Came Home Too Early
Joe Blow
My mother passed away about 2 years ago. The cancer took her quickly but it was a very sad event and it devastated all of my very small family. She had always been the center of our lives and now she was gone.
It took many of us by surprise that she went before my dad. She died in her late 50s and my father was just topping 90. He isn’t in the best of health but he doesn’t show any signs of slowing down.
No, you didn’t read that wrong. There is a 34 year age gap between my parents. My parents married late in my dad’s life. He was in his early 50s and my mom was a freshman in college. Since my dad was a professor and I was born about 7 months after they got married, it’s pretty obvious how that happened.
I grew up an only child in a wonderful home. My parents fought. A lot. But everyone’s parents fought. They stuck through the rough patches and still seemed to love each other.
Shortly before my mother’s death, I discovered that my father had at least 2 affairs during their marriage. I was a small child and looking back, I can piece together memories of their biggest fights. I spoke to my mom about it before she got too sick and she confirmed that he had a couple “mis-steps” but that he “grew out of it.”
Following somewhat in his footsteps, I married rather late and only had one child as well. My daughter Allison was born almost 16 years ago and, tragically, her mother didn’t survive a terrible infection she contracted during her c-section. After a generous settlement over a wrongful death lawsuit, Allie and I never worried much for material things. I was a 38 year old single father about to raise a daughter on my own.
We did fairly well for the most part. Once she hit puberty, she didn’t like me as much as before. I guess that’s normal. It’s not that we didn’t get along, it’s just that she had an attitude a lot.
Fortunately, it didn’t stop her from being a good kid. She continues to get good grades and is a star athlete. She is an All-State runner, amazing striker in soccer and excels at volleyball. She has never really been one to go out with friends. She has a few good friends but for the most part is a lone soul. Anyone that meets her can’t help but to enjoy her company but she enjoys being on her own a lot.
To say that I didn’t notice my daughter physically transforming into a woman would be a lie. I remember the period talk. We stopped buying underwear by the bag and started moving on to pieces that came on individual hangers. We had open communication about the entire process of transforming from a child to a woman. I would like to think we can talk about anything and it seems as though we usually do.
Doing laundry got interesting when the occasional thong or skimpier undergarment would find their way mixed in with my clothes. I learned (the hard way) not to ask questions about boys. Her bedroom room started to be closed more frequently. All in all, she was growing up.
It was around the time that my mother passed that I noticed her body start to change more. She had developing breasts, even if they were small. Her hips started to become very noticeable and the years of running and playing sports gave her an incredibly firm and muscular butt. I knew she was going to be a heartbreaker.
After my mother’s death, my father came to live with Allie and me. It took some getting used to as my father was used to living a certain way as were Allie and I. For the most part it seemed like we were all doing pretty well adjusting and his idiosyncrasies that were most annoying died down after a few weeks time, leading me to believe it was just adjusting to missing my mother.
Allie too had to adjust. Being the only female in a how with her father was one thing, but now her (very) elderly grandfather was in her space as well. They have always gotten along and my father spoils her rotten, of course, and the scuffle over bathroom cleanliness only came up on the second day. All in all, this was working out fine.
With my father adjusting to life without my mother surprisingly quickly, like I said - just a few weeks, I had rarely seen him more at peace. I felt proud that our family was emotionally strong enough to weather the storm.
Fast forward to this past weekend.
I work in sales which means my hours vary from time to time and I travel a lot. I’m currently working on a large account that is based in Europe and that makes things even more difficult.
Last weekend, I had to go into the office on Saturday for a meeting with one of our reps that just flew back from London and debrief him on what happened. I anticipated being gone until dinner. Fortunately, everything was much simpler than I thought and we were picking up to head home by 11am. I was looking forward to a cold beer and a good documentary on my newly-freed Saturday.
I came home and parked in the driveway instead of the garage. I figured I might run to the store later and grab some more beer if we were in fact low. I couldn’t remember.
Coming in through the front door the house seemed quiet. On a typical Saturday I would expect my father to be in his recliner in front of the television or my daughter making noise cleaning or just listening to music in her room or the office. It was quiet. Well, mostly quiet.
There was a rocking sound that I couldn’t quite place. It was coming from upstairs. I decided to investigate.
As I climbed the stairs, I heard what sounded like my father grunting and I almost panicked, thinking he was hurt. He’s not very agile and with his gut, he rarely can see where his feet are going.
Just before deciding to sprint up the rest of the stairs, I heard a whimper that was much smaller and feminine. The first thing that rushed through my head was the discovery I made about my father about his affairs. The dog was back in the game. But, at his age? Was that even possible? And who in the world was he dating?
My curiosity got the better of me and as my eyes crested the top of the stairs, I saw across the landing to my father's room and through his open door. I had to see what was happening. I had to know who this woman was that had my 92 year old father sexually active.
As the foot of his bed came into view I saw blonde hair in a tight ponytail bouncing all over the place. Another step and I saw the lean back of young woman shimmering with sweat. Another step and I saw a tight and round ass tensing and releasing over and over expertly on my fathers very aging sick.
I was completely enamored. This woman was very young and incredibly in shape. The slight jiggle of her ass seemed almost like baby fat. Her skin was flawless. God, she had to be a teenager! My ancient father was being ridden like a wild horse by a nubile teen with the most amazing body I had ever seen.
For a very sick reason that I can’t quite discover, I was not only enthralled with the sight of a perfect body trying to free the wrinkled and chubby body of my father of its seminal fluids but I was more aroused than I had ever been in my life. I couldn’t take my eyes away from this woman. I couldn’t help but feel instant and overwhelming jealous of my father’s position. I didn’t realize how much I wanted to be ravaged so passionately by a virile and fertile adolescent.
It was then that she turned her head just enough for me to make out her face as she released a moan that could easily have been mistaken for a lioness in heat and I had the answer to one more important question I hadn’t yet asked myself - where is Allie?
Just as I realized that this body that I was coveting so completely was my daughter, I saw her lean forward so far that I saw her completely hairless pussy swallowing the dick that made me decades ago. With a fever of a religious zealot I watched it swallow him over and over. Each time she bottomed out I saw the most glorious ass God ever made reverberate with incestuos shock waves that could sink the world in a blanket of lust.
Just when I thought I was going to lose my faculties completely, she sat straight up and began to squeeze and grind, a woman possessed. She slowed somewhat and the sound of her climax was quickly drowned out by the guttural sounds of some undiscovered primate as I saw my father’s scrotum convulse while his teenage granddaughter constricted his serpent with two milky and perfect orbs as if her life depended on it.
Their shared orgasm will forever be one of the most shocking and amazing things I may ever witness. After a few moments and shudders, I heard her say “That was probably our best one yet grandpa!” Still standing on the stairs, I saw her lift one leg to dismount the aged stud and a stream of semen dribbled from her porcelain vagina that I was seeing move in slow motion over her grandfather's mountainous stomach. I wanted to savor this view of her forever. She was the epitome of beauty. Her body, like this, ready to bring about the next generation of men. Anyone would be so lucky to witness this mythical beauty that has been seeded by a man nearly 3 generations her senior, by her own desire.
I looked on as her petite body and b cup breasts came further into view. She snuggled up next to her grandfather and place one leg lovingly over his while her arm rested on his chest.
As I slowly started to make my escape back down the stairs to avoid detection, I overheard Allie ask my father, “After almost 2 years, do you think it worked this time?”
It took many of us by surprise that she went before my dad. She died in her late 50s and my father was just topping 90. He isn’t in the best of health but he doesn’t show any signs of slowing down.
No, you didn’t read that wrong. There is a 34 year age gap between my parents. My parents married late in my dad’s life. He was in his early 50s and my mom was a freshman in college. Since my dad was a professor and I was born about 7 months after they got married, it’s pretty obvious how that happened.
I grew up an only child in a wonderful home. My parents fought. A lot. But everyone’s parents fought. They stuck through the rough patches and still seemed to love each other.
Shortly before my mother’s death, I discovered that my father had at least 2 affairs during their marriage. I was a small child and looking back, I can piece together memories of their biggest fights. I spoke to my mom about it before she got too sick and she confirmed that he had a couple “mis-steps” but that he “grew out of it.”
Following somewhat in his footsteps, I married rather late and only had one child as well. My daughter Allison was born almost 16 years ago and, tragically, her mother didn’t survive a terrible infection she contracted during her c-section. After a generous settlement over a wrongful death lawsuit, Allie and I never worried much for material things. I was a 38 year old single father about to raise a daughter on my own.
We did fairly well for the most part. Once she hit puberty, she didn’t like me as much as before. I guess that’s normal. It’s not that we didn’t get along, it’s just that she had an attitude a lot.
Fortunately, it didn’t stop her from being a good kid. She continues to get good grades and is a star athlete. She is an All-State runner, amazing striker in soccer and excels at volleyball. She has never really been one to go out with friends. She has a few good friends but for the most part is a lone soul. Anyone that meets her can’t help but to enjoy her company but she enjoys being on her own a lot.
To say that I didn’t notice my daughter physically transforming into a woman would be a lie. I remember the period talk. We stopped buying underwear by the bag and started moving on to pieces that came on individual hangers. We had open communication about the entire process of transforming from a child to a woman. I would like to think we can talk about anything and it seems as though we usually do.
Doing laundry got interesting when the occasional thong or skimpier undergarment would find their way mixed in with my clothes. I learned (the hard way) not to ask questions about boys. Her bedroom room started to be closed more frequently. All in all, she was growing up.
It was around the time that my mother passed that I noticed her body start to change more. She had developing breasts, even if they were small. Her hips started to become very noticeable and the years of running and playing sports gave her an incredibly firm and muscular butt. I knew she was going to be a heartbreaker.
After my mother’s death, my father came to live with Allie and me. It took some getting used to as my father was used to living a certain way as were Allie and I. For the most part it seemed like we were all doing pretty well adjusting and his idiosyncrasies that were most annoying died down after a few weeks time, leading me to believe it was just adjusting to missing my mother.
Allie too had to adjust. Being the only female in a how with her father was one thing, but now her (very) elderly grandfather was in her space as well. They have always gotten along and my father spoils her rotten, of course, and the scuffle over bathroom cleanliness only came up on the second day. All in all, this was working out fine.
With my father adjusting to life without my mother surprisingly quickly, like I said - just a few weeks, I had rarely seen him more at peace. I felt proud that our family was emotionally strong enough to weather the storm.
Fast forward to this past weekend.
I work in sales which means my hours vary from time to time and I travel a lot. I’m currently working on a large account that is based in Europe and that makes things even more difficult.
Last weekend, I had to go into the office on Saturday for a meeting with one of our reps that just flew back from London and debrief him on what happened. I anticipated being gone until dinner. Fortunately, everything was much simpler than I thought and we were picking up to head home by 11am. I was looking forward to a cold beer and a good documentary on my newly-freed Saturday.
I came home and parked in the driveway instead of the garage. I figured I might run to the store later and grab some more beer if we were in fact low. I couldn’t remember.
Coming in through the front door the house seemed quiet. On a typical Saturday I would expect my father to be in his recliner in front of the television or my daughter making noise cleaning or just listening to music in her room or the office. It was quiet. Well, mostly quiet.
There was a rocking sound that I couldn’t quite place. It was coming from upstairs. I decided to investigate.
As I climbed the stairs, I heard what sounded like my father grunting and I almost panicked, thinking he was hurt. He’s not very agile and with his gut, he rarely can see where his feet are going.
Just before deciding to sprint up the rest of the stairs, I heard a whimper that was much smaller and feminine. The first thing that rushed through my head was the discovery I made about my father about his affairs. The dog was back in the game. But, at his age? Was that even possible? And who in the world was he dating?
My curiosity got the better of me and as my eyes crested the top of the stairs, I saw across the landing to my father's room and through his open door. I had to see what was happening. I had to know who this woman was that had my 92 year old father sexually active.
As the foot of his bed came into view I saw blonde hair in a tight ponytail bouncing all over the place. Another step and I saw the lean back of young woman shimmering with sweat. Another step and I saw a tight and round ass tensing and releasing over and over expertly on my fathers very aging sick.
I was completely enamored. This woman was very young and incredibly in shape. The slight jiggle of her ass seemed almost like baby fat. Her skin was flawless. God, she had to be a teenager! My ancient father was being ridden like a wild horse by a nubile teen with the most amazing body I had ever seen.
For a very sick reason that I can’t quite discover, I was not only enthralled with the sight of a perfect body trying to free the wrinkled and chubby body of my father of its seminal fluids but I was more aroused than I had ever been in my life. I couldn’t take my eyes away from this woman. I couldn’t help but feel instant and overwhelming jealous of my father’s position. I didn’t realize how much I wanted to be ravaged so passionately by a virile and fertile adolescent.
It was then that she turned her head just enough for me to make out her face as she released a moan that could easily have been mistaken for a lioness in heat and I had the answer to one more important question I hadn’t yet asked myself - where is Allie?
Just as I realized that this body that I was coveting so completely was my daughter, I saw her lean forward so far that I saw her completely hairless pussy swallowing the dick that made me decades ago. With a fever of a religious zealot I watched it swallow him over and over. Each time she bottomed out I saw the most glorious ass God ever made reverberate with incestuos shock waves that could sink the world in a blanket of lust.
Just when I thought I was going to lose my faculties completely, she sat straight up and began to squeeze and grind, a woman possessed. She slowed somewhat and the sound of her climax was quickly drowned out by the guttural sounds of some undiscovered primate as I saw my father’s scrotum convulse while his teenage granddaughter constricted his serpent with two milky and perfect orbs as if her life depended on it.
Their shared orgasm will forever be one of the most shocking and amazing things I may ever witness. After a few moments and shudders, I heard her say “That was probably our best one yet grandpa!” Still standing on the stairs, I saw her lift one leg to dismount the aged stud and a stream of semen dribbled from her porcelain vagina that I was seeing move in slow motion over her grandfather's mountainous stomach. I wanted to savor this view of her forever. She was the epitome of beauty. Her body, like this, ready to bring about the next generation of men. Anyone would be so lucky to witness this mythical beauty that has been seeded by a man nearly 3 generations her senior, by her own desire.
I looked on as her petite body and b cup breasts came further into view. She snuggled up next to her grandfather and place one leg lovingly over his while her arm rested on his chest.
As I slowly started to make my escape back down the stairs to avoid detection, I overheard Allie ask my father, “After almost 2 years, do you think it worked this time?”
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