New Life
I'm Marie 56 widow, for most of the last ten years I've was caring for my late Gordon and in late 2017 he past away. I decided to move out of the city to a small town, as there was to many memories of Gordon in the city. I bought a cottage on a two acre block and while it was renovated I visited family and return when was finished. I started to build a garden and would spend most days getting it done. I've always loved gardening, Gordon had left me very well off. So I didn't have to work, I made friends in the town and after a time I decided to get a pet. Cat or Dog I wasn't sure which, I went to the county animal refuge and saw a large dog of mixed breeds and was told that if he wasn't chosen by anyone that day. He would have to be put down the next day, So I chose him and another smaller dog a spaded female. I thought they would keep each company when I was out. The bitch I called Lady and the male Patches as his coloring a patch work of colors. Lady turn out to quite standoffish and Patches wanted to be around all the time. The dogs got on fairly well, but Lady started digging holes under the fences. I had a dog pen build to hold her, till I had a concrete collar installed under the all the fences. This stopped her trying to get out. Patches didn't cause any trouble like Lady and when I was out he would lay near the gate till I returned. I started having guests over and locked up my dogs in the pen during the gatherings. There wasn't much the way of male availability in the town, only ones around were all married. But I wasn't interested anyway, then one day I was gardening and Lady was laying under an apple tree and Patches was sitting a few feet away. I was kneeing on a garden mat and weeding a flower bed, when Patches tried to mount me. I told him to go and sit down and he did. I finished that bed and moved to another bed and again Patches came over and this time put his nose under my dress sniffing me. I told him to sit, but he kept trying to sniff and after another order to stop and sit down he obeyed. After I was finished weeding I sat in an lawn chair and was having a cold drink and put his head between my legs. This time he started to lick my panties, I told to go and sit down. But he kept licking and I started to enjoy it, so I let him continue. After a little while I had an orgasm. I sat there and wondered what it would be like without panties. But I wasn't going to remove them outside, so went inside and Patches followed me. Lady was content to stay under the apple tree. I closed the curtains and removed my panties and skirt. Patches again came over and starting sniffing and then started licking my pussy. I enjoy it a lot more than without my panties on and this was the start of my sex life with Patches. About a week later Patches wanted to mount me and after a day or so I decided to let him. I got down on my hands and knees and he tried mounting me. After several tries he entered me and fuck me hard, I enjoyed it a lot and whenever Patches would start sniffing me I would let him fuck me and when my old aunt Mary 71 came for a visit. Patches started to sniff her, I went out for some groceries and thinks and was gone for over 2 hours and came home to find Patches fucking Mary. She was upset at being caught, I said Don't worry about it, I let him fuck me too. As long as you enjoy it that's all that matters. She relaxed and I let Patches fuck me in front of Mary. She decided that to accept my invitation to live with me and we can share Patches.
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