Mom's Panties


For most of my young life all I ever wanted to do was play with look at or even wear my mom's panties, and even look for her used ones as I thought the smell of them was extra exciting. In our family there were just three boys, myself and one older and one younger brother. So every time I was alone I would go through her drawers looking for the shiny one's as I did have a thing for shiny panties, as I got to find out they were satin. I would hold them smell them and even wear them when home alone.

At the time I realized that if there were clean ones then there must be some dirty ones as well, so I spent a lot of time in the laundry room. I would pull them up to my nose and take a deep breath then when I got to excited I would lick the crouch area and doing this would make my cock hard, so I would put the panties around my cock and go to town so to speak but I would never cum in them just in case mom started asking questions. Dad worked during the day as did mom but she was part time, dad's biggest problem was that he loved to drink and in his own words ones too many and a case is not enough. So it was not uncommon for them to fight about it and in some cases would end in mom taking us kids to the aunties for the night.

As time went on I did indeed get a little bolder like being around when she showered or when she was getting ready to go out, her body was nice for her age and at 32 she did get some looks. let's face it If I was looking then others would to, then one day after mom and dad had got into a big fight I was doing my laundry check and I pulled a small black pair of mom's panties out of the basket but something was different they were damp yet mom had left hrs before. I lifted them up for a closer look and the crouch was a bit slimy to touch then I took a deep breath, wow this is different I licked along the material and I knew it had to be cum and the more I licked the more excited I got so I wrapped them around my cock and started rubbing like a boy possessed this time however I did cum into them wasn't like it would make any difference and when I was done I pushed them to the bottom of the basket.

On the weekend dad went fishing with some friends so I thought no fresh cum panties this weekend and I went about my business as mom would be around the house, my brothers were outside just wasting time and soon mom asked if I would ride down the shops for her in order to get some things, sure I said I might ask Dean the younger brother if he feels like a ride. So off Dean and I went towards the shops I enjoyed riding and it wasn't long before we were there, Dean met a couple of his friends and started talking while I went into the shop after what seamed like hrs I asked Dean are ready to leave yet sure he snapped back lets go.

Mom we are back and your things are on the table she yells back thankyou and I turn to go to my room, but hang on I might just check the hamper for a pair of panties to take to my room so into the laundry and right near the top is a nice red pair. I pick them up and oh shit they are full of warm cum this can't be right, my is all kinds of twisted now dad is not home and Rees the older brother is still out front. So I quickly lick up what I can and head to my where I sit for hrs trying to put things together, nothing works I can't figure it out.

Later that day about 6pm mom asked if I could go and get dean from his friends house sure no problem, and after a little rugby at the friends house we headed home I so wanted to tell Dean about what found but couldn't get the nerve. Dinners up boys we all sat down to chicken n chips not a lot of talk no one seamed to miss dad. Mom cleared up and we went to watch TV I'm going for a bath mom said and up the stairs she went, I quickly went to the laundry to get another look at those cum filled panties only to find another cum filled pair this is all kinds of wrong I thought but never look a gift horse in the mouth and I quickly sucked up the cum that was there.

That night I just couldn't sleep staring out the window trying for the best of me to nut this out, that's it I'm going to get a drink down the stairs to the kitchen while standing there I noticed the garage light was on if dad knew we were wasting power he would blow a fuse. So do the right thing I thought and go turn it off, out the laundry door I went and down past the garage towards the door however s I went to pass the open window I could hear mom's voice. I looked through the corner of the window and there was mom bent over the work bench and Rees was fucking her from behind, OH shit now it all made sense the shop getting Dean from his friends house.

I looked back through the window and the best part was that I could hear as well Rees had hold of her hips and pushing her back and forth really fast and mom was groaning and telling him how good it felt, I looked down and mom a pink pair of panties around her ankles harder harder she told him and with that he picked up the pace I could hear their bodies slap together. The thought of watching them and the fact that I had unknowingly been eating my brothers cum (and loved every drop of it)had me rubbing my own cock until I cum all over the garage wall. When I caught my breath and started to watch them again I heard my brother scream out I love you mom, and she replied with fill me son fill mommy up with your cum and right then he pulled her back tightly and told her that he is indeed filling her with cum.

After a short time he pulled back and his cock dropped out, she turned to him kissed him and said that's mommies boy then she bent down a pulled her panties up. Rees said pink looks good on you and mom replied with Ill leave them on just long enough for all your cum to leak out then it's in the hamper so that your little brother Brett can get his fill, shit I could feel my face go bright red and I rushed back to my room and jumped into bed (still couldn't bloody sleep)
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