Afternoon in the Pool

group sex

My name is Amee. I am 24 years old and I am currently working as a volunteer in a remote community educational project in Southeast Asia. The conditions are very Spartan and the nights are long, my only enjoyment being my thoughts, fantasies and fingers.

Like many girls I suppose, I remember every delicious second of my first sexual encounter with a boy. I often think about it when I masturbate, (which is quite often in this place,) so, for no other reason than that I was terminally bored, horny as hell and craving for the feel of the soft, silky touch of a girl against my naked body, and/or the deep, urgent thrusting of a guy between my thighs, I decided one evening to document my first time experience for my own pleasure. When I started to write, I couldn't seem to stop, and, when I had read what I had written, I thought that it would be interesting to share my story with others and discover whether I was just a horny slut, or, if there were others out there who might be interested.

My parents own a cattle station in a remote part of northern Australia and my early schooling years were home tuition via the School of the Air. I didn't get to meet many people of my own age during those years until I was 16 when I attended a Catholic boarding school for girls in Adelaide. The school had very strict social rules but, for the two years I was there I made some really good friends, all girls of course as we were never allowed to be in company with boys unless we were closely chaperoned by a member of the staff.

I was a rather shy and reserved sort of a girl, due to the fact of my remote upbringing no doubt, and I found it rather difficult to make friends at first. With the exception of my two elder b*****rs, I had virtually no experience of interacting with boys and no sexual education whatsoever. Our homestead was about 400 km from Darwin, and my parents and b*****rs always made sure that I had minimal contact with the station workers, in case one of them deflowered little Amee!

I made one very special friend at boarding school, Bobbie, she was also from Darwin. Her father was married to a Singaporean lady. Bobbie was a beautiful girl, the same age as me, I was very envious of her good looks, a typically Eurasian stunner, slim, delicate and perfectly proportioned, she has a beautiful, smooth, light olive complexion with straight, jet black hair that falls to her waist and frames the doll-like features of her face and deep, black almond eyes. Her breasts, whilst small, were firm and exquisite. I, on the contrary, was ultra slim to the point of being skinny, blonde, unruly hair and virtually no breasts to speak of. Our friendship however became very close.

Both Bobbie and I decided that we wanted to attend Darwin University, and when we left boarding school at 18 we were both accepted. Both of our parents agreed that I could board at Bobbie's house during the uni' semesters.

Bobbie's parents were filthy rich and they owned a huge house on about 20 acres of land with a huge swimming pool and tennis courts just outside of Darwin. It was a wonderful time of my life and our relationship developed on to a whole new and sensual level.

Bobbie's step-father had a son from a previous marriage, his name was Brett. He was twenty one and was a typically bronze, good looking, athletic Aussie' boy and a full time, post grad' student at Uni'. Bobbie and I both had a mad crush on him, we thought he was an Adonis, but he was much older than us of course.

Although we were both virgins, Bobbie was a very extrovert sort of person and seemed to know how to interact and flirt with the boys at uni', I, on the contrary was quite the opposite, shy and nervous, especially in the company of boys. Whilst neither of us had ever actually been with a guy, we would, like most girls of that age I suppose, spend hours talking about boys and sex as if we had a world of experience. We had a beautiful relationship and we grew closer every day.

I had my own room at her house and Bobbie had a huge bedroom with a TV and video player. Most nights I would sneak into her room and we would turn the air conditioner up high and curl up together in our pj's under the sheets in Bobbie's bed and watch TV or video's and talk for hours until we fell asl**p.

Bobbie had a habit of flirting with her step-b*****r Brett and would tease him at every opportunity, It was obvious that he was attracted to her, but I think he was a bit intimidated by her because he was a several years older than her, also he had a girlfriend.

Our sex education at that stage consisted of 'Penthouse' magazine and porn video's, a secret store of which Bobbie had found one day when she was sneaking around in Brett's room when he was out, so she would occasionally pinch one of each and we would read the magazine and play the movies in Bobbie's room. So we knew all about boys, (or thought we did.) How their cock's got hard when they were with girls and we would talk about how it might feel when they put it inside you. We would hold our breath in anticipation when the guy on the movie pulled out of the girl and she would masturbate him until he came all over her tummy, and we would wonder what it would feel like to feel a guy ejaculate inside us. We even shaved our pubes so that we would look like the girls in the movies.

When it was very late, I would go back to my room after watching those porno's and reading the magazines with Bobbie and lie in bed with the lights out and re-run those sex scenes an magazine pic's in my imagination, masturbating as I did so. My thoughts it seemed, were permanently obsessed with sex. Barely a night would go by that I didn't finger myself to orgasm.

On reflection, I cannot believe how naïve I was at 18 years of age. I sort of had the idea that I was different. I mean, Bobbie and I would talk about sex when we were in her bed, we would watch porno's and read horny magazines but I thought that it was just a fun thing as far as Bobbie was concerned, a bit of a giggle. I, on the other hand, could feel this warm, sensual glow in the pit of my tummy that seemed to make my vagina moist as I watched the movies, and I could feel a rising, urgent need to be in my own bed to attain that exquisite relief that I knew only my fingers could bring. I never really thought that Bobbie might feel the same way.

Every porno' has, of course, the obligatory scene of two girls getting it on together with the guy watching and jerking himself until he comes. One night Bobbie and I were curled up in her bed, watching such a scene on one of Brett's videos when Bobbie turned to me and said.

"What do you think it would feel like if we did that and let Brett watch us? Do you think he would want to stroke himself while we did it?"

I couldn't answer for a while, because it suddenly hit me that, for her to say that, she must have thought about her and I doing something like that together.

"Do you touch yourself like that?" I said to her hesitantly as we lay close together in our pj's.

She turned her head on the pillow so that she was facing me.

"Do you?" she asked in return.

"Sometimes." I replied.

"Do it now. Show me what you do." She said, propping herself up on her elbow, her eyes wide open with interest.

"Let's do it together." I suggested.

From that moment our friendship blossomed into the most beautiful, sexual experience possible. It had never dawned on me that Bobbie was as sexually turned on as I was with the visual stimulation of watching people make love on screen. She, like me, would have her fingers between her thighs as soon as I had left her bedroom.


Thereafter, I rarely slept in my own room. We would lie in Bobbie's bed together, watch movies, talk about Brett and imagine what it would be like to let him fuck us. We would lay there for hours and masturbate ourselves while we talked and then we would take our pj's off and play with each other and try to imitate the girls we saw on the movies when they fingered each other. It was just a giggly schoolgirl sort of thing at first but it wasn't long before we discovered the wonderful sensation of shared orgasms and the different ways we could make each other come. It was at that stage that we shaved each others pubes to be like the girls on the movies.

I loved to look at Bobbie's beautiful body and her small breasts as I knelt beside her on the bed, her long, ebony hair spread over the pillow and her olive skin contrasting against the white sheets. She would tell me how to move my fingers on her and where to kiss her. I especially loved to watch the expression on her face when I made her come, and when she did it to me, she would lay her face on my tummy and her long, black hair would cascade over my naked body. I would close my eyes and fantasize about Brett as she worked her fingers against the soft, sensitive lips of my vagina, moving them faster as my thighs opened wider and my hips arched off the bed, working to the tune of her fingers.

I would clutch her hair in my fist as I was about to cum, and she would slip her slim finger inside me as I clasped her hand, pressing it hard between my legs, slobbering incoherently in my orgasmic spasms.

When we had watched the movie we would read the stories and look at pictures in Penthouse. We would sit naked in our favorite position, me with my back against the head of her bed, with a pillow behind me with my legs open and knees drawn up, and Bobbie sitting between my legs with her back to me. Bobbie would read the graphic stories aloud and I would look over her shoulder at the pictures. In this position I could put my arms around her and finger her sweet little slit and fondle her gorgeous, small breasts. At the same time, I could press the lips of my own puss' hard against the small of her back and work it hard against her.

We would play for hours like that, and when we were building up to an orgasm, I would use two hands on her cunt, I would use the tip of my middle finger to work firm little circles against her clit', and slip my other middle finger inside her and work it in and out. She would put her hand around her back between my legs and put her finger in me.

As I finger-fucked Bobbie I would pull her tight against me, trapping her hand between my groin and her back and work myself off on her finger until we both came.

It wasn't long before we also discovered the way we could use our lips and tongues on each other, using our tongues like soft, slippery little cocks in each others vaginas. We both made a promise to each other that, when we both got boyfriends, we would share them, just like they did in the movies.

One Friday afternoon after uni', we dumped our stuff in our rooms and put on our bathers to go for a swim. My bathers were one-piece as my mum wouldn't let me have a bikini, but Bobbie put on her brief bikini, it was small and white and contrasted wonderfully with her light, olive skin. We had the house to ourselves for three whole days as Bobbie's parents had flown interstate for a weekend seminar, (they were both teachers) and they promoted Brett to 'head of household' for the time they were away.

We went down to the pool to find Brett and one of his friends, John. John was the same age as Brett, Bobbie and I both knew John as he was often at their house, he was a good looking guy with dark hair and a great body, he and Brett were both in the uni' footy team and he was also one of the guys Bobbie and I would talk about when we played around in bed.

The boys were splashing around in the pool when we came through the gate and shouted for us to come in. We sat on the edge of the pool dangling our feet in the water and the guys came over to us. John stood in front of me and grabbed my legs, just below the knees and tried to pull me in. I struggled against him, protesting that the water was too cold, although I didn't struggle too much because the feel of his hands on my legs felt good.

"Ok." he said, "I'll lift you in slowly." He reached up, put his hands under my arms, lifted me and suspended me above the water in front of him. My legs and thighs were in the water, resting against his chest. It felt as if my tummy was melting, it was a similar sort of feeling that I got when Bobbie fingered me but it was the first time I had felt it with a boy, in fact, it was the first time that I had ever been so close to a boy.

He lowered me slowly into the water but kept me close to him so that my body sort of slid against his as he lowered me down. I could feel his shorts against my legs, and, Oh God! As the front of my leg, just above my knee brushed against the front of his hips, I could feel the unmistakable bulge of his cock pressing against my leg through his shorts, he had an erection. He didn't lower me all the way down because the water was up to his chest and would have come over my head so he held me close against himself and started to wade slowly towards the shallow end of the pool.

I cannot possibly describe the way my body reacted; I was waking up to new and incredible sensations. As he waded towards the shallows he gradually let my body slide lower against his, the water pressure against my back was pushing me firmly against him and I could feel the whole length of his hard cock pressing against my tummy. John knew that I could feel it, it would have been impossible for him not to know.

His arms were around my waist, he lowered one of his hands, cupped my small arse and lifted me higher, and, as if of their own accord, my legs wound around his hips under the water, my arms went around his neck and I buried my face into the side of his neck.

His rigid cock was now pressing hard between my legs and, as he waded, the movement of his hips caused his erection to press and move against the lips of my vagina beneath my bathers. I tightened the grip of my legs around his waist and pulled him harder against me and he gripped my butt harder, grinding his cock against me through the fabric of my bathers. I was sobbing and gasping into his neck and wishing that the two layers of fabric between his hard shaft and the sensitive lips of my slit would disappear.

When we reached waist deep water he sank to his knees and I did the same. We were kneeling, facing each other and John just looked at me and touched the side of my face with his fingertips, his other hand was resting on my waist, holding me close to him, he was a lot taller than me and I could feel the end of his cock pressing hard against the indent of my navel.

Other than on the videos, I had never seen or felt a penis, hard or otherwise before. It is impossible to describe the sorts of emotions and thoughts that were going through my head as I felt John's hard cock pressing against me in the pool.

According to the instruction manual, (Penthouse,) boys got erections when they were with a girl they wanted to fuck, and fuck, of course equaled love in my immature thinking. How could John, a gorgeous 20, (nearly 21 year old) love me and want to fuck me, a skinny, barely eighteen year old. As we knelt there facing each other, the end of his stiff shaft seemed to be burning a warm, fuzzy hole in my tummy and the look he was giving me was making my whole body tremble uncontrollably.

My hand was resting on his waist under the water, I desperately wanted to touch and hold his cock, but afraid in case I was doing something that I was not supposed to do. I closed my eyes, (I don't know why.) and moved my hand under the water to the front of the waistband of his shorts, but, just as I was about to drop my hand down I heard a sudden 'Thwak.'

I opened my eyes and saw that Brett had thrown a water polo ball from the other end of the pool and it had struck John on the back of the head. He and Bobbie had been splashing around at the other end of the pool and were shouting at us to have a game, the girls against the guys. As the ball hit John, he had quickly stood up to throw it back. I was still on my knees, and as he stood up in front of me, his hips came above the surface and I gasped as I saw the huge bulge his hard-on made as it pushed the front of his shorts out like a tent.

Whilst I had felt his cock pushing against me under the water, I didn't have any perception of how big it actually was. I suddenly had a flashback to Penthouse, and how a girl, if she loved a guy and they were fucking each other, would actually take a guy's cock in her mouth, suck it, and tease it with her lips and tongue, and sometimes she would let him come in her mouth. John's voice brought me back to reality,

"Come on." he said, "we had better go and join in or they will wonder what we are doing."

We played ball for a while. There was lots of body contact and I made sure that a lot of that contact was between John and I. Whenever we were in contact I devised every ploy that I could to make sure my wrist, my arm or some part of me brushed against the front of his shorts where the bulge of his cock was still evident, he in turn seemed to be taking every opportunity to slide his hands against me, touching my breasts and thighs whenever we came together and trying to make out that it was accidental.

My biggest surprise though was once, when I was holding the ball in front of me, about to throw it to Bobbie, Brett came up behind me and grabbed me around the waist to stop me throwing it and I felt the length of his cock pressing against the cheeks of my butt, he held on to me for a while, even though I had let go of the ball and thrust his hips hard against me. It was definitely hard. This was all very confusing. Did they both want to fuck me?

As the game progressed though, I thought I was beginning to put two and two together, because Brett and Bobbie were spending a lot of time horsing around, even when they didn't have the ball.

Eventually we grew tired of the game. I wanted to stay in the pool with John, but at the same time I couldn't wait to be alone with Bobbie to tell her what had happened. But she and Brett had drifted off to the far end of the pool leaving John and I on our own.

We both seemed to feel a bit awkward for a couple of minutes; it was like he didn't want to talk to me. I felt crestfallen and swam to the side of the pool and sat on the steps, the water up to my neck and my head resting on the step. After a few minutes John swam over to me.

"Can I join you?" he said. I moved to one side and the steps were just wide enough for him to sit at the side of me.

When we were side by side it was a tight fit and the side of his thigh was pressed close to mine. The feel of his skin against me seemed to bring on the same sort of warm, tingly feeling in my tummy that I get when Bobbie and held our bodies close and touch each other.

He didn't say anything for a while, we watched Brett and Bobbie wrestling and horsing around at the other end of the pool, I was just enjoying the feeling of him sitting close to me. John seemed to be thinking about something, his mind seemed miles away, then, suddenly, he turned his face towards me.

"Do you like me?" he asked suddenly.

I was stunned, like him! He was the first boy who had ever paid any attention to me, of course I liked him, I was in love with him for chrissake! "Yes." I replied quietly, "Of course I like you." and waited with baited breath for several minutes, praying that he would say more, but he fell silent again for some time.

Bobbie and Brett had suddenly gone silent at the other end of the pool. They were on the same side of the pool as we were. Brett had backed Bobbie against the side of the pool, they were standing with the water up to their chests and Brett's body was pinning her against the wall. Bobbie had both her arms around his neck, Brett's hands were under the water and their faces were close together, whispering and smiling. Oh God! He had his hand on her breast and they were kissing. Both John and I saw it. Brett seemed to push his lower body against her and it lifted Bobbie higher in the water, exposing her chest for a moment. Brett had pushed her bikini top up, uncovering her small breast and his left hand was caressing it,
"Looks like they're enjoying themselves." John said smiling. All I could do was blush.

As we watched them, John shifted his body. I almost panicked, I thought he was going to swim off and leave me sitting there, the truth was, the feel of his naked arms and thighs against mine had turned me on big time, the first time ever with a boy. He wasn't leaving me however, he just made me panic even more by slipping his arm around me. I looked in the direction of the other two to see if they had noticed, but they were too wrapped in each other to notice, anyway, John had slipped his arm over my right shoulder and under my left arm, his hand beneath the water and resting just above my waist.

He must have mistaken the sudden rigidness of my body for resistance as he immediately started to pull his arm away.

"Sorry, I didn't think you would mind." he said. I immediately grabbed his hand and pulled it back around my waist.

"Oh Fuck! I don't mind." I spluttered. I immediately bit my tongue and thought, "That was a fucking sophisticated thing to say."

But I was in heaven. As I put his hand back on me, I left my hand on top of his and he slowly spread his fingers so that my fingers intertwined with his under the water. He pulled me closer and I let my head rest on his shoulder. God! I wanted to spend the rest of my life just sitting there like that.

We both looked back towards Bobbie and Brett. The hand he had been using to fondle her breast was now under the water, his arm between their bodies as he pressed up close to her. We could see his arm moving around between them, as if he were fumbling around for something.

"What are those two playing at?" I whispered to John.

"Can't you guess?" he replied.

Then it dawned on me, he was fingering her and Bobbie was obviously enjoying it. Her head was leaning back against the side of the pool and her eyes were closed and she was hanging tightly on to his neck, the movement of the lower part of her body was making little waves in the pool as she appeared to be thrusting her hips back and forth against his hand.

John and I watched as Brett lifted his hand out from between them, reach around his neck, take Bobbie's hand and pull it down between them. Her arm was still for a moment but then started to move under the water, and, whatever she was doing was certainly pleasing Brett, even with such a distance between us, both John and I could hear Brett let out a long, ecstatic groan.

It became obvious that she had her hand on Brett's cock under the water. My hand tightened its grip on John's around my waist and he pulled my body harder against his and moved onto his side so that the front of his body was pressing against my outer thigh. There it was again, the firm shaft of his cock, hard against my thigh. I could feel it sort of jerk and convulse against my thigh as we watched the other two, as if it had a mind of its own. The antics of Brett and Bobbie was obviously exciting John as much as they were me.

Brett and Bobbie moved quickly towards the steps at the far end of the pool, Brett climbed out and Bobbie followed. When he was out of the water, he turned to give his hand to Bobbie. Even at that distance I could see his huge erection in his shorts. As Bobbie climbed the steps, her butt cleared the water and she paused to pull up one side of her bikini bottom at the back where it had been pulled down to reveal a small, firm buttock.

Brett turned to us and shouted, "Back soon." and they vanished hand in hand through the pool gate in the direction of the tennis court.

"Where do you think they're off to?" I said to John.

"To screw each other I should think." he replied.

I looked at him, not quite sure what to say, and before I could say anything, he lowered his face and put his lips to mine. The effect on me was overpowering. My whole body went limp, as if I had turned to water. My mouth fell open against his and his tongue started to probe against mine which replied with equal enthusiasm. My hand was behind his neck, clinging to him. I was on cloud nine, this gorgeous guy wanted me, I was on sensory overload. I was hyped, I was in love.

Watching the other two, imagining what their hands and fingers were doing to each other under the water and feeling John's body and hard, rigid cock against me had turned me on to the point where I could hardly restrain myself from thrusting my hand between my legs and fingering myself off.

John was cradling my head and shoulders with one arm and his other hand, which was resting on my tummy, began to work itself slowly upwards along the front of my rib cage, I knew instinctively where it was heading. It came to rest hesitantly on my small, firm breast, resting motionlessly, as if waiting for some sort of permission to move. Mouths still locked together, tongues entwining, I was way past the point of modesty.

I put my hand on top of his, pressing it against my breast and bringing his hand to life as it started to move slowly, fondling, caressing and teasing my pert nipple through the fabric of my one-piece.

'Fuck this one-piece!' I thought. I wanted to feel his fingertips in the flesh, not through my bathers. Even with our mouths crushed together, John groaned deep in his throat as he moved his hand against me. His cock, still pressing against my thigh was lurching and moving as if it were some sort of cocoon with something inside it, trying to burst out.

John pulled his lips away from mine. His voice sounding incredibly strained. "Tell me if I am doing anything you don't want me to do Amee."

'What a stupid fucking thing to say.' I thought. The way I was chewing his tongue and working my hip against his erection, he must know that he could do anything with me right now. Then, as he was saying this, he moved his hand slowly downwards from my breast while he was looking into my eyes as if searching for any look of refusal whilst his hand moved lower down my body.

I knew what he wanted, the fingers of his hand had reached my pubic mound and hesitated while he gave me a searching look, my reply was to move my hand to the front of his shorts and gently fold my fingers around the swollen head of his cock. His eyes sort of half closed and his mouth fell open as he felt my small hand gently squeezing his hard shaft.

"Oh Yes. Oh fuck yes!" he groaned as he arched his hips, pressing the head of his cock harder against my side, as my hand explored the whole, incredibly rigid length of his gorgeous hard-on from the swollen head, along his shaft and then to his hard, tight balls where it lingered to gently squeeze and fondle them through his shorts.

He moved his hand lower to the top of my thighs and I let my legs float wide open under the water as he slipped his hand between them.

It was almost too much for me. I had not expected his cock to feel so large and my hand to feel so small as I felt the length of the thick shaft beneath his shorts. Waves of raw, sensual pleasure coursed through my body as his middle finger lightly traced back and forth against the lips of my vagina through the fabric of my bathers, almost bringing me to the point of swooning.

I again cursed my one-piece, there was no way he would be able to get his hand inside, and I needed to feel his fingers touch me. Our lips were together again, parting only to surface to gasp for breath and moan, my grasp around his cock tightened and the movement of my hand increased in tempo, masturbating him through his shorts, as he increased the pressure of his finger against the sensitive, tingly lips of my vagina, working his fingertips in little circles against my clit'.

With our mouths still crushed together he moved his body in front of me and lifted me a step higher until he was kneeling between my wide open legs on the lower step, facing me. I was jerking his erection furiously and had worked it into an almost vertical position, the swollen head hard up against the waistband of his shorts.

He moved his hand from between my thighs and slipped one of the shoulder straps of my bathers down my arm, I removed my hand from his cock just long enough for me to be able to lift my arm out and then he did the same to the other one. The water was now only just above my waist and John slowly peeled my bathers down to expose my small breasts. I was a bit worried at this stage in case the other two returned and caught us, but when he placed his hand on one breast, and his lips to the other, I was too far gone to care even if the Pope caught us.

His tongue was working wonders around my erect nipple as his fingers teased the other and my hand returned to the incredibly, gorgeous feel of his rampant shaft.

As I worked my hand against him his hips were jerking and thrusting back and forth between my thighs. I simply had to feel him in my hands or I would die. As he knelt there, I slipped both my thumbs in his waist band and started to work his shorts down over his hips. When John felt what I was doing, he took his lips from my nipple and knelt upright on the step. He had to put his hand down the front of his shorts and work his cock out as it was catching up in the waist band as I tried to pull them down.

I worked them down to his knees and lifted my hands back up, stroking his cock with one hand and cupping his balls in the other. My first touch of a hard, naked cock! I'm not sure what I expected it to feel like. Although it was rock-hard, the skin felt smooth, soft and silky with a band of hard but flexible muscle just underneath the surface. His balls tight and compact, filling my whole hand as I fondled them. What struck me most was the length and thickness, (although I had no experience with guys to compare it with.) When I held his balls, the whole length of his hard-on lay heavy and thick along the inside of my forearm, the tip of his cock reaching mid-way between the inside of my wrist and elbow. I now know that, as far as size goes, John was average, but my tiny hands and small build emphasized the relative size of John's cock.

The effect of my hands on his naked cock almost sent him catatonic. He was breathing through gritted teeth, his eyes half closed, his head thrown back and making guttural noises in the back of his throat.

My hands on his cock were still under water, I wanted to see it, not just feel it. I moved my butt up another step and John did the same, his magnificent erection standing out in front of him, lurching around as if it had a mind of its own.

I reached for his hard-on again with both hands and he lowered both his hands back to my breasts, his raptured gaze alternating between my small breasts and my hands working his penis and balls. I asked him if it felt good, my hands and fingers had been working erratically from his balls to the tip of his cock, exploring every contour, curve and muscle of his organ.

When I asked him if it felt good, he put his hand on mine, the one that was holding his cock, he wrapped his fingers around mine and moved our hands in a masturbating movement back and forth along his cock.

"Oh Fuck! Oh Yes! Ohhhhhoooo Ameee!" he groaned as I wanked him slowly.

It was about this stage that I began to realise that to be able to drive a man almost insensible like this was an awesome power. I guided the head of his cock between my thighs as he leaned over me to kiss my nipples. As I jerked him, I pressed the hard, swollen head against the lips of my vagina. He immediately started thrusting his hips, pushing his erection against my bathers like a battering ram as if he were trying to f***e his cock through the material of my bathers. I pulled his cock hard against me, grinding it harder against my clit' as I pulled him faster.

My hips were jerking and arching off the steps to meet each thrust of his, his cock pushing the material of my bathers into the cleavage of my slit. I moved my free hand down between my legs and started to work my finger against my clit' whilst his rock hard pole pushed against my lips, I could feel my climax building. He looked down between our bodies as he felt my hand move, the sight of my finger working on my clit' seemed to excite him even more.

He brought his lips back down to mine, but my mouth was open, gasping for breath. He took my bottom lip between his and I was gasping against his face as I felt myself rushing towards the edge, my finger worked faster, my heels locked behind him, dragging him harder against me, the rhythm of my hand masturbating him becoming more erratic as I approached the crest.

"Are you coming Amee?" he breathed. His voice was just a tremulous whisper against my face, as if he was in some sort of pain.

"Yes! Oh Yes! Oh Jeeez! Ooooohhh!" Wave after wave of deep exquisite tremors shook my body as I plunged over the edge. The most intense and most beautiful orgasm I had ever experienced took complete control of my body.

As I fell into that sweet, dark abyss where for several seconds nothing else in the world exists except the waves of aftershocks, sparked in the nerves of a stimulated clit' and transmitted along my sensitive sheath to the depths of my vagina, and from there, emanating throughout the whole body. I vaguely sensed John's hand grasping the wrist of my hand which was still wanking him, trying to pull it away from his cock.

As I slowly came to my senses I thought I might have hurt him.

"Are you ok?" I asked.

"Yes. I was almost coming." He replied.


"I didn't want to come on your bathers" he said.

"So! Was I the only one having fun?" I said.

"Of course not." he replied, "It was beautiful watching you come. Will we be able to do this again?"

Yees! He wanted to see me again. I was over the moon. I was just an immature young girl and this real man wanted me!

As we talked, John had moved and was lying on his side on the steps facing me, his arm around my neck, cushioning my head on the steps as I laid back. His shorts were still around his knees and he had eased the top of my one piece down below my navel so that his still hard cock was resting heavily across my tummy. It looked so big, almost reaching across the whole width of my torso.

I was slowly and gently tracing the tips of my fingers around the swollen head, feeling the soft, silky texture of its skin and the way my teasing fingers made it lurch around against me as John's lips and fingers played with my nipples.

"Did you like what we did?" I asked.

"It was fantastic." he said. "Especially when you started to use you're finger on yourself' that nearly sent me over the top."

"Oh God, you're embarrassing me." I replied.

"Why be embarrassed, everyone does it." he said.

"Do you?" I asked,

"Yes, and when I do it again I'll think about you." I felt great when he said that. He was going to think about me when he masturbated himself and ejaculated, so he must love me.

His free hand had drifted down my body as we talked and was stroking the inside of my thigh, I let my legs fall open wider as he started to lightly stroke the lips of my cunt again. I was afraid to take my bathers off completely in case the others returned and I told him so. I moved them a bit further down and said he could try and put his hand down the front if it wasn't too tight.

I took my hand off his cock for a moment and pulled the front of my rolled down bathers away from my body and he started to work his hand down the front of them.

"Oh Fuck Amee, you're smooth!" he exclaimed as his fingers worked their way over my smooth pubic mound.

"Yes. We use Lady Shave." I said and immediately bit my tongue.

"We?" he said. ''Do you have a boyfriend?'' I told him I didn't and he kept badgering me to tell him what I meant by 'We'.

As this was going on, his hand had worked low enough for his middle finger to touch the soft outer folds of my slit. Boy! If I thought that his touch on the outside of my bathers sent me off the planet, his fingers on my naked puss' was sending me to outer space.

He kept stroking them slowly, I was still moist from my orgasm and his finger was sliding along them, tucking the tip in each time it came to the top to slide around firmly against my clit'. I wrapped my hand around his cock and started to masturbate him again. As my senses were heading towards overload again my hips started to heave and jerk to the tune of his fingers as I moaned at him.

"Put it in. Put it in. Pleeese!'' If he didn't slip his finger inside me soon I would die. But he just kept teasing me and telling me how soft and wet I felt and how he couldn't wait for the time he could slide his cock inside me and we could fuck properly.

He kept asking me who the other 'we' was but I wouldn't tell him, then he said, "Its Bobbie isn't it?"

"Ok yes, but don't you dare say anything."

"Ok, I promise. As long as you tell me everything." he said.

So I did. I couldn't help it. His fingers had brought me to a point of arousal where all I craved for was to feel him insert it and slide it in and out a couple of times and I would again be overwhelmed by a luscious orgasm. He knew of course what I wanted but he toyed with me and teased me until I told him what he wanted to hear.

His questions drew the whole story out. How Bobbie and I liked to use the lady shave and how we would often shave each other in the shower, how we would touch each other and sl**p naked together. I was getting a bit worried and asked him if it turned him off knowing Bobbie and I played around like that.

He looked at me surprised and said."Of course not." He told me that the thought of Bobbie and I doing those things together was beautiful and that he loved me even more for telling him.

"Oh God! He loved me." I thought. As I was telling him all this the movement of his finger against my cunt was increasing in tempo, and every so often he would slip it inside me just a little, causing small gasps of pleasure to burst from my throat as I stroked the length of his erection from the tip to his firm balls, savoring the soft, heavy feel of it laid across my tummy.

"Do you make each other come when you are together?" he asked.

I told him we did and he wanted to know how, so I told him how we would finger each other and how we would sometimes lay with our heads towards either end of the bed and sort of scissor our thighs close together so that we could press and slide the lips of our vaginas together until we came.

Telling him this seemed to have the effect on him that I wanted. He looked into my eyes and whispered,

"Tell me if I am hurting you.'' as he slowly and gently slipped his finger fully inside me.

"Oh fuck noooo!" I moaned.

He slipped his finger back out, thinking he was hurting me.

''No. I mean yes. Oh fuck! Don't stop!'' I gasped. I took my hand off his cock and quickly grabbed his wrist to urge his finger back inside me.

Sweet, unbelievable fucking ecstasy as he sank it back inside me, slipping in and out, sliding the length of it along my clit' as he moved it back and forth. My hand stopped its stroking motion and grasping his rock-hard shaft, just below the head I started wanking him urgently.

Between kisses he was whispering how good my hand felt on him and how beautiful I was, and how tight, warm, smooth and slippery my puss' felt. I was again reaching that point of no return, about to fall into that sensual pool of pure sexual oblivion.

''Yes!. Yes!. Aahhh!. Oh Fuck!. Don't stop!. Mmmmmm!"

Even in the throes of my wild climax I was aware of John gasping. ''No! Amee. No!''

I had been masturbating him urgently and hard and was dimly aware that he had cried out like that previously when he was near to coming and had stopped me wanking him. This time he had no control, one hand trapped underneath by bathers, between my thighs, and the other underneath my shoulder. He was in my power and he was not going to get away with it this time.
He was holding his finger hard up inside me, feeling the small muscles inside my cunt ripple and dilate as I came.

''Please don't take it out yet.'' I begged him as I jerked his cock harder.

I looked at his face as my orgasm subsided; his expression was almost one of pain. I knew then that he also was at the point of no return.

''No Amee! No! I'm coming.''

''Don't hold back." I gasped. "I want to see it. I want to feel it.''

I was jerking him with my fist wrapped tightly around his shaft, his teeth were clenched and his breath was coming in ragged gasps. I moved my fist to the top of his cock and folded my fingers around his bulbous head and increased the speed of my hand but with a very light grip. And suddenly it happened.

It sounded as if he expelled all the air in his lungs in one, long breath. As he did so, my fingers which were around his cock felt a small, sharp, single pulse on the soft underside of his hard-on and almost simultaneously he ejaculated a stream of warm cum that shot across my body and left a white, pearly trail from my nipple to my navel.

I stopped jerking him for a fraction of a second, but he cried, ''God!. Don't stop!''

I immediately started to pull him again and at the same instant his second shot ejaculated on to my forearm followed by two smaller bursts which dropped onto my tummy. He looked down at me with a weary sort of a gaze, as if he had just run a race.

"I'm so sorry Amee.'' he said.

Sorry! Hell, I loved it. I had made this gorgeous guy come. The feel of his warm semen on me was exquisite. ''Don't apologize.'' I said, ''I wanted you to come.'' I continued to stroke him slowly, my eyes riveted to the tip of his cock, watching fascinated as I worked the last drops of cum out of him, trickling down his shaft and running over my fist to drip onto my tummy.

I held his cock as it became softer. He kissed me slowly and gently and told me that he had never come that hard or so much in his life.

He pulled his shorts up and with my bathers still around my waist he led me to the pool shower and helped clean me up. The other two were still missing in action somewhere so I sat on a bench at the side of the pool.

John sat on the grass in front of me with his back to me, his head resting on the edge of the bench between my legs which were either side of his shoulders. We didn't say much for a while. I was content just to lazily run my fingers through his hair and reflect on what had just happened, in particular, the feel of his cock in my hand. I knew that, if he had insisted, we would have found somewhere to go and I would have let him fuck me, I wished now that we had, but then I thought how big his erection seemed and wondered if I could take it all inside me. Then my thoughts turned to the way he came and I mused on what it would feel like if he ejaculated inside me, and if I would actually feel his cum if he shot his load inside me.

John turned his head, rested his face on my thigh and looked up at me. I was overcome with an urge to grasp his head and bury his face between my thighs and grind my cunt against his lips. Fuck! I was horny again even though he had made me cum twice in the last half hour.

''Do you want to see me again?'' he asked.

'What a stupid question.' I thought.

''Of course I do.'' I replied. ''And you?'' I asked.

''Yes. Very much.'' he said.

He seemed thoughtful for a moment, and then said, ''We will have to be very careful that no-one finds out what we are doing.''

I told him that I wouldn't be able to keep it from Bobbie, she would read me like a book.

''That's ok.'' he said, ''Brett is probably up to his balls inside Bobbie right now.''

''Where can we see each other?'' I asked.

He said that we would probably see lots of each other as he was staying with Brett for the next couple of nights whilst the parents were away. I was over the moon. He was staying here for two days!

''Can we go all the way Amee?'' He asked.

I smiled and thought that was a rather quaint way of asking if he could fuck me. ''We can go all the way and then some more.'' I replied.''

"Do I have to wear anything Amee?"

His question perplexed me for a few seconds until I realized he wanted to know if he should use condoms.

"You are so sweet." I replied, suddenly feeling very mature because this gorgeous boy was meekly asking me such questions. "I want to feel you in the flesh, not in rubber, besides, what's the point of coming inside me if you're going to take it away from me?"

I was amazed at how much this sexually charged banter between us was turning me on, and how easy it was to talk like this with him, especially when a short while ago I would never have had the nerve to say words like 'fuck' or talk about sex with a boy.

"Do we have to wait?" he said.

"Why. Are you horny again?" I asked.

"Fuck Yes." he said, "I'm almost coming again just thinking about being inside you."

There was still no sign of the others.

"Come on." he said. He stood up and grabbed my hand.

The pool was surrounded by a thick hedge, and in one place it was shaped into a deep, rectangular alcove about 2 meters deep and 3 meters long with a rattan frame covering forming a shade area with a barbeque in one corner.

He led me in and immediately pulled my body into his as we kissed. We were both on fire. His cock was fully hard again as it speared against my tummy. My vagina was soaking wet as I humped it against his thigh. He slipped my straps over my shoulders and started to peel them down my body, dropping to his knees on the grass as he did so.

I put my hands on his shoulders to step out of my bathers. I was completely naked in front of him. Still on his knees, he put his hands behind me on to each cheek of my butt and drove his face between my thighs. Still supporting myself on his shoulders, I spread my legs allowing his lips to completely cover those of my puss' as he slipped his tongue inside me. I had read about it in Penthouse and seen it on video's, but I never expected the intensity of the raw, sexual, waves of indescribable fucking ecstasy that enveloped my body as he crushed his lips against the outer folds of my cunt and worked his tongue alternately in and out, up and down and around my clit'.

My knees were trembling and my legs had turned to jelly, almost to the point of collapsing when he pulled his face away and stood up. He hooked his thumbs in his shorts.

"Let me" I gasped.

I fell to my knees, sliding his shorts down over his hips. As I eased them over his hard-on, his erection leaped out in front of my face. I didn't even wait to get his shorts off. I grasped the base of his rod, cupped his balls in my other and closed my mouth around the silky skin of his hard, swollen head.

"Oh Jeeeeeez!" he moaned.

I worked as my tongue around the prominent ridge and swirled around the head. I lifted his cock vertical and ran my tongue and lips down the soft underside to tease his tight balls. As he was stepping out of his shorts I wrapped both my hands around his erect shaft and still the swollen head protruded through the end of my fist. My hands looked so tiny around his enormous cock.

'God!" How the fuck will it all fit inside me?' I thought.

John had brought our two large towels with him which he put down on the grass and we laid on the towels on our sides, facing each other. We were both a bit nervous at this stage.

"Do you still want to do it?" he asked. In answer I just rolled on my back, feet drawn up and knees raised. I let my thighs fall open slightly and slipped my fingers between them, fingering myself slowly.

He knelt over me with his hands on my knees, parting them wider, moving between them and holding them open with his own thighs, his huge cock hovering above me. He watched my fingers moving slowly on my clit' as I reached up with my other hand to stroke and fondle his cock.

"Are you sure about this?" he said.

"Put it in me please John." I begged. I didn't want anymore foreplay, I needed to feel him inside me, fucking me, filling and stretching my cunt and whispering sweet, filthy obscenities to me, telling me how beautiful I was and how good it felt to feel the tight sheath of my slit clenching his rigid shaft of muscle.

He leaned forward and supported his weight with his hands at either side of my shoulders as I guided his cock between my legs.

"Tell me if I am hurting you" he said.

Oh God! It was really going to happen. Suddenly I was apprehensive. I let go of his cock and put both my hands on his shoulders. Resting his weight on one hand, John held his erection and placed the tip against the soft outer folds of my slit. Oh yes! I could feel his heat, ripples of pleasure running through my body as he slid the tip back and forth along my cleavage, my own wetness, together with his causing the tip of his cock to slide in a delicious, smooth, slow movement across my lips.

He paused his up and down movement and gently eased his hips forward, increasing the pressure as I felt my lips part, allowing his swollen head to slowly slip between them. I raised my head and looked down between our bodies, fascinated by the incredibly erotic sight of the way the lips of my cunt seemed to fold inwards as the head of his cock pressed against them, as if trying to resist the intrusion, then open and enfold the impossibly large, swollen head. It seemed to slip in so easily. Sweet, fucking, unbelievable ecstasy! He was inside me and it felt gorgeous.

John was breathing heavily, I knew he was trying hold back and not hurt me by thrusting all the way in. he was slowly slipping the tip in and out, feeling me get wetter. I lowered my hands to hold his hips and he held his cock just inside me, not thrusting, just applying a slight pressure that allowed me to move my hips, and working him deeper into me bit by sweet fucking bit.

Every so often, he would withdraw slowly all the way out of me and slip back slowly, in and out, I couldn't take my eyes away from the sight of the way the folds of my cunt moved around his shaft, folding inwards as he slipped in and pouting outwards, as if hanging on to his cock as he slid out. I had worked him halfway into me and half his shaft glistened moistly as he slid in and out. It hadn't hurt at all so far; I held him in me and continued to squirm my hips, easing him deeper, deeper.

Oooohh! I was there. I had him all. He was in me to the hilt. I could feel his tight balls pressed against my arse. John was breathing harder and little drops of perspiration beaded his forehead. He was having difficulty holding back. My small, tight cunt was stretched and filled to capacity with his thick, hard, pulsating muscle, but he wasn't hurting me.

I encouraged him to move by pumping my hips against him and pulling his thighs, he got the message, he moved his cock in long slow heavenly strokes, withdrawing until just the head was inside me and then sinking back to his balls, holding himself in to the hilt and grinding his pelvic bone against my clit'. He asked if he was hurting me.

"Fuck no! Do it harder. Don't stop. Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck Meeee!"

Our bodies were now slamming together. He now had the full weight of his body on top of me, his hands underneath me grasping the cheeks of my butt as he pistoned his rod mercilessly into me.

"Oh fuck I'm coming!" he gasped, and so was I.

"Come with me. Now!" I groaned. John needed no encouragement. My orgasm was so intense I was on the point of swooning. My whole body went limp and it felt as if I was dissolving into a deep, dark, sensual abyss before I collapsed into a blubbering, slobbering, unintelligible wreck.

With a loud cry of, "Oh yeees!" John also shot his load.

He speared his rock-hard length of solid, rippling manhood up me to the hilt and exploded, his warm streams of silky cum, erupting from the depths of his balls, coursing along the length of his shaft and flooding into my cunt. His swollen cock had stretched the sheath of my puss' so tight that I could feel his beautiful organ convulse in small, rapid spasms with each f***eful ejaculation as his semen shot into me.

We were both in a state of collapse. As I slowly surfaced, I felt his weight on top of me and the warm feel of his cock, somewhat softer, but still deep inside me and making occasional little jerks like orgasm after shocks. John rolled on his side and pulled me with him, keeping my body close to his. I threw my leg over his thigh and pressed my hips into his, keeping his cock inside me. We kissed long and tenderly.

"Did you like that?" he asked.

"It was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. What about you?"

He told me that he had never come so hard, so much, or for so long in his life. He told me that I was the most beautiful girl he had ever known with a perfect body. He made me feel great the way he talked to me. I snuggled closer into him; I didn't want his softening cock to slip out of me.

As his cock softened a little more, I realised that I could tweak and tighten the little muscles in my vagina and John could feel them clenching against his thick head. He liked this, and told me to keep doing it.

"Do you really think Brett and Bobbie are fucking?" I asked.

"I'm sure they are." he said, "He told me that he was going to fuck her if he ever got the chance."

"Really!" I exclaimed.

"He also told me he would like to fuck you too." he said.

I thought how ironic it was that Bobbie and I had fantasized about screwing Brett all this time and never imagined that he might have been thinking about us in the same way.

John seemed to read my thoughts, he smiled and said,

"Would you like to fuck with Brett?"

I replied half jokingly,

"Maybe." I said. As I said this, I gave his cock (which felt a little harder.) another squeeze by contracting the little muscles in my cunt.

"Would you like to screw Bobbie?" I asked him.

"Only if you didn't mind and if you were there watching us." he said.

We carried on talking about watching each other fuck with someone else and his cock was steadily swelling again inside me, stretching me as his thickness expanded and slowly probing deeper as he swelled in length.

I pushed him on to his back and straddled him, keeping his cock inside me. I sat squarely on top of him, he was fully hard and it felt exquisite inside me. Although I was very tight and full, the cum from his previous orgasm was lubricating his cock and my cunt and I was able to slide myself up and down on his shaft with ease.

This time there was no urgency, we fucked slowly, enjoying the feel of each others bodies and gradually bringing each other to another climax.

"Yay! Go Go!" I heard Bobbie shout. My heart leaped into my throat as I swung my head around and saw her and Brett. They had sneaked up on us and slipped into the alcove behind us and had been watching me sliding up and down on John's cock.

"You bitch." I cried. John just laid his forearm across his eyes

"Shit!. We've been sprung." He groaned.

I couldn't just get off him and leave him lying there with his hard-on waving in the breeze. "Piss off." I said to Bobbie.

"No way, we want to see the end of the show." Brett said.

I was more surprised than annoyed at seeing them, I actually felt quite self assured about it. The fact that I was on top of John with his cock tucked deep inside me, made me feel like saying, 'Look he's mine.'

John didn't seem too concerned about it; in fact, he had a smile on his face and was chuckling under his breath.

Bobbie was half naked, she had a towel around her waist but the rest of her beautiful, slim, brown body was naked. Brett was standing behind her dressed in exactly the same way, his arm was around her shoulder and his hand enclosed one of her cute little breasts and was toying with it, his other hand was holding his shorts and Bobbie's bikini.

"Come on." Bobbie giggled, "Keep the show rolling."

"I thought you two would have fucked each other to a standstill by now." John laughed.

I know it sounds bizarre, but both John and I didn't feel at all uncomfortable and I could feel his cock was still hard and pulsating inside me.

Brett dropped his hand and pulled the towel from off Bobbie's hips, leaving her completely naked. "Go and help them." He said to Bobbie.

Bobbie, still giggling walked over to us. I looked down at John's face, his eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw her naked. She was so small and pretty with her long black hair falling around her shoulders and on to her firm little breasts. His eyes traveled down her body and riveted on the cleavage of her vagina, unconcealed by any trace of pubic hair, the small jerks of his cock inside me increased in frequency as he watched her approach.

She knelt down beside us and I playfully tried to push her away. "Go away you slut." I said.

She returned my push. "No way!" She said.

As she pushed back at me I fell backwards and had to quickly put my hand behind me on the grass to retain my balance, as I did so, John's cock slipped out of me and was standing erect.

"Ooooh!" Bobbie exclaimed as she saw his rigid erection. She feasted her eyes on it. John grasped it in his hand and held it for me to regain my position and impale myself back on it.

"No. I'll do that." Bobbie said. She pulled John's hand away, laid his arm on the grass between himself and her, then shifted her position so that that her back was facing John, her knees either side of his forearm and she was sitting down on his lower arm, pinning it to the grass.

All I could see was John's wrist and hand, palm up, protruding from between her thighs, the lips of her slit pressed down against the inside of his wrist. It only took a second for her to do this, and, at the same time, whilst I was regaining my balance, she wrapped her hand around John's cock. She was stroking him slowly. John made no move with his other hand to stop her.

"Let me put it back in you." she said.

I rested my hand on her shoulder, lifted myself above John's cock and lowered myself on to it as Bobbie held it. John's eyes were closed and he let out a long, deep moan as Bobbie guided his head between the lips of my tingling slit. She kept her fist wrapped around him.

"Wicked. Oh fucking wicked!" She said as she watched his shaft sink into me. She released his cock and I slowly sank all the way down until my pelvic bone was hard on his.

I started to move slowly up and down on his erection and Bobbie started to finger my clit'. The sensation was mind blowing, John's length of rigid muscle, filling my sheath to capacity and Bobbie's fingertip working on my clit'. John's hips were thrusting up against mine on each of my downward strokes, forcing himself as far inside me as possible.

I looked down between Bobbie's thighs to where she was sitting on John's arm, but all I could see was his fingers and at first, it looked like his middle finger was missing until I realised that it was inside Bobbie's slit and she was squirming her butt around as if she were fucking his finger. John must have thought all his birthdays had come at once.

I had almost forgotten about Brett but was suddenly aware of him standing at the other side of me. He had taken his towel off and was completely naked, his hard-on swaying in front of him. God! How often had Bobbie and I fantasized about having him with us, just like this, naked and hard.

He knelt down on my left and his cock rested hot and heavily on my thigh.

"Can I join the party?" He said.

Bobbie had planted her mouth on my right breast and was teasing my nipple with her tongue as she continued fingering my clit'. Brett placed his right hand at the back of my neck and kissed me, my mouth fell open as his lips touched mine and our tongues immediately commenced battle like two slippery snakes. As we kissed, he took my left hand and placed it on top of his throbbing weapon resting on my thigh. I needed no encouragement; I grasped it firmly and started to masturbate him hard.
Sweet, heavenly fucking bliss! John's cock inside me, Bobbie's fingers on my clit', Brett's lips on mine and his erection in my hand.

Bobbie put her free hand around my waist and lifted me until John's cock slipped out. She grabbed his slippery shaft and started to wank him.

"Finger her." She breathed hoarsely to Brett.

Brett's hand dropped between my thighs and he gently replaced John's cock with two fingers which he slipped gently inside me. He moved his lips from my mouth down to my left breast and Bobbie's lips took over from his on my mouth. Between kisses she was urging me to masturbate Brett harder.

"Make him come." she kept repeating to me.

John's finger was working furiously in Bobbie's cunt and she was having difficulty staying coherent, she was obviously close to coming herself, and so was I.

Suddenly John gasped.

"I'm coming!"

"And me. And me!" Bobbie gurgled. She worked her hips down harder and faster on John's finger.

I lifted my thighs over John's cock as Brett slipped his fingers out of my cunt. John's first burst of cum shot up onto the lips of my vagina as I lowered myself over his pole and sat down hard on him, spearing his cum pumping rod deep inside me as my own orgasm hit.

"Ooooh!" Brett sighed as he shot his load.

I felt his warm gush of semen spurt on to my wrist and left upper thigh. In the meantime, Bobbie had collapsed across John's chest, both hands between her legs, clutching John's hand hard against her vagina as she came.

I sat there, savoring the feel of the wash of John's thick, warm cum oozing into me and the smooth, slippery sensation of Brett's semen dripping from my fist onto my thigh.

That day was the beginning of a beautiful relationship between the four of us that was to last for the next two years.
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