Get Undressed


Allison took a look at the practice’s schedule . A few executives physical’s which was the practice’s main source of revenue. As she scanned the last name of the list one name stood out. A smile formed on her face and she decided to have a chat with the Dr. Pire. Allison went into the Dr.
s office and explained her scheme to her, a slow smile spread across her face as she realized that this could be made even more fun then Allison envisioned. Dr Pire explained how she would upgrade Allison’s idea to make it much more fun. The Dr. then asked Allison to prepare the exam room as she made a quick phone call. This would be a lot of fun.

Jessica Kaiser scrutinized herself in the full length mirror in the foyer of her apartment. She was dressed exquisitely with her best jewelry, new hairdo, full French makeup(her red lipstick matched her hair) and a very expensive designer dress . Even though she had a physical this morning the well dressed look was not for the doctor but for her meeting afterwards with her predecessor Molly Danforth. She wanted to be in a position of strength as she got all the information for her transition to Molly’s old position as Director of Risk Management.

Looking in the mirror she knew she had the upper hand.

Jessica was in her early 30’s but looked a few years younger. She had proven herself to be an able trader, someone who was as tough as any of the other hard partying types in corporate finance. Her incredible self confidence made her shine out amongst her peers and booted Molly our of her corner office and the company for good. Molly was in her early 40’s and came from blue blood money. She would land on her expensively clad feet somewhere. Jessica would get the corner office on Monday morning and Molly would give her the keys to the kingdom this Saturday afternoon.

On taking a last look to see if her shoes were scuffed and that her panty hose had no runs in it she felt satisfied as she grabbed her bag and headed out the door to the waiting car service. In the mirrored finish of the elevator she checked herself one last time. While she had great self confidence it hid a number of insecurities. She hated going to the doctor which is why she wore a dress today. It had a slip on underneath and she hoped she could keep it on (even if she had to remove her bra and underpants) and keep covered for most of the exam. The embarrassment came from when she was a teenager had to endure exams from male doctors who made her stand around in just her panties. Her mother would often tease her for being nearly naked in front of strange man, occasionally patting her belly if she had put on a few pounds. Even making a few teasing jokes about how she was not so high and mighty now that all she had was a skimpy pair of briefs and that mom was holding all her clothing. She absolutely hated being undressed in front of anyone. Even when she had sex she made her lover turn off the lights before she would take off a thing and always made sure a coverup was available. This all came back to her while she was contemplating her appearance. She was very athletic looking in her form fitting dress but she was wearing Spanx underneath along with a control top panty. She was not fat by any means but she had put in on a few pounds over the last few months. Hopefully the doctor would not make a big deal about it and her slip should cover up any slight bulge around her waist.

She got into the car and reflected on how much research had gone into selecting this doctor for her corporate physical. Since she had a phobia of disrobing Jessica had two of her three assistants go to the various doctors on the insurance approved list and take a physical to see how much or little one had to strip down for the exam (her third assistant refused to go and Jessica fired her immediately). On the basis of this she chose Dr. Pire as she never asked anyone to undress very much and the exam was done quickly. She put this out of her mind as she reviewed her emails as the car service drove her to a medical office park out of town. It looked quite upscale she noted as the car dropped her off. Once inside she looked for Dr. Pire’s office which was on level 4, suite 401. As she exited the elevator she could not help but notice the very high end decor in the waiting room. She was even happier when she noticed that the color scheme matched her suit nicely.

At least she is not some fly by night doctor renting a small office. This lady doctor looks to be successful.

Jessica strode up to the receptionist and told her that she was here for her corporate physical.

The young lady who looked up at Jessica looked like she had just graduated from college. She smiled and said ‘Hi, i’m Moira . You must be Ms. Kaiser’ as she searched for the form for Jessica to sign. “Ms. Kaiser I am going to have you sign this agreement that allows us to conduct the exam and share the results with the insurance company. You can take a seat and read through it if you like.”

Jessica sat down in the reception couch and skimmed through the thick document , it looked pretty standard and all the clauses seemed common enough. She came to the the appendix and decided to skip over it as it seemed to have all sorts of things about what tests needed to be run with what threshold levels, she was a banker not a chemist. She got to the signature page and signed and dated it.

“Thanks very much” replied as she took the signed agreement back.

Jessica noticed something about the office that seemed curious. “How come I am the only patient here? I would think that this place would be busy on a Saturday”

“We only do corporate physicals at this office and most executives would prefer to get it over with on a weekday so they don’t have to schlep here on a weekend. Generally we only have one maybe two patients on a Saturday.” Moira then asked “If you could take a seat the doctor will be with you in a few minutes, she is running a bit behind today.”

Jessica replied with some frustration “I hope it will be soon , I have a meeting scheduled today that I cannot miss”. She turned quickly and went into the reception area and sat down on the couch. She pretended to glance through the magazines on the coffee table in front of her. On the surface she was somewhat annoyed but the annoyance really masked anxiety. To any observer she was just another well dressed woman who was reading a magazine while she dangled her foot over her crossed legs. But inside she was a bit of a wreck.

Will I have to disrobe immediately? How much will I have to remove? Will they ask me to ‘strip’ she thought as she recalled how her doctor when she was a teen would have her ‘strip down to your panties’ and her mother would tease her as the exam room door closed ‘well lets go, I want to see you in your undies’. She had to disrobe right in front of her mother and sometimes even the nurse. Her mother relished her utter humiliation. I want the doctor to have a changing screen because stripping in front of someone else, even if it was just a bit of clothing made her embarrassed. By the time I leave here I may have to remove a fair amount of my clothing. I hope the floor is carpeted, I hate bare feet on just linoleum. Her fear of being undressed before a new person was fueling her nervousness. Her two assistants told her different things. One told her she had a gown on with panties underneath. The other was allowed to keep her slip on (with no underclothes underneath). As long as she wasn’t going to be standing around in just her panties everything would be fine she reassured herself.

Moira walked out of reception to Dr. Pire’s office in the back to hand over signed forms to her. While Moira was young she was also a psychology major and had a good understanding of people. She placed the paperwork on the doctor’s desk and asked

‘Should I bring her in’.

‘Sure, what about ...’ as she pointed her chin towards the waiting room.

‘Very confident but I feel like she is using it to conceal anxiety. She is really pretty nervous, she even got pissy with me even though I doubt she does that with anyone in her office.’

‘Bring her into the office’ said the doctor wondering how interesting this was going to get.

Moira escorted Jessica into the doctor’s office. It was large with two chairs in front a large mahogany desk with a huge bookshelf filled with medical books and journals.

Jessica took a quick scan and realized that this was not an exam room but just a place to talk with the doctor. Dr. Pire got up out of her chair and shook hands with Jessica and said, ‘A pleasure to meet you Ms. Kaiser,my nurse is getting the exam room ready for you but before you go in for your physical I would like to talk with you.’

The mention of exam rooms and physical exam make Jessica’s heart rate go up a bit. Lets get this over with she thought as she swallowed hard.

The conversation was going so smoothly that Jessica began to relax a bit.

‘Since this is a corporate physical the company’s insurance company wants to know about all aspects of your life,including questions about your sexual practices’

Jessica looked a bit dumbfounded as Dr Pire replied ‘Don’t worry I won’t be asking about number of partners and things like that but these questions can seem very invasive. I only ask them because the insurance company requires me to ask them.’

Of course there was no such requirement but it got the response Dr Pire expected.

Jessica looked straight at her and said ‘Ask away’ with her usual confidence. But her heart was beating faster

‘What is your sexual orientation?’


‘Do you use birth control’


‘Do you insist that your partner wear a condom?’

‘Most of the time’ Jessica said with a slightly startled smile


‘Do you engage in anal sex?’

‘Yes’ she said straining against anger at the probing nature of the questions

‘Do you perform oral sex?’

‘Yes’ as she gritted her teeth.

‘Finally’ said Dr. Pire with a smile ‘Do you engage in any abnormal sexual practices that can inflict permanent damage to your body such as S&M’

‘Definitely not’ she said ,relieved that these questions were done.

‘I know those questions can be tough but some of it will determine how I examine you’

Jessica wondered what that meant.

‘Alright Allison, my PA , will be in shortly to get you’

The name seemed familiar for some reason.

Once Allison walked in with her scrubs and stethoscope she realized why. Allison was her former assistant, the one she fired for refusing to get physicals from other doctors.

‘Hi boss ‘ Allison said with a huge smile on her face . ‘Its time to get you ready for your physical’.

She looked in horror as she realized that Allison was relishing every bit of this. She was going to have to undress with her in the room?

‘Um do you have another nurse? I actually had to let this woman go from my office.’

Dr Pire appeared not to have heard. ‘Allison joined us a few months ago, she is the best nurse I have had for a long time. Plus today being Saturday I only have one nurse on duty’

‘Uh what about the lady in reception?’ Jessica stammered.

‘Moira is just a receptionist and handles billing. Plus the agreement you signed’ she said as she picked up the appendix of the documents she had signed in the waiting room specifies that a nurse must be present for the entire exam as a third party witness. I need the witness as the insurance specs are pretty precise. Allison take a copy with you to the exam room with Ms. Kaiser just to show her that we’re not making anything up. The procedure is very rigorous and can’t be deviated from.’

‘Sure’ said Allison as she took a copy of the agreement.

‘Come with me please’ said Allison.

Once they were in the hallway she looked at Allison with daggers in her eyes. Allison pretended not to notice but she almost felt sorry about what her old boss was going to have to endure before she left the office.

As Jessica walked down the hallway she did not notice that the scale was on the other side of the hall, near the reception area. She also failed to hear the welcome chime into the reception area.

As she was walking down the hallway with Allison Dr. Pire came out and said “I think this is a unique situation, so maybe we can bend the rules a bit”. Jessica was relived to hear this.

“In order to make sure you don’t feel like being alone with Allison I will have Moira join you as you get prepped for the exam”

Jessica was in shock. Two people were going to witness this. Before she could say anything Dr. Pire headed back to her office and shut the door.

She walked into a small room that had a chair and a sink. There was a small doorway to a toilet. The back of the door to the toilet had a full length mirror. It looked like a large bathroom with a nice carpet near the chair. The chair had a small rack with hangers on it. The rest of the floor was tiled. She also noticed a number of small bottles on the sink basin. Unfortunately this did not look like an exam room.

Allison eyed her old boss and took out the document that Jessica had just signed.

“Before we get started I have to read to you the exam requirements as stated by the insurance company. Any failure to obey these requirements will result in the forfeiture of your position.”

This does not sound good Jessica thought. She also noted that there were no gowns to be seen around this room Just before Allison began to read the door opened up and Moira came in.

“Sorry I had to check someone in” she said. Jessica was so tense that she forgot that she was supposed to be the only person in the office today.

Allison started. “If you are wearing any jewelry or a watch please remove them now and place them in your purse.”

So it begins dreaded Jessica. At least I wont be stark naked

She removed her earings, bracelet, her watch and a necklace and placed them in her purse.

“You can leave your purse on the ground under the chair. While we are at it remove your shoes and put them under the chair”

Jessica slipped off her heels and placed then under the chair with her purse.

She suddenly realized that she was shorter than both Moira and Allison now that she was standing on her panty hose covered feet.

Allison continued. “First lets tie your hair back since it is long. This will allow the doctor to examine your neck and shoulders more easily.” Before Jessica could begin, Moira began tying her hair into a ponytail. It was a bit unnerving having someone manipulate her hair like that.

“Okay”, Allison continued after Moira had tied Jessica’s long red hair into a bun in the back, “Now we will have to remove all the make up from your face”. Jessica was about to protest but Moira had already grabbed a cloth with warm water and began to remove her makeup and lipstick. She felt sad when she saw the red lipstick that matched her hair was gone,without a trace. After a few minutes of stripping all her makeup Jessica looked into the mirror and realized that the few acne scars she had hidden this morning with the makeup were now in plain sight.

She had not taken off a bit of clothing and she already felt completely exposed.

Now comes the fun part, thought Allison’s

“According to the insurance guidelines ‘the patient will remain naked for the entire exam,no gowns, sheets or any other covering will be permitted’” said Allison with a slight tinge of glee in her voice, Now lets see how boss lady likes being completely naked before her old assistant. No jewelry , no makeup no designer clothing.

Jessica could barely respond ,”Are ,are you sure” she spluttered somewhat dumbly. “Surely I can keep my slip on or something.”

Allison sorrowfully said “Sorry it’s time to strip or there is no exam and no new position”. She came face to face with Jessica as she touched the lapel of her designer suit. “So its time to go from your designer suit to your birthday suit”, she said with the most fake smile she could muster.

Moira tried to break the tension. “Don’t worry its just us girls here. You should see how embarrassed the male executives get when they have to get naked. These super powerful middle age guys naked as jaybirds with nothing on and you can see everything, from their guts, sagging man boobs and tiny weenies. Its fun to watch then get humiliated like that”.

It now sank into Jessica that this humiliation will now be hers and the only naked body these two were going to see was her own.

She removed her jacket and Moira took it and placed it on the hanger. She undid the zipper on the side of her dress as she stepped out of it with Moira picking it up off the floor and placing it on another hanger.

Allison smiled in her mind as she watched her boss disrobe. Her old boss walked around the office so high and mighty now she looked short and shy in her slip and pantyhose ,her crown of hair pulled back and makeup removed.

She wondered how fit her boss was. Well she would find out in a few seconds.

“Do I really have to take everything off?” Jessica pleaded.

“Sorry as an executive the exam conditions are more stringent then normal exams,you know the ones where they give you gowns and sheets to cover up” said Allison with a wicked grin.

Jessica would not put this off any longer. She reached down and pulled the slip over her head. This time Moira took it and placed it on the chair. She removed her control top panty hose and Moira dumped that on the chair and she stood there quitely pleading with her eyes. Jessica was hopping that stripping to her bra and panties would be enough.

Allison nodded and Moira surprised Jessica by unclasping her bra. As she turned Moira grabbed the now undone bra and slipped it off her arms. She was as bare as she was back when she had her pediatric physical exams. She was now in just her spanx panties. Moira again grabbed her waistband and pulled them down to her ankles as Jessica stepped out of them suddenly realizing she was completely naked.

She was now stark naked before her old assistant she used to boss around and the receptionist that was just ‘the help’ in her mind just a few minutes ago.

She realized they were looking down at her as she had lost the height of her heels.

Realizing her nakedness she began to cover up her breasts and genitals.

“One sec” began Allison “hands at your side, Okay no pubic hair good”

“Let me see something “ said Allison as she moved past the nude Jessica to pick up her underpants.

“Some one is wearing Spanx” she said eyeing her bosses naked body. In truth she looked fine but any extra bit of embarrassment would be fun. “Putting on a little weight” as she eyed Jessica’s stomach

“I might have gained a pound or two lately” Jessica said curtly not looking Allison in the eyes ,trying to hide her embarrassment.

Her confidence was gone from her as sure as her clothing was. She just wanted to get this over with now.

Allison took out a small urine sample cup and handed it to Jessica. “I’m going to need you to fill the bottle up about halfway”. Jessica turned to the bathroom door and began to walk in . The tiles were freezing cold on her bare feet. She stated to close the door as Allison ,raising her voice slightly, “Keep the door open, you would be surprised at what people try to hide in their ...” she said as she pointed to Jessica’s vagina.

“I have to pee in front of you both” said Jessica in a somewhat subdued voice.

Allison shook her head yes.

Jessica walked in and tried, with some difficulty , to make sure her urine stream hit the cup. She could see Allison and Moira watching her.

Allison was enjoying every second of this. Her boss would make her do every lowly job around the office , but now ms. High and mighty was neither.

Jessica brought the cup back to Allison and looked away as she handed it to her. The thought of her old assistant disrobing her was bad enough.

She did not realized how she was in for a very humiliating few hours.

“Lets get your weight and measurements” said Allison as she opened the door to the hallway.

“Measurements?” asked Jessica.

“Yep, your bust, waist and hips will all need to have their circumferences measured. Plus we will be checking your BMI. So lets go she said pointing at the open door.

Jessica followed Allison and Moira came from behind as she walked on the carpeted floor towards the scale. Thank god no one else but the doctor will see me like this as her self confidence grew a bit as she crossed her arms over her breasts.

As Jessica came to the scale Moira went back to the front to continue the checkin process that Dr Pire had started she suddenly got very anxious. Her nakedness combined with a bit of anxiety of having put on weight made the scale seem scary.

Allison gave Jessica’s bare bottom a pat and told her to get on the scale with her hands at her side. Allison enjoyed grabbing at her as she adjusted her to get her into position. It was totally unnecessary but Allison liked to remind her boss that her armor of expensive clothing and makeup were gone and that she was nude.

“Okay” ,said Allison, as she adjusted the height measure, “you are 5.6 and your weight is ...” as she adjusted the weights “128 lbs, a little on the high side “ “but you have some good muscle tone ,except a tiny bit around the tummy,boy those panties and hose sure hold it all in” Jessica blushed slightly when she heard that but Allison was enjoying reminding Jessica that she now was looking at every inch of her.

Wait till the exam got started. If she was only embarrassed now then humiliation was coming in a few minutes .

“Time to get you into the exam room” said Allison as she hustled Jessica back down the corridor, passing the room where all her clothing was sitting ,again reminding her of how undressed she really was. She now wished she at least was wearing her panties.

Allison decided to play the the sympathetic ear as they walked. “I can understand your embarrassment but .”

Jessica quickly cut her off “I am not embarrassed in any way” she almost shouted, some of her confidence coming back. She realized that she had good muscle tone and firm breasts. While she would never be like this in public in the exam room only her former assistant, a receptionist and the doctor will see her disrobed. When she was a teenager she was more upset that her mother,some strange nurse and a doctor were in the room when she had to strip down. Now she was an adult and things would be fine.

Allison walked Jessica into the exam room. The window was completely curtained. It was carpeted and warmer than the outside was which was good as she was already having some goosebumps as well as her nipples were getting firm from the cold. It had the usual exam table with the crinkly paper on the table plus the usual blood pressure cuffs. She did not notice a single chair in the room,or even a stool.

“Okay get up on the table” as Allison patted her hand on the paper, Jessica sat quickly as Allison put the blood pressure cuff on her . It started to puff until the air began to hiss out

“A little on the high side” began Allison as Jessica quickly cut her off “What do you mean? It is 106/52, fairly low. I’ve had good pressure all my life.”

Allison got irritated at her former boss being so uppity. She needed to be put into her place.

Allison moved the table into a fully prone position as Jessica watched with confusion.

“Get on all fours” said Allison

“What!, why?” replied Jessica

Allison leaned over and gave Jessica’s nipple a quick twist

“Owwww” she screamed. As she whelped in pain her legs came up ,this gave Allison the perfect opportunity to give Jessica’s bare bottom a quick slap. Jessica then snapped into position, crawling quickly into position, hands and knees on the crinkly paper.

Allison leaned into Jessica’s face, now looking down on the exam table. “Remember who is charge here”. “The doctor and myself will tell you exactly what to do,so don’t get so uppity”

“just for that you will be getting a special treat”.

She began wondering what that would be when she got a cold blob of gel in her rectum. “What are you doing” Jessica weakly asked

“Taking your temperature “ said Allison sweetly as pushed the thermometer into her boss’s now gell laden rectum.

“Now keep it in there for about 3 minutes” said Allison.

Jessica was extremely uncomfortable and wondered what she had done to deserve this.

Allison began by gently patting Jessica’s buck naked butt. “In a few minutes the doctor will be in and put you through your paces. Every hole you have will be thoroughly looked at and probed. We will find out how sweaty you can get and even check between your toes for track marks . So sit back and enjoy the ride” said Allison as she waited for the three minutes to expire.

Once the three minutes was up Allison put on a pair of gloves and slowly began wriggling the thermometer from Jessica’s behind. As she was doing this the door opened. Jessica thought ‘thank good the doctor is here, who knows what delights Allison has planned...’. Then she heard a voice. It was high and patrician. An unfamiliar hand grabbed her butt as if she was checking out a side of beef, “what a firm pair of glutes you have, though after you have a kid or two this butt will sag and this little bulge at your tummy will grow”. Jessica realized to her horror that the person touching and taunting her was none other than Molly Danforth. She turned and saw that Molly had a huge grin as she checked out Jessica’s completely naked body.

She turned beet red not just on her face but just about everywhere.

Molly began to giggle. “how cute ,she’s embarrassed, like a little girl caught playing doctor by her mother. Well maybe mommie should give you a little spanking” as she slapped Jessica’s bare ass

“Well I suppose I could start our little meeting right now,while the Dr. is doing her exam on you . I’m sure her poking and prodding at you while you’re naked as the day you were born won’t be a distraction.” Said Molly relishing Jessica’s embarrassment at not only being naked but having a large dab of goop in her rectum. Molly loved seeing her stripped of her clothing,jewelry and makeup, the queen without her crown.

Molly Danforth enjoyment was extended by the fact that while her successor was buck naked she was impeccable dressed. Where Jessica wore $3000 designer dresses all her clothes were still off the rack, high end rack but clothes anyone could get. Molly came from money and with the salary she used to receive (along with an extremely sizable exit package) she had all her clothing hand tailored. She never wore the same outfit twice.

Molly had the looks of the model she once was however like Jessica she had insecurities she hid. Her clothing did some of that.

Dr. Pire suddenly interjected. “Well I am glad I got you into the office Molly. Once I explained who I was examining and I told you that you could watch I knew you were going to come. You see Jessica is joining and I told her that the executive physical needed to be done. However you have been ducking me about your exit physical.

“What” as Molly’s head snapped back to look at the doctor.

“The insurance company wants to do an exit physical on you in case you decide to sue the company later on , so we need a baseline for you as you leave. While Jessica’s exam will be through, yours will be more through”.

Molly looked at the Doctor Pire pleadingly “Ellen, we’ve been friends for years, I have enough money between me and my husband so I am not planning to sue anyone” with the most sincere face she could muster.

“Sorry Molly, this is what makes this practice run. After you leave the company on Monday no one can force you to do anything.”

“Well then I am leaving” she said as she grabbed her Coach bag

Dr Pire said “You certainly can leave but it will automatically cancel your exit package,stock options and all that other stuff”

“Ellen!” cried Molly . Then her voice dropping “Will I have to disrobe?”

“Just like Jessica is right now. According to the insurance policy I have to examine all executives with all their clothing,makeup and jewelry removed. And if you have not trimmed recently we will also have to shave that as well for the exam”

Molly looked stunned.

Molly’s leverage was disappearing as fast as her clothes were about disappear off her body.

“Allison you help Molly get undressed” said Dr. Pire “while I get Molly’s chart”

“Look Ellen let me at least keep my bra and panties on.” I will give you $5000 if you let me have this little bit of modesty” pleaded Molly

“$10,000 ,come on Ellen” as she begged more. “$10,000 and I will strip to my panties. Surely you can remove them when you have to examine down there”

“Sorry Molly, Allison have Molly strip down to bare skin. Also shave her if she is not already hairless down there”

Jessica was watching this with amusement but she also felt sorry for Molly,she knew how terrible this humiliation was as she was living it now.

Allison came left and came back with the makeup remover. She applied it as Molly removed her jacket and expensive shoes. After the makeup was removed Molly took off her blouse and pants. Molly left her growing pile of clothes on the exam table, so close that Jessica’s bare bottom was touching her clothing. Jessica wished she could put on anything , even Molly’s clothes at this point. Molly stood in her bra and panties.

“Everything off” she pleaded.

“Yep” said Allison as she snapped the waistband on Molly’s underpants. Molly removed her bra and whisked her panties down to her ankles and stepped out of them. Molly picked them up and Allison put the last of her clothing on the table next to Jessica.

Molly had a trimmed bush but it would need to go. Allison took some cream out of a tube and rubbed it all over her pubic hair. Molly was surprised how much it burned.

Allison picked up Molly’s clothing and handbag “Ill just have your clothes in the same room with little miss uppity fancy clothes.” she said as she walked out the door.
Molly stood there looking away from Jessica, ashamed to be seen naked by the person whom she was lording over a few minutes ago.

Now she was as bare as she was but she had burning cream all over her bush. Jessica looked over Molly’s bare back. It was clear she was in great shape but her rear showed that she had two children, plus her legs were starting to get a bit of cellulite and thicken as her hips had expanded. Her tailored clothing had really hid all this.

Suddenly Molly turned around, “take a picture , it will last longer” she snarled at Jessica. No little chippie was going to embarrass her. After all she may have been younger than her but she was just as naked.

Jessica replied “I might but remember they took all clothing and belongings. Besides our toenail polish we are ,as you put it, naked as the day we were born.”

Molly in this noticed that Jessica’s breasts were still quite perky and erect while her’s had suffered from some sagging. Her custom made bras had hidden this as well.

Allison came back into the room with Dr. Pire. She walked up to Molly with a towel and wiped the hair remover from her bush. Molly suddenly realized that her vagina was open for the world to see. She immediately began to cover up.

Dr Pire ,”Molly don’t worry you’ve had two kids your vagina is not going to be anywhere near as tight as her’s is “,pointing to Jessica.

“Allison, take Molly for her urine sample and get her weight and measurements”

“Measurements?” snapped Molly.

Dr Pire ,not even looking up from her charts, “weight just tells me one thing but the question is where are you putting on or losing weight. For a middle aged woman with two children you are in good shape but maybe getting soft in some areas“. As she said this she gently tapped Molly’s stomach which was softer than she would have liked.

Molly and Allison left the room, Molly was just happy that no one else was in the hallway.

Dr. Pire turned to Jessica. “Let’s get started, I’m going to do a side by side with you and Molly.” Dr. Pire began to look into her eyes with the light and do a vision test with a chart at the far side of the wall. Then she checked her throat and felt the glands in her neck. Her touch was very cold.

The doctor then turned around a put on a pair of rubber gloves and took a tube of a neon colored bottle out. “Jessica you have to relax, you pressure was fairly high. I know its disconcerting to be naked before a strange person but I have to bring you to a slightly more relaxed state. “ She took a big gob of the viscous liquid in the tube and said “ uncross your legs please” As Jessica did this the doctor pushed the huge gob into her vagina and began rubbing it on her walls. Before she could say anything she felt a tingling .

The doctor had put lubricating gel into her. Just putting into her led to a sense of anticipation,and that itself along with the warming of the gel had made Jessica relax a bit. The embarrassment of her teen years was becoming more distant as she started to enjoy the gel a bit.

Molly and Allison came back in and she handed the doctor Molly’s chart.

“148 with slightly expanded waist and hips” said the doctor “Weight is a bit high ,its seems you would be better suited for catalog work then the high end stuff you did in college “ said the doctor as she looked at her measurements and then visually saw that Molly had put some weight on her hips and bit around her tummy.

“Okay hop up on the table “ said the doctor.

“With her “ pointing at Jessica’s

“Yup. The quicker you both do this the quicker you will be getting dressed” said the Doctor as she patted the exam table paper right next to Jessica.

Molly eased herself on the table, trying to keep some distance between her and Jessica. However the table was so small that she found herself right next to Jessica. Her legs and elbows were touching her. Even their hips were touching. Molly found all this humiliating but Jessica was now getting relaxed and a bit excited.

The doctor went through a detailed check of their ear ,nose and throat. She also gave both patients a detailed search through their hair for lice. She then rigged each of them to a heart monitor as she had each one of them lay down and get the EKG.

After about 45 minutes of being ordered and manipulated the doctor announced. “We have a resting baseline”

What did that mean,both nude patients wondered.

“Now we need to get your heart rate up. Since it seems like both of you work out regularly we will have to do some exercise. So let’s have you two get off the table”. As they complied Allison moved the exam table to a corner. “Spread out a bit”

Allison then moved in front of her two patients “Okay we will start with some jumping jacks”

“Oh come one. “ protested Molly.

Allison moved in front of Molly and grabbed both of her breasts

“What’s wrong, afraid these boobies will bounce around or your loose vagina flapping in the wind. Well we’re all women here. We have seen it all before” said Allison as she gave a loud slap to Molly’s left hip. The doctor pretended not to notice.

Both Jessica and Molly started doing jumping jacks after about 20 of them they stopped.

“Pushups now, give me ten” said Allison.

Jessica did them while Molly had to do them with bent knees. Jessica thought “Im doing pushups while completely naked in front of my old assistant”. Molly was embarrassed at the thought that someone who had taken her job,someone from outside her social circle was seeing her nude. Some underling who bought clothes off the rack was seeing the effect of years on her body. At her age Molly would be the one everyone would be looking at not that redheaded bitch.

Once they were done the doctor listened to their heart. “I was afraid of this, your heart rates are not up enough. Allison have them run a bit “

“Run where?” asked Jessica.

“Just up and down the hallway. What do you think Allison.”

“10 up and down and lets make it interesting. Lets have them race up and down together”

Molly was about to protest but she remembered what Allison did the last time she protested and meekly stepped into the hallway with Jessica.

Molly crossed her arms over her breasts while Jessica stood ready to run. Allison signaled them them to go. Jessica consistently ran ahead of Molly and by the time they had run 15 times back and fourth they were both covered in a layer of sweat. Whatever perfume they wore that morning was now washed away by sweat coming from every pore of their body.

Dr. Pire came in and for the next two hours they were poked and prodded on every inch of their skin. Eventually their resignation started to turn to anger. Internal exams, checking every hole in their bodies, skin checks,searching their hair for lice. She made them do pushups again to check their heartbeats. But the greatest anger came from being bossed around by the Dr and Alison. After everything was done and Dr Pire pronounced the exam completed she left the room . Before she left she said “Allison will help you both get dressed” and then walked out,closing the door behind her.

Both women were enraged with the fact that Allison, who supervised their disrobing , was now going to help them get dressed.

Molly spat at Allison “I can dress myself!”

Jessica was somewhat more submissive “Can I put my clothes on now? I’m really getting cold”.

Allison wanted to remind these two high and mighty executives who was in charge.

“Okay ladies” as she looked at the bedraggled,sweaty and naked women. “You can get dressed and leave now”.

As Dr Pire left she smiled to herself. Both Jessica and Molly had moved her into supposedly safe bonds that tanked, leaving the Dr with $600,000 of losses. Well now they were going to learn a hard lesson about how humiliation could affect someone permanently.

As Jessica and Molly walked towards the door Allison gave them a slap on their bottoms.

Molly turned and said “don’t you ever touch me again”

Allison just smiled and said ‘Okay’.

As Molly opened the door she and Jessica were hit with a shock.

Every female assistant they had ever had were out in the corridor.

More importantly they were holding Jessica’s and Molly’s clothing.

Maria, one of Molly’s old assistants, came out of the crowd with Molly’s panties.

“here are the rules. We tell you two to do something and if you do it to our satisfaction then each of you get one piece of clothing back. When you get all you clothing back then you can get dressed.”

Molly and Jessica’s humiliation was just beginning.

Being naked can take many forms

Molly looked at Maria and said “I refuse”

Maria picked up Molly’s tailor made jacket and pulled out what looked like a pen.

“What are you going to do draw all over my clothes “Molly said dismissively.

“Nope, I’m going to do this. “ as Maria pen became a pair of scissors she began cutting up the jacket into little pieces.

Molly watched in horror as Maria chopped up her jacket into a pile of rags.

“You can keep ‘refusing’ and we will turn all your clothing into little rags and bust your phone and tablet in your purse as well. So your driver will pick you up but how do you think he will react when he sees you completely naked. For years you bossed him around,just like us, and now finally he gets to see you out of those fancy threads. He’ll see these sagging breasts” as Maria flicked Molly’s breasts up by their nipples.”

“Don’t do that” Molly pushed Maria away.

Maria smiled as she pointed to another of Molly’s assistants named Deborah.

“Don’t be naughty” said Maria as Deborah approached from behind and slapped Molly’s bare unprotected fanny hard enough that she had stuggle to stand up.

“I’m sure your driver will love those red marks all over your bare bottom. What will your maid think when you show up stark naked at home? Your husband? Your blue blood friends will love to hear about how you tried to humiliate a rival only to be stripped naked as a jaybird in front of your assistants, you know the ones you treated like dirt”
Maria continued as she faced Jessica, just as naked as Molly,”don’t think I have forgotten about you princess. Everything I said applies to you as well. Your car service will pick you up completely nude. Imagine what the doorman will think when he sees you in your birthday suit, little corporate princess so high and mighty now stripped down . I’m sure he is going to have many a night thinking about your beautiful naked body. He might give you the spare key ,to get up to your apartment , but you still have to ride the elevator and the doorman might not have anything for you to wear. Imagine standing in you coop elevator, the mirrors reflecting your utter nakedness as you cross your hands over your breasts,hoping no one gets on or sees you in the corridor. It would be horrible if someone from the coop board got on and ,well you can imagine”

Jessica could indeed imagine as she turned beet red with embarrassment. She could only nod her head dumbly.

“Deborah, you can go first” said Maria

Deborah had been Molly’s assistant for 6 years, fresh out of college. Just before she left the firm she had fired Deborah, which meant no severance package like the ones Molly’s underlings had received.

As Deborah took off her shoes she looked to both nude women as said ,” I love getting my toes sucked,each of you are going to get on your knees and crawl over an begin sucking my toes.”

“If you both do a good job you get one piece of your clothing back. “

As Molly eyes grew wide Maria picked up her bra and began to move the scissors toward it. Both she and Jessica were on their hands and knees crawling to Deborah’s bare feet.

Molly did the task rather half heartedly as the thought that a former assistant is holding all her clothing and sucking the toes of another one did not make her happy .

Jessica on the other hand seemed to be getting into it and was quite good.

Maria noted this and thought “little princess has got a wicked side to her, this could be fun”

After Deborah signaled to stop Maria smiled and said ‘you will both get a piece of your clothes back’ as Maria took one shoe from each pile and put them on the floor.

One shoe?

Given all the clothing Molly and Jessica wore this was going to be a long afternoon.

Maria then selected Janey, one of Jessica’s current assistants. She strode over to both undressed women.

“I want you to 69 each other” said Janey with a wicked grin.

Both women stared wide eyed. “surely there must be something else we can do” pleaded Jessica.

Maria suddenly had an idea.

“Jessica tell me all about your breasts. I’ve noticed how you cover them up. Your waist is a slim 25 inches but your bust is barely 31 inches according to your chart. Your boobs are barely a handful” said Maria as she cupped a very nervous Jessica’s teats.

“I’ve noticed that your clothing doesn’t really hide your breasts but rather tries to enhance them” she said as she lifted Jessica’s bra from the pile of all her clothing.

“Do this and you can get dressed and go home”.

Jessica swallowed and looked straight ahead.

“When I was 13 I went to the Doctor, a lady. She and my mom went to the exam room and had me take off everything except my bra and panties. I was developing down there and I was a hairy mess, you could see all my pubic hair through my panties. My training bra barely covered anything. When the Dr came in she had me remove my bra and she laughed and said . ‘You don’t need a bra, an undershirt will do fine. Even my mother giggled and said how flat chested I was. Then they had me remove my panties. She gave me a long lecture about how ,for hygene’s sake, I needed to shave. I could see my mother smirking as she held my bra and panties. After the doctor left she joked that my brother had bigger breasts than I did. She even refused to let me dress saying she wanted to check out what I was developing into. Every year until I was 16 I hated getting naked because my mom would make jokes about my small breasts and gawk at my skinny body. But after 16 I developed the small breasts that I have today.” After she said this she began to sob uncontrollably. “ I work out I am a tough confident woman but standing here naked just shows how tiny I really am.”

The assistants felt sorry for her. They handed her clothing back to her and Jessica rushed back into the dressing room, she felt enormous relief as she slipped her bra and panties back on.

Molly looked put out and said “Can I get dressed too? Stupid sob story, boo hoo mom made fun of me when I was naked in front of her.”

Maria decided to act. Deborah grabbed Molly, Maria pulled out something from her purse.

It was a hair clipper.

“Well rich lady lets take away your crown” Molly struggled as she realized they were shaving her bald
Within a minute her locks were on the floor,then held her face down as the shaved off her eyelashes, She was naked and hairless. Then Deborah began cutting up all of Molly’s clothing as she shouted “NO” but before she knew it her clothing was in rags and all the hair was stripped from her body.

Molly was bald, naked and completely hairless.

Jessica , now completely dressed , ran out and got into her car service and left the center as quickly as possible.

Molly was escorted to her car service by the other women. They deposited her in the back naked as they day she was born. Once in the seat she quickly crossed her legs and told the driver to take her home. Her driver was in shock and he did enjoy watching the high an mighty Molly Danforth stripped naked.


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