David Lazarian


“I know I’m a fucking slut! I love getting fucked up the ass and choking on your big brown cock!” I said to the elderly looking grayish tan man.
We met under the Boat Slip Resort Hotel in Provincetown at the 2006 Bear weekend event. I was a young age of 20 and Raymond was a hot older man in his 50s. He had the physique of a 30 year old but his face told another story. It had the look of the wear and tear of that of a 70 year old. Now that I was ten years older, our sexual bliss was wading fast between us. I got the feeling that Raymond found a new young boy-toy. No more were the slobbering wet kisses. No more were the waking-ups in the middle of the night sweating from his working my body incessantly with his cock. No more of his slithering bident tongue licking its way down my perineum after it released my balls from its circumambulation; then it worked its way deep into my annal canal making my whole body tremble and shake uncontrollably. The writing was on the wall. This was our last Bear weekend vacation on Cape Cod.
Raymond and I were standing at the bar drinking as usual. At the corners of my eyes I noticed a cute older gentleman standing all alone behind us. I sensed a Reptilian hybrid vibration like Raymond. After ten years of living with one and always surrounded by them it heightened my perceptions of them. This hybrid was different. This hybrid was more human. He also had a great body but his face was older in appearance but babyish making him look younger than his age. This dark handsome stranger had me hooked. I knew he had to be a hybrid. Ever since being with Raymond I craved their diverted touch of passion. Their whole body became extremely hot. It felt so heavenly when a hot hairy hybrid pounding in my ass made me scream for more. I was hooked so I quickly turned and faced the demon.
“Hello, my name is David. This is my partner, Raymond,” I said announcing my sexual intent using my eyes.
“Glad to meet you David,” he replied as we shook hands.
“Come on, Babe, that’s our song they’re playing,” Raymond said as he pulled me away from the stranger.
After that dance I returned directly to the stranger.
“You didn’t tell me your name.” I said.
“Stefan, my name is Stefan, David.”
No need to go into details about the huge argument Raymond and I had that night.
“He’s a fucking, hack hybrid! He doesn’t give a fuck about you, David!” Raymond yelled at me as his white pupils turned blood red with anger.
“What do you care?” I yelled back. “You got your boy-toy and I got mine!”
That was that and I never looked back. I left Raymond with an empty refrigerator, unpaid electric and cable bill, not to mention two months rent. I was free from supporting him and his huge cock.
Stefan was quite an extraordinary hybrid. I laughed when he told me on our first date of his being a Reptilian hybrid.
“I don’t want to freak you out,” he started. “I am what they call a hybrid, half human and half Reptilian.”
“I don’t care what you are just as long as you fuck me long and hard with that big bulge pushing its way through your pants.” I said.
I think I shock him with my honesty. I knew from the size of his bulge he was not small at all and besides I’m a fool for brown cock. I was a ‘size queen’ and proud of it. I loved getting fucked by at least 9”. Raymond had 10.5" and so far the biggest dick that had the pleasure of my hairy hole. Stefan was different. When I stared into his eyes I saw these bright shining eyes beaming into my brains.
I told him how Raymond and I met and how he broke it to me about being a hybrid.
“It was his kisses that gave it all away,” I laughed.
I also warned Stefan that I was not into older men. I loved my boys young, hard and hung but once I saw Stefan naked I knew he was the man for me. Even at his age his muscular body would put a lot of young men to shame. His muscles were natural, not made in the gym. His muscles weren’t like Raymond’s muscles at all. Raymond muscles had a worn out leathery feel to them. His muscles looked good for eye candy but they didn’t have that hard new muscular feeling like a 20 year old. Stefan’s muscles looked and felt like brand new. He was hairy but not over hairy like I’ve seen when traveling around with Raymond in the hybrid world. Stefan's eyes opened wide when I told him that there is a whole world wide community of hybrids out there. I told him how Raymond introduced me to Dr. Fernandez who was famous for gene and DNA manipulation.
“He’s been accused of cloning humans. The United Nations outlawed him so he’s hiding in the Philippines now,” I laughed.
“Will you marry me and have kids together?” he asked.
“I’m not a hermaphrodite. I'm a 100 % human male I can’t bear children,” I explained to him.
“I know but this doctor can put our DNA together and hypothetically bear our children in a test tube.”
“What an awesome fucking idea!” I screeched. “Yes I’ll marry you.” I kissed him deeply like I used to kiss Raymond and then Stefan sealed it by sticking his tongue deep down my throat latching onto my tonsils making my nipples rock hard.
We got married on the beach in Provincetown. I was so excited I had an erection the whole time. Stefan had one too and our friends loved it. We walked down the aisle with protruding bulges wearing our tuxedos. Stefan wore white and I wore blue. My bulge was big but Stefan’s bulge was huge and I felt like a movie star marrying a man that everyone in Cape Cod wanted to jump his bone.
We honeymooned in Koh Pha Ngan. Dr. Fernandez met us there with his crew. That was when we gave him our sperm and blood to start the cloning process. I used the term cloning because according to the doctor our children were going to be replicas of us. He joked about it but he also stated that since they were going to our replicas they were like stored body parts for us to use if any of our organs failed or got too old to function properly. This information gave me an orgasm. I couldn’t wait to see our offsprings.
After the first month of marriage I found out that I hit the lottery. My hybrid husband was rich and famous in the Reptilian world. He told me his story and never had to ask for anything. He graduated from UCLA with BS in engineering. He had unknown connections to NATO sources. His grandfather, leader of the Reptilians, gave him everything he ever wanted.
“Including you,” he said to me in one of our heated sex sessions.
We moved onto a 10 acre ranch in the western part of Virginia. No neighbors for miles around. I had my first visit with my grandfather-in-law. It was all done via hologram. He was a character. He looked very human with the exception of his eyes. His eyes were definitely not human. He had a sense of humor in a weird Reptilian way. He demanded respect and will kill to get it. He was ruthless and a force to be reckoned with.
“David, welcome to the family,” he said it in a formal manner but the inflictions in his voice vibrated a zero tolerance for any of my foolishness. My new boy-toy had an overbearing protector.
I was a ‘kept-woman’ and I loved it. Since I never graduated high school I never needed to struggle. The jobs I’ve had were pretty decent. Now, there was no need to work except for keeping the ranch manicured and immaculate. We were self-sufficient. We didn’t need the outside world or the humans for anything.
“Humans are poison to the Reptilians. Their way of living, thinking and surviving on this planet is contradictory to our way of life according to Granddad.” Stefan had to remind me.
The day arrived for us to pick up our kids.
“You two are now proud fathers of male triplets. Unfortunately, they were quadruplet but one was stillborn,” Dr. Fernandez explained as he looked at us over the frame of his eyeglasses. “Their birth certificates are as follows, Trey Reptilian, Tyrone Reptilian and Tyler Reptilian. I have tag each one with their names. Each of their certificates have their fingerprints on them. Do not worry I am sending a nurse with you to care for the boys until they are three years old. After that you will be on your own.” He smiled as he stood up and a nurse entered the room at the same time.
“Kim-ly will take you to the boys,” he said.
As we followed her out of his office he grabbed me by the hand pulling me extremely close to him and whispered in my ear.
“Try to get away from Stefan and meet me back here.”
I did as the doctor ordered and returned to his office. He handed me a bottle of pills.
“Here! You’re going to need these.”
“What are they?” I asked.
“They are your sanctuary from constant surveillance,” he laughed.
“What are you talking about Doc?”
“Your mind is going to be bombarded with voices and visions. You are going to be living in a household with four Reptilians who will have the ability to read your every thought. These pills will block them from your mind.”
The doctor turned out to be a lifesaver with those pills. I asked him to clarify the clone aspect of the boys.
“Clone?” he said in a questioning tone. “I won’t know about the cloning aspect until they get a little older. Their DNA and genes may have morphed more into Reptilian cells instead of human cells. Time will tell; but, I will make you a proposition. It has come to our attention that your ‘husband’ has not evolved into his potential. He is still growing up, so to speak, to be either a full Reptilian or something we have never seen before. We need to keep an eye on him,” he said as he got up close to me face to face and he looked dead into my eyes.
“Do as I asked and I promise to replace any failing organs in your body from the child that replicated your DNA and genes. I can make you live for 200 years,” he propositioned me with a grin.
“I accept.” I said returning the grin.
His thoughts on the Reptilian hybrid boys coincided with mine. They were organ farms to be harvested.
My life with Stefan and the boys wasn’t bad at all. It was delightful watching them grow up. Tyrone became my favorite. All the boys in feature and physique looked identical and they favored me and Stefan. Tyrone and I clicked at birth. He only wanted me to feed and clothed him. He would cry a lot when left alone with Kim-ly. She was an angel sent from heaven. We didn’t realize how difficult it was to take care of three little boys until Kim-ly fulfilled her obligations to us and returned to Viet Nam.
As the boys got older they became eccentric and budding Mensa. Stefan and I schooled them on English and the Humanities. Granddad hired live-in teachers at the ranch whose specialties were in the sciences such as Math, Physics, Astronomy, Logic, Biology, Zoology, Chemistry, Botany, and Reptilian Technologies. All the intellectual activities did not deter them from being playful little boys. There were times when I would get horny and comatose in thoughts about sucking Stefan’s dick. I would get these shivering feelings that I was being stared at. Then I realized that my feelings were correct. The boys and including Stefan would have their Reptilian eyes transfixed on me. I thanked my lucky stars that I have been taking Dr. Fernandez’s mind blocking pills.
Tyrone was 13 years old. We were left alone at the house while Stefan and the other boys were tending to the garden in the green house. We both were wearing gym shorts, barefoot and bare chested. We have just finished working in the escape tunnel. It was a tunnel built by our predecessors in case of humans invading the ranch. It had just dawned on me how hairy Tyrone was for a 13 year old. In fact, he was sporting a nice bulge between his legs. I thought about how I was when I was his age. He did look a lot like me. I didn’t have the physique he had at that age. While observing him I became sexually aroused. The thought of making love to myself at 13 over took my brain. Once again I was thankful that I took the Dr. Fernandez mind blocking pills. When Tyrone turned to look at me he noticed my erection and then he got an erection. My eyes opened wide and my heart frantically palpitated. I saw the head of his thick dick peeking out at the gym shorts. He was only 13 but he had a dick of a full grown man. I immediately went down on him. We were in the kitchen and I was on my knees blowing him. I pulled down his gym shorts. Tyrone held my head and thrusted his thick cock down my throat. His moans were intense. The sweat poured from his hairy body. To my amazement his sweat was milky not watery. I hadn’t seen this before. I was jerking my dick and being choked by his dick. Within minutes we both orgasmed together. I actually drank from his cock in order not to choke to death. In that aspect he was like Stefan. I wasn’t a heavy 'cummer' at any age. I stood up and tongue kissed my clone. I was euphoric. I made love to my clone. I made love to myself. Tyrone responded to my every need. We never talked about it and it was understood between us that it was something that only we did.
Two weeks later while we were patching up concrete holes in the tunnel, Tyrone attacked me. He knocked down the lamps, ripped my gym shorts off and ordered me to lay on my stomach. I did as he ordered. I became fearful and confused because since I was older than him I should have been the one giving orders. Tyrone placed his large hand around my throat. He immobilized me as I laid face down on the cold concrete floor. I felt Tyrone’s cock entering my ass. Since I was used to having Stefan’s big dick his size filling up my hole didn’t phase me. It was the fierceness he fucked me that put fear in my heart. I screamed in pain but he only slowed down. He kept his steel grip around my neck and softly whispered into my ear in Reptilian like Stefan. Then he continued to assault my ass. He pounded so deep in me that it felt like his cock was going to burst through to my aching balls. I felt the blood leaking from my anus. His grip was so tight I couldn’t breathe. He had me struggling for air. Tyrone orgasmed. He stood up and left me there in that dark tunnel alone. I didn’t realize it until I pulled up my bloodied gym shorts and returned to the house that he raped me. My clone Tyrone raped me. I went from feeling fear for my life to a sexual euphoria. I got an erection and when Tyrone walked into the kitchen where I stood with my rock hard erection; the sight of him sent me from pre-cum to a full ejaculation onto the kitchen floor without any hand manipulation. We kissed and went back to work.
Tyrone and I were having sex on a regular basis. Then it all stopped. I woke up one morning with Stefan staring down at me.
“The boys are leaving us,” he said as he got out of bed. “Tyler is going to be trained by S.A.S.S. Trey is going to be trained by the C.I.A. and Tyrone will be trained by the B.D.N.”
“What are you talking about?” I asked. “The B.D.N.?”
“Tyrone is going to Germany. The German Government volunteered to educate him. It’s free and he will be groomed for a leadership position in their military. It’s the same for all the boys. They’re highly intelligent for their age,” he responded. “Tyler will be educated by the South African government and Trey by the American government.”
“The B.D.N.?” I asked again which was obvious that my concern was Tyrone.
“ Bundesnachrichtendienst! Look it up!” he instructed as he left the room leaving me in shock.
It was clear that Tyrone had either told Stefan about our affair or Stefan read Tyrone’s mind. I trusted Dr. Fernandez. No matter where they shipped Tyrone, his organs were mine.

The boys would come home for all the holidays. I did enjoy them being around. Tyrone became very distant. We would embrace in a friendly manner. It felt cold but he was a Reptilian hybrid. Stefan and the boys would be in mind-synch a lot of times leaving me out of that closeness he had with them. However, in my head, Dr. Fernandez's words rang like a mantra, “I can make you live for 200 years.” I knew that day was arriving soon.
I think it was around the boys’ 17th birthday when I met this kid at the gas station. He was 16 and just got his driver’s license and I was 47. One thing led to another and the two of us were entangled in an illicit sex affaire. I had to think of ways to escape into town to see my boy-toy. It felt refreshing sucking on a fresh young cock again and tasting the sweetness of his massive load of seaman down my throat. Smelling his juvenile fragrance made my body go into spasmodic overdrive.
It was also around this time that Stefan began to act different towards me. I thought sure he must have sensed my extra marital activities but it wasn’t me. He lost his appetite. He grew lethargic and withdrawn. Then one morning I woke up to find him laying next to me in bed. We both slept in the nude. He was uncovered laying on his back staring at the ceiling. I thought for a moment he was dead. When I looked over to him his eyeballs moved in my direction.
“Stefan? What is it?” I asked.
“I’m afraid, David. Something is happening to me and I don’t know what it is,” he answered with terror in his eyes.
“We got to get you to a doctor.” I said as I jumped out of bed.
“NO!” he yelled.
When I got closer and looked down at his face I noticed the skin on his cheeks looked waxy. I plucked his right cheek with my fingernail and it started to peel. I pulled the peeling skin off his cheek and half his face from his skull to his chin. Then I peeled the other side. I stopped and gawked. His face was smooth as a new born baby. What wrinkles he had were gone. His eyebrows were darker and his lips were firmer. I then realized that Stefan’s body was encased in a skin cocoon. In exacerbation I pulled all the peeling skin down to his waist. I turned him on his side and pulled that skin down to his waist. All that dead skin came with the hair from his body. Stefan, from head to waist, had brand new skin. No hair, no blemishes or imperfections; it was baby smooth skin. I continued the task of freeing him from his entombment of dead skin. When I finished I became sexually stimulated by the sight of his hairless body and what looked like a new thick uncut penis with long hanging foreskin. Stefan was before his transformation looking 50ish at the age of 81. Now he looked like a 30 year old again at the age of 81. This gave me hope. Dr. Fernandez’s promise to me looked more credible than ever. Living to a ripe age of 200 excited me.
While Stefan was recovering from his metamorphosis, I was getting pounded daily by the 16 year old. He had a nice piece but nothing like Stefan’s or Tyrone’s. I came home that night sore from the kid’s butt invasion. Stefan met me at the door stark naked with his whole body covered in a 5 o’clock shadow. His cock was fully erected, throbbing and its huge purple head exposed readied for action. Before I could say a word he attacked me. He lifted me up by my throat and threw me down the hallway. I landed on my back. He jumped from the front door onto me like a grasshopper.
“Your fucking fling is over!” He growled. “You’re so fucking stupid! Don’t you know I can smell a strange human male scent on the man I love?”
He proceeded to rip my pants off and just like Tyrone he raped me leaving me in tears because I was in pain and bleeding from his assault. I then knew that Stefan was the man for me forever.
Raptures Denied
It all happened so quick. It started off with morning sickness then came the daily vomiting. I woke up one morning with this excruciating pain in my side. Stefan took me to the nearest city hospital’s emergency room. It was a five hour drive in horrific pain. I wanted Dr. Fernandez but that was impossible since he was prohibited to be in the States. I was in that hospital for a week. The diagnosis wasn’t very promising. I had kidney cancer and had to be put on dialysis.
Stefan kidnaped me from the hospital against the doctor's orders. Once we got home he stripped me naked and laid me on my back in our bed. He placed his hands on my sides where my kidneys were and where the pain was most intense.
“David! Look into my eyes!” he demanded. “No matter what happens just yell as loud and as much as you want but keep your eyes focused on mine.”
And with that statement I felt this tingling sensation throughout my body. It felt like an electric current was racing its way up and down my spine. Then I felt my kidneys were in worse pain than before. I hollered like a desperate mad animal.
“David! LOOK AT ME!” Stefan’s voice brought my eyes focused on him.
I passed out from the pain. I woke up in Stefan’s hairy embrace. He was kissing me and whispering to me in Reptilian or German. The two languages sounded the same.
“I hope this will last until we get you to safety,” he then whispered to me in English.
It was like he energized my whole body anew. I felt warm, peaceful and loved inside. The pain was gone. The nauseated taunting was over.

I thought Stefan was insane when he made me pack our backpack and filled boxes with food on a hunch that the Humans were coming to take him away. However, I did have a concealed package from Dr. Fernandez who instructed me not to open until emergencies as to the one Stefan was putting us through. He said that the packaging was lined with a fabric that the Reptilian’s mind couldn't perceive its contents. A special gun to stun them and a hologram communicator fixed on a signal to his hideaway in the Philippines. The feeling of urgency swept over me. Our safe haven had been breached. It was a gut feeling I had, and David and I had to evacuate the ranch as soon as possible. We spent a whole day packing our hidden jeep in the cave with food, water, the Reptilian GPS device and their cloaking apparatus. I was just about to do the last item on our ‘To-Do’ list when the property breach alarm went off. The two of us ran into the den to check out the surveillance videos. We saw armed Navy SEALS coming our way. It was obvious they knew that we knew of their impending arrival.
Stefan dragged me into the kitchen. He grabbed my left arm and placed it on the kitchen counter. He took one of the kitchen knives and started to cut into my forearm.
“What are you doing?” I screamed.
“Taking out your tracking implant,” he replied.
“The Humans put a tracking implant in you when we got married,” he explained with a determination. “I got one too but mine is from birth.”
 He dug deeper into my arm. I couldn’t withstand the pain. I tried my best to keep my arm from jerking from each of his deep incisions cutting into my human skin.
 “Holy shit, Stefan,” I yelled. “That fucking hurts! Hurry Up!”
He finally found the nano chip and forged it out with the knife. He placed the chip on the counter. He washed my wound and wrapped it up with a dish towel.
 “Now it’s your turn!” He said as he handed me the knife.
“Are you kidding me?” I asked. “I don’t know how to do this!”
Stefan ignored me and just pointed to a spot on his left forearm as he outstretched his arm onto the kitchen counter.
 “Here,” he gestured to the spot. “It’s kind of deep. Do it! Now! they’re coming!”
 I clumsily jabbed the knife in his arm searching for the implant. When I felt the knife’s point rammed into something that felt like metal and not flesh I knew I found it. The difficult task was digging it out from his arm without slicing it in half. 
 “This thing is fucking deep!” I exclaimed.
 “Hurry up!” He yelled. “They’re coming!”
 Finally the knife caught the chip. The chip was stuck on the knife’s point.
“Got it!” I yelled.
I dragged the chip along the same route that the knife had cut into Stefan’s forearm. He was bleeding profusely. It wasn’t until then that I noticed that his blood appeared to be a strange color. It wasn’t dark red or blue or even green but it had a dingy mixture of all three.
After I washed his wound and wrapped it in a dish cloth, we ran into the bedroom and grabbed our backpacks. We entered the wardrobe closet, lifted the trap door on the floor, and jumped into the escape tunnel.
We crawled on our hands and knees because of the pitch darkness and the height of the tunnel was not uniform. When we reached close toward the end of the tunnel where we stood up and ran the rest of the way. The tunnel led to the cave where we had a spare jeep parked for the occasion. We got into our jeep. We managed to escape the humans off the ranch onto the main highway.
 Stefan drove for hours following the GPS system. Then he pulled over off the highway into the emergency lane. We switched places. I drove following the GPS while Stefan slept.
I began to get nauseous. The pain was beginning to return. That familiar pain that my kidneys were not functioning again. The sun was rising in sync with the pain. I put my sunglasses on and popped a couple of painkillers and medicine for my kidneys. I just wished we were on our way to see Dr. Fernandez. Stefan woke up. Sensing the sun he immediately put on his Reptilian sunglasses to protect his eyes. I noticed that the dashboard was flashing a red light.
“We need gas,” I informed Stefan as I winced in pain.
I got off at the nearest exit. As I pulled into the gas station to the pumps I slumped over the steering wheel in pain. Stefan got out of the car and went into the convenience store.
I took my soiled towel with me just in case I had an emergency. As I was pumping gas the well in my stomach was about to explode. I walked as quickly as I could to the back of the convenience store. The substance that came out of my mouth was greenish red and I knew that was not a good sign. Just as the last drop of vomit was wiped from my face Stefan walked up to me. I straightened up and returned to the car.
 “How are you feeling, David?” He asked.
 I was getting weak and needed to sit down. I got into the driver’s seat and without warning the remaining substances in my stomach secreted onto the gas station pavement. 
 “Horrible!” I screamed. “I don’t know if it’s the medicine or the cancer?” 
 “You want me to drive?” Stefan asked as he finished fueling the car.
 “No. I’m good. Where are we going?” I needed to prove a point. I wasn't going down without a fight.
 “To the desert.”
“I know but where in the desert?”
 “If I tell you that they will know. You’re human, remember? Your minds are too easily accessible.” Stefan politely explained but his explanation infuriated me.
 “Well that implant had nothing to do with my mind. I was abducted right?” I spewed back at him.
 “No. You were drugged and my Granddad inserted it into you.”
 “And where were you?” I glared at him with suspicion.
 “Incapacitated but watching.” 
 “Incapacitated from what?”
 “The same drug they gave you,” He said. “But my mind was able to see.”
 “Drugged? How?” I sighed. The conversation had begun to bore me.
 “I think it was the dinner we had at that restaurant on our honeymoon in the Bahamas,” He said as I prepared for take off. 
 “So why didn’t you tell me?”
 “If I did, would you have let it stay in your body?”
 I ignored him but watched how his attention was focused on the truck that pulled up behind us. A man in his 30s exited the truck and went into the convenience store. Stefan couldn’t keep his eyes off of him.
 “A hybrid,” he said in surprise. “He doesn’t even know it.”
“How do you know?” I asked.
 “I can smell him.”
“I don’t smell anything.” 
 “That’s because you’re human,” he laughed. “I can smell certain hybrids miles away.”
 “What do they smell like?” I asked as I rolled my eyes.
 “This one smells sour. I can’t explain it. This hybrid is low level.”
 “What does that mean?” I asked in my patronizing tone.
 “It means that his DNA manipulation and gene modification didn’t work. The government and the Reptilians have been experimenting with the human races for decades now trying to create the perfect army.”
 Then the pain hit me again. I was bent over in pain when he walked over to me.
 “I will give it another try when we get to a hotel for the night,” he whispered in my ear. “At the colony the doctors there will help you.”
 “Stefan, I’m scared. I don’t want to die! The pain is worse now!” I cried in fear.
“I’ll drive. You rest,” he said as he kissed me.
When we checked into the hotel I immediately laid naked on the kingsize bed under the covers. Stefan was also naked, standing on the opposite side of the bed, observing me. I wanted Dr. Fernandez. He knew how to cure my cancer. He held the key.
 “Stefan, you think one of our boys will give me a kidney?” I inquired.
“I don’t know,” he replied in a monotone voice which gave me the creeps. 
 “What do you mean you don’t know? You know them like a book. You’re in their minds.” I questioned him but I knew I had to be careful not to have a showdown.
 “And so are you. What do you think?” He asked me with this weird look in his eyes of which I’ve never seen before.
 “I think Tyrone will give me a kidney.” I answered as I looked away from his gaze.
 “Tyrone won’t do it.”
 “Tyrone and Trey relate to me.I know one of them will give me a kidney,” I said in my defense. “Tyler is your favorite, so God forbid if I ask him.”
 “God has nothing to do with it. Tyrone is just like you, human. He won’t do it. Your fears are his fears. Trey won’t do it since his new girlfriend rules over him which is another human trait they inherited from your genes and DNA,” he informed me as he sat beside me and cradled me in his arms. “But, Tyler will, if willI ask him. Tyler, just may have the ability to grow back a kidney.”
“What?” I asked in surprise.
 “You never paid too much attention to the boys when they were growing up. Tyler cut a finger off playing with your uncle James’s saber. The boys had to have been no more than 5 years old. Nobody knew, so we kept it quiet. This was the most difficult thing for Tyler and I to do, since his brothers were in mental contact 24/7. But, Tyler and I, we concentrated and found a way to keep them out of our heads. That was when it dawned on me that Tyrone and Trey’s minds were more human and easily manipulated,” he sighed. “Well, Tyler grew back his finger because he wanted a brand new finger.”
 “So, are you going to ask Tyler?” I queried. I got excited because that would have meant I didn’t need to honor the agreement between me and Dr. Fernandez.
 “Why did you marry me?” He quizzed me with a tricked question.
His intense eyes fixed on me made my blood run cold.
 “I knew you thought me crazy when I revealed to you that I was a hybrid; but, are you sure it wasn’t the proposition of creating children together using my DNA?”
“I love you, Stefan,” I said in my defense as I grabbed his hairy hands tenderly.
 “No,” he said as he pulled away from my grip. “You love my big cock and how much sex I can give you! You could care less about the person inside this body!”
 “But I do love you!” 
 “Maybe now but surely not back then! When we met in Provincetown you told all your friends that you finally hooked a ‘Mandingo'!”
 “I was young and stupid I didn’t know any better!” I cried out. 
 “So I could have told you I was a Martian and you would have believed or done anything to keep this ‘Mandingo’ in your bed.”
 “Why are you bringing this up now? For Heaven’s sake, Stefan! I love you! I stayed with you! Doesn’t that prove anything?” I reasoned with him wincing in pain.
 “No! After the doctor told us that the boys were our clones, you saw them as storage for body parts for us when our own bodies could no longer go on! That was when and why you stayed with me!”
 “Look at you!” I yelled at him in anger. “You’re 88 years old and don’t look a day over 30! Look at you! When was the last time you were sick and frail? Why wouldn’t I want that?”
 “David! I die like everything else on this planet. I am not immortal and neither are you.”
 “Yeah, but you age slower than us.” I explained as the pain in my sides became unbearable.
 “That was not by design. In fact, that is the mystery of my being. They don’t know what to make of me.”
 “Why are you bringing this up now?” I once again cried out in torment.
“Because my Reptilian brain is tired of my human heart falling in love with you every time you’re in some kind of pain.” Stefan then placed his moist lips to my ear and whispered. “What about my pain, David? What about my pain?”
 “I never knew you were in any kind of pain.” I whispered in return as I tried to kiss his lips.
 “How could you when you are so self centered?” He countered moving his face away from my touch.
 HIs belligerent turned into Reptilian rage. He jumped on top of me.
 “My pain?” He exclaimed. “My pain is not feeling normal in a world that’s less normal than I am. I know what humans think and I’ve studied them like rats in a cage. For me you are at the low end of the evolutionary chain…”
In mid sentence Stefan grabbed his head in agony.
I wiggled myself free from his body-trap and stood at the edge of the bed looking at him in shock. Now he was the one in torturous pain.
 “What’s wrong?” I asked frantically.
 “He’s in my head!”
 “Who? Your Granddad?” I asked in hopes that the answer was a negative.
 “He’s trying to scan my mind!”
“Don’t let him in! If he finds us he will kill us! Hold on!” I demanded of him in desperation. There was no telling of what his Granddad would have done if he knew of my agreement with Dr. Fernandez to harness his favorite grandson.
 I ran to my duffle bag, pulled out the medicine bag and got the bottle of the mind blocking pills that Dr. Fernandez gave me. I took out one pill then jumped on top of him. I placed one hand over his eyes.
 “Think of something complex! Make your mind chaotic!” I commanded.
 “I’m trying!”
 “Open your mouth!”
When he opened his mouth I put the pill under his bident tongue.
 “Don’t swallow; suck on it like candy!” I instructed him.
 After fifteen minutes of his sucking vigorously on the pill, it appeared that his agony subsided. I got off him. I sat next to him but the tables turned once again and I was in unbearable pain from the cancer not from knowing that I had used up my one and only trump card.
 “So, where did you get this drug that can force out a Reptilian out of your brain?” He asked indignantly.
 “Dr. Fernandez gave me the drug when the boys were born. He said I needed it to keep my mind sane from you and the boys who would be constantly reading my mind.” CHECKMATE! I was naked and vulnerable for his attacks.
 “And all this time we thought your human brain was just too chaotic for us to focus on.”
 In his outrage he stood up. I feared for my life. I’ve never seen Stefan in this state of emotions before. He pushed me down onto the bed and got on top of me. We were face to face. His heated hybrid breath scalded my cheeks. I was in tears from the pain. He peered into my brain with his Reptilian eyes. I felt them burning their way into my head. 
 “You will get your kidneys but deceive me again, human, and I will kill you and it will be the best ass fucking you’ve ever had!”
 And with that statement he pushed down on both of my kidneys with the palms of his hands. His muscles puffed up into a hulk and his magnetic field charged current overwhelmed me until I passed out.

The next day I was completely annoyed with Stefan’s aloofness. We’ve been driving for hours in the hot desert looking for this ‘Colony’ that was supposed to be a safe haven for hybrids. Then I became bottled up with anger when he had us walking in the hot desert to the ‘Colony’.
After walking for two hours I exploded.
“Now what? We covered our tracks. So, where is this colony?” I asked as calmly as I could under the circumstances.
 “There is no colony,” he sighed.
 “What the fuck are you talking about, Stefan?” I lost my cool for sure.
 “For the last three miles I’ve been trying to penetrate your mind.” Stefan returned. “You’ve been blocking me out since we left the ranch. What are you hiding from me, David?” He asked, catching me off guard.
“You don’t trust me?” I asked in retaliation.
“No!” He answered plain and simple.
 “We’ve been lovers for how many years now?” I said as I tried to cover my tracks. “24? And…”
 “Shut up, David!” Stefan cut me off yelling at the top of his voice. “I’m not the boys and I’m not one of your Blow and Go buddies!”
 “But you knew about that!” I had to remind him.
 “That’s not what I’m talking about. Our relationship had a very rocky start before the boys were born. Right after their birth, however, you became the loving, caring, husband that I had always wanted. It was like magic,” he explained to me as he got closer. “That was, until they went off to be indoctrinated by the humans. Then you wanted to have your ‘open relationship’ flings. I’m realizing that your blocking me out of your head is deceitful and hateful.” He was now in my face chastising me with fire and brimstones.
 “I love you, Stefan. When are you going to believe that?” I said as I kissed him passionately.
 “There is no colony,” he said with a blank look on his face.
 “What?” I shouted. I was exasperated.
“I came out here to die, David. This is the end of the road for us.”
 “Are you out of your fucking Reptilian mind!? Give me the cloaking device controls! I’m going back!”
 “I think not!” He said as he walked away from me deeper into the desert.
 I went into my backpack and took out the Reptilian stun gun that Dr. Fernandez gave me for a situation like this. I shot him in the back. He fell to the ground, paralyzed but conscious. I ran over to him, turned him onto his back and then I got on top of him.
 “I don’t know if you can hear me or not,” I started. “I do love you, Stefan. I grew to love you but you and the boy’s constant probing my mind and knowing my deepest darkest secrets were way too much for me. I knew you knew about my secret adulterous relationships. I only did what I had to do to keep our marriage intact.” I lied but I was desperate.
It excited me to see this hot hung Reptilian paralyzed and I was in control to do whatever I wanted to do with him. I kissed him, inserting my tongue into his mouth.
 “I love you more than you’d ever know.” I sighed. “I’ve never loved a man like you. Hell, Stefan, I’ve never made love to a Reptilian hybrid except for Raymond, but you are ten times better. You weren’t my first and you won’t be my last,” I laughed. “But, I love my life more and if I can live to be 200 years old without looking a day older than I am now I’m going for it. Why should you hybrids have all the fun?” I proclaimed and went on to do business with Dr. Fernandez.
 I took out the hologram communication device. I placed the device on the desert floor and took out its console. I waited for the device to find and hook up with the right signal from Dr. Fernandez headquarters in the Philippines. To my surprise Granddad’s hologram showed up instead.
 “You weren’t expecting me, hun, David?”
 “Where’s Dr. Fernandez?” I demanded.
 “Francis? I had him eliminated. I got tired of her human antics.” He looked over at Stefan. “Oh, I see you restrained my grandson. Very good! Very good!” he laughed. “Do not worry, David, I will not eliminate you. I will let you live with my grandson here on our moon base.”
 “I don’t want to live on your moon base. Dr. Fernandez promised me a new life with new kidneys and a new identity.”
 “Francis always had a way with words. That bitch would tell you anything to keep my grandson from the Reptilians. I will honor his words to you. You will have your kidneys and any other cancerous organs in your body removed and replaced. They will keep you healthy for 30 years with no aging. We will give you a new identity, but you must live in Canada and never leave that country. You can not ever see or contact your sons or anyone from your family. This will cause your elimination. Stefan will be with me on the moon so that ‘marriage’ is over.”
 “Dr. Fernandez promised me 200 years of life.” I cried out.
 “I’m not Dr. Fernandez,” he growled. “Take it or leave it.”
 “I’ll take it!” I grinned. Besides, I thought to myself, after the 30 years I can negotiate another 30 years from the Reptilians. 
 “I thought so.” Granddad returned the grin.
 A hovering spacecraft became visible above us
 “What are you going to do with him?” I asked.
 “We will figure out how his DNA has been changed and his genes reorganized. Maybe we can undo what Francis did behind our backs.”
 “Then what?” I questioned with teary eyes.
 “He will be eliminated!”
 “No! I love him,” I cried out and became hysterical. “I love him!” I reached for Stefan as the tractor beam lifted him up into the space craft. Then I glared at Granddad’s hologram and chanted, “You can break my heart and crush my dreams but you can never take my soul. You can break my heart and crush my dreams but you can never take my soul…”

I woke up with a tube down my throat and what looked like a female gender humanoid dressed in green scrubs staring down at me.
“How are you feeling, Mr. Lazarian?” it asked in its robotic voice.
“queasy,” I answered.
“That will go away soon,” it said as it used its hand to scan my body. “Temperature is normal and all transplanted organs are working in homeostasis mode.”
Another humanoid entered the room with a large glass of liquid substance and handed it to me.
“You need to drink this. No solid food for a week.” it said as it left the room with the second humanoid following close behind.
As I drank the bland liquid I scoured my surroundings. I cringed my face in concentration. It took awhile then it all made sense. I was in a hidden underground medical facility in Montreal, Canada. The Reptilian called Granddad was fulfilling his promise to me for delivering his grandson to him. The fog in my mind started to evaporate when another humanoid entered the room. This one appeared male with a muscular shape. It was wearing blue scrubs.
“Mr. Lazarian, how are you today?” it asked in its masculine bass robotic voice. “You are all set to go home. We did find a mass growing on your big intestine. It wasn’t cancerous. we did remove it. We have it in the lab studying it. The mass is biological of some kind. It is a living organism of sorts but no worry. You are fit and built rock strong. We shouldn’t be seeing you any time soon,” it chuckled.
My humanoid bodyguard picked me up at the facility and drove me home. It was a two bedroom apartment in Vieux Montreal. Its purpose was to keep me in check. I wasn’t supposed to leave the city or the country.
“If all my new organs are chipped then why do I need you hanging around?” I asked. “They got me monitored to the max.”
“I am programmed to protect you from the humans,” he said in his monotone manner.
“Why would the humans come after me?”
“I am just programmed to protect your physical person from being kidnapped by the humans,” he answered as he went about his duties.
It took me some weeks to recover from all the surgeries. My bodyguard was like a live in Home Attendant. It was at my beck and call fulfilling my every need. I never thought much of it until the morning when I became unstable in the shower and fell onto the hard tile floor. I yelled in pain and it rushed in to help me up. As it was picking me up I felt its warm muscular body up against mine and my cock got rock hard. Once I stabilized standing in front of him I began to undress him. I pulled down his zipper and massaged the thick bulge between his legs hidden in its underwear.
“Do you want me to have an erection?” he asked.
It stiffened up instantly. I took it out from its resting place and played with it. It was a perfect penis. It looked to be about 8”. It was fat and round from the mushroom head to its huge hanging balls.
“Do you want to suck it or have me insert it in you?” he asked.
“Does it work like a human prick or is it all mechanical?” I asked.
“I was built with a biological human organ shell. My skin is made up of living cells. The rest of me is all mechanical. My prick performs perfectly like a 25 year old human male penis. I can cum up to 5x in an hour. I can have intercourse as long as you want. I do not tire out nor do I need time to get an erection once I ejaculate.”
“WOW! You’re my kind of man!” I exclaimed as I fell to my knees and made love to its human living cell cock.
When I finally undressed it down to its bare skin it was no longer some alien Reptilian creature in front of me but a muscular adonis covered in light brown stubby hair. I realized that it was created to be a male/female pleasure android. Besides that it had the perfect cock, it also had a perfect vagina instead of an anus. I abused both of its sexual amenities. Its mouth was the perfect sucking apparatus for my cock, balls and nipples. I was in heaven and spent my days fucking and my nights getting fucked.
This situation had its quirks. There was no passion in the sex. It was all mechanical. When I looked into its eyes I saw no emotion. It had no soul. I was fucking a lifeless sex doll that felt like a human being. I began to miss Stefan. I needed him to fulfill my holes with lust and passion. I needed him to kiss me with moist lips and tell me how much he loved me. This thing I was fucking said and did all that with no affection, no enthusiasm and with no heated breath. I needed to get out. I needed to find Stefan and the boys.
In my favor Dr. Fernandez had stashed a ton of his mind blocking pills across the planet. Since he was always on the move keeping himself one step from being captured by the Illuminati and the Reptilians he didn’t want me in contact with him for the pills. I had to memorize each location and if I forgot any of them I was screwed. My abductors may have known the GPS on my body parts but they had no bearings on my mind. I had a plan of escape and I executed it with precision.
I knew I had to get to St. Clair, Ontario. I discovered that my body guard had a mechanical glitch. Since it couldn’t read my thoughts I had a great advantage over it. Every time I instructed my bodyguard to simulate male and female orgasms at the same time while I got my cock in its false pussy and jerked off its bio-robotic cock it got stuck in a loop and reactivated itself after 2 minutes. That was when I took out the hammer I had hidden under the bed and crushed its head which was its CPU. Then I pounded into its chest to disengage its power source. I had 15 minutes to escape before the Reptilians arrived once its power source failed.
I took off in the new anti gravity vehicle that just came out on the market. The one thing I can say about the Reptilians they kept me surrounded by the most up-to-date innovations. My destination was a place in St. Clair behind an establishment.
It was midnight when I arrived. I parked my vehicle in front of the neighborhood bar. I walked indiscriminately behind the establishment and followed my mind’s eye to the spot where the pills were buried. After I retrieved the bounty I entered the bar through the back door. It was crowded beyond its capacity. I immediately bulls-eyed two figures sitting at a table. My human senses told me that these guys I’ve seen before but just couldn’t figure out where. I was being tagged. I sat at the same table. No one observed us in the dark corner. I nodded to them and they nodded back. When they blinked their eyes I knew they were Reptilians. I stood up.
“You guys have been stalking me since I’ve left Montreal,” I smiled. “I know who you are.”
At that precise moment I pulled out a rapid firing proton gun beating them from pulling out their own weapons. I blasted them. The electrical charge rendered them helpless. No one in the bar noticed. I dropped a silver marble onto the floor and quickly left through the main entrance. No one suspected my frantic exit as I hopped into the anti gravity vehicle and activated the explosive silver marble. I drove away as quickly and quietly as I could. About a mile later I had to stop for a red light. I glanced into the rear view mirror anticipating the oncoming explosion. In the mirror I saw a balloon of fire reaching the starry sky. At that second another anti gravity vehicle pulled up next to me at the red light. I looked over and smiled at the driver wearing sunglasses. As soon as the light turned green I sped off as fast as I could. The other vehicle chased after me. The other vehicle was much heavier and faster. The driver of that vehicle rammed into my vehicle knocking out my anti gravity power unit. I flipped over and over into a field of sugar beets. When my vehicle finally stopped I jumped out through the rear escape hatch. Once I evaded the flaming car I was confronted by the driver of the other vehicle. A spacecraft uncloaked itself directly above us. The Driver of the other vehicle pulled out a stun gun aimed at me. I’ve lived through this scene before. I was once again trapped. I began to chant. It was the only thing I knew to do to keep calm in the situation. As I chanted I was beamed up to the space craft. My mind was going blank but the words continued to spew out.
“You can break my heart and crush my dreams but you can never take my soul. You can break my heart and crush my dreams but you can never take my soul…"

To Be Continued...
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