Obscene daughter


I had known for some time that my Wife got annoyed when I walked around the house naked, especially when I got home from work early and showered and never bothered to redress and crash out on the couch and watch television, that pissed her off enough, but when I sat there erected while our 20 year old Daughter Charly was in the room, that really got her mad.

I agreed to be more careful when Charly was in the house, but Halloween eve night I was late home from work and the Wife had already gone out to friends for a Halloween get together with work colleagues and I knew Charly was out drinking and partying with her friends too, leaving me alone in the house to be nude and watch porn without any comments from my Wife.

After I showered I logged on to an adult clip website and linked it across to my television in the lounge. After a few minutes I was caressing my erect six inch penis watching the various clips that turned me on the most, some I had not seen for ages and some I had forgotten about.

Watching a clip of a man smelling the aroma of his Daughters panties, I suddenly got turned on by seeing it, I never really saw anything in it, but thought I would give it a go as I was alone in the house and I had free access to her bedroom as she was out and for some considerable time too.

I opened her bedroom door and there she was; lying face down totally nude, just her recently dyed purple hair and her sexy bare backside on display. She was lying next to her laptop which was set to some adult chat website and I guessed she just fell asleep as she had spent a lot of late nights lately chatting to someone online.

I stood in the doorway for a few minutes admiring the beauty of her innocent nakedness; I stood stroking my erect dick daydreaming that she would awake and offer to suck me off. I am not sure how long I stood there, but suddenly her mobile phone rang and she jolted back to being awake.

"Dad?" She almost screamed, "What the fuck are you doing standing there?"

With my Wife not at home and just the two of us in the house, I suddenly became brave.

"Hell I'm dreaming over my sexy teenage Daughter" I replied, "What do you think I am doing?"

"Dad, you’re a fucking Pervert watching me like that!" She said.

"I know, but you’re so damn sexy!" I replied.

"But I'm your Daughter!" She had a knack of stating the obvious.

Charly glanced across and noticed the time, "Fuck, I'm late now" she said.

"For what?" I asked, as if I didn't know.

"For the fuckin’ Halloween party dickhead!" she replied.

"Whoa, not now Charly" I said, "You’re grounded"

"What for?" She asked.

"For..for…for…swearing at me for starters, I am your Father after all!" I said, trying to find an answer that didn't sound too much like I want to fuck your brains out.

"Really?" she asked, "how many Fathers do you know that walk around the house naked and erected in front of their Daughters?"

"Well if they were as sexy as you, loads I bet" I replied.

"Fuck" she replied.

Suddenly she stretched out as she got cramp in her leg and quickly turned herself over and innocently gave me a great view of her naked body as she grabbed her leg.

"Stretch your toes back and forth" I told her.

I entered her room and stood at the end of her bed and took hold of her feet and massaged them until the pain had subsided.

"Thank you Daddy" She said, once the pain had gone.

She eased off slightly, "Do you really think I am sexy Daddy? She inquired.

"Hell yeah, you are very sexy" I reassured her.

"I wonder if I really am you know" she said thoughtfully.

"Why is that Charly?" I asked.

She went on to tell me she had been with a few different guys recently and she wanted them to last, but the guys just wanted her for sex and to get her naked around their friends.

"They never want me for me, just my body" She explained.

"Well boys can be like that" I said, "best to leave that type of boy alone then!"

"But I like sex Daddy" She said, "if I can’t have one of those boys, who will have sex with me?"

"Oh you’re such a tease" I said.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"Well you lying there nude and perfectly positioned" I said, "Can you not see how much you turn me on?"

"Yes Daddy, but what do you mean?" She teased me.

"Would you like Daddy to have sex with you Charly?" I gave in.

"Oh that would be fun Daddy" She replied, "Would you?"

"Daddy can you do me a favour?" she asked.

"Yes Charly, what do you want?" I responded.

"Will you take some nude pictures of me for my online chat partner?" she asked.

"Of course I will baby!" I said, "I'll get my camera".

I returned to her bedroom and found her still lying face up, but now she was playing with her ample breasts. Where those had come from, I had to wonder; her Mother certainly never had boobs as big as those, even when we met.

I stood in the doorway stroking my dick once again; once again admiring her sexy body, I have always liked women with a bit of meat on them and I could certainly devour her.

"Oh Daddy, please let me play with your penis" She asked.

"If you insist" I said.

I let my penis go and it began to shrink back to its semi-erect state and she giggled.

"What’s the matter Charly?" I asked,

"Your penis, it is smaller than any of the guys I have seen before" she replied.

"Well, all I can say it is what you do with it that matters" I replied, "and having a sexy Daughter as you, it cannot have done a bad job, eh?"

"If you don’t want it?" I furthered.

"No no no Daddy, it’s not that I don’t want it, I really do" she begged.

"So who am I taking your pictures for then Charly?" I inquired.

"A boy from America called Dave, he's real kinky!" she told me.

Charly got off of the bed and walked around the bedroom and posed in various poses that we both suggested and I took loads of pictures, many of which I was definitely keeping for my Private collection.

"We'll have to do this more often Daddy" Charly said, "It is fun isn't it?"

"Oh yes Charly" I said, "It is fun alright".

"Can I take some of you next time?" She asked as she stood nude by her wardrobe.

"Why not!" I agreed.

"Do you have any shots of Mummy?" She asked.

"Only one as you know what Mummy's like, such a prude" I admitted, "But she as was real sexy babe when she was younger".

I showed her the only picture she dared to have taken and she was intoxicated when I took that one too.

Charly sat on my lap as I downloaded the pictures of her onto her laptop and watched as she sent them to her friend Dave in America. I printed a few of the pictures off on paper and Charly grabbed one from my hand and grabbed a pen from her bedside cabinet and started to write on it.

"Can I keep this one Daddy?" she asked, giving me puppy eyes that never failed to work.

"Yes Baby, after today, you can have anything you wish" I replied.

"I'll have the car keys then Daddy!" She said cheekily.

"You know where they are!" I responded, "Take some money from my wallet to fill her up, and 15 for you too".

"So I'm not grounded anymore then Daddy?" She asked.

"I guess you have worked most of your time off" I said, "But I'm not finished with you yet young lady, not by a long way!"

I watched as she dressed into her sexy outfit for that night.

Whoever was going to have sex with her that night, would be a very lucky guy, I thought to myself as she closed the front door

A few day later I received a mysterious letter in the post, opened it and it was the picture I had taken of Charly that she had asked for, she had posted it anonymously and written on it.

"To My Dear Naughty Daddy, I enjoyed the other day so much, looking forward to more of the same, Love, Charly. xxx".
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