New Beach Buddies


Friday night.

My daughter and I were having vegetarian dinner with fruit salad for dessert.

Kat threw this suggestion that, as a way to celebrate her birthday this Sunday, which also happens to be Mother’s Day, we could go to the Keys.

“We could get there early Saturday afternoon and stay until Sunday,” Kat said as she took a sip of her red wine.

We’d never gone to the beach in awhile. So, I went along. I started calling and reserving a room in the resort at the beach we were going to.

The next morning, we packed our stuff and took off.

My daughter Kat was excited, to say the least, and was all beach-ready when we got to the car that warm and humid morning. She was in her long tank top that covered her two-piece swimsuit, a bra and thong bikinis underneath.

I, on the other hand, wore a sports bra and cotton micro shorts.

As planned, we left the Miami suburbs we resided in Saturday morning, arriving about four hours later at the Keys early afternoon. I drove initially but switched with Kat later on and she drove the rest of the way.

The gorgeous beach was situated in an island with a main bridge that connected it to the other parts of the Keys and the rest of the State. The waters were clear and blue, the sands white and soft. It was still exactly the same way I remembered last time I was there: quiet and peaceful and not too crowded, away from the chaos and noise of big cities.

It was one of the more upscale, expensive and exclusive beach resorts in the Keys, possibly around the country and the world.

I was seventeen-years-old last time I was there traveling with my parents. Two years before I gave birth to Kat.

Now I’m a thirty-nine-year-old corporate lawyer. Kat would be in her first year of college in the fall majoring in finance.

We parked our car, took our backpacks and proceeded to our room where we unpacked our things.

Kat took off her tank top, revealing her five-feet, eight-inch tall athletic body covered in her red two-piece swimsuit. The beautiful curves of my daughter’s young body complemented her dark brown eyes, moderately tanned skin and straight black hair.

One look at her and people think we’re not related since I’m as blonde and white as can be. Kat's tan skin came from her dad. And she's gorgeous.

It was already a little past two when Kat and I took a walk outside on the beach. I still wore my pink sports bra and cotton micro-shorts. I had my flip-flops on, as did Kat.

“You girls would make a great couple!” said this gorgeous, toned, athletic African-American woman with short cropped hair in her sun visor and who was about six feet as tall as myself as she turned towards us while she jogged in her swimsuit bra and thongs smattered with bright red, orange and green colors, smiling as she did so, then quickly turning straight forward continuing to jog.

“Nice ass!” I hollered.

The woman once again turned towards us flashing us with her cute, gorgeous smile that showed her white teeth and gave a wink before turning up front and running forward.

Kat looked down smiling and laughing while I kept staring at this lady’s perfect and firm chocolate rear-end until she was already too far away to be seen clearly.

Kat and I continued to walk.

“Looks like you like her,” my daughter said.

“Nothing wrong with complimenting another woman,” I shrugged.

Kat giggled.

We were closing up to the shaded part where the palm trees were when these women in what I could see were in their white micro bikini and bra swimsuits walked up to us. One lady looked about middle-aged and the other one looked younger.

They were strutting about the beach almost naked, their intimate parts covered by pieces of cloth with the micro bikini and bra swimsuits they had on.

And to think I thought what my daughter had on was already too much.

But I could not take my eyes off of these women. They looked pretty good in those swimsuits. Good thing I was wearing my sunglasses so they could not see that my eyes were fixed at them looking at their hot bodies.

“Hi. Sorry to bother you. I know it’s probably 99.99% you’re not her, but my mom couldn’t help but notice that you look like a younger Salma Hayek,” the younger woman said as she looked at us.

Kat and I looked at each other.

“Well, I’m blonde so I’m guessing I’m not who your mom thinks looks like Salma Hayek,” I said as I chuckled.

“Oh, no. Mom did say earlier that you look like Margot Robbie,” the younger lady laughed.

“But she’s talking about her,” as the younger woman looked and pointed at Kat, with her mother nodding.

“Aw. That’s sweet of you, but thank you,” said Kat.

The younger woman seemed to translate for her mother in Spanish what Kat just said.

“My mom was from Mexico and she’s a huge fan of Salma Hayek. That’s why she could not help but notice,” the young lady said.

“Well, tell your mom she’s beautiful herself. I think she looks like Sofia Vergara,” Kat smiled.

I was ogling this girl behind my sunglasses. Her rack was super fine. This young lady was drop-dead gorgeous and was just as tan as my Kat.

Again, the younger woman translated for her mom. Her mother gave out this hearty laugh. Her mother then said something to her.

“My mom was asking if we could invite you for dinner tonight,” said the young lady.

Kat turned and looked at me with pleading eyes. I shrugged.

“When and where do we guys meet?” Kat asked in excitement.


“I’m pretty sure it’s only an invitation for you, Salma Hayek,” I teased my daughter as I fixed my hair after taking a cleansing shower, putting on perfume and freshening up.

“Oh, shush, Margot Robbie,” Kat laughed as she playfully tossed one of the cotton shorts she was folding at me as she got herself ready.

Kat also was just coming out of the bathroom after taking a shower herself.

I playfully tossed her shorts back at her.

“You know, they were holding hands as they walked away,” I said.

“We hold hands too sometimes, mom,” Kat said.

“Yeah. But have we switched to having each other’s hands on our butts when we took walks?” I asked.

“Mom, maybe we should do that too,” Kat smiled as she looked at me straight in the eyes.

I tilted my head at her in a semi-teasing response.

But, for some reason, I found the idea quite tempting.

Kat turned around with her ass towards me as she bent over to pick up some of her things that were on the floor.

I fought the urge to touch them. Well, she did invite me to put my hand on her butt.

I was already extending my hand towards Kat’s ass when there was a knock on the door.

I quickly pulled my arm back towards me. Kat ran to the door and excitedly opened it. There she was, the younger woman we met earlier.

“Lyn!” blurted out Kat.

Lyn. Short for Paulina. And right next to her was her mother.

“Hey!” Lyn said.

Lyn and her mother exchanged pecks on the cheek with Kat.

“Ready?” Lyn asked.

“Ready!” said Kat even as she looked at me moving her eyes signaling for us to go.

I breathed out a sigh and off we went.


The night was warm and humid. Even at seven at night the sun was still out, although it was already starting to set.

Kat, myself, Lyn and Maria - Lyn’s mother - walked through the sand. Lyn and Maria purposefully led the way, seemingly certain where they wanted to go.

They were still wearing the same white micro bra and bikini swimsuits from earlier when we initially met them.

Not that there was any problem with that. Kat wore a similar kind of thing, and was still the same swimsuit she had on when we came in.

I still had my cotton micro shorts on, but this time, not to be outdone, underneath was a pink micro bikini swimwear with ties on the side. I had on a swimsuit bra at that point instead of the sports bra earlier.

We finally got to the part of the beach where there was a rocky cliff. We walked around it until we reached a certain spot behind. A spot where the sands were soaked with water and was soft and squishy.

There were no other people around, except us at that time.

Lyn and Maria sat on the wet sand.

I did not want to completely ruin my cotton shorts, so I took it off before I sat my ass down in my micro bikini. As I was taking off my shorts, I noticed Maria’s eyes were fixed on me.

So we sat there for awhile in awkward silence.

I started sensing this sort of crazy and freaky vibe that Maria and her daughter were exuding as their eyes continued to be transfixed, not only on me, but on Kat as well. Kat just smiled looking down.

“You’re really, really beautiful,” Lyn kept saying as she giggled.

Kat would giggle herself and started playing with her hair.

“You look great yourself,” Kat responded.

“Thanks,” Lyn replied.

There was silence afterwards.

Finally, I could not hold it.

“So, where’s dinner?” I asked.

Lyn, as expected, translated what I asked in Spanish to her mom as Lyn laughed.

Then both Lyn and her mother started laughing as they looked at me.

I raised my eyebrow.

“So… Where’s dinner?” I asked again.

“You’re looking at them,” Lyn said, as she and her mother, sitting right next to each other, turned to face the other and slowly started to lock lips and take off each other's swimsuits.


It was already nine o’clock when my daughter and I came back to our room. As we went inside, the tension in the air was palpable.

And, no, I wasn’t referring to angry or sad tension.

It was a kind of tension that got my nipples sticking right up and feeling hard as fuck.

I dropped the shorts I was holding in my hand on the floor. I went to the bathroom. With my micro bikini and bra swimsuit on, I hopped into the shower stall, showered and cleared the sand off my body. As soon as I was done, I flossed and brushed my teeth, gargling with mouthwash.

Kat went inside the bathroom as I was finishing up brushing my teeth, but she already took off her swimsuit so she was totally naked coming in.

Kat did not even knock on the door or asked to come in.

Kat then hopped onto the shower stall, showered and cleaned her body off. I got out of the bathroom, took the bottle of perfume from the nightstand and sprayed some on my body.

I then proceeded to lie down on bed, my blonde hair still wet and my swimsuit still on. For modesty's sake, you know.

Kat went on to floss and brush her teeth and gargled with mouthwash. That has been a routine I’ve taught her and that we’ve been doing for years and years.

Kat finally came out of the bathroom. Unlike me, she threw modesty out the window and was completely naked coming out. She did not even try to put anything on.

I glanced at Kat. She did the same, looking at me lying down in bed with a grin on her face. It was a hot and humid night that not even the cheap, old air conditioner in our room was enough to cool things down. Wasn’t really that big of a problem.

The place had to make that money somehow from something, I thought.

There was that one and only bed in the room. So, after Kat put on perfume and turned off the light, she lay down next to me, still in the nude.

I thought Kat would be wearing something on, as she’d normally do before. At least wrap a towel around her. But there she was, flaunting her amazing body.

Which, by then, would not be the first time, with the encounter we just had earlier with her new friends Lyn and her mother, where she had to take her swimsuit off as the three of them went at it while there I was watching live porn.

I had no choice. I suppose I could’ve left, but I didn’t want to leave my daughter. The other option was to join in, but I was not ready for that just yet. Heaven knows I’d sometimes look at and behold the beauty of my daughter.

I could not say that I’d lusted after her.

Well, maybe a little.

But the idea of sexually getting it on with Kat, I swear, never ever crossed my mind which admittedly oftentimes could be dirty.

She was my daughter, for crying out loud.

Never in a million years would I entertain the idea of my daughter and I fucking each other’s brains out.

Until now.

Moreso after I had to witness my daughter eat pussy for the first time and as Lyn and Maria shoved their mouths together eating my daughter’s pussy making her cum.

I saw my daughter enjoy the whole thing. I don’t know if she forgot I was with her or I was there. But she had to make me watch her first lesbian fuck.

So that sensual air was still in our room and, aside from the gentle waves of the ocean and the humming of the air conditioner, everything was quiet.

“Your new friends are pretty interesting,” I finally said lying down in bed, disrupting the silence.

“Mm-hm,” Kat said.

Silence followed.

“Very,” Kat said.

I chuckled.

“That’s an understatement,” I replied.

Another silence followed.

“Did you like it, though?” Kat asked.

I kept quiet, not sure whether to say something or not.

I shrugged.

Kat looked on at me.

“The real question is did you like it?” I asked.

There was a pause.

“It was fun,” Kat said.


Kat saying that turned me on somehow.

But I let a moment pass before I had to say something.

“Where did you learn all that anyway?” I asked chuckling.

Kat reached across me, her face getting closer to mine, her right arm brushing off my breast into the night stand where our phones sat. She grabbed her phone and took it back to her. She tinkered with it a bit.

Kat then finally showed me something on the screen of her phone.

Kat brought up this website. The video clip she showed me was that of a woman giving another woman a cunnilingus. I saw the title of the video: “Daughter eating mom’s pussy.”

“Oh,” I said.

Kat then took the phone away from my face and brought it to hers. She continued watching it.

“You’re into that kinda thing, huh,” I said.

“Come on, mom. You could not keep your eyes off us,” Kat said as she continued to watch on her phone.

This time Kat spread her legs and started stroking her pussy harder.

“I saw you watching. You were practically drooling,” Kat said as she now was fully masturbating next to me.

I turned my head and looked at Kat.

“Why didn’t you just dig in?” Kat chuckled as she turned from her phone and looked at me as she stroked her pussy.

Instinctively, I opened my legs wide apart to the point that my right leg was now touching Kat’s left leg.

I pushed some part of my micro bikini aside until I was able to start rubbing my clit. I started joining Kat.

“Well, I guess I was saving the best for later,” I said as I looked at Kat, this time with total lust in my eyes.

I wanted my daughter to watch me rub my clit.

Kat placed down her cell phone by her side on the bed and sat up next to me, breathing in and out deep.

She looked down at me giving me a once over.

“Looks like someone needs help,” Kat said.

I spread my legs wider in an open invitation to my daughter. Kat’s right hand was now caressing my right thigh.

Kat turned on her side towards me as she slid her body down until her face was by my right breast.

She then started playing with my swimsuit bra, pushing aside the fabric that covered my right breast until it was totally exposed.

Not even a minute had passed, and Kat was sucking the nipple off my right breast. I took a deep breath and let it out.

The moment I felt my daughter’s warm mouth landing on my nipple and sucking it in a sensual, erotic and romantic manner I suppose marked my first ever lesbian encounter. Fantasy finally turning to reality.

“You had no idea how much I wanted to jump in. But I guess I was still thinking too much into it,” I said in the midst of Kat making slicky sucking noises.

“Well you just missed that big opportunity,” Kat said pausing from sucking my nipple then getting back to it.

“Like I said, I saved the best for later,” I responded.

“Still…” Kat said as she brought her face next to me and ran her tongue up from the side of my lower neck to the bottom of my chin.

“You smell so good,” I whispered as she caressed and stroked my breasts.

Then Kat slid herself further down until her face was next to my waist.

Once there, she started tinkering with the tie on that side of my micro bikini and untied it, slowly peeling off and pushing the fabric to the side to reveal my cunt with trimmed pubic hair.

Kat looked up at me as she started caressing my pussy ever so gently.

I breathed in deep again as I threw my head up.

Who would’ve thought my daughter could be so romantic?

This being my very first lesbian encounter, needless to say I was impressed with how my daughter gave pleasure.

A few more minutes would pass and Kat’s mouth would land on my pussy.

My daughter was now spoiling me and I somehow had to return the favor. Kat’s ass was just right next to me, which was a perfect way to do just that.

I started sticking my middle finger into Kat’s pussy through her backdoor and started pumping it back and forth. That middle finger would soon be joined by my index finger.

Kat and I would eventually move ourselves on bed. I slid myself down so I was now totally lying flat on bed. This gave way for Kat to straddle my face as my fingers continued to pump her pussy faster and harder. Her pussy was now directly above and in front of me and was within reach of my mouth and tongue.

As Kat ate my pussy, I ate hers. So there we were, locked into each other’s lust.

Before experiencing the greatest orgasm of my life, some time had passed and I was lying on the soft bed on my side and my daughter on hers.

Both Kat and I were completely naked at this time.

I buried my face and mouth into Kat’s cunt as she did the same to mine, our legs spread as wide apart as we could.

I finally came.

My first orgasm with another woman.

With my daughter, no less.

We lay there on the bed as gallons of cum flowed out of my cunt as Kat continued to stimulate my clit with her tongue.

No sooner than that, Kat started to cum herself in my mouth as I kept pumping her pussy with my tongue.

I took and drank my daughter’s cum. It tasted so good that whatever that was still on my lips and around my mouth, I cleaned off with my tongue.

Didn't want to waste a perfectly good juice.


That group experience was something I kept thinking about; something I simply could not miss.

Hell no.

You never know when an opportunity like that could come up again.

Kat was right that it was such a missed opportunity. But it was a deer-in-the-headlights moment for me that I only used to see on video and the internet.

But now I wanted it desperately and I didn’t care it was already a little past midnight.

Kat and I were lying on the bed after we fucked when Kat mentioned Lyn and her mom were from California. Both were now on vacation so they did a road trip driving from there to the other end of the country, finding their way here but that they would be leaving soon.

After learning that, I convinced Kat that we needed to see them. So we went to Lyn and Maria’s room before they checked out.

I was hoping and praying to Sappho or whoever the goddess of lesbians were that it was not too late.

Thankfully, Lyn and Maria shared their cell phone numbers with Kat and told her where their room was, in case she still wanted to get it on with them before they left. It didn’t take long to find them.

Kat texted Lyn we were coming to their room. Before you know it, Kat and I were standing in front of the door to their room.

Lyn and her mother welcomed us with open arms and French kisses once we got there. There were towels wrapped around their bodies when they opened the door.

The moment they were certain it was us, they let us come in, closed the door shut and locked it, and they took off those towels, revealing their breasts and pussies.

‘Welcome to the club,’ were unsaid words, but were expressed nonetheless by Lyn and Maria’s acts and gestures.

They knew why we were there, so we immediately got rolling.

Fortunately, Lyn and Maria brought several toys with them, including several strap-ons and a couple of double-headed dildos. These toys filled an entire large suitcase. Lyn said she and her mother used some of them since they came in the day before when they made love.

Kat rummaged through the suitcase, took a strap-on with her and went to the bathroom while I took off my swimsuit and lay down on the bed, spreading my thighs wide open.

Maria and her daughter thoroughly sucked and licked the double-headed dildo Lyn had in her hand, Maria lubricating one end while Lyn worked the other.

Maria came to bed on her hands and knees and her ass was just before my pussy.

My daughter finally came out of the bathroom, her swimsuit off of her. But, this time, she wore this huge pink strap-on dildo, the one I saw with a phallic extension that was somewhat hooking upwards at the other end of the strap-on that the user could stick inside her pussy as she made and gave love to her lady partner.

“I used that on my mom this morning. It’s an awesome toy. Makes you feel that you have a real cock,” Lyn said grinning.

“It feels nice,” Kat said as she further adjusted the strap-on so it was firm and the right tightness on her.

“Hey, babe,” Kat said as she climbed on top of me giving me a quick lick on my lips.

“Oh, babe now, huh,” I joked and grinned as I rested my hands on Kat’s shoulders, bracing for her intrusion.

“Mom!” Kat laughed and smiled, rolling her eyes upwards.

Kat then lowered her face into mine and we gave each other a lover’s kiss.

Lyn stuck one end of the double-headed dildo into her mother’s lower pussy via her backdoor.

“Coño,” Maria sighed out as she felt the dildo enter her lower pussy.

Kat held the phallic extension of her strap-on that was pointing towards me and she tried to insert it into my pussy as I kept holding on to her shoulders.

Lyn was gracious enough to help Kat. Kat straightened herself upright on her knees on the bed. Lyn started sucking and wetting Kat’s dildo. Lyn then made Kat spit on her hand, mixed it in with her own spit, then brought her hand to my pussy to rub and lubricate it.

Well, Lyn ended up burying her Shakira-look-alike face to my pussy anyway and indulged herself on it for a little while as she wet it.

Kat lowered herself down above me so she was on her knees and hands. Lyn was done sucking my clit and went back to my daughter’s ass, sticking the other end of the huge double-headed dildo inside Kat’s pussy through the rear-end.

“Fuck!” Kat squirmed.

There were now two prosthetic cocks inside Kat’s pussy, one that was situated higher, the hooked extension connected to the strap-on she wore with the outside end sticking into my pussy; the other was from the double-headed dildo Lyn just stuck into her lower pussy through her backdoor that connected her with Maria.

With her work done, Lyn walked up to the end of the bed and earnestly slid underneath her mother, her face ending up underneath her mother’s cunt.

Maria lunged right away at her daughter’s pussy as soon as it was directly in front of her.

Lyn started eating her mother’s pussy.

You could hear the squishy wet sucking and smacking sounds their lips and mouths made as they noisily ate each other’s cunts, which was only punctured by their moans, groans, grunts and hisses.

Meanwhile, Kat looked into me and I looked into her eyes even as she lowered her body until her breasts were pressing into mine.

Kat held the phallic extension of her strap-on and aimed it into my pussy. With the lubrication from her and Lyn’s spit, this time the dildo slid easily.

I cooed.

Kat started kissing and licking my face, cheeks, neck, shoulders and other spots in no time as she started to pump that dildo back and forth in my pussy.

I found myself raising my legs and hugging them around Kat as my daughter humped me harder and faster.

The last intense kind of fuck I got from a cock was from Kat’s dad. Needless to say I was pleased to see my daughter taking up the mantle after a long time.

I never thought I could get intensely fucked like that again with a cock, and yet here was my daughter delivering it excellently.

As Kat ran her lips and tongue across my neck, I lifted my head back even as I moaned, exposing more of my neck for my daughter to feast on.

Before I could anticipate her next move, I started feeling Kat’s wet and warm lips locking into mine as our tongues danced within, even as she continued ramming the dildo into my pussy. Her physical intensity even started to make her sweat.

In the midst of all that lovemaking, we were still connected as one by the strap-on dildo Kat had on, with one hooked end fucking her and the other giving me some great, mind-blowing fuck.

That feeling of oneness and connectedness with everyone in the room made the experience all the more real and intense.

Seeing it was already past midnight, which was already Sunday - Mother’s Day and Kat’s birthday - it became this great chance to intimately bond and connect with my daughter in ways I’d never done before.

“Happy birthday, Kat,” I said looking into my daughter’s eyes as she continued to fuck me with her strap-on.

Kat gave me another intense, yet tender and gentler French kiss. After several more minutes, her lips parted from mine even as her ass bobbed up and down, back and forth. My daughter was so close to making me cum again.

Kat’s sweat dripped onto my body and face. As I inched closer to cumming, I moved myself some trying to reach my daughter’s breasts so I could suck her nipple without breaking the connection from her strap-on.

Kat noticed and helped by moving herself a bit to the extent she did not disconnect from the dildo that connected her with Maria; just enough so I could reach any of her erect nipples.

My mouth finally found its way into my daughter’s nipple soon thereafter. I immediately and hungrily started sucking it.

Kat started to grunt and coo as she curled her face. I could start feeling her wet, thick vaginal fluids gush onto my pussy.

I sucked Kat’s tits harder as I felt this painful sensation ripple through my body while juices from my cunt flowed out freely.

Kat then rested her body on mine, her face right next to my face as I felt her warm, minty breath.

I turned my head towards her and looked into her eyes.

Our mouths inched closer to each other and found our tongues fencing in no time in the dim light of the room.

Kat momentarily paused from my lips and tongue.

“Happy Mother’s day, mom.”
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