Aureli 4 – ‘thrill106'


Aureli 4 – ‘thrill106’

A late night encounter in the dark dunes.

Late in the evening, on a deserted Normandy beach, Maurice Richeaux slowly made his way through the loose sand. He was on his regular stroll, taking his two precious Dobers for a walk. In the darkness he was just a mere shadow. The faint glow of the moon only slightly diminished the blackness of the night. The high dunes on the left, a dominant feature in the landscape by day, were barely visible. The raging dark surf pounded the shore and glistened in the bleak light. It was the first week of spring. Although it was getting warmer, it was still too chilly for the beach. The tourists had not yet arrived. The area still belonged to the locals. It appeared deserted, apart from a few lone walkers. Maurice paused, and gazed into the distant darkness. He was probably the only one here along the empty coastline. He thought he saw something moving a bit further down the beach, but he wasn’t sure. It could be his imagination. If there was someone, it was probably another local like him, on a routine late night walk. It was really too dark to tell.

Maurice was a widower. His wife died a few years ago after a short illness. After his retirement at 60, he had given himself a new focus in life with his purebred breeding setup. A small modest earner, complimenting his investment income. He was out here most evenings. A bit of exercise for him, and his pedigree companions.

There was wild weather far out on the ocean. A haze of salty rancid air hung over the area. The unpleasant smell penetrated his nostrils and stuck to his tastebuds. He decided to pause and take a breather. He sat down at the base of the dunes and silently observed the dark churning water. He watched the bristling foam on top of the heavy rollers, smashing into the beach. He made sure to stay well away from the thundering surf, rushing up to him. It could easily topple a human and drag it out to sea. He buttoned up and raised the collar of his old olive green coat. His fingers ran through his roughed up, thick grey hair. His weathered tanned face betrayed the many years he had spend in the area, exposed to its harsh environment. He looked up to the high dunes. He wouldn’t go near them at night. In the pitch-black darkness you would get lost up there. A massive labyrinth of long grass-covered ridges and deep dune pans. Home to rabbits, foxes and god knows what other wildlife.

He lazily checked on his two purebreds. They were like fleeting shadows, flashing around in the darkness, splashing in and out of the rushing, sizzling water. He silently followed their glowing eyes. They both wore dark brown leather harnesses. It had a heavy collar, a strap just in front of their chest, and a string behind their front legs. The three were linked together with a connecting metal ring on top of their shoulders. The ring made it easy for Maurice to hook up his leash. As usual, both his ‘boys’ were wet and dirty from digging and rolling in the moist sand. Maurice watched it all from the base of the sand hills. The filth, covering his two prized companions, didn’t bother him. At home, a warm rinse and a quick snack would prepare them for bed. His two mainly black pedigree specimens were in high demand with local breeders. Athletic and virile, they were able to perform multiple times a day. Their short dark coat gleamed, even in the faintest of moonlight. Their impressive muscular build had drawn him to this particular breed.

‘Dobers’ had a reputation for being well hung, their long thick hairy meat penetrating deep inside. Their hind legs would strain, trying to shove it in as deep as possible. Maurice had witnessed how fanatically single-minded they were when in the midst of their mating ritual. For them, the other party was just a fleshy hole. He had heard the panting and squealing. He saw them grunt, teeth exposed. Just before spraying they would tightly latch on at the back. Their muscular hind legs would tremble. Their tensed up back would jerk forward in little rapid movements. Inside, the fiery red knob would suddenly explode.

In the darkness Maurice was almost invisible. Resting at the foot of the hills, he sat on a piece of driftwood in between mounts of shells, seaweed and washed up debris. After observing his two purebreds for a while, he got up from his spot and, with his teeth, let out a short whistle. Both of them appeared out of the darkness, running towards him. Despite the thunder of the waves, their highly sensitive ears had picked up the sound. He leashed up one of them. With the other one still roaming free, he went further down the dark beach, towards the lighthouse in the distance. Just like the ships, he used the tower as a directional guide, the yellow light flashing his way every so often. The wild weather didn’t let up. It wasn’t cold, but still very stormy. The strong wind messed up his hair and coloured his cheeks. In the blackness of the night, the heavy seas kept on battering the beach. Along the dark waters edge, roller after roller pounded the shore and rushed up the sand.

Maurice continued his slow walk towards the flashing light in the distance. The tiny seashells cracked under his sturdy boots. Ploughing on through the loose sand, they would be home soon. A rinse and a feed for his two ‘boys’, a hot tea for himself, and then off to bed. With one on the leash, he kept an eye on the other, roaming at the base of the dunes. The dirt-covered purebred was digging and scavenging in between the washed up driftwood and debris, his nose probing, trying to find an interesting scent. Suddenly he froze on the spot and looked up in the direction of the dark dunes. His ears went straight up. His nose was twitching. His muscles tensed up and trembled. His nostrils had caught the faint smell of something that utterly grabbed his attention. From a distance, Maurice observed the instant change. He recognised his Dober’s particular behaviour. He had seen it many times before. What happened next was no surprise to him. He watched him suddenly take off. The large athletic purebred raced up a steep narrow path, in between the high dune grass, into the vast forbidden darkness. “Oh dear… here we go again,” Maurice murmured to himself. “We’ll better hang around for a while, until he’s back. Probably another rabbit or a rat or something…”

He had become very familiar with all of this. Sporadically their hunting instinct would take over. They’d spot a rabbit or a fox. Their brain would go on zero. They couldn’t resist chasing it high up into the dunes. He watched it as always with bemusement. He knew they were powerful and could take care of themselves up there. It wouldn’t last long though. They would eventually succumb to separation anxiety, and dash back, down to the beach, towards their master, usually within five minutes.

He sat himself on a large piece of driftwood, at the base of the high sand hills. His other purebred had become restless. He yelped and frantically strained the leash. He had smelled the same thing. He was also looking up to the high dunes and wanted to follow his companion, deep into the darkness. After a while Maurice heard a faint noise from within the dark labyrinth… Something that sounded like muffled screams or growling… He wasn’t sure. It was hard to tell, amidst the loud thundering noise of the crashing waves and the howling wind. He patiently waited. He had been in this predicament before. He checked his watch… ten minutes gone. He sighed. There was nothing he could do, but sit tight. In the darkness he stared at the incoming waves. He still heard faint noises from up there. “Hmmm,” Maurice murmured, while checking his watch again… “I wonder what he’s up to. He’s never been away that long. What is he doing up there… I do not envy anyone bumping into him…”

Finally, a black shadow appeared in the distance, rushing down out of the high hills. He recognised his purebred, running towards him. Covered in grime and fine dune dust, he was panting heavily. “Well,” Maurice said… “You took your time… close to fifteen minutes away. That must be a record, my boy. You had us really worried… You had a bit of a dust up over there, didn’t you?” He ran his rough hand over his pedigree’s filthy back. He didn’t have any injuries but Maurice noticed the long rock-hard cock, swaying underneath him. The dark hairy foreskin had pulled back, exposing his fleshy rod and enlarged red knob. It was wet with sperm, some of it still dripping out of its fiery red opening. Maurice hadn’t come across this before. Rabbits, foxes… yes… but this… what happened up there? “Hmmm,” he murmured to his purebred. “That’s unusual… you have definitely been deep into something I see…”

He looked puzzled as he leashed up his Dober. He had been away for almost fifteen minutes… What would he have mated with up there, in the dark? A fox… or maybe… something else? He came back dusty, but with no injuries. Maurice didn’t have an answer. In thoughts, he strolled towards a dark path near the lighthouse, and up to the main road. Under a streetlight, he checked up on his precious companion. His bright red cock was still swaying heavily, but slowly going flaccid. The wetness had disappeared. “It must have been one hell of fuck you had there, my boy…” Maurice whispered. “I hope you stuck it deep into whatever it was, like a proper purebred should… At least you let off a bit of steam, we all need that at times, I guess…”

Maurice made his way home. He washed and fed his ‘boys’ and, after a hot tea, went to bed. Two days later, in the morning before breakfast, he checked his mailbox. Amongst the bills and promotions he found a small yellow envelope. It had no postage stamps on it. That meant it had been hand delivered. In it was a torn, small white piece of paper. On it, scribbled in blue ballpoint ink, a mobile phone number and a web link. He found it odd, went inside, and put on the kettle. He dumped a few bread slices into the toaster. He separated the yellow envelope from his other mail, and seated himself in front of his old computer. After starting it up and logging on, he very slowly typed in the long internet address. It led him to an adult forum where bloggers and swingers posted little videos. The link led to a newly posted piece of footage. The poster’s online name was…


It took a while for the file to start. His computer was old, with an out-of-date operating system and limited capacity. The footage began to roll, but was very dark. Maurice couldn’t distinguish anything. He turned off the lights in the lounge room and closed the curtains, shutting out the early morning light. He slightly enlarged the video box and let it roll again.

What he saw left him confused… bewildered… speechless…

It showed a large dark dune pan at night. High grass, visible as black contours, surrounded it on all sides. The camera was about 50cms (1.5 feet) up from the ground. The faint moonlight was just enough to vaguely see what was happening. For about 20 seconds the dune pan was empty. Then finally a dark silhouette entered the picture area. It seemed to be a young slim female of average height, wearing a small rucksack. Maurice noticed her short emo haircut, but it was too dark to see her face. She wore low cut baggy pants, a dark t-shirt and a short dark jacket. She slowly put down her small backpack onto the fine dusty sand and took off her thin black shoes. She left her bag in the middle, and slowly went barefoot towards the edge of the dune pan. Maurice watched her disappear in between the dark high grass, and out of the picture. Moments later she moved back into the frame, close to the camera, from the side of the screen. The lens quickly auto-corrected into focus. She slowly positioned herself on her knees. The picture showed the front of her dark green camouflage cargo pants. Her long fingers carefully pried open its button. They slowly gripped the little zip handle and pulled down the zipper. Her slim fingers teasingly slid inside. She slightly rocked her hips, in short back-to-front fuck movements, and pushed her pants further down. Maurice noticed that she didn’t wear any panties.

In the kitchen, the electric water kettle came to the boil, and switched itself off. The toasted bread slices were ready and popped out of the machine. Maurice was oblivious to it all. In his darkened lounge room, close to the screen, he stared at the girl’s naked midriff, her slightly open vagina, in between strips of carefully trimmed dark pubic hair.

It was clear to him she was not Caucasian. She was probably North African, Arabic or South American. She had slightly darker skin, a slim lean body and clearly visible abs. She must have been doing some kind of fitness training. The girl slowly got up while turning around. With her back to the camera, Maurice still couldn’t see her face. She moved a few metres away, towards the middle of the dune pan, and slowly slid off her pants, showing off her small hard buttocks and clearly visible thigh gap. The girl was stripping for her internet audience and clearly loved exposing herself. Maurice watched her hands, how she ran them over her hard naked arse cheeks, opening them up, groping and squeezing them. She took off her small dark jacket. Her fingers slowly lifted her tight t-shirt over her head.

She showed Maurice her stark-naked lithe body from behind. She stood there for a few moments, with her back towards the camera… posing… slightly curving her naked flesh, running her hands over her small flat breasts, down over her hips and buttocks. She was showing herself off to Maurice in front of the camera. After a few minutes she bent over and picked up her clothes. Naked, she went to the middle of the dune pan and stuffed the items into her small backpack. Carrying her bag, she scurried to the opposite end of the open space. She hid her belongings under the high grass and disappeared into the dense dark undergrowth.

The dune pan was empty again.

About ten seconds later, from the side of the screen, her dark naked flesh again entered the image area.

The girl’s face was just outside of the picture. Her body filled the screen. Maurice had a good view of her small breasts, her gym-toned muscular arms and legs and hard-bodied midriff. She slowly opened her legs impossibly wide. Maurice leaned closer to the screen and looked at her hot young glistening vagina in between her dark pubic hair. Her wide-open slit almost filled the picture box. She slowly slid her long dark finger over her clit, moving it teasingly down in between her labia. Maurice heard her soft moans. She seemed to be really hot and turned on and sounded short of breath. He followed her fingers, how they slid into her wet dark opening. The camera quickly auto-corrected and delivered a sharp image. You could almost see inside and smell it, touch it. Her midriff was slowly moving up and down. She moaned louder and sounded frantic, gasping for air. She was deeply fingering herself, trying to orgasm in front of the camera.

A small matt metallic silver tube entered the picture. Her long fingers carefully squeezed some thick transparent gel out of it. Maurice looked on as she smeared it all over, and into, her young hot vagina. She slowly turned around. The camera gave him a great close up view of her small hard butt. He saw her fingers in the thigh gap between her legs, pushing the gel into her open slit and up into the canyon between her hard buttocks. Close up, in front of the lens, she pulled open one of her arse cheeks. Maurice followed her finger, how it circled around her dark button, smearing the gel over, and slightly into her anus.

She slowly turned around. Maurice followed the movement of her supple hard buttocks as she moved naked on hands and feet toward the centre of the dune pan. It seemed to be very gusty. The wind made the tall dune grass bend in all directions. In the middle of the open space, in the dusty sand, she rolled over onto her back and spread her legs impossibly wide. Maurice watched her body curve wildly as she lifted up her midriff and frantically fingered herself. Hot as fuck, she rolled through the fine sand while furiously rubbing herself between her legs. A few moments later she went on all fours and spread her knees wide. She curved her back, pushed up her small hard buttocks and threw her head back. The faint moonlight highlighted the contours of her dusty naked body.

It appeared to Maurice she was readying herself… holding a position… waiting for something…

After about a minute, suddenly another dark shadow entered the area. It was the outline of something large. Maurice didn’t see it clearly at first, until it came closer to the camera. He then abruptly stopped the footage.

“Oh my god… what the… is that… no… it can’t be… no… or is it?”

He was numb from the shock. He moved closer to his computer screen. He stared at the image box. The dark shadow. He recognised his own precious pedigree in the footage. He wore a harness that was very familiar to him. Maurice hesitantly clicked on the triangle beneath the file to continue the footage. His purebred was circling the girl, eventually approaching her from behind. Maurice saw how she looked over her shoulder and pulled open one of her small arse cheeks to entice him. He got the message and came closer. His long tongue hesitantly reached out. After a few small licks his nose quickly disappeared into the space in between her small hard cheeks. The girl threw her head backwards and lifted up her small butt even more. The Dober growled and went for it. He quickly stepped up his fast incessant licking. She loved the long coarse tongue, dragging up and down from her clit over her vagina, to her tight dark brown button, rapidly licking the space around her anus. The Dober got a delicious taste of her and grew quickly more determined. He went down on his front legs and tilted his head. He rapidly probed with his nose underneath her, all the time looking for a better angle. Maurice watched them both in profile as shadows. He noticed the purebred’s long dark rod, now swaying rock hard and heavy under him.

His deep grunting increased, his licking became more brazen and intense. It was obvious to Maurice that his purebred loved the taste of her flesh. His head turned constantly, looking for a way to get in deeper. His nose and hairy lips rubbed over the skin in between her legs. His fast flicking tongue probed, rasped and pushed. With his head half under her, he focused on the girl’s opening vagina… and finally found a way into her body. His rough nose pushed in between her labia. The warm smell of her insides filled his nostrils. The girl spread her knees further apart. She curved her back downwards. Her vagina hung wide open in the thigh space, under her butt cheeks. The view of her open flesh excited the purebred to no end. While tilting his head, his nose, lips and long tongue were all delving in between her swollen labia. She felt his incessant licking around the edges of her fleshy opening. The tongue continued to get into her much deeper, roughly licking over her warm cavity wall near the entrance.

“Yeah… deeper… right there… oh god...”

Maurice saw how the girl glanced behind her as she pulled open one of her arse cheeks. He heard a small scream amidst her loud moaning. The tongue had found her g-spot on the upper wall. She clenched her arse cheeks and fucked the rough nose pushing into her flesh. She felt her orgasm slowly rising from deep down. She closed her eyes and gasped as she tried to hold back, but eventually succumbed. Maurice saw how her orgasm broke through and hit her brain. Her body trembled and snaked around. Her buttocks tightened and jerked with little hard movements. With wide-open mouth the girl threw her head backwards. Her body fluids sprayed into her cavity. The long tongue greedily licked up the girl’s moisture, running down the inside walls. The smell and taste of her flesh spurred the purebred on. There was no restraint, no respect. She was just delicious meat for him. The girl lifted up one leg, offering him better access to her wide-open vagina. The Dober eagerly used the extra space. He slightly crawled underneath her, pushing his long nose deeper into her opening slit, way past her labia. His long pointy tongue reached much further inside, touching her deep inner cavity walls in all the right places.

The girl’s soft inner flesh surrounded his nose and hairy lips. Her delicate vaginal membrane was being stretched up. The nose was as far in as possible. The girl’s elastic pink flesh was right in front of the Dober’s eyes. The long nose, and even longer tongue, reached deep down into the girls’ tunnel, licking off any moisture. She felt it all the way inside of her, touching places where no one had ever been. The girl slowly gyrated her midriff, accommodating the exploring tongue. Maurice saw her loudly moan and shake, as the fast licking inside of her got much more intense. She felt his rough tongue, how it rapidly grazed her cervix. “Oh god… oh fuck... yeah… more…“ She trembled, impaled on his face, as her second orgasm slowly enveloped her. With open mouth she cramped up and screamed as her jerking body blasted its hot juices all over her hot inner flesh, drenching the penetrating nose and rapidly flicking tongue. The Dober, deep inside of her, quickly licked up his reward.

Maurice saw how the girl slowly rolled on her back, with the purebred’s nose still buried inside of her. It pushed in between her wide-open legs as she lifted her midriff, offering her flesh to him. Breathlessly, she moaned and panted with open mouth as she stared at the Dober’s nose in between her legs, half buried into her vagina. She squeezed her breasts and threw her head back into the sand. With wide-open mouth she closed her eyes. Like a snake she felt his tongue deep inside, incessantly licking her inner walls. His head frantically turned, trying to find a better angle. The smell and taste of the girl’s flesh drove him wild. His aching hard meat made him whimper. He felt the over-sensitive veins throbbing in his swollen dickhead. The gel had an added effect on him and made it much worse. The girl finally caught her first glimpse of the menacing dark hairy rod, swaying heavily under him. The Dober’s foreskin had retreated, revealing his big red knob and red fleshy meat behind it.

“Oh fuck,” she moaned. “Oh my god, look at that…”

Shocked, as in a trance, she looked at the purebreds’ long intimidating cock. With half-closed eyes she gazed at the hot knob’s bulging red veins. She stared at the small amount of pre-cum, dripping out of its large red dickhead. She gasped and wondered what she had gotten herself into. She had imagined something, but certainly not something this big and menacing. For a moment she visualised the big glowing red knob entering her vagina, jamming all the way into her. She slowly realised she was way in over her head. She moaned loudly as her body shook and contorted. The purebred’s nose pushed into her, stretching up her hole, his tongue rasping over her inner flesh. She sighed as she gradually resigned herself to her fate. She simply didn’t care anymore. She was hot as hell. She needed to fuck really badly and was desperate to come again. She closed her eyes, lowered her head backwards onto the sand, and surrendered her hot flesh to the rampant Dober.

“Oh fuck yeah,” she breathed. “Whatever… Just give it to me, come on… breed with me…”

Her brain had long given up. Her throbbing red vagina was now doing the thinking. It had decided it badly needed that long hot pulsating rod. She gyrated her hips as she fucked the pedigree’s invasive rough tongue, eating her out, exploring her inner flesh. She prepared herself for the inevitable. She was ready for breeding as she slowly turned and went on all fours. The snout was still delving into her red hole as she slowly inched backwards. She looked behind her at the swaying long hard pole, the red knob eager to get deep into her and take possession of her lean hot body. She slowly pulled open her arse cheeks with one hand. “Oh god, come on…” she whispered as she stared at the Dober and his menacing cock. “I’m here… come and get it… give it to me… stick it in… stick it in…“ She spread her knees wider and pushed up her small hard butt, as she offered herself to him to be his fuck meat. For a moment he smelled and licked around her labia and her open red hole, then Maurice saw his large purebred quickly rise up and mount her.

His weight on her lower back pinned her down. She firmly planted her hands and knees into the sand as she felt his hairy wet skin sliding on her back. She pushed up her arse and braced herself in wild anticipation. The Dober’s hind legs and lower back moved forward. The first touch of his large hot dickhead felt like a tiny electric shock. “Oh fuck,” she gasped while her body jolted. She felt it probing in between her small hard buttocks, sliding over her anus, randomly stabbing, searching for a way in. The glowing red knob rasped and sawed, touching her hard clit. She shuddered, panted and moaned, as it teasingly slid over her red vagina. She felt the strands of hot pre-cum splash onto her anus, running down the sore flesh between her arse cheeks. The hot knob slowly found it’s way over, and in between, her pulsating labia, pressing against her vaginal entrance. Her soft stretched flesh gripped around the knob’s throbbing veins like a tight glove. The girl felt small electric shocks around her red-hot opening as her labia tightly connected with the knob’s hot twitching surface. The purebred paused for a moment. She felt the knob’s glowing heat between her legs, radiating into her throbbing labia. The large purebred slowly strained his hind legs, increasing the pressure. Tightly gripping the Dober’s pulsating dickhead, her hot vaginal flesh got stretched to the limit. The heat spread in between the girl’s trembling legs. Finally it slowly pushed past her entrance, entering her body. “Oh my god!” she gasped with wide-open eyes, as the sudden intrusion startled her. With her flat hand underneath her she pressed against her stomach as she felt the knob’s heat sensation entering her hard midriff. The pressure made her knees lift off the sand. Maurice saw how her back curved up from the sudden penetration. She quickly re-adjusted her posture and pushed up her arse cheeks.

Close to midnight, somewhere in the dark labyrinth of the dunes, Maurice Richeaux’s Dober inched his long hard black rod deeper into the vagina of a girl. In the throes of pain and pleasure, her wild screams were lost in the howls of the wind. With little electric shocks, she felt the hot large knob find its way deeper inside of her, rubbing over her inner walls. The small strands of pre-cum lubricated her tunnel, as the purebred’s pulsating dickhead took possession of her snaking body. At the entrance, the rough dark hairy shaft incessantly rasped against her throbbing clit and tightly gripping labia. She panted, shivered, and felt another orgasm coming up. Her red hole was pulsating like mad. As the black hairy rod slid deeper into her she suddenly stiffened up. Maurice heard her wild moans and screams as wave after wave hit her brain. Meanwhile, the seesawing black rod inched itself deeper into her body. She felt the glow of his red-hot dickhead spreading inside. The Dober shook and whimpered with every contact between his knob’s throbbing veins and the girls’ warm fleshy walls. She raised her arse further to accommodate the massive hard cock, slowly pushing further into her.

Maurice noticed how his muscular purebred started to jam it in harder. The Dober’s legs were digging into the dune pans’ loose sand. The girls’ knees were wide apart. Her vagina’s stretched flesh was tightly gripping the thick hairy rod, seesawing into her. Froth and pre-cum from her swollen slit ran down her hard midriff, dripping into the dusty sand. Her arms and hands stretched out in front of her on the dune pan’s sandy floor. As in a trance she screamed, whimpered and moaned under the onslaught. The long cock was by now three-quarters in. Under pressure, she slowly slid forward through the dusty soil. She tried to hold on but went face down with her knees spread wide into the long grass on the edge of the dune pan. Her hands reached out and gripped the roots of the undergrowth. The purebred’s’ hind legs mauled the loose sand as he fanatically kept pushing it in further. He slowly jammed the last bit of his long dark throbbing pole into her vagina. His dark balls, churning with hot potent seed, tightly connected with her labia. The breaking moonlight illuminated the wild mating scene. Maurice watched his purebred’s hard dark balls slap against the girls’ red slit. He upped the tempo, grunted and bared his teeth. “Oh my god… no… noooo!” Subjected to raw pain and orgasmic pleasure, Maurice heard the girls’ desperate screams, coming from somewhere in the darkness, as the Dober roughly ravaged her glowing vagina. The onslaught from behind pushed her deeper into the undergrowth of the high grass.

In the darkness she closed her eyes and focused on the long shaft inside of her. She felt her body pulse to the Dober’s heartbeat.

The girl was at the mercy of the purebred, wildly see-sawing his long hot meat into her. Her swollen red fuck hole belonged to him. Maurice didn’t see much of what happened to her. The long grass shook and thrashed around, obscuring most of the red-hot mating between the girl and his precious purebred. He heard her occasional screams and whimpers. In between the dark high grass he vaguely saw the contours of the Dober’s shiny back, his rapid little fuck movements, the way his top hind muscles clenched together.

His virile purebred was ravaging her frothing red vagina.

After many minutes of indiscriminate fucking, the grunting turned really loud and intense. By now, the girl was nothing more than a quivering mess. The rasping dark hairy rod, tormenting her jumping clit and hot burning labia, made her almost pass out. His pulsating knob was creating havoc deep inside of her. With her exhausted glowing face in the dust, she screamed and curved her body as she came, again and again. She knew about the Dober’s knot and tried in vain to get away from him, before it lodged itself in. The purebred didn’t allow it and latched on firmly with his front legs while wildly banging into her. Impaled on his prodding hot rod, her clit was jumping, her hot vagina was burning, as the Dober was almost ready to seed her.

A sperm explosion inside of her was about to begin.

Maurice’s purebred finally stiffened up and tightly latched onto the girl’s arse cheeks from behind. His throbbing black balls pressed against the girl’s vaginal entrance. His hind legs muscles were trembling. He let out several yelps. Maurice heard the girl moan loudly. The pulsating bright red knob inside of her had reached maximum stimulation. Its hot bulging veins constantly rubbed against the girl’s tight cavity walls. The tiny hot electric shocks on contact drove the girl insane. Frequent little squirts of pre-cum were a harbinger for the potent seeding to begin. The girl was barely on all fours, lying somewhere underneath the high grass, with the Dober half on top of her, latching on from behind, as his swollen veins finally signalled back. Boiling sperm started to leave the Dober’s dark balls and travelled through the long shaft, all the way down. The purebred erratically jerked his lower midriff forward. His last push to ram it as deep as possible into the girl’s shivering flesh.

In the darkness, inside her body, the hot sperm massed behind the aching red knob. It finally reached critical mass. The knob’s veins were incessantly twitching. The throbbing came to a climax as the knob opened up, releasing the pressure. The red-hot seed suddenly blasted out, drenching all walls around it. The girl wildly spasmd. She screamed. Her stretched out hand slid under her, over her midriff towards her vagina, as she felt the overwhelming heat in her abdomen. The Dober’s bubbling hot seed slowly dripped from the girl’s inner flesh, running to the lowest point. His balls kept on dispatching more sperm. The hot veins were firmly in command. The boiling sperm again assembled impatiently behind the knob. As it reached critical mass the purebred again tightly clenched his hind muscles. He yelped, growled and rammed his rod in deep, as it blasted out and drenched the walls again. The girl threw her head back. She closed her eyes and moaned loudly. She felt the heat explosion inside of her in every pore and vein. She shivered as the bubbling sperm almost overwhelmed her.

The hot liquid dripped off the fleshy ceiling, soaking the long pulsating dark hairy shaft behind the knob. The girl’s body, impaled on the rod, snaked and thrashed around. She screamed and incessantly quivered. She felt his knot pressing hard against her g-spot, blocking her vaginal entrance, locking up the sperm inside of her. The knot’s g-spot pressure drove her over the edge. She gasped, trembled and suddenly stiffened up. “Oh god, yeah… fuck me, fuck me!” she screamed. With open mouth she closed her eyes as her orgasm saturated her brain. His hairy balls slapped hard against her red-hot labia. She felt the continuous heat blasts, spreading throughout her midriff. There was more to come. Millions of boiling sperm were still leaving the Dober’s dark churning balls, pushing against her vagina. There was so much of it. The red knob’s bulging veins, covered in bubbling hot seed, were incessantly twitching, commanding ever more. The girl felt more hot sperm spraying inside of her. The thick strands kept on hitting her saturated walls. The pulsating bright red knob slowly got immersed in a large puddle of boiling frothing liquid. The swollen hot veins’ signals travelled to the purebred’s brain, taking over his body, pushing his wild mating instincts through the roof.

In the deserted darkness of the dunes, at the base of the long grass, the girl’s screaming orgasms were lost in the vastness of the labyrinth, as the purebred blasted his hot seed deep into her naked body. His knob’s throbbing veins were firmly in command. Saturated in hot liquid, they demanded the last drop out of his hard black balls.

Maurice halted the footage. It was confronting and mind-numbing. Where did this all come from? He slowly turned around on his old brown swivelling office chair and racked his brain. Then he suddenly realised. “Yeah… yeah… that’s it… two days ago. That is when it happened. He was away, up in the dunes for fifteen minutes. I heard him whimper… I heard faint screams amidst the noise of the wind and the ocean… now I know why…”

On his screen he looked at the stats underneath the video box. So far 1658 viewers had watched the footage. Together with Maurice, 187 were simultaneously watching. In the comments section viewers opined that ‘they loved the hot Dober’ and that the girl ‘had a nice little slit’.

Shocked and confused Maurice slowly lifted himself out of his swivel chair. He went to the kitchen to re-heat the kettle. In thoughts, he buttered his toast. “I wonder,” he whispered to himself. “I wonder how she attracted him… He all of a sudden took off… Was it the gel she used? Did the wind carry its irresistible smell? What kind of powerful stuff was that?”

Slowly the kettle went on the boil again. Maurice returned to the footage. He continued to let it roll. He watched his purebred, how he slowly went slightly backwards and turned around. Through his knot he was locked into the girl’s vagina. His red knob was still spraying hot seed into her. Finally his knot popped out and slowly his wet long rod retreated from the girl’s ravaged body. Large amounts of sperm left with it, dripping from her swollen labia, running down her legs and hard midriff. Finally his fiery red dickhead slowly became visible. The hot throbbing knob lingered between the girl’s stretched labia. Her sore red fleshy membrane at her vaginal entrance gripped tightly around the head. The bulging veins’ hot contact felt like electricity. Her hard clit jumped as it kept on touching the knob, and seemed to be on fire. The glowing heat and little electric shocks made the girl gasp and quiver. On all fours, she pushed up her arse cheeks, bend her back and spread her knees wider to accommodate the Dober’s large red throbbing dickhead, burning in the stretched entrance of her vagina. She felt her hot labia pulsing with the veins. It finally moved and slowly dislodged itself, sliding out of her wet red hole. With it, a wave of boiling sperm came out. The knob was still shooting small strands. The burning seed hit the canyon between her wide-open arse cheeks and her gaping vagina, running off the edges.

The Dober, with its shiny black coat, panted heavily. He left the girl’s motionless body in the high grass and moved towards the middle of the dune pan. He sat down and nursed his aching genitals. Maurice watched his purebred as he opened his hind legs. His long tongue slid up and down his hard dark hairy shaft, trying to relieve the intense throbbing, licking off the remaining moisture. Finally, he hesitantly came towards the camera. He had noticed the device earlier… but got distracted by the gel and the girl’s smell. He checked out the GoPro and sniffed around it. He went in close for a few seconds. His pulsating cock, still rock hard and menacing, filled out the screen. Glistening sperm continued to drip out of the red knob, swaying heavily under him. Just a moment ago, it had been buried deep inside the girl’s bowels. The purebred lingered around for a short time, then suddenly got restless and took off. Within a few seconds he had disappeared.

The girl was lying face down, somewhere in the dark, invisible in between the windswept high grass. For more than a minute Maurice stared at an empty screen. He couldn’t see her, and didn’t know that she was barely conscious. Her ravaged body was raw and aching. She had been fucked to an inch of her life by the rampant purebred. His hot seed was still bubbling inside of her. She slowly came to her senses, rolled over and spread herself impossibly wide. She had underestimated the size and power of the Dober and had paid the price. In the darkness, at the base of the dune grass, her hand slid over her midriff, towards the burning area between her legs. She tentatively touched the pulsating flesh of her swollen vagina. The sudden contact made her body jump and tremble. She slowly lifted her sore frame. Naked, on hands and knees, she felt her way through the darkness and crawled through the dense undergrowth… to show up on Maurice’s computer screen a short time later. Unsteady, on wobbly legs, she moved into the picture area from the side. Her lean, sore, and sweaty body was on full display. Her face was just outside the frame. She turned and showed her hard arse cheeks to her online audience. She spread her knees wide and showed the viewers her raw open slit, hanging in the thigh space in between her slim legs. Maurice leaned towards the screen and focused on her open vagina. He saw close up how shredded and swollen her bright red flesh was. He watched as she tensed up and pushed out copious amounts of his purebred’s lingering seed.

The still warm liquid trickled out of her open slit. A steady stream of seed droplets ran over the hot veins of her red swollen labia, falling into the dry dune sand. Maurice could see straight into her raw open hole. He followed her fingers running in between her arse cheeks, sliding down, hooking into her red fleshy opening. She sounded short of breath, and moaned loudly. Her vagina was still aching. Her sensitive labia craved the hot pulsating knob. Like little fuck movements, she rapidly clenched her small hard buttocks together as she felt her throbbing hole. It stirred impatiently, demanding more cock, more fucking.

On hands and feet she slowly crawled away from the camera towards the middle of the dark dune pan. Maurice looked at the thigh space in between her slow-moving, hard arse cheeks. On her back in the dusty sand, with her legs spread wide, he, and over a hundred other online viewers, ogled her as she furiously masturbated in the dark. Rubbing her twitching hole in between her wide-open legs, she desperately rolled around in the fine sand. Her hand groped around her vagina, trying to mitigate the incessant throbbing. Her online audience looked at the changing contours of her hot snaking body. They saw how she pounded her hole with her fingers and suddenly visibly trembled, jerked and stiffened up. They all heard her tiny scream.

However, Maurice had seen enough of this young horny girl. In thoughts, he slowly closed the file. He bookmarked the link and shut down his computer. Numbed by the intensely confronting footage, for a few minutes he quietly sat in his swivel chair. He stared into the distance, pondering what he had just witnessed. This anonymous girl, being ravaged by a large black Dober… not just any one… but one of HIS purebreds… He felt breathless, feverishly hot and sweaty. The disturbing images had clearly left its mark on him. After a while he slowly got up from his chair and gradually opened the curtains.

The morning light flooded in, as he suddenly remembered the yellow envelope. He found the note and dialled the number from his old Nokia cell phone. Nobody answered. His call rang out. He decided to leave a text.

>found your footage online. r u ok?<
He left his phone next to his computer and went to the kitchen. While making a coffee and sampling his toast, he heard an alert from the lounge room. Quickly he rushed back. A text had come in.

>no calls just txt. mobile untraceable. bruises&cuts from paws. sore.<

>who are you?<


>how did you find me?<

>your every day routine. I like your dobers<

>what next?<

>150 euros for next time. paws covered. muzzled<

Maurice paused. Surprised he read the text again. She actually wanted to do it again… and pay for it. 150 Euros… Good money, for doing almost nothing. For walking the beach and sending his purebred into the dunes. As shocking as he found it at first… the cash on offer slightly changed his perception. He slowly typed in a text.

>will think about it. will txt you back
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