Tied naked in the girls locker room


I had just started college, U of U in Utah. I had been raised in a very small Mormon community, And no if your familiar with polygamy in Utah it was not a polygamist town. well Small town Utah lots of farming and a very strict mormon upbringing, So I didnt get much social time to socialize and learn how to be around kids around my age. My cousins from the city were about the only education in sexual terms I had recieved so I was naive. I was still a virgin. I had had a couple girls that I really liked but My Parents were very strict and they kept my time very limited. The few dates I had been allowed to go on were always chaperoned. I had never been naked with a girl I had never seen a naked girl except one time My cousin from the city had flashed me with her tits then her ass. My male cousins had smuggled me some nude magazines. So I had read and seen what those magazines had to offer. But for actual hands on and in person sight. I was seriously lacking and way to deprived, almost to the point of being depraved.
So college started and I was way out of my comfort zone in the big city of The University let alone Salt Lake City. I ended up taking a pre algebra class that was held a few doors down from the ladies locker room. I kinda hit it off with a couple of girls in my class. One of them Jan was adored by a pretty tough lesbian girl Tammy who would meet her after class and they would walk hand in hand off to the parking lot after class. I didnt know what a lesbian was until later. Well one day Jan seemed a bit quiet and I asked her what was wrong she started to cry and said she couldnt talk about it. she asked me if I was busy after class I said "No" This was my last class of the day. So she asked if I could stay a while. So after class we stayed out in the hall and talked. She asked all kinds of questions and I answered them all. Then Tammy came out of the girls locker room with a few other girls Jan rushed off with them. well this started a pattern every other day for about 3 weeks till the end of the semester. I hadnt asked near as many questions as I should have I found out later. I was Hoping to get to know Jan better I had a serious crush on her. And as you know thats like putting blinders on. I now know she was preparing for something. Little was I to know A big game was coming up and she was preparing me to be a sacrifice.
The day of the game, Jan wanted to talk after class I didnt think anything except yay I get to talk to Jan.
So class ends Me and Jan meet in the hall but she starts walking instead of sitting down. Pretty soon the hall is empty and she walks real close to the ladies locker room opening. Suddenly I feel a hand over my mouth and numerous hands on me, then a gag and a blindfold. Next thing I am being layed down on a bench with my arms and legs stretched out. Then my clothes are removed, Then I feel ropes being tied to my ankles and wrists and around my waist and chest. I had never been in this situaton or anything close and though I had never been afraid of anything I was pretty tough and could handle my own. This caught me off guard and I was scared shitless. I cant say anything but my questions are answered as I finally figure out from exhaustive efforts to escape, that I cant escape. One of The girls laughing says so you are a virgin, and a mighty fine specimen. You will be free of disease. Just the perfect candidate. we have been trying to find a volunteer to father a few babies and since none of us like men we dont actually want a relationship just your sperm. But since we got you like this and you havent even touched a girl I want you to taste me. I felt a leg on both sides of my face the gag was removed, then an aroma then moist peices of flesh on my mouth. and a tap on the top of my head with the instruction to lick. I hesitated and suddenly I was being suffocated, I Heard the instruction to lick as she raised up a little, so i stuck my tongue out and got more instruction and one of my balls suddenly hurt like it never had. I tried my best to follow the instructions as my mouth was being ground on. I feel the pressure on my testicle release. And the voice says we can crush one of those we only need one to produce the sperm we need so you better follow instructions. For some reason even though I was scared stiff My cock was stiffer. I start noticing this just as the legs clamp against my head and the girl whos crotch I am licking starts shaking. And drops on my face. I cant say anything but Im thinking, oh, oh what have I done wrong, and fearing the pain in my ball to be coming soon. But instead she raises a bit and slides down, I feel warmth then moisture engulf my cock. Then movement as she starts pumping up and down. Im thinking Oh This feels good, oh this feels really good, oh wow this feels really really good. whats happening in my balls whats that feeling between my leg, Suddenly a surge an explosion and my balls clamp up and somethig thick is pulsing through and out my cock that I had never felt before, Suddenly my fathers voice and my bishops voice are yelling in my brain that this is a sin, that this is something special only reserved for marraige, You must be clean and save yourself for marraige to go thru the temple and achieve the celestial kingdom. I started yelling I cant do this its a sin, and just as suddenly another pussy is on my mouth and a slap to the head and horrible crushing ball pain with the instruction to shut up and lick. I feel a hand stroking my still hard penis and another voice says, look he is still hard, and warm moist pussy lips engulfing my penis, We might not have to be here as long as we planned. She starts pumping up and down, My mouth is being ground on. More instructions. Then I hear That is enough of that cock in my pussy hurry and come make me pregnant. a couple more strokes then the voice says, will somebody squeeze the sperm out of his nuts into me. Suddenly one ball feels like it will be crushed then release then the other ball then release back and forth. Then that feeling between my legs as my back tries to arch then both balls feel like they will be crushed and explode as my cock begins spurting just as strong as before. and then my head is being crushed and shaken as the girl cums on my face, squirting just about drowning me. The girl on my cock pulls off me and I feel a hand on my cock as the girl on my mouth says, stay hard and I feel my cock engulfed again. She starts pumping and my cock is ultra sensitive its painful, I began screaming please stop I can hard get words out, and suddenly another puss on my mouth a slap to my head and instructions to lick. My balls being crushed, my mouth being ground, suddenly I came again. Then everything was repeated. I dont know how long or how many times I started to drift in and out.
I woke to a scream the gag was in my mouth and i was still blindfolded.I heard in the distance some pervert is naked on a bench in the dressing room, a couple other voices well we will show him. The oh look he must have had help look around for the cameras while we teach this perv some manners that he wont forget. suddenly I felt my balls feel like they had exploded I just about puked, I heard a girl say take the gag out we want him to feel all this with out choking on his vomit. I felt something tight around my penis then pulled tight stretching my penis so it felt like it was being pulled out of my body I let out a scream and slam another hit to my balls. I must have passed out. I woke with a horrible smell, someone had a vial of smelling salts below my nose. as I came to I heard the instruction. You have to stay awake for this. I heard another girl in the distance say yes the bander and bands were still in my truck.
I began pleading, no,, not that,, when the gag was put back in my mouth. I felt a hand on my cock and totally against my will My Cock hardened. I felt something being forced in my pee hole and realized they had the emergency nurse station opened and it was a catheter. Then the cold of the bander with a band stretched on it slip down over my cock then my Balls one at a time forced through the band. Im pleading no please no but mhph mhph is all that is coming out. I feel the band tightening around the base of my cock and balls, I have put the bander on enough young bulls to know everything that is caught in the band will die within hours and then fall off within days, I start crying Imagining what life will be with nothing but a pee hole and a butt hole between my legs, Then The band stretched and removed, my balls rubbed and rolled a bit and my cock stroked as I cum a small empty orgasm. I hear Jans voice as my blindfold comes off and she gives me a kiss. She says Happy Birthday I hope this was the fantasy you told me you wanted for your first time.. the rest of the girls were all nude and started popping party poppers and favors ringing in the air. I breathed a giant sigh of relief, And decided my church days were over right there..
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