Strange mythbusters


"Ok guys, we need myths to test, the posts from online aren't panning out."
The cast of Mythbusters was sitting around a table in the shop with the production team. They were brainstorming myths for the show, but having lots of trouble.
Jokingly, Tory suggested "Let's test the myth that after someone gets their head cut off, their head stays alive for like 30 seconds after."
Kari scoffed, and snapped at him "Yeah, good idea moron, how do we test it? Cut someone's head off on TV?"
Tory and Grant met for a beer after the meeting, both of them were tired of how much attention Kari was getting being the only woman on the show.
The day the plan was set to go into action the unaware Kari Byron found the area around the M7 build shop oddly deserted. Usually there was quite a crowd of tourists, wannabes, and the occasional bum panhandling. The stacked
redhead had heard something at one of the production meetings about
increasing security with the fame Mythbusters brought, and it seemed to have
been introduced. She was a little disappointed - the hungry stares of the geeky fans made her feel good about her beauty, and she often wore short skirts to tease them.
Kari kicked aside a chunk of rubbish with a heavy black boot before entering the build shop. She didn't register the sound of the classic all purpose Louisville Slugger as it swished through the air. The heavy wooden bat collided with Kari's lower abdomen with a satisfying slap. The impact doubled her over as her abs screamed in agony. There would be a long bruise across her navel before long. A piercing scream ripped from between Kari's lips, going unheard except by Tory and Grant - but recorded by their numerous cameras and microphones.
Tory took the Slugger from Grant and move behind Kari. The redheaded babe was forcing herself upright when he brought it round in his own swing to crack her across the buttocks. Kari's ass was the main reason they'd hired the bitch, and it just felt so damn good to give her a good hit across the toned flesh. Kari was sent sprawling across the cold floor of the M7 Build Shop. The two men shared a cruel laugh and high-fived as Tory put the Slugger aside.
Moving hurt. Even from two un-athletic geek specimens as Tory and Grant, Kari felt sure she had some kind of internal injuries. She needed to get to another exit from the build shop, and run for help. She could barely move with the agony in her mid-section. Kari managed to turn her head around and see that the men were completely naked, but for heavy work-boots and socks. Their erections bobbed before them as they walked and she noted that Tory was almost twice as large as Grant, and Grant wasn't small by western standards.
Kari gritted her teeth and pulled herself up by the workbench as her sadistic co-workers approached. She saw a likely weapon before her, a heavy metal bar. Kari grabbed for it just as Tory's hand caught her thick red hair. He pulled her away from the work bench and fucked her down to the floor. Kari struggled as Tory applied his weight to her back, and then fought against Grant's strength as he handcuffed her arms behind her back. She nearly beat him, but for the pain spreading through her torso as Tory's weight caused her wounded abdomen to press against the floor.
"Let me go you filthy bastards!" Kari managed, the pain evident in her voice.
"Come on Kari, that's not very professional - we need you to test this decapitation myth - in a couple of hours."
"That's right - the little d**gs cocktail we had mixed up for us will mean we won't go soft until then - can you guess what we're going to do to you in the meantime?"
"You fucking bastards, don't do this to me!"
"Hey, beg all you want, bitch. Just going to make us fuck you harder!"
Grant tugged Kari's boots off and put them neatly to one side. She couldn't kick properly with Tory on her back, and there was no way for her to stop him from tugging down her lace and tartan skirt. Grant gasped to see that she wore no panties over her shaved bare pussy - she really was a slut after all. The bruising across her pert buttocks really turned him on, and he slapped them hard four or five times to hear Kari yelp.
Tory kept his weight on Kari's back, but leaned for a knife he'd duct taped under a table and out of sight. He used the blade to cut Kari's white top off, along with her bra. He left the choker collar she wore - it was suitable for the fucktoy role she was briefly to serve. He taped the knife carefully back under the table as Kari cursed them both through her tears and yelps. Tori shifted his weight so they could twist Kari onto her back until he sat on her wounded abs. He spat on her face, symbolizing his contempt for a slut who got ahead by her body.
Kari was horrified that that the two men were really going to kill her. **** was one horrible thing, but she didn't want to die. Tory pressed her succulent breasts around his cock, fucking the soft valley with rough strokes. She whimpered at the fresh pain as the bloated tip pressed close to her face on every stroke. She could see Tory really enjoyed the look of pain and fear in her eyes as he used her body. To the swarthy Italian-American she was just meat for his pleasure. Something pressed between her legs and she tried to keep her thighs shut.
"No! NO! I won't tell anyone, just let me go!"
Grant was hidden from Kari's view by Tory, so she couldn't see the sick grin he displayed as she begged. With the redhead's hands cuffed beneath her ass, her body was at just the right height for him to violate her. He shuffled forward on his knees, forcing Kari's thighs wide until his cock was at her entrance. As Tory ****d her breasts, Grant took her dry cunt with cruel f***e. It didn't matter to him that it was a little rough on his own cock, he just liked her new anguished screams.
She was no virgin, but the penetration was so rough blood soon trickled around Grant's shaft as he started humping into her. The r****t's pleasure grew as Kari's blood lubricated her cunt. Grant humped harder between her thighs, riding Kari as hard as he was able. There was sexual desire in the act, but mostly it was about power and revenge and putting the snotty slut in her place.
Tory's cock was carrying him to a realm of untold pleasure in Kari's firm valley. He could feel her heart beating hard in her chest, but the best part was the agony etched into Kari's face as she screamed and sobbed. Her body moved beneath him, shaken by Grant's punishing thrusts, and added to his pleasure. Tory had dreamed of this moment and, even in his late thirties, awoken with sticky sheets.
His hot cream splashed across Kari's pain twisted face. He was so excited he could barely aim the wild spray. His long, thick, cock and heavy load almost gave the impression of a fire hose spraying Kari's face. She got a good mouthful of Tory's fertile seed as well as stinging wads in both eyes and splashes across her cheeks. Tory lent forwards and pressed his cock directly into Kari's mouth,
"Lick it all off you fucking cumrag. If I feel your teeth I'll make you eat your nipples and clitoris."
Terrified and completely convinced that Tory would do as he said, Kari Byron worked his shaft as best she was able with her tongue. Every thrust into her pussy felt like a knife was being stabbed up into her crotch, and it grew worst as Grant approached his climax. His face was twisted in hate to match her pain, and with Tory out the way, he mauled her breasts with his bony hands. Tory moved from her face once she'd licked his erection clean, and watched Grant finish up.
"Fucking teasing whore! See how smart you are now, Kari!"
Grant jammed his cock deep into Kari and let her have his load. Her already sore, torn-up, cunt stung with the semen fired into inside her. He gave Kari his entire load inside, showing her for the worthless sperm receptacle she was. His fingernails left marks on her breasts before he pulled out. He wanted to degrade Kari as much as possible, and knelt over her face.
"Lick my fucking asshole, slut! Use your tongue!"
Terrified, Kari complied and started rimming Grant's ass. He slowly jerked his bloodsmeared cock, and enjoyed the pleasurable feelings brought by the tease to his butt. Tory didn't give Kari a moment to rest, quickly replacing Grant between Kari's legs. Her eyes widened as Tory's great log of a cock pressed between her shaven lips. It felt like she was a virgin again as he pressed into her, hitting her cervix with most of his cock still outside.
Tory fucked her cunt slowly at first, enjoying the partially lubricated pleasure more than Kari's suffering. Then, with all his strength, he tore her tiny cervical hole open enough to press his cock into her womb. Kari screamed in true agony as Tory busted her womb and then brutally ****d her with hard punishing jabs. She tried to pass out, but couldn't, and had to take each agonising stroke until he pulled suddenly free, and jerked off over her quivering belly.
So it continued. They shared Kari's asshole, Grant forcing his way in to her anus first as Kari screamed, and then Tory pressing his thick cock in alongside. Kari's ass was stretched wide as the two cocks moved in her rectum. She finally did pass out before her insides received another coating of r****ts' spunk, but they brought her back round before making her lick them clean again.
After two hours of riding Kari Byron, both together and individually, Grant and Tory were exhausted and in possession of a lot of smoking hot footage. Their own cocks were sore and still semi erect as they prepared for the final part of their plan; the ultimate testing of a myth. They left Kari sobbing on the floor as they prepared a chopping block before the cameras. They wanted as many angle shots a they could get besides the main camera.
Grant unlocked the cuffs on Kari's wrists. Torn skin testified how hard and futilely the brutally ****d redhead had struggled for freedom. She was no longer struggling by then and had seemed almost catatonic for the last half hour of the ****. Tory took a handful of Kari's air and dragged her across the build shop floor to the chopping block. He pressed her neck into the slight indent in the middle, and then secured a leather strap snuggly across the back - after making sure her hair was as much out of the way and too the side as possible. He hackled her wrists to the side of the chopping block so that with the sheer weight of it, she wouldn't be able to go anywhere. Finally, he positioned a smaller block under her belly, to keep her on her knees throughout the decapitation.
Grant finished up positioning cameras to the rear. They had an excellent angle on her bruised buttocks, and the streams of bloody semen leaking from her torn anus and gaping cunt. He was panting lightly as he walked up behind her and drew back his booted foot for a kick. There was a sickening squelch, rather than a thud, as Grant's boot slammed into Kari's shaven cunt. bloody semen squirted out around the toe, but the kick had the desired effect.
Kari's head shot up as much as it was able from the block and a raw scream of agony burst hoarsely from her lungs. She was back with them for the final indignity. New tears smeared through the cum on her face as she took in her position on the chopping block. The bastards were really going to do it. Though her whole body ached or worse, though she'd been ****d and degraded, she still wanted to live.
Grant pulled out the samurai sword from the "slicing a gun barrel in two" myth. He made a point of showing her the blade as he slowly unsheathed it. Kari saw her reflection in the blade, barely recognizable but for her hair. Tory gave a quick presentational speech to the camera about the Myth they were testing and what they hoped to prove - before adding he doubted the footage would go public.
Grant raised the sword high above his head, pausing as Tory moved out of the way of the camera views. They both hoped it was sharp enough to sever Kari's head in one swing, given that Grant wasn't especially strong.
Kari screamed, her eyes open wide in terror, "PLEEEEEEEEEEEEASE NOOOOOOOOOO-"
Her last unmemorable words mixed with the almost silent swish of the sword as Grant brought it down next to the leather strap. The blow was perfect, slicing neatly between the vertebrae of her spine and cutting a disk in two. The sword continued unimpeded through thick-corded muscle, veins and arteries along with Kari's larynx to embed in the solid wood of the chopping block. Kari's severed head dropped forward and thumped across the floor, her mouth open in a soundless final scream.
Fingers twitched against the wood of the chopping block as Kari's heart pumped blood in great gouts from her neck. Her muscle control gone, Kari's bladder voided messily onto the shop floor to form a small pool of piss. The cameras caught it all, but neither Tory nor Grant noticed. Grant left the sword embedded in the block as Tory lent down and picked up Kari's severed head by her long red hair.
"Hey Kari, blink if you can hear me."
He spun her head around to face the main camera. Kari's eyes were still open wide, but blank and lifeless. Grant stepped up and slapped her cum-smeared face, hard. There was perhaps the slightest flicker in Kari's eyelids. blood dripped from the stump of her neck to stain the floor, but it seemed the myth had been proven false. They gave another speech to the Camera, twisting and turning Kari's head like a prop until they were done.
The last shot was of Kari's severed head next to a "Myth Busted" sign.
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