The fox watches tires rub against a curb


My nickname has always been The Fox. It's because I'm curious, small and thin, eyes that are fox-like in appearance, and of course, exotic and different. It was given to me by my older friend. He was the first to notice I was different. It's when I found out how I have a rubber fetish with tires and the sexy noise they can make. So I'm 23 years old but I don't drive, have you license, don't know how to drive and I never want to or even needed to. So because of that, my older friend takes me to swimming lessons and picks me up because I don't drive, he's also my roommate who I live with. My older friend is 63 years old. He also has bad depth perception because of a stroke he had last year. So it effects the way he drives and he'll often run into things and hit curbs and stuff. So the spot where I wait for his car to drive up to me and pick me up, is a really narrow driveway with painted curbs on both sides. So I was standing outside of course after swimming lessons in my barefeet on the hot pavement anxiously waiting for my older friends car. I finally see it clumsily and slowly drive up. Then, the tires start getting super close to the curb. I know what's about to happen. Before it happens I look down at my barefeet trying to ignore it when suddenly, I hear a very slow, soft, rubbery noise that sounds identical to rubbing and stretching a balloon and it made me hard. He then backs up realizing what he did but there was another car behind him which made that car back up forcing it to back up into the curb. It lets out a squeaky balloon like noise that was very loud. They then honk super loud at my older friend. This frustrates my older friend and he then aggressively pulls forward into the curb and it makes a loud whiny scream noise. Then backs off it, then again back and forth and back and forth trying to fight against the curb. Soon the air was filled with long rubbery whines, long slow stretching and bulging noises, balloon like sounds. Now I was obviously super hard. I'm wearing only swim trunks and nothing else so it showed right through. It wasn't over yet though, he then backed up, making the car frustrated and passing him. He backs all the way about 40 feet. I had a huge boner already because of this, I just couldn't take it.. but then from where he backed up, the tires started to touch the curb. From 40 feet away all the way to where I was at they rubbed all the way there, very slowly.. I look down at my barefeet trying to focus on something else and to pretend to ignore it. But then suddenly, my feet become interrupted by a sound I'll never forget. A 5 minute really long sexy rubbery bulging and stretching noise as the tires rub and rub and rub on the whole curb from where he backed up. My boner started throbbing. I couldn't help it and there was nothing I could do. I felt so powerless yet it felt so good. Finally when the car reaches me I get in the passenger seat to see my older friend had a boner too. He goes "Ya like that, huh Fox?" I admittedly said yes and he says he likes it too. It's a rubber fetish he explained. Then I shyly laugh and he pulls out his boner and I immediately give him a blowjob on the way home he has a 8in dick so it was a lot of fun.
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