Cat in heat
Lady Jen
I sat on my room working as I did most days, concentrating as I typed, a soft clicking sound filling the quiet afternoon. I glanced out of the corner of my eyes and saw the girl crawling out of the door. A sigh escaped my lips. Cat had been incessant this morning, pawing at my for food, circling in and out of my feet trying to get attention and now, I was sure, she wanted a specific type of attention. It had to be the cooler weather that was making my little cat so frisky. Frustrated from the work that still needed to be done; I didn't have time to give in to her needs. Being a cat person, I appreciated my little cat, but not today. Her 'heat' was just something she would have to suffer through by herself.
Cat crawled out onto the patio, giving her wide birth, the anal tail I had inserted that morning after a good cleaning seemed to swish against the back of her thighs making her 'heat' even worse. Every nerve teased by the soft caress of the tail. She paused for a moment, a bug running by, half tempted to chase after it. Quickly losing interest, she turned her deep green eyes on the one who was her real prey. She let out a small purr, a guttural sound deep in her throat, her naked body swishing back and forth, slowly crawling closer, her skin glistening with the fever of her need. If I only would look her way, she purred softly, her eyes brightly watching me. She squeezed onto the tail, instantly flipping it, while swishing her muscular haunches back and forth. She approached my chair slowly, sashaying erotically, a blatant display of her heated flesh, her hips rocking back and forth. Despite her efforts, I didn't even give her a glance.
Not to be deterred from her goal, Cat slinked in closer, meowing shamelessly as she rubbed her flank up against my chair, flipping her tail over my arm with an expert toss as she passed. She saw me absentmindedly toss off her tail, ignoring her completely. Cat's eyes squinted at the rebuff, circling back around to face me, a little frustrated groan escaped her lips as she lowered her head, ass still up high, eyes still on my form.
I caught Cat out of the corner of my eye, bent low, her tail swishing, a tell tale sign that she was about to pounce. I couldn't help but grin at her persistence and the view of her lush golden body on display. Her long Hair dangling down above her ears nearly covered her eyes as her head bent low.
Cat's head popped up, She DID have my attention! A feeling of triumph washed over her as she smiled wickedly, coming back up on all fours and slowly approaching once again. Her body swayed as she moved back to my chair. I still had not looked at her. Cat began to purr once again, sliding along my chair, her ass rubbing up against my leg. She felt my hand idly reach down to rub her tail bone, my hand gently running along her ass cheek. The stimulation nearly drove her wild with need, my touch igniting her skin, and sending shivers along her spine. She could feel the cool air of day caress her swollen slit, making it throb for him. It was all she could think about.
Damn! I thought. I shouldn't have adjusted myself. Now she won't leave me alone. I distractedly ran my hand over her ass and up her back to settle into her hair, twirling one streak around in my fingers as I continued to work. Hopefully a sign to her that I was NOT going to accommodate her "heat" at this time. She nudged my hand and mewed, her head resting against the arm of the chair, the length of her body still gyrating and rubbing up against the chair. I sighed, realizing my mistake.
"Cat... NO!" I offered her a glance, letting go of her head to reach down and swat her ass. "Go into the house! Or go lay down. But leave me be!"
Cat jumped from the sting of the slap, meowing loudly in a pout, and flopped down at my feet, temporarily chastised.
'Oh, how could she be so cruel? Doesn't she know how much I'm suffering?'
Cat tried to lie still, but every nerve ending was on fire for me, her slit throbbing and twitching between her legs. She tried to concentrate on the soft clicking sound of my laptop and enjoy the beautiful weather. But alas, it was no good. The restlessness of her hunger got the best of her. She was sure I wouldn't mind if she just rubbed her head against my calf. That shouldn't bother my too much and then she would at least get to touch me. Maybe ease the ache just a tiny bit. She started purring again as she leaned down to rest her chin on my foot. My foot shifted a bit, but I didn't throw her off. A good sign, Cat thought.
I could feel her purring throat on the top of my foot, and desperately hoped she would settle down for a few hours so I could get my work done. I hated to have to lock her up to get some peace. All of a sudden, she stopped purring and I felt her tongue on my foot, lapping at it. My Cunt couldn't help but respond to the hot grazing of her tongue and heated breath. Stop it! One fact was evident. My brain and my Cunt were NOT in agreement. I couldn't help but glance down at my little cat lying naked at my feet.
As if she could sense she was provoking me, Cat continued to lap at my foot as she rubbed her head up and down my leg. Shivers of excitement ran along her feverish body, making her nearly tremble with need. Slowly she moved her head up my leg, mewing softly, her tongue trailing along my skin. She maneuvered her body to stretch her mouth up in between my legs, her tongue stroking softly. She let out a loud meow as she caught a scent of my wet Cunt pressed her head against my leg, my sweet musk filling all her senses, driving her wild with need.
I pulled my knees apart and reached down between my legs to push her head away, looking at her with a stern expression. "Cat, I said NO! Stop it!" My cunt was becoming dripping wet in my slip from her attention. I saw her drop down between my legs in a pout, her mouth parted, green eyes sparkling with such intensity it made my Cunt wetter and wetter. The will of my Cunt was starting to win, my brain giving in to the internal struggle.
Cat started to purr again, seeing the desire smoldering in my eyes. She licked her parched lips sensually; never breaking eye contact as her head cautiously nuzzled my foot once again, prompting me. She knew it was a dangerous game she played, one that could end up with her put away for the afternoon, alone, locked in a chastity belt so she couldn't ease the fever burning in her.
I growled at her, baring my teeth, angry to be manipulated this way, yet feeling the primal need to take her brutally and put her out of her misery. I reached down to grip the double Dildo as I snarled at her in warning. She had enough sense to stop her nuzzling and put her head down, mewing softly in submission, her ass wiggling back and forth. Her brilliant eyes darted to the Dildo and then back to meet my stare, her desperate look speaking volumes.
Cat nearly held her breath as she looked up at me, a steely glint reflecting back in my eyes. She was afraid she had pushed me too far. In an attempt to mollify me, she bared her neck, tilting her head to the side in obedience, her ass rising in the air as she looked down. She felt a drip of her own need run down her leg, her body still craving me, yet in that moment every thought and movement was an act of submission. Her tail hung low down the crack of her ass and grazed her slit, making her breath catch.
Still gripping the double Dildo, I pushed his chair back, got up and strode to the room door and leave the room without a word.
Cat rose up quickly to bound after me, meowing loudly, her long hair flopping from side to side as she chased after me. What could this mean? Cat thought nervously. But her "heat" was too all consuming not to find out. 'If she locked her away, then she would howl. But what if she didn't...'
Cat crawled cautiously over the threshold of the door, spotting I standing the middle of the living room in front of the couch, my hands on my hips facing her. I snapped my fingers and pointed to the spot in front of me, a stern, exasperated look on my face. She slowly approached with her head low, wary of my next move. She stopped before me, and lowered down on all fours.
I reached down and grabbed one of her streaks, pulling her up I tossed her body half way up on the couch, facing down, her knees still on the floor as her thighs pressed against the front of the couch. "Head down, Cat. Now!" I stepped in between her legs, looking down at her naked body, her long tail covering her obviously needy pussy-cat. Reaching down I grabbed her tail by the base, twisting it before I flipped it up over her back, the action making her whine and claw at the couch. I could see her slit glistening with her "heat" and it made me smile. It was the one thing I did enjoy about my Cat; she was always ready for me.
Cat could hear me unbuckle my skirt, and a tremor of need ran through her making her ass shamelessly gyrate towards me. Her ass burned slightly from me twisting and man-handling it a bit but she welcomed the stimulation. Anything to ease the craving to have me take her. She meowed loudly once again, her back arched down, thrusting her ass out, spreading her thighs wide. She began to purr loudly realizing I was going to scratch the itch that was slowly driving her crazy with hunger for me.
I grabbed the Dildo, my skirt dangling low on my knees. I hadn't even bothered to take them completely off. If she wanted to be serviced, then I would do it my way, and then get back to work. I knelt down behind her squirming body, which was gently swaying forwards and back in anticipation. Part of me knew I shouldn't give in to her since she was getting her way, but in truth, now that the Dildo had gotten a 'wiff' of her pussy-cat, it would distract my brain from getting any real productive work done. This was better for the both of them. I moved behind her quickly, gripping the double Dildo by the base to guide it to between our swollen slits. I could hear her sweet loud purring as I positioned the Dildo at her entrance. Letting go of the shaft, I grabbed her hips in both hands and plunged forward. She let out such a howl of satisfaction, her sheath so tight and hot, I buried himself to the hilt and ground against her ass. She brazenly pushed back at my hips, meowing and clawing at the couch, as her head thrashed against the couch surface.
Cat couldn't believe how delicious the big Dildo felt filling her to the brim, his thickness stretching her so wide. She shivered as she felt me pull back and then plunge back in deep, ripping a guttural groan from her lips. Her body ignited with an inferno of heat that only our dildo could douse. She whined and hissed as I pummeled her. There had been no foreplay or sweet words whispered in her ear; none had been needed. I was taking care of her the only way she could have been. The thrusting Dildo took the edge off of her overwhelming craving and sent her wild with desire.
I moaned as I thrust the Dildo into us, our cunts in spasm, gripping it tightly. I knew she had already cum once, and was working on another one. Such a greedy little pussy-cat, I thought. Cat bucked beneath me as I held on, continuing to pound brutal thrusts deep into us, knowing this was the only way to cure her "heat" and give me some peace to work. I held onto her hips tightly, my fingers digging into her ass flesh to hold on. She was in such throes of satisfying herself, I was concerned she would buck me right off of me. I felt my wet Cunt tighten as I got ready to orgasm, Cats hole once again clamping down on the dildo in spasm as she came again. Unable to hold back, I thrust against her one last time, holding her tightly onto the Dildo as I shuddered and came likewise.
Cat felt the Dildo deep inside her and release my Orgasm as the last subsiding ripples of her second orgasm ebbed throughout her body. She slowed her rocking, panting openly, her hands rubbing along the cool couch surface trying to cool her own body. Collapsing on the couch, she felt sated and satisfied. Feeling I slip the Dildo from her, she whined softly, half-heartedly protesting, exhausted from their coupling.
I pulled the Dildo out of me and slapped her ass before getting up. "NOW will you let me get some work done?" I pulled my skirt up and went back out onto the room, a satisfied smile on my face. Yes, she had gotten what she wanted, and my head felt considerably clearer now.
Two hours later
I looked down at Cat's naked body curled up sl**ping at my feet. Shortly after I had given her a dose for her "heat", she had dragged her cushion out onto the patio, looking happy and content, even peaceful, her lids heavy over her deep green eyes. Quietly, she dropped the cushion next to my chair and crawled onto it to sl**p in the beautiful afternoon weather.
After a while, I felt a light touch on my leg.
Cat crawled out onto the patio, giving her wide birth, the anal tail I had inserted that morning after a good cleaning seemed to swish against the back of her thighs making her 'heat' even worse. Every nerve teased by the soft caress of the tail. She paused for a moment, a bug running by, half tempted to chase after it. Quickly losing interest, she turned her deep green eyes on the one who was her real prey. She let out a small purr, a guttural sound deep in her throat, her naked body swishing back and forth, slowly crawling closer, her skin glistening with the fever of her need. If I only would look her way, she purred softly, her eyes brightly watching me. She squeezed onto the tail, instantly flipping it, while swishing her muscular haunches back and forth. She approached my chair slowly, sashaying erotically, a blatant display of her heated flesh, her hips rocking back and forth. Despite her efforts, I didn't even give her a glance.
Not to be deterred from her goal, Cat slinked in closer, meowing shamelessly as she rubbed her flank up against my chair, flipping her tail over my arm with an expert toss as she passed. She saw me absentmindedly toss off her tail, ignoring her completely. Cat's eyes squinted at the rebuff, circling back around to face me, a little frustrated groan escaped her lips as she lowered her head, ass still up high, eyes still on my form.
I caught Cat out of the corner of my eye, bent low, her tail swishing, a tell tale sign that she was about to pounce. I couldn't help but grin at her persistence and the view of her lush golden body on display. Her long Hair dangling down above her ears nearly covered her eyes as her head bent low.
Cat's head popped up, She DID have my attention! A feeling of triumph washed over her as she smiled wickedly, coming back up on all fours and slowly approaching once again. Her body swayed as she moved back to my chair. I still had not looked at her. Cat began to purr once again, sliding along my chair, her ass rubbing up against my leg. She felt my hand idly reach down to rub her tail bone, my hand gently running along her ass cheek. The stimulation nearly drove her wild with need, my touch igniting her skin, and sending shivers along her spine. She could feel the cool air of day caress her swollen slit, making it throb for him. It was all she could think about.
Damn! I thought. I shouldn't have adjusted myself. Now she won't leave me alone. I distractedly ran my hand over her ass and up her back to settle into her hair, twirling one streak around in my fingers as I continued to work. Hopefully a sign to her that I was NOT going to accommodate her "heat" at this time. She nudged my hand and mewed, her head resting against the arm of the chair, the length of her body still gyrating and rubbing up against the chair. I sighed, realizing my mistake.
"Cat... NO!" I offered her a glance, letting go of her head to reach down and swat her ass. "Go into the house! Or go lay down. But leave me be!"
Cat jumped from the sting of the slap, meowing loudly in a pout, and flopped down at my feet, temporarily chastised.
'Oh, how could she be so cruel? Doesn't she know how much I'm suffering?'
Cat tried to lie still, but every nerve ending was on fire for me, her slit throbbing and twitching between her legs. She tried to concentrate on the soft clicking sound of my laptop and enjoy the beautiful weather. But alas, it was no good. The restlessness of her hunger got the best of her. She was sure I wouldn't mind if she just rubbed her head against my calf. That shouldn't bother my too much and then she would at least get to touch me. Maybe ease the ache just a tiny bit. She started purring again as she leaned down to rest her chin on my foot. My foot shifted a bit, but I didn't throw her off. A good sign, Cat thought.
I could feel her purring throat on the top of my foot, and desperately hoped she would settle down for a few hours so I could get my work done. I hated to have to lock her up to get some peace. All of a sudden, she stopped purring and I felt her tongue on my foot, lapping at it. My Cunt couldn't help but respond to the hot grazing of her tongue and heated breath. Stop it! One fact was evident. My brain and my Cunt were NOT in agreement. I couldn't help but glance down at my little cat lying naked at my feet.
As if she could sense she was provoking me, Cat continued to lap at my foot as she rubbed her head up and down my leg. Shivers of excitement ran along her feverish body, making her nearly tremble with need. Slowly she moved her head up my leg, mewing softly, her tongue trailing along my skin. She maneuvered her body to stretch her mouth up in between my legs, her tongue stroking softly. She let out a loud meow as she caught a scent of my wet Cunt pressed her head against my leg, my sweet musk filling all her senses, driving her wild with need.
I pulled my knees apart and reached down between my legs to push her head away, looking at her with a stern expression. "Cat, I said NO! Stop it!" My cunt was becoming dripping wet in my slip from her attention. I saw her drop down between my legs in a pout, her mouth parted, green eyes sparkling with such intensity it made my Cunt wetter and wetter. The will of my Cunt was starting to win, my brain giving in to the internal struggle.
Cat started to purr again, seeing the desire smoldering in my eyes. She licked her parched lips sensually; never breaking eye contact as her head cautiously nuzzled my foot once again, prompting me. She knew it was a dangerous game she played, one that could end up with her put away for the afternoon, alone, locked in a chastity belt so she couldn't ease the fever burning in her.
I growled at her, baring my teeth, angry to be manipulated this way, yet feeling the primal need to take her brutally and put her out of her misery. I reached down to grip the double Dildo as I snarled at her in warning. She had enough sense to stop her nuzzling and put her head down, mewing softly in submission, her ass wiggling back and forth. Her brilliant eyes darted to the Dildo and then back to meet my stare, her desperate look speaking volumes.
Cat nearly held her breath as she looked up at me, a steely glint reflecting back in my eyes. She was afraid she had pushed me too far. In an attempt to mollify me, she bared her neck, tilting her head to the side in obedience, her ass rising in the air as she looked down. She felt a drip of her own need run down her leg, her body still craving me, yet in that moment every thought and movement was an act of submission. Her tail hung low down the crack of her ass and grazed her slit, making her breath catch.
Still gripping the double Dildo, I pushed his chair back, got up and strode to the room door and leave the room without a word.
Cat rose up quickly to bound after me, meowing loudly, her long hair flopping from side to side as she chased after me. What could this mean? Cat thought nervously. But her "heat" was too all consuming not to find out. 'If she locked her away, then she would howl. But what if she didn't...'
Cat crawled cautiously over the threshold of the door, spotting I standing the middle of the living room in front of the couch, my hands on my hips facing her. I snapped my fingers and pointed to the spot in front of me, a stern, exasperated look on my face. She slowly approached with her head low, wary of my next move. She stopped before me, and lowered down on all fours.
I reached down and grabbed one of her streaks, pulling her up I tossed her body half way up on the couch, facing down, her knees still on the floor as her thighs pressed against the front of the couch. "Head down, Cat. Now!" I stepped in between her legs, looking down at her naked body, her long tail covering her obviously needy pussy-cat. Reaching down I grabbed her tail by the base, twisting it before I flipped it up over her back, the action making her whine and claw at the couch. I could see her slit glistening with her "heat" and it made me smile. It was the one thing I did enjoy about my Cat; she was always ready for me.
Cat could hear me unbuckle my skirt, and a tremor of need ran through her making her ass shamelessly gyrate towards me. Her ass burned slightly from me twisting and man-handling it a bit but she welcomed the stimulation. Anything to ease the craving to have me take her. She meowed loudly once again, her back arched down, thrusting her ass out, spreading her thighs wide. She began to purr loudly realizing I was going to scratch the itch that was slowly driving her crazy with hunger for me.
I grabbed the Dildo, my skirt dangling low on my knees. I hadn't even bothered to take them completely off. If she wanted to be serviced, then I would do it my way, and then get back to work. I knelt down behind her squirming body, which was gently swaying forwards and back in anticipation. Part of me knew I shouldn't give in to her since she was getting her way, but in truth, now that the Dildo had gotten a 'wiff' of her pussy-cat, it would distract my brain from getting any real productive work done. This was better for the both of them. I moved behind her quickly, gripping the double Dildo by the base to guide it to between our swollen slits. I could hear her sweet loud purring as I positioned the Dildo at her entrance. Letting go of the shaft, I grabbed her hips in both hands and plunged forward. She let out such a howl of satisfaction, her sheath so tight and hot, I buried himself to the hilt and ground against her ass. She brazenly pushed back at my hips, meowing and clawing at the couch, as her head thrashed against the couch surface.
Cat couldn't believe how delicious the big Dildo felt filling her to the brim, his thickness stretching her so wide. She shivered as she felt me pull back and then plunge back in deep, ripping a guttural groan from her lips. Her body ignited with an inferno of heat that only our dildo could douse. She whined and hissed as I pummeled her. There had been no foreplay or sweet words whispered in her ear; none had been needed. I was taking care of her the only way she could have been. The thrusting Dildo took the edge off of her overwhelming craving and sent her wild with desire.
I moaned as I thrust the Dildo into us, our cunts in spasm, gripping it tightly. I knew she had already cum once, and was working on another one. Such a greedy little pussy-cat, I thought. Cat bucked beneath me as I held on, continuing to pound brutal thrusts deep into us, knowing this was the only way to cure her "heat" and give me some peace to work. I held onto her hips tightly, my fingers digging into her ass flesh to hold on. She was in such throes of satisfying herself, I was concerned she would buck me right off of me. I felt my wet Cunt tighten as I got ready to orgasm, Cats hole once again clamping down on the dildo in spasm as she came again. Unable to hold back, I thrust against her one last time, holding her tightly onto the Dildo as I shuddered and came likewise.
Cat felt the Dildo deep inside her and release my Orgasm as the last subsiding ripples of her second orgasm ebbed throughout her body. She slowed her rocking, panting openly, her hands rubbing along the cool couch surface trying to cool her own body. Collapsing on the couch, she felt sated and satisfied. Feeling I slip the Dildo from her, she whined softly, half-heartedly protesting, exhausted from their coupling.
I pulled the Dildo out of me and slapped her ass before getting up. "NOW will you let me get some work done?" I pulled my skirt up and went back out onto the room, a satisfied smile on my face. Yes, she had gotten what she wanted, and my head felt considerably clearer now.
Two hours later
I looked down at Cat's naked body curled up sl**ping at my feet. Shortly after I had given her a dose for her "heat", she had dragged her cushion out onto the patio, looking happy and content, even peaceful, her lids heavy over her deep green eyes. Quietly, she dropped the cushion next to my chair and crawled onto it to sl**p in the beautiful afternoon weather.
After a while, I felt a light touch on my leg.
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