at me said, Ghazala do you want this? I shook my head yes and my brother said, Dad she hasn't even eyes anyone else you brought to this house, here is a guy who she likes and is well off and you won't give him a chance, lets talk to them and see what they are about.

So as our parents are discussing, they sent us to my room so we can get to know each other a little more. My mom followed and said no naughty things.
As soon as mom left though Hassan grabbed me and started undressing me, he laid me down and started licking my pussy, after a few minutes he entered me and came inside after my orgasm.

We went downstairs to some great news, they had agreed on the rishta and the wedding was scheduled 2 months out. The next 2 months we went on sneaking dates, we would meet somewhere have fun and then have sex in my room before he left.
We got married when Hassan turned 17 and i was 22. We wanted to wait to have kids until he graduated college. So anytime we had sex he would pull out and cum inside my mouth. Anyways over the next several years, he was still growing, he got called than me and omg did his cock grow probably another 2 inches.
It got too big for my asshole, but i would still let him in even with a little pain.

On his graduation night, my sister came over to celebrate with us and that was also the night he would start coming back inside my pussy. He had already fucked me twice after the graduation, we were in the kitchen, my sister in the bathroom and Hassan was grinding against my ass, i felt he was rock hard.

I went to my knees and undressed him and started sucking his dick. Neither of us realized that my sister was standing there in the corner watching us. She is 18 at this point so she didn't know about sex that much.
We finally noticed her and I got up, leaving Hassan's cock exposed and throbbing.
My sister was just staring at his cock and said ive never seen one before, what you were doing, was it fun? Hassan and I said in unison, YES.

Before we could say or do anything my sister walked over, got on her knees and put Hassan's cock in her mouth. Hassan Pulled back, my sister got annoyed and said, the only way she would learn is by watching or doing and she doesnt want to wait till her wedding night to learn something that her sister enjoys.
Hassan has pulled his pants up by this point. But i told Hassan that I was ok showing her if he is ok with it.
Hassan agreed and lifted her up and grabbed our hands and walked us to the bedroom.
He undressed me, himself, laid me down and entered my pussy and started making love to me slowly.
My sister saw and, undressed herself and laid down next to me. She was curious and was asking questions about how it felt etc.
I told Hassan to show her too.
He got off me and slid over on top of my sister and slowly penetrated her pussy. My sisters facial expressions reminded me of the first time Hassan entered my pussy.
Hassan fucked my sister while I laid next to them feeling the bed move. I felt jealousy for the first time ever as they started kissing and holding each other. Hassan made my sister orgasm, once i saw that, i pulled Hassan off, laid him down and rode him super hard, this competition in me and jealousy made me cum super fast and i collapsed on the other side of him, so he was in the middle of both of us.
My sister noticed me competing and she got on him and rode him as hard but she was able to make him cum. I wasn't going to let her win my man so i knew how to turn him back on and when he cock was lil hard i started sucking it hard until he was fully erect, i told him to fuck my asshole.
He entered, it was painful but i let him enjoy my butt. My sister posed right next to us and Hassan got out of my ass and went towards my sister. I was devastated by this and laid down watching it.
He entered my sister but she couldn't handle him, he was too big, i figured he would come back to me, but instead he went inside her pussy and started pounding hard and fast. Every now and again he would pull out and try to enter her ass, she was letting him but she could never handle more then a few inches of him. but he kept trying until he was eventually able to go much further inside. After a few minutes of slow strokes she was no longer screaming and he was all the way inside her asshole.
He came inside her asshole, pulled out when he was no longer hard. They both fell asleep but I was extremely horny still so i started rubbing my pussy. I woke them both up, my sister climbed over across my husband and starting rubbing my clit with her finger.
My husband was fingering her pussy while she was fingering mine.
It felt, right. eventually she repositioned and was under me licking my pussy, and my husband went around and was fucking her pussy at the same time. After i heard her cum, my husband came up, guided my sisters hand and 2 of her fingers inside my pussy, then guided her other hand and 2 fingers inside my assholes.
He came around and fed his cock to my mouth, i was in heaven, this felt great. he went back around after a few minutes and entered my pussy while my sisters fingers were still inside also. I came heavy and all my juices dripped down his cock, his balls, and her fingers.
He came all over my pussy, and my sisters face.

My sister and I became closer and closer, we weren't competing anymore, rather making sure Hassan was always satisfied. One of us would always satisfy him especially when the other was on our period.

We moved to the USA in 2009, my sister lives with us, and we fucked as a family daily. My sister got pregnant with his son in 2012 and I fucked him non stop for the next 9 months, 3-4 times a day in hopes of getting pregnant myself, i took hormones and When Cameron was born, we took him home, i put pillows under my butt to keep my pussy lifted and i told Hassan to fit me up, he came inside me probably 4 times that night and i forced myself to stay like that all night. Next week we found out i was pregnant. 2013 our family was pretty much complete, Hassan was back alternating fucking me or my sister, We had 3 month old son and soon we had Rihanna, our daughter.

Our family is complete.
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