My story


I laid on my belly grunting hard as Lucas held me down giving me a powerful fucking from behind.
I knew he was gonna go awhile sense I teased him all afternoon and sucked him off till he nutted in my mouth before I let him start fucking me.
But, damned was he on a marathon fuck.
He has been screw my me for well over an hour and is showing no signs of slowing down.

Jesus do I love young cock.

My name is Hannah. I'm a forty-two year average looking house wife.
Dish water blonde hair with a 36G-28-37 figure 5'6" tall 140 pounds.
Pretty average really.

I wasn't always a slut for young men. But, when my husband's dick quit working I still had needs.
I've never hid the fact that I have a younger lover from my husband.
I just don't ever say much about it.
He knows where I go when I go out with "friends". That's why he never calls me.
We also have times for him to call when he's out of town working.

My husband has never met Lucas. Sure he has seen a few pictures here and there. But, that's it.

Lucas also knows I'm married.

Between my age and me being married I think that has something to do with Lucas fucking me.

Besides I do what ever he wants. It wasn't till I started fucking Lucas that I swallowed or took it up the ass.

Two things my husband has no idea I do. I would never do them with him. Period.

But, here I am laying on my belly holding onto the board getting plowed big a bigger cock then my husband ever had hoping he sticks his cock up my horny asshole and fucks it with same vigor he is fucking my shopping wet cunt.

Lucas and I didn't start out as fuck buddies.
Sure I thought he was a good looking guy for being twenty-one years old.
But, I was looking for someone in there thirties.
Lucas hit on me every chance he got. But, I always just laughed him off.
But, after awhile and finding out every guy I hit on was either married or gay I started having second thoughts about Lucas.

I remember the day well.
I was setting at the bar in the small dinner waiting on my breakfast when Lucas came out with that cute little grin of his.
I looked him up and down. When I got to his crotch and saw the bulge I grinned to myself.
I remembered back to when my husband was his age. He was hard and horny all the time.
As I set and ate I kept checking Lucas out.
I started not to. But, after another cute little grin in wrote my address down and left him a twenty dollar tip.

I went home and cleaned up. I knew Lucas got off at 1 p.m. so I hoped he would be by around 2.
By 2:30 I started to figure he wasn't coming and starte to go change.
But, my heart almost skipped a beat when there was a rap on the back door. I knew exactly who it was.

Lucas from the get go knew how to handle me. I melted to him from that first kiss.
I'm not sure why. But, it was so easy and natural.
Now, I look forward to when we get together.
At first it was once a month maybe.
We did things. We bought a few toys to use and some movies.

The first time I ever swallowed a load was
One afternoon when I was exceptionally horny. I was on top of Lucas in a sixty-nine sucking his big cock.
Well, we got carried away or I did at least.
I was so caught up with what lucas was doing with his tongue and wasn't paying attention to how hard I was sucking his dick. Well, before I knew it I had a mouth full of cum.
Well, in the state I was in I just swallowed it and kept on sucking. That is after I sprayed Lucas with my lady juice.

I figured it was over then. I did that to my husband once and he like to lost his mind. So I always made him quit before it got to that point.

Not Lucas. Lucas shoved his tongue into me deeper and ate me harder. So I didn't mind swallowing him and came to like sucking him off to orgasm.
I always enjoy the look on his face when he shoots a big tasty load down my throat.

The same thing with anal kinda. We was in the middle of some pretty rowdy sex, when Lucas on accident slipped from my very lubed up pussy and buried his entire prick into my virgin asshole.
It hurt like no other.
But, just about the time he bottomed out in my asshole he erupted holding me tight where I could escape.
When he rammed the second I had an orgasm like I had never had before.
I started talking in tongues and thrashing about spraying cum everywhere and I mean every where.
We where both soaked with my juices by the time I was finished.

After that anal became a regular thing between us.

I learned there was things I could do to make it more enjoyable and ways to clean up, so not to make a nasty mess.

I still try to get my husband turned on. But, near as much as I use to.
I also spend more time with Lucas then what I started out doing.
Some times I'll just go over to see him even if we don't have sex. I like being with him.
I think part of that to is my husband spends more time working and at the golf course then what he use to also.

I'm not sure how this is gonna come out.
Lucas has told me any time I want I can move in with him.
I toy with the idea ever day.
But, I still hold out hope my husband will get his groove back. But, he seems to have no interest in it.
Even though I offer him pussy.

The other day I laid in bed with my legs open working my bald snatch with a dildo right in front if him.
He just looked at me, grinded and said when I get done he'd like to have lunch.
That was a real mood killer.
I was hoping he'd help me out and maybe give me a good licking.
But, alls he cared about was his damned lunch.

Well, I got some young cock to take care of. Till next time enjoy.

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