Hounds made Helen an actress. Part 1


In a reputed ladies college, three girls, between 18 and 19, were studying their B.A., second year. Helan, Mercy and, Hema were their names. The three were considered to be the thickest. All the three were in the habit of reading, erotic stories, and were enjoying in exchanging erotic jokes. They were also seeing porn videos and were discussing about them. Of the three Helen was extremely beautiful. In no way the other two were inferior to her. Even then Helen was the best as well No 1. Everybody in their college praised her beauty. Many times some of them told Helen that she was a beauty queen and she could be an actress.
This created the desire of becoming an actress. At times, when she was at home, she would stand before the mirror and said to herself,” Why can’t I be an actress? I am worthy enough to be so.” Thus Desire led to craze and then to madness.
In another smaller town, some 100 k.ms away from there, there lived an young man between 25 and 27, named Vasu Menon. He was running an art studio by his own. He was regularly giving an add with bold letters as “ How many of you young chaps are ready to be actors and you young charming beauty queens to be actresses?” giving his contact numbers and address.
One day Mercy and Hema, having the add in their hands asked Helen,” Hey Helen! Have you ever seen this add ? It has been coming nearly a month in this magazine. Shall we go and see?” Seeing the add Helen asked the other two,” Are you two also interested in acting?” Mercy replied,” I am not interested so much. But Hema is very much interested like you.”
So all the three decided to go there. Each one was a single daughter to her parents.
They got permissions from their parents telling that they were going to attend the marriage of their classmate, that too to the nearby town and they would return before night.
It was a Sunday . Helen called Vasu Menon ( let us call him Vasu ), Using her mobile
and told him that they were coming to his office then. Vasu told them that he would be there by 10 a.m. But they reached there by 9.30 itself.
There was a tall and handsome young boy with very good personality welcomed them saying,’ Good morning to you all madams. I am Kumar, Vasu sir’s nephew. Please sit down. Sir will come just in 30 minutes.” He was in his 16. He gave them cool drinks from the fridge.
Drinking the cool drinks saw some twenty and above portraits mounted on the walls.
In all the portraits there was a young man with, the most famous actresses and actors of that age. They decided themselves that they could surely become into actresses.
Vasu came. He was tall and colorful with excellent personality. All the three were stunned seeing him.He also welcomed them warmly, shaking their hands holding them tightly and asked about their names.
They told him about their desire. He also told them with confidence that all of them were extremely beautiful and their colors and body structures were admirable and he would make them to be famous actresses very soon. Hearing that Helen and Hema happily shook their hands.
Mercy slowly said that she was not interested so much as the other two. For that Vasu told Mercy,” What madam? You are also equally beautiful to them. Your face cut is
hundred percent suitable for becoming an actress. This is a jackpot madam, if you miss this opportunity, you will feel very much later.” Hearing that she also accepted.
He told all the three,” I must click ten snapshots of each one with ten different costumes and with ten different hair styles. For all these, It will take two to three hours for each one. If you are O.K, I will proceed.” They jointly agreed.
Helen told him that they were not having more dresses other than the wearing ones.
Vasu said,” I am having a wonderful studio with full facilities. You just give different styles of postures, and we will do all the rest (?). He winked his eyes and smiled. He proceeded so,” When we three are inside the studio, the other two may spend their time seeing the TV and there are many DVDs and a player kept in the other room.”
Kumar and Helen went inside the studio. Closing and locking the door Vasu said,” Even a little sunlight will spoil the entire snapshots. You also must co- operate with us and must do what all I say. Then only the shots would be excellent and you could be an actress.
Other wise you cannot be an actress.”
There was a bed, with three and a half feet height, up to the waist of Vasu. He seated Helen on that bed. Gave her two pills saying, “ Swallow these two pills. One will glisten your face and the other one will shine your total body.” Helen swallowed the both.
Actually one was for contraceptive and the other one to increase the sex drives of a female.
Meanwhile Kumar arranged the Yashica, video recorder, which was a super sensitive that too with very high pixels. Saying,” This room is always a congested one and I must change my dresses,” he changed himself to a lungy and nothing else. Kumar also did so.
Vasu said to Helen,” Your dresses are a very old one and I must change them into a modern one. Now a days the male cinie fans want to see their heroines in modern dresses only.”
Saying so he removed her blouse. Kumar jumped on the bed and sat behind very close to Helen in order to help his uncle.While helping Kumar touched her back and side ribs gently. This tickled Helen she shook her body lightly. Vasu removed her bra also saying,” This bra is not at all matching your ivory body colour. I will replace this by an excellent one.”
Now Helen was also in half naked posture. Vasu pulled a very big box with full of ladies costumes. When Vasu was searching for a bra, Kumar attached his chest with Helen’s back and pressed her boobs with his hands and squeezed her nipples.Helen liked and enjoyed this very much. Yes, the pills started to raise her libido.
Vasu selected a dark red colour bra and wore on her boobs. In order to make the boobs to sit perfectly in the cups, Vasu inserted his fingers inside and moved her boobs. He pulled the nipples also to seat them in the proper place. Helen buckled her body this side and that side feeling the pleasure. Vasu walked back and saw the boobs and satisfied.
Vasu came to her lower part of her body. He started removing her skirt. Kumar helped him sitting in the same place. He lifted her buttocks. While doing so he inserted his little finger into her asshole and twirling it.Helen jumped a little because asshole was her G-spot.
Vasu then removed her panties also saying,”This also does not match with your banana stems.” Saying so he moved his hands on her thighs from her hips to knees.
This made her more horny and she had her first orgasm. Vasu started removing her panties and this time Kumar inserted his little finger into her cunt hole and made her to bend her body with pleasure..
Seeing her cunt Vasu angrily scolded her,” Are you growing hair all over your body?
Like growing grass you are growing hair. Hair on your cunt in your armpits. If a producer or a director sees this, he won’t select you and you can’t be an actress at all .”
Hearing that Helen started to cry saying,” Vasu sir! Vasu sir! I will do what all you say.
Please don’t give me up. I want to be an actress. I am ready to die even for that Vasu sir!”,
She sobbed.Vasu said,” O.K, O.K. I must shave your armpits as well as your cunt..” He took the razor and started to shave her armpits.
He asked Kumar to remove her bra, to avoid soiling the bra. Kumar properly used this chance. He unlocked the hooks. He held her back tightly along with his chest. Pressing her boobs along with his one arm and removed the bra
using the other hand. All along the way Kumar was tuning her and she became more and more horny.
After shaving her armpits Vasu came to her cunt.She made Helen to lie on the bed. In one hand he caressed her thighs and in another hand he was shaving her cunt. Both these activities aroused Helen’s lust and she became more lustrous. Her cunt was craving for a penis. She had her second orgasm, that too flowing heavily.
Vasu’s little brother also awoke from his sleep and made a tent by the lungy. Seeing this Helen held the penis in her hand and pulled Vasu near her. By this Vasu lost his lungy and he also became naked.
Helen pleasure fully sucked Vasu’s little brother. Vasu was flying and flying in air.
Vasu liked being sucked by ,rather than fucking a cunt. This is not only for Vasu but for almost all the men.
Not to miss this chance, Kumar came between the two thighs of Helen and started to lick her cunt. When he licked her clitoris she cried impatiently,” You fools! Either one of you fuck me. Don’t test me more, you idiots.”
Hearing that Vasu mounted on the bed and started to fuck her. Helen was moaning
and prattling very many meaningless words. She turned her head this side and that side.
She wanted to hold something. Kumar removing his lungy himself. Went near her and gave his penis to suck. His penis was one and a half time longer and two times thicker than that of Vasu’s. So it filled well in her mouth. Vasu was fucking Helen for a long time.
In the meanwhile Kumar made another trick. There was a bamboo basket below the bed. There were two snakes inside. Actually they were two very big sized earth worms. Each one is one is of three feet long and four inches around. If you keep them near a tiny little hole it’ll dig and dig and get inside.
Kumar took one worm and kept it’s head near the asshole of Helen. It crawled and writhing inside the asshole. Helen cried with supreme joy. She was bending her whole body this side and that side saying, “ Oh my God! What is happening, what are you doing. Both are carrying me to heaven. The pleasure is divine. I thank you Kumar. I don’t know what you are doing. But that is really really enjoyable. I love you. I love you so much.”
Both, worm treatment of Kumar and the fucking of Vasu went on for nearly forty minutes. Helen had her third and fourth orgasms. With her fourth orgasm, Vasu also came and he lay on Helen, sucking her boobs and kissing and biting her nipples. Both tied together for some time.
Kumar kept the worms in the basket itself. When Vasu came down, Kumar mounted on Helen.He plugged in his penis. As it was huge in size, it could not penetrate easily, even though her cunt was very wet.Kumar did the fucking as art , rhythmically he did that. Slowly and successfully he penetrated his entire penis into her cunt. He slowly increased his speed.
Again Helen needed a support. So she again pulled the penis of Vasu and started to suck and munch. Again Vasu enjoyed immensely. He praised Helen as his pleasure and treasure. After some twenty minutes Helen embraced and turned him down and she sat on him and started to fuck him. That was like Helen riding on a horse. She jumped and jumped Both Helen and Kumar enjoyed immensely. Seeing this, the penis of Vasu also got full election like a soldier. Vasu asked Helen,” My little angel please wait for two minutes. I will also join in the game. He got on the bed and started to fuck Helen in her asshole. How ever may be the posture changed all the three were enjoying sex.In all the types of fuckings Helen was the gainer.She enjoyed the really really best fucking. Now also after some twenty minutes , all the three came at a time and this is the fifth orgasm of Helen.
Now both Vasu and Kumar took each one a worm, in one hand. One worm kept near the cunt hole and the other one near the asshole. Both invaded the two holes. Helen also became a third worm and twirling her body. The pleasure she enjoyed was un explainable with words, the related person only can feel. It was so..so..so superb.
After some thirty minutes.all the three took some rest. The worms were also kept in the basket. Vasu asked Kumar to do some hair styles for Helen. Kumar took some instruments from the table drawer. One such instrument fell on the floor. Helen bent down to take that. Vasu shouted,” Stop, stop stop, be in the same position. Don’t move even an inch.
This is a super posture.Each and every director and producer will admire this. I will take some snapshots.”
Saying so he took the camera and clicked her cunt, especially zooming the clitoris. And then her boobs from left and then right. In this way he took some ten shots.
Not only that seeing her posture both their penises once again erected to the maximum.
Vasu said to Kumar,” Go and sit on the bed, cross legged. I will keep the head of Helen on your lap. Do some hair styles then. I want to fuck her in this position and it’s my desire.”
Kumar also sat like that. Vasu slowly brought Helen near the bed in the same position and lay her head on the lap of Kumar and her feet touching the floor.
The cunt of Helen was still wetter and so Vasu started fucking her easily.As that was his desire, he fucked like an express vehicle, starting straight in top gears and as if he was fucking for the first time. Of all these fuckings this was excellent to Helen. In her super happiness she held the stout penis of Kumar in her mouth and munched and sucked speedily. This also went on for another half an hour and after that once again all the three came at a time. Vasu kissed Helen all over her body thanking her many times.
With some ten different hair styles, the photos were shoot, In all ten snapshots, the head along with the neck only clicked. When Helen asked whether her full body won’t be coming in the shots that too with different costumes. For that Vasu told her that all those would be done by photo morphing. Helen said,” You scoundrels ,you thieves, all those dramas of changing my dresses were to undress me and to fuck me only.Were they not?”
Vasu and Kumar said,” Hundred percent true. As soon as I have seen you, We decided to fuck you. You’re a golden statue, with extraordinary beauty, and with super body structure. If we leave you without fucking you, we are fools and also we are unfit to be human beings.”
We want to ask you one thing. Didn’t you like those fuckings? Were they not pleasure full to you. Tell us the truth.”
Helen replied,”Who said, that I didn’t like.Two hundred percent I liked and enjoyed very very much. I should thank hundred times these two penises for having shown me a new heaven.” Saying so she took the penises each one in one hand and kissed both alternatively
They two raised her and said,” We should also thank these boobs, this cunt hundred times..”
Saying so they kissed her boobs selecting one for each. Helen also held their penises one each in her hands and pumped them moving the fore skins front and back speedily. All the three came and that cuming was because of perfect satisfaction.
All the three dressed and came out. Vasu went into the room where the other two girls were waiting. He told them that the total snapshots were very poor because of the mistake in the video recorder. He asked them to excuse him and could they come on the next day.
The three girls discussed about that and accepted. The lunch came and all the five had the lunch. Then the three girls left.
In the second part of this story, I will explain, with the help of two big hounds, how Vasu and Kumar enjoyed immensely fucking the other two girls, Mercy and Hema.
Until then see you.

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