How could I let this happen?
Lone wolf
first times
As she was driving home she could not stop thinking about why she let it happen. Why did she go by her self? How could she be so stupid?
It was playing out in her head over and over again.
It all started about a month ago. That is the first time she met Smoke. He was THE guy to see for the best weed around period. He was a tall slightly heavy set black guy in his early 30's. Not bad looking but not good looking ether. He did have a swagger about him though.
Alexia was a 19 year old girl, light brown hair average height with an amazing body from running track in high school. She is a very beautiful girl. Young and gullible girl who had a fairly sheltered life.
Alexia and her "boyfriend" at the time went to see Smoke to get some stuff. She did not want to go but Jim said it was on the way to there friends house so she agreed. They pulled in to the parking lot of the local hotel and parked. Alexia asked Jim why they came here. She was a little nervous because this was the same hotel they got after prom. The same hotel she had finally given in and gave her virginity to Jim. Once she had given her self to him it started to be a regular thing but recently she stopped because he got caught cheating.
Jim said I thought we could get our room and start over with a big grin. Alexia said your out of your fucking mind if you think I am getting a room with you! Before she could say anything more Jim said Smoke has a room here so let's go. He got out and started to walk away from the car. Alexia was not going to go in but then realized she had the money so she quickly got out and caught up with Jim. As she did she heard him say he was in the very same room they got after prom.
When they were at the door you could hear moaning coming from the room. Jim knocked anyway and when he looked over at Alexia he started to laugh. She had turned bright red and started to say we should go when smoke pulled the door open. He had all his clothes on and said to get in side so when Jim walked in she followed. Once inside she saw where the moaning was coming from. There was a porn move on the TV. There was a nice looking middle aged white woman getting pounded by a huge black cock! Alexia did not know what to do. She just stood there watching this enormous black cock disappear into the woman's pussy as though in a trance. The first thing that went through her mind was oh my god he's going to kill that woman. After that she started to think it was fake!
Sweetness could you move your little ass over so I can get by Smoke said. She jumped a bit when he touched her shoulder and then quickly moved to the side. She then came out of her trance and moved closer to Jim. When she was next to him Jim asked do you like that? As she asked what that? She turned to look at the TV again. Jim said yea that lovely move. She did not know what to say so she just said that shit must be fake! Out of the corner of the room by the bed Smoke started to laugh and said that is one hundred and ten percent real! I know because she said the same thing when I wiped it out. Alexia turned and looked at Smoke with a bullshit look on her face but then noticed the bed was all messed up. She turned back to the TV and saw the same sheets on the bed in the movie as the ones in the room! Then she saw the camera on the dresser that was hooked to the TV! Jim started to laugh again and said that he loved to see Smoke's movies.
As he finished saying that Alexia heard Smoke's voice on the tape say I'm going to cum in you baby. She turned to watch as he buried his cock as far as it could go and held it there. The woman was screaming yes cum for me yes yes! Alexia was in a trance again. As she watched that giant cock pull out and see the enormous amount of cum pour out of the woman! Her pussy was all red and looked like it was being held open by a invisible force! Then he paned up to her face and she was worn out. It is crazy she thought! She pulled back to reality when she heard Smoke saying sweetie you got my money? Alexia quickly took out the money and walked over to the corner and handed it to him. As she did he asked what's your name sweetie? She looked in his eyes as she said Alexia and felt him looking at her with extreme lust! He held on to her hand and said you are truly a sexy young thing! She was starting to get a lot more uneasy now and turned to walk back closer to the door. As she did smoke said I do love to see you from the back you got a grate young body Ms Alexia! She said thanks and asked Jim if he was ready to go. He said yes and thanked Smoke as he followed Alexia to the door.
When they got in the car Jim started to tease Alexia about what she said in the room and how she blushed so much. Alexia said she never saw porn before and didn't know dicks get that big. She asked again if it was really his dick and Jim laughed and asked if she wanted to fuck him. Alexia got really mad and said hell no you are disgusting I just wanted to know if you are really really small or just small. Now Jim was the one getting mad and said fuck you I am bigger then most guys. It's just he has a huge dick. Alexia started to laugh and that was it. He pulled over and told Alexia to get out. She refused and said he better driver to there friends house or she would never speak to him again. He reached over her and opened the door and said he did not want to see her anymore anyway. It was about 3 blocks to there friends house so she said fine fuck you and got out.
When she got to her friend Anna's house Jim was telling everyone she was a slut and wanted to fuck a black guy with a huge cock! She was already upset so she just asked another friend Susie to take her home. Susie said no problem and they left.
On the ride home Susie was asking a lot of questions about what happened. Alexia told her the hole story. What happened with the video and how Smoke made her feel a little uncomfortable with the way he looked at her. How Jim was making fun of her about how she thought Smokes dick was fake and she would never talk to Jim again. Susie said you don't need him anymore you can get stuff from Smoke on your own now. That was the only reason you were keeping him around after you found out he was fucking that slut Tara anyway.
Fast forward about a month. Alexia is on the phone with Susie and she is asking Alexia to get some stuff from Smoke. She asked a few times before and she said she didn't have the number but now Susie had the number and everything. She couldn't say no anymore so she asked if she would go with her. She said she needed to watch her little brother until her mom got home and would just met her at Anna's house.
Alexia called Smoke and said she was interested in seeing him about some stuff. At first Smoke didn't know who he was talking to. Alexia said she was the girl he met the other night with Jim. Smoke said I thought your name was Tara not Alexia. This got Alexia pissed so she said no not that girl! The girl that saw your home made porn tape! Smoke started to chuckle and said your the hot young thing that thinks my dick is fake right. There was a long pause and then Alexia said well yea I am that girl but I don't know about your dick. Smoke quickly said I would be happy to get you acquainted with it sweetie with another little chuckle. Alexia said no thanks just some of the other stuff. He said no problem just come to the same place about 9:00.
Alexia knocked on the door at about 9:10. Smoke opened the door and she walked in. He closed the door and said you just missed your boy Jim. Alexia said he is NOT my boy anymore! He is a ass hole! As she said this she looked at the bed and saw it was still maid so she sat down on it. Smoke came over and sat next to her. Alexia looked at him and noticed he was looking at her with that lusting look. She looked in her bag and pulled out some money and gave it to him but he did not move. He looked at her for a moment then asked if she liked the room? Alexia asked her self why would he ask that as she said it was ok nothing special. Smoke said I thought it would be very special to you with your history and all. Alexia asked what does that mean? Smoke said Jim just told him this is the room he lost his cherry in. He said it was with you and you were a cherry too. That is a Once in a lifetime thing in a way. Alexia was dumbfounded by what she just herd. She did not know what to say and she was getting redder and redder. Smoke said she looked sexy when she was mad and put his hand on her upper thigh. Alexia had so many emotions going through her head! Anger embarrassment a little scared and for some reason excited to. She asked him what do you mean in a way? Once you have sex that is it you are no longer a virgin. Smoke said well for a guy that is true but with a girl such as yourself. If your first time is with a guy like Jim then you have a real cock it could be like loosing it all over again. The hole time he is saying this Smoke is rubbing her thigh and making his way higher. Alexia started to enjoy him rubbing her leg and said if she could do it over again it would definitely not be with Jim! Smoke gave her a big smile and leaned in close and said I can be your true first. He then kissed her neck and moved his hand to her sweet young pussy and started rubbing it softly. Alexia was feeling good as she leaned her head back to give him access to her and close her eyes and enjoy it. He was kissing her neck and moved to her soft lips. She was wearing a loose white t shirt and a pair of black yoga pants. She felt Smoke start to lift her shirt and she had a wave of panic sweep over her. Alexia said stop I can't do this as she stood up. Smoke said are you sure you don't want this? She said she was not sure but didn't have any protection and even if I did it wouldn't fit that massive cock of yours anyway with some sarcasm. Smoke stood up and started to kiss her again very gently. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her much deeper. Alexia didn't object. She was so mad Jim told Smoke about loosing her virginity. She thought this would be a good way for revenge. She pulled away a bit and asked if he had anything? Smoke said I don't use condoms they ruin the feeling. Now Alexia was again thinking it was a bad idea but Smoke pulled her in close and was massaging her ass and pussy and it felt so good. He was kissing her neck again and started lifting her shirt. He got it off this time but Alexia pulled away again. Smoke was getting angry now and said fuck it. He went to a bag in the corner and took out the stuff and tossed it on the bed. Hear you go little girl you got what you came for now go. Alexia said why are you being like that? Smoke said I don't play games. If you change your mind that fast you don't know what you want so just go. Alexia moved to him and took his hand. Smoke said I will tell you now if we start this again I am going to finish it. Alexia said I know and that was it. Smoke took her over to the bed. He undressed and as he pulled his boxers down his cock jumped out. Alexia just looked at it in amazement. She knew now it was real and very big! She thought it was about the same size as her for arm. Smoke reached around her and expertly took off her bra and then pulled down her pants and panties. He pushed her back and she fell on the bed. He got on the bed and got between her legs and started kissing her belly working his way down. At the same time he was rubbing her tits. Alexia was feeling so good she just went with it Smoke knew so much more about pleasing a woman then Jim. Smoke started to suck on her sweet young pussy and it was amazing. In no time Alexia was cuming. She never felt so wet and she got a little shy so she tried to get Smoke out of her crotch. Smoke took this as a sign she was ready and moved up and looked in her eyes. He started to rub the tip of his rock hard cock on her clit and entrance. She asked if he was really not going to use protection to not cum in her. She had never had sex without a condom. Smoke told her she had her chance to stop before. As soon as he said it he started pushing in to her. Alexia could not believe it but it was more painful than her first time. She started to tell Smoke to stop but he started kissing her to quit her. It was stretching her to the limit and he was about halfway in. He was advancing slowly and Alison's young body was actually aiding his advancement by providing a large amount of lube. Smoke was moving with the purpose of advancement. Slow steady strokes with just the right amount of pressure so Alexia body would take as much of his cock as possible. Alexia could not believe she was able to take it but she herd Smoke whisper in her ear that he was all the way in. He left his cock deep in her and kissed her. He then asked if she felt like she had lost her virginity? With a shaky voice she said yes. He then asked her if she was ready to get the fucking of a lifetime? Alexia said please don't hurt me your cock is stretching me so much it hurts. I don't think I can do this much longer! Smoke pulled almost all the way out and drove his cock into Alexia hard and fast. She screamed out oh my God! Please don't do that I can't take it. Smoke said to her you can and you will! With that he started to pound on Alexia for what seamed like an eternity to her. The hole time she was beginning him to stop! After some time smoke felt he could not hold back anymore but did not want to stop fucking Alexia because he knew if he did he was not getting back in her any time soon. There was only one thing to do he thought. He slowed his pace and then gave a few deep thrusts and shot his load deep in her. Alexia thought he was cuming in her but was not sure. She felt his cock start to pulse with a warm feeling in her. It felt warm inside and he wasn't as hard as before so she asked between her sobs if he had cum in her? He told her no he was not done with her yet and started to fuck her again. Slow at first to regain his hard on. Alexia started to whimper with each stroke of his cock and with each whimper Smoke got harder. She was beginning him to finish and he started to fuck her harder. He was enjoying her young tight pussy and did not listen to her. Smoke held back for as long as he could but it was time to let go again. He told her he was going to cum and she begged him to pull out but he did no such thing. He pushed deep inside and came! Smoke rolled off and just lay there. After a minute Alexia got up and went in the bathroom. She cleaned up and came out to Smoke smiling at her and saying she was grate. Alexia got dressed and left as fast as possible without saying anything.
Walking to her car she felt sore and could feel the cum still running out of her stretched out pussy. In the car the real question was am I pregnant?
It was playing out in her head over and over again.
It all started about a month ago. That is the first time she met Smoke. He was THE guy to see for the best weed around period. He was a tall slightly heavy set black guy in his early 30's. Not bad looking but not good looking ether. He did have a swagger about him though.
Alexia was a 19 year old girl, light brown hair average height with an amazing body from running track in high school. She is a very beautiful girl. Young and gullible girl who had a fairly sheltered life.
Alexia and her "boyfriend" at the time went to see Smoke to get some stuff. She did not want to go but Jim said it was on the way to there friends house so she agreed. They pulled in to the parking lot of the local hotel and parked. Alexia asked Jim why they came here. She was a little nervous because this was the same hotel they got after prom. The same hotel she had finally given in and gave her virginity to Jim. Once she had given her self to him it started to be a regular thing but recently she stopped because he got caught cheating.
Jim said I thought we could get our room and start over with a big grin. Alexia said your out of your fucking mind if you think I am getting a room with you! Before she could say anything more Jim said Smoke has a room here so let's go. He got out and started to walk away from the car. Alexia was not going to go in but then realized she had the money so she quickly got out and caught up with Jim. As she did she heard him say he was in the very same room they got after prom.
When they were at the door you could hear moaning coming from the room. Jim knocked anyway and when he looked over at Alexia he started to laugh. She had turned bright red and started to say we should go when smoke pulled the door open. He had all his clothes on and said to get in side so when Jim walked in she followed. Once inside she saw where the moaning was coming from. There was a porn move on the TV. There was a nice looking middle aged white woman getting pounded by a huge black cock! Alexia did not know what to do. She just stood there watching this enormous black cock disappear into the woman's pussy as though in a trance. The first thing that went through her mind was oh my god he's going to kill that woman. After that she started to think it was fake!
Sweetness could you move your little ass over so I can get by Smoke said. She jumped a bit when he touched her shoulder and then quickly moved to the side. She then came out of her trance and moved closer to Jim. When she was next to him Jim asked do you like that? As she asked what that? She turned to look at the TV again. Jim said yea that lovely move. She did not know what to say so she just said that shit must be fake! Out of the corner of the room by the bed Smoke started to laugh and said that is one hundred and ten percent real! I know because she said the same thing when I wiped it out. Alexia turned and looked at Smoke with a bullshit look on her face but then noticed the bed was all messed up. She turned back to the TV and saw the same sheets on the bed in the movie as the ones in the room! Then she saw the camera on the dresser that was hooked to the TV! Jim started to laugh again and said that he loved to see Smoke's movies.
As he finished saying that Alexia heard Smoke's voice on the tape say I'm going to cum in you baby. She turned to watch as he buried his cock as far as it could go and held it there. The woman was screaming yes cum for me yes yes! Alexia was in a trance again. As she watched that giant cock pull out and see the enormous amount of cum pour out of the woman! Her pussy was all red and looked like it was being held open by a invisible force! Then he paned up to her face and she was worn out. It is crazy she thought! She pulled back to reality when she heard Smoke saying sweetie you got my money? Alexia quickly took out the money and walked over to the corner and handed it to him. As she did he asked what's your name sweetie? She looked in his eyes as she said Alexia and felt him looking at her with extreme lust! He held on to her hand and said you are truly a sexy young thing! She was starting to get a lot more uneasy now and turned to walk back closer to the door. As she did smoke said I do love to see you from the back you got a grate young body Ms Alexia! She said thanks and asked Jim if he was ready to go. He said yes and thanked Smoke as he followed Alexia to the door.
When they got in the car Jim started to tease Alexia about what she said in the room and how she blushed so much. Alexia said she never saw porn before and didn't know dicks get that big. She asked again if it was really his dick and Jim laughed and asked if she wanted to fuck him. Alexia got really mad and said hell no you are disgusting I just wanted to know if you are really really small or just small. Now Jim was the one getting mad and said fuck you I am bigger then most guys. It's just he has a huge dick. Alexia started to laugh and that was it. He pulled over and told Alexia to get out. She refused and said he better driver to there friends house or she would never speak to him again. He reached over her and opened the door and said he did not want to see her anymore anyway. It was about 3 blocks to there friends house so she said fine fuck you and got out.
When she got to her friend Anna's house Jim was telling everyone she was a slut and wanted to fuck a black guy with a huge cock! She was already upset so she just asked another friend Susie to take her home. Susie said no problem and they left.
On the ride home Susie was asking a lot of questions about what happened. Alexia told her the hole story. What happened with the video and how Smoke made her feel a little uncomfortable with the way he looked at her. How Jim was making fun of her about how she thought Smokes dick was fake and she would never talk to Jim again. Susie said you don't need him anymore you can get stuff from Smoke on your own now. That was the only reason you were keeping him around after you found out he was fucking that slut Tara anyway.
Fast forward about a month. Alexia is on the phone with Susie and she is asking Alexia to get some stuff from Smoke. She asked a few times before and she said she didn't have the number but now Susie had the number and everything. She couldn't say no anymore so she asked if she would go with her. She said she needed to watch her little brother until her mom got home and would just met her at Anna's house.
Alexia called Smoke and said she was interested in seeing him about some stuff. At first Smoke didn't know who he was talking to. Alexia said she was the girl he met the other night with Jim. Smoke said I thought your name was Tara not Alexia. This got Alexia pissed so she said no not that girl! The girl that saw your home made porn tape! Smoke started to chuckle and said your the hot young thing that thinks my dick is fake right. There was a long pause and then Alexia said well yea I am that girl but I don't know about your dick. Smoke quickly said I would be happy to get you acquainted with it sweetie with another little chuckle. Alexia said no thanks just some of the other stuff. He said no problem just come to the same place about 9:00.
Alexia knocked on the door at about 9:10. Smoke opened the door and she walked in. He closed the door and said you just missed your boy Jim. Alexia said he is NOT my boy anymore! He is a ass hole! As she said this she looked at the bed and saw it was still maid so she sat down on it. Smoke came over and sat next to her. Alexia looked at him and noticed he was looking at her with that lusting look. She looked in her bag and pulled out some money and gave it to him but he did not move. He looked at her for a moment then asked if she liked the room? Alexia asked her self why would he ask that as she said it was ok nothing special. Smoke said I thought it would be very special to you with your history and all. Alexia asked what does that mean? Smoke said Jim just told him this is the room he lost his cherry in. He said it was with you and you were a cherry too. That is a Once in a lifetime thing in a way. Alexia was dumbfounded by what she just herd. She did not know what to say and she was getting redder and redder. Smoke said she looked sexy when she was mad and put his hand on her upper thigh. Alexia had so many emotions going through her head! Anger embarrassment a little scared and for some reason excited to. She asked him what do you mean in a way? Once you have sex that is it you are no longer a virgin. Smoke said well for a guy that is true but with a girl such as yourself. If your first time is with a guy like Jim then you have a real cock it could be like loosing it all over again. The hole time he is saying this Smoke is rubbing her thigh and making his way higher. Alexia started to enjoy him rubbing her leg and said if she could do it over again it would definitely not be with Jim! Smoke gave her a big smile and leaned in close and said I can be your true first. He then kissed her neck and moved his hand to her sweet young pussy and started rubbing it softly. Alexia was feeling good as she leaned her head back to give him access to her and close her eyes and enjoy it. He was kissing her neck and moved to her soft lips. She was wearing a loose white t shirt and a pair of black yoga pants. She felt Smoke start to lift her shirt and she had a wave of panic sweep over her. Alexia said stop I can't do this as she stood up. Smoke said are you sure you don't want this? She said she was not sure but didn't have any protection and even if I did it wouldn't fit that massive cock of yours anyway with some sarcasm. Smoke stood up and started to kiss her again very gently. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her much deeper. Alexia didn't object. She was so mad Jim told Smoke about loosing her virginity. She thought this would be a good way for revenge. She pulled away a bit and asked if he had anything? Smoke said I don't use condoms they ruin the feeling. Now Alexia was again thinking it was a bad idea but Smoke pulled her in close and was massaging her ass and pussy and it felt so good. He was kissing her neck again and started lifting her shirt. He got it off this time but Alexia pulled away again. Smoke was getting angry now and said fuck it. He went to a bag in the corner and took out the stuff and tossed it on the bed. Hear you go little girl you got what you came for now go. Alexia said why are you being like that? Smoke said I don't play games. If you change your mind that fast you don't know what you want so just go. Alexia moved to him and took his hand. Smoke said I will tell you now if we start this again I am going to finish it. Alexia said I know and that was it. Smoke took her over to the bed. He undressed and as he pulled his boxers down his cock jumped out. Alexia just looked at it in amazement. She knew now it was real and very big! She thought it was about the same size as her for arm. Smoke reached around her and expertly took off her bra and then pulled down her pants and panties. He pushed her back and she fell on the bed. He got on the bed and got between her legs and started kissing her belly working his way down. At the same time he was rubbing her tits. Alexia was feeling so good she just went with it Smoke knew so much more about pleasing a woman then Jim. Smoke started to suck on her sweet young pussy and it was amazing. In no time Alexia was cuming. She never felt so wet and she got a little shy so she tried to get Smoke out of her crotch. Smoke took this as a sign she was ready and moved up and looked in her eyes. He started to rub the tip of his rock hard cock on her clit and entrance. She asked if he was really not going to use protection to not cum in her. She had never had sex without a condom. Smoke told her she had her chance to stop before. As soon as he said it he started pushing in to her. Alexia could not believe it but it was more painful than her first time. She started to tell Smoke to stop but he started kissing her to quit her. It was stretching her to the limit and he was about halfway in. He was advancing slowly and Alison's young body was actually aiding his advancement by providing a large amount of lube. Smoke was moving with the purpose of advancement. Slow steady strokes with just the right amount of pressure so Alexia body would take as much of his cock as possible. Alexia could not believe she was able to take it but she herd Smoke whisper in her ear that he was all the way in. He left his cock deep in her and kissed her. He then asked if she felt like she had lost her virginity? With a shaky voice she said yes. He then asked her if she was ready to get the fucking of a lifetime? Alexia said please don't hurt me your cock is stretching me so much it hurts. I don't think I can do this much longer! Smoke pulled almost all the way out and drove his cock into Alexia hard and fast. She screamed out oh my God! Please don't do that I can't take it. Smoke said to her you can and you will! With that he started to pound on Alexia for what seamed like an eternity to her. The hole time she was beginning him to stop! After some time smoke felt he could not hold back anymore but did not want to stop fucking Alexia because he knew if he did he was not getting back in her any time soon. There was only one thing to do he thought. He slowed his pace and then gave a few deep thrusts and shot his load deep in her. Alexia thought he was cuming in her but was not sure. She felt his cock start to pulse with a warm feeling in her. It felt warm inside and he wasn't as hard as before so she asked between her sobs if he had cum in her? He told her no he was not done with her yet and started to fuck her again. Slow at first to regain his hard on. Alexia started to whimper with each stroke of his cock and with each whimper Smoke got harder. She was beginning him to finish and he started to fuck her harder. He was enjoying her young tight pussy and did not listen to her. Smoke held back for as long as he could but it was time to let go again. He told her he was going to cum and she begged him to pull out but he did no such thing. He pushed deep inside and came! Smoke rolled off and just lay there. After a minute Alexia got up and went in the bathroom. She cleaned up and came out to Smoke smiling at her and saying she was grate. Alexia got dressed and left as fast as possible without saying anything.
Walking to her car she felt sore and could feel the cum still running out of her stretched out pussy. In the car the real question was am I pregnant?
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