Light bondage threesome
I had finished up my classes for the day at my Junior College when it started to snow, hard. This was going to be an epic storm, like so many in the Midwest. It was coming down in big, wet sleet and freezing rain, and I was glad as hell that my new apartment was only a few blocks from the school.
As I ran for my car, I saw my ex-girlfriend Tracy struggling with her own transportation. Her car had never run that well, and in the cold weather, it had apparently given up the ghost. I couldn't just leave her there -- her home was a good twenty miles away, down some nasty county roads. She was never going to make it in her old Ford. Besides, we'd parted amicably enough, maybe this was a chance for a little nostalgia sex.
Putting my book bag over my head for protection, I ran over to her car and tapped on the window. She actually smiled when she looked up at me, and rolled the window down.
"You know you'll never make it before the roads ice over," I said. "Come on... we can take my car to my place and wait this thing out, ok?"
She hesitated for a moment, and looked over to the passenger seat. I hadn't noticed that there was someone else there, with all the ice forming on the windshield. I bent down to see that her friend Lorelle was sitting with her. Inwardly, I winced... Lorelle was a nice enough girl, but she talked too damn much. That, and she was the kind of girl that would sit around for hours while a couple kept hinting that they'd like some "alone time," just not getting that she was cock-blocking people.
Thoughts of nostalgia sex fluttering away in the breeze, I smiled at Lorelle. "Was Tracy going to give you a lift home?" I asked her.
"We were carpooling, today," nodded Lorelle. I think she lived out by Tracy's, out in the boonies. "Do you really think it's going to get that bad?"
Mother nature never could resist a good cue. The sky opened up and dumped freezing rain in buckets on me, and the girls just about screamed.
"COME ON!" I yelled, running for my car. The girls didn't hesitate this time. They grabbed their stuff and jumped out of the non-functional car, and ran after me. It was a good thing that I'd cleaned out my little car that morning. I was really hoping we wouldn't have to use my emergency kit. I didn't relish being stuck in my compact for a day or more.
The three of us were soaked through to our skin when we got into the car. I started it up and blasted the heater, but there was only so much warming it could do. Both girls were starting to shiver, their teeth chattering, as I started navigating the hazardous streets.
The streets were full of people making a mad dash for their homes, or for the nearest shelter. This particular winter storm was on its way into the record books, and we had a few close calls. The girls didn't notice, I don't think. They were too cold, bundling up in their wet clothes as best they could. Ice was forming on the outside of our coats, even in the heated car. If we didn't make it to my place, we were in considerable trouble.
It took half an hour to make the five-minute drive. I pulled into my parking place, barely able to force the car into the foot-deep snow there, and took a deep breath.
"Fuck, it's going to be cold out there," I said. Tracy nodded, and Lorelle actually sobbed a little. She wasn't good in stress situations, I'd noticed. I grabbed her frigid hand and gave it a little squeeze. "We'll be inside in a minute... come on, ok?" She smiled a little bit, and nodded.
The twenty feet from my car to the front door of the apartment house felt like a mile. The wind-chill was around thirty degrees below zero, and freezing rain and sleet pelted us every inch of the way. When I got inside the building, and the lights were out, I started to really worry.
"Electricity is out... great," I muttered. Tracy's eyes went wide.
"What are we going to do? Isn't this place all electric?"
"Including the heat," I said, finishing her thought. "Quick, let's get in the apartment."
I was about halfway down the hall, and my fingers were so numb that I almost couldn't work the key in the lock. The three of us practically fell into the apartment. As we'd feared, the heat was off, and the chill air inside the apartment was only marginally better than the air outside the building. At least it wasn't blowing on us.
" cold..." said Lorelle. Her thick glasses were frosted over, ice forming on them, as were Tracy's. The three of us were soaked through with freezing water, and parts of me were going numb that I prefer to feel all the time.
:"B...b...bedroom," I stuttered out, trying to fight the chatter in my teeth. I started throwing off my clothes as quickly as I could... I'd never get warm in layers of wet, freezing cloth. "S....strip down," I said.
Tracy complied almost immediately... she'd always been good at taking orders. Lorelle hesitated, looking between the two of us. I threw my shirt into my shower, and looked at her.
"No heat... no hot water... the only things that are going to get us warm is us," I said. "No time to be shy, Lorelle... please, strip down!"
Not waiting to see if she complied, I grabbed all of my towels out of my closet and threw them on the bed. Then I finished shucking my clothes, throwing all of them into the shower. Tracy did the same, and I took a moment to look at her. Survival situation or not, I was still a guy, even if my penis was doing a great impression of a Shrinky-Dink.
She wasn't what most people would call "pretty," but I liked looking. She was what you might call a "Big Beautiful Woman," only about five feet tall but nicely round with a lot of curves, and one of the biggest sets of tits I'd ever seen. She caught me looking and smiled a chilled smile, her skin starting to turn blue.
Lorelle was finally getting out of all of her clothes. She was a big girl, too, in a different way. She stood maybe six feet tall, and was built on a big frame. She had some extra weight too, but she carried it more all over her body. Her complexion was a little on the pock-marked side, but she had a nice smile, and at least she tried to fit in, even if she was a constant cock-block.
I didn't hate the situation after all.
We toweled each other off as best we could, then we dove between the ice-cold sheets of the bed, all of us howling from the sensation. I took a minute to grab blankets, comforters, and pillows from all over the apartment, and throw them on the bed. Tracy arranged them in layers, and Lorelle packed the pillows between the sheets with us. By the time we all snuggled in, the bed was actually starting to warm up.
I'd actually managed to get myself in between the two of them, and our naked skin-to-skin contact was beginning to warm life back into us. We pulled a sheet over our heads to trap the warmth, opening it every few minutes for fresh air.
I wrapped my arms around both girls' shoulders and pulled them close, and neither of them complained or resisted. The warmth was delicious, and the contact was starting to remind me of other physical needs.
"We... we would have died out there," said Tracy. "I was going to try to make it to Lorelle's place... we would have been on the highway, now."
I shook my head. "You might have gotten stuck, but you probably could have stayed warm inside your car," I said. I was lying, just a little. In a storm like this, there were always stories about people freezing to death in their cars. Tracy's little Ford wouldn't have provided nearly enough protection.
She kissed me anyway, which I returned. Tracy always had been a good kisser. If it hadn't of been for the fact that our schedules never synched up, we might even still be a couple. As I kissed Tracy, Lorelle's arms wrapped around my chest, and she gave me a tight hug.
"Thank you anyway," she whispered. Her eyes were downturned and she had the most adorable blush. I didn't think she was a virgin, but if I remembered her rambling chats around the lunch table, she hadn't had a boyfriend in a long time. I hugged her back, and her softness felt really good against my muscled body.
Tracy smiled, and her hand started to slide down my stomach. "So... what are we gong to do to generate more heat in here?" she asked. "We're probably going to be here for a while... we're going to need a lot of heat."
She wrapped her little fingers around my hardening cock, and started to stroke me, sending a shiver up my body. Lorelle started, a bit, not quite realizing what was happening.
"Are you ok?" she asked, looking into my eyes. I liked her concern, and Tracy could tell, because it sent a throb right down to my dick.
"Oh, he's fine," said Tracy. She reached over and grabbed one of Lorelle's hands, and pulled it to my cock. "See?"
"Oh... OH," said Lorelle. She was a little startled by the sudden intimate contact, but she didn't pull her hand away. In fact, she slowly ran her hand up and down the length of it a few times, as if measuring it. The look on her face said that she was pleased with the results.
I don't get many complaints in that department, actually. Tracy and Lorelle were soon co-stroking my hard nine inches, Tracy with a playful smile, and Lorelle with a look of wonder on her face. This was turning out to be one of my favorite storms ever.
Tracy kissed me again, and I moaned under the increased stimulus. When I broke the kiss with her, I turned to Lorelle, and she tentatively leaned in for a soft, gentle kiss. Her lips were soft and warm, and the kiss rapidly deepened until I was stroking her tongue with my own.
I spent a few minutes turning my head to the left and the right, kissing first Tracy and then Lorelle. Tracy leaned in closer, as they both still stroked me, and I pulled Lorelle in closer. Our three mouths met in the middle, and it was fun as hell to feel Lorelle squirm.
I'd known that Tracy was bisexual before, but this experience seemed to be all new to Lorelle. Though the three-way kiss was a little awkward, it was also really damn hot. After a minute of it, I pulled back, and watched Tracy continue to softly kiss Lorelle. Lorelle was lost in it, I doubt she knew exactly what was going on. Soon, I could see their tongues gently meet as they moaned, and my cock throbbed against the bed sheets as they both released their grip on me and started to fondle one another.
It was freezing cold outside of that bed, but I was nestled between two pleasantly plump women who were laying up against me and exploring one another on top of me. I was actually kind of glad that they paused their cock stroking for a bit, because the situation alone was almost enough to make me shoot.
Their kiss broke eventually, and Lorelle took a deep breath, blushing furiously. Her breasts pressed against me in an entirely agreeable way as she breathed heavily. "Oh, Jenn... I... I never knew what that was like..."
Tracy giggled and kissed her on the nose. "I've wanted to do that for a while," she said. Then the girls were kissing again, and I figured that a little break from being in the middle would do my stamina some good.
When their kiss next broke, I kissed Lorelle myself, then lifted myself up by my arms and rolled to the other side of her, pushing her up against Tracy. Lorelle squealed from the unexpected movement, but got quiet again rapidly when Tracy dipped her mouth down to Lorelle's nipple. When I started kissing her other nipple, she moaned and threw her arms up over her head, giving us better access.
I met Tracy's eyes as we both tongued Lorelle's pert nipples, and she winked at me. As hot as things had gotten, they were going to get a lot hotter; I loved that look on Tracy's face. It was the look that she gave me when all of her inhibitions dropped and she went into full "wanton slut" mode. My fingers trailed down Lorelle's stomach, only to find that Tracy had beaten me to gently stroking Lorelle's hot, wet slit.
Lorelle moaned again, her head slowly moving back and forth, as two sets of fingers explored her hot, moist snatch. Tracy guided me to slip a finger inside of Lorelle's pussy, and I moaned around Lorelle's nipple as I felt how tight and slick she was inside. I slowly finger-fucked her, feeling her hips slowly rise to meet my finger's penetrations. She was in bad need of a good fuck, and I happened to be in the right place at the right time.
Lorelle dropped one hand back down beneath the sheets, and wrapped her fingers around my cock again as I finger-fucked her. She stroked my hardness to the rhythm of my hand thrusts, and said "God... you're so big, Isaac... I don't know if I can take you..."
"You can, if he's good and wet," said Tracy. She gave Lorelle's nipple a little nip with her teeth, which made Lorelle yelp, then slid her whole body down beneath the covers. I raised my head to Lorelle's and softly kissed her as Tracy settled down by our legs.
"Oh, God... is... is she going to suck you?" asked Lorelle. I smiled and nodded. Blowjobs were one of Tracy's specialties; she'd been giving them from a ridiculously young age, and she had a real talent for it.
Tracy started by just breathing her hot, moist breath on my sensitive cock, and gently lifted Lorelle's hand away. I held Lorelle close, playing with her engorged and sensitive nipples. "Careful, Jenn," I said. "I'm so hot and hard right now that you could make me cum by THINKING about sucking me."
Tracy chuckled deep in her throat, and clamped her fingers down on the base of my cock, her thumb coming up hard against the underside. Not only did the pressure feel incredible, but she could hold my orgasm back from there. Some of the best nights of my life started with that grip.
When Tracy's mouth slowly engulfed the head of my cock, my eyes rolled back in my head. Her tongue was pressing softly at the cleft of the head, and her teeth gently scraped over the most delicate parts. Then she moaned, and took it all the way down her throat without a pause.
Lorelle kissed the side of my neck as Tracy started slowly bobbing up and down on me, sending shivers that bordered on convulsions up and down my body. Tracy's free hand slowly caressed the underside of my balls, and her mouth was as hot and as wet as I remembered it being. Tracy liked to blow me slow, painfully slow. She liked making the blowjob last for a little while, and so she kept the grip on the base of my cock tight and kept her motions slow. Lorelle's eyes kept flicking down to where the motions of Tracy's head made the bedcovers rise and fall.
"Does that really feel good?" asked Lorelle. I could only moan in response... Tracy had control over my whole body with her mouth on my throbbing member. She sped up her action a little bit, her tongue moving in a hot, wet spiral on the underside of my shaft the entire time. I could actually feel my orgasm being held back, and the intensity of the sensations continued to build. When I came it was going to be monumental.
Sensing that she was pushing her luck, Tracy pulled her mouth off of my cock slowly, licking the very tip as it exited her mouth. Lorelle continued to kiss and lick the side of my neck as I shuddered. She pulled back a bit to look in my eyes.
"I... I want you to fuck me, Isaac," she said. "I've wanted it for a long time, but you... you were always with someone else... and I didn't know..."
I quieted her with a kiss, noting with some interest that Tracy hadn't come back up yet. Lorelle kissed me passionately, then asked "Do... do you think I'm wet enough?"
That's when her eyes opened wider than I'd ever seen, and her mouth stretched into a silent "O." I could feel Tracy's long hair brushing back and forth against my thighs, and I knew that she was eating Lorelle's pussy, with every bit as much expertise as she had sucked my cock.
Lorelle's voice came out in a gurgle... she'd obviously never experienced oral sex before, and the sensations were overwhelming her. Her arms went back over her head, and she started flailing around, a little. It actually started to get a little dangerous, as I ducked her wildly swinging hands.
As Tracy continued to lap at Lorelle's cunt, oblivious to the reaction she was having above the covers, I decided to take a chance, for my own safety and for Lorelle's. I rolled halfway out of the bed, feeling the icy chill of the winter air in the bedroom, and grabbed one of my ties from the closet. Rolling back, I wrapped it around one of Lorelle's wrists, and secured it to the headboard over her head. Lorelle looked at me in surprise and shock, still unable to vocalize, as I tied her second wrist on top of the first.
"Now you're all mine," I said, smiling at her. I started to kiss her behind her ear; something I couldn't have done if she had continued flailing. When I ran my tongue along her earlobe, she finally got a full breath, and screamed in orgasm. I mean really screamed. There were no words, just sheer, uncontrolled passion. Tracy came back up from under the covers quickly, her lips and chin wet with Lorelle's juices.
Lorelle started breathing in rapid pants, her eyes closed tightly, still in the throes of orgasm. Tracy looked up at her bound wrists.
"Oh, Isaac... and I was hoping that you'd tie ME up again," she said, pouting. "Will you?"
"Maybe," I said. That did it... I was going to start dating her again. There was something else demanding my attention, just at the moment, though. Lorelle finally calmed her breathing down, and looked up at me.
"Wh...why did you tie my hands up?" she asked, a little frightened. I kissed her again, and stroked her hair.
"Well, at first, it was so you wouldn't beat the hell out of me... you were flailing around pretty wildly," I said. Tracy giggled.
"Did I do that?" she asked, in her best little-girl voice. My cock throbbed, the way it always did when she used that voice. I leaned over and kissed her hard, before turning back to Lorelle.
"The other reason," I said, "Is because I LIKE tying women up... and Tracy can tell you what it does for sex."
Lorelle looked over at Tracy, her eyes no longer fearing, but glistening with excitement. "He tied you up, Jenn?"
Tracy laid down next to her, softly stroking Lorelle's nipples. "Oh, God yes, he did," she said. "Just relax, honey... Isaac's going to take you to heaven, and it's so much better when you're a little helpless. Don't worry... I'm here, in case he tries anything funny."
"Oh, fuck," said Lorelle, breathlessly. "If you're the only help I've got, then I'm in a lot of trouble..."
I slowly positioned myself on top of Lorelle, holding my weight off of her with my arms. She spread her legs wide for me, as Tracy reached down and took hold of my spit-slick cock.
Lorelle looked up at me, her eyes wide. "Please, Isaac... be gentle with me?"
I smiled and kissed her softly. "I'd never hurt you, Lorelle," I said, as Tracy guided the head of my cock to Lorelle's dripping, waiting pussy. "Not unless you really wanted me to."
Lorelle's questioning look gave way to one of unbridled passion as I thrust my hips forward, just a little, and Tracy's expert hand guided the head of my cock into Lorelle's slit. She gasped a little, obviously unused to the size. I don't know what her last boyfriend was hung like, but I was betting girls didn't wrap their fingers around his cock and find that they didn't meet on the other side. I loved it when that happened.
Slowly, I slid a little more of my cock into Lorelle, Tracy guiding me in until I was well seated. Then, Tracy took a gentle hold of my balls, and held them safe while I completed my thrust, filling Lorelle's pussy to the hilt.
Lorelle's eyes went wide again, and she started into mine, and gave me just a little scream before clamping her lips shut. Her wrists strained against the tie that held them, and Tracy smiled.
"Oh, she's lively," said Tracy, as I enjoyed the feeling of the tightest, wettest snatch I had ever been in. "Can we keep her?"
I refrained from commenting, starting the work of controlling my breath. I was going to take a long time with this fuck, and I wanted to have all of my stamina. I slowly pulled my cock out until just the head rested inside of Lorelle's creamy pussy, and then slid back in, just a little faster. Lorelle's legs came up on either side of me, and wrapped around my waist.
"Fuck me," she said, through tight teeth. "Fuck me HARD..."
I only smiled, and Tracy stroked Lorelle's hair.
"Oh, honey," said Tracy. "That's the best way to get a slow fuck from Isaac... I hope you can take it."
Tracy was right... now that I knew what Lorelle wanted, I was going to make her wait for it. I started a nice, long, slow fucking rhythm, using all of my muscles, from my toes to my legs to my back to my shoulders and arms, spreading the effort around my whole body. My cock slid into the wet velvet fist of Lorelle's inner folds again and again, and I moaned a little with every penetration. She was hot and she was wet and she was fucking tight, and I was enjoying myself immensely.
Lorelle began to thrash in earnest, yanking at the ties and trying to pull me into her faster with her legs around my waist. "Oh, FUCK... you BASTARD... FUCK ME.... GIVE IT TO ME... PLEASE! Oh, GOD... PLEASE... just FUCK ME!"
Once I've set up a rhythm, it's next to impossible to get me to speed up before I'm ready. Tracy had a little shudder, remembering all the times I did the same thing to her. She continued to softly stroke my balls while I slowly fucked Lorelle, and licked her nipples with her long, pink tongue.
Soon, Lorelle had been reduced to tears, eyes screwed shut, her hips thrusting at me, trying to get the hard fuck she wanted. "Please... oh fuck please... I'll do anything... anything you want... just fuck me... please?"
Tracy looked up at me with Lorelle's nipple between her teeth, and smiled. She'd broken the same way, and she knew what came next. She took her hand off of my balls, because there was going to be no way to hold them in a second.
Lorelle sensed something had changed, and opened her eyes. I looked down at her with unbridled lust, and RAMMED my hips home, slamming my cock into her cervix with a crash. She moaned so loud that it took her breath away, and I started to fuck her like a madman.
No finesse, no gentleness, I just pounded my rock-hard cock into her softest, tightest places like a jackhammer, giving her the hard and fast fuck that she'd been begging for. That's what I like to wait for... the begging. Then, when I'd given her what she wanted, I turned up the intensity.
I slipped my arms under her knees and pressed her thighs to her belly, damn near folding her in half. I used the position to get better, deeper penetration, and started to fuck her like there was no tomorrow. The covers on the bed couldn't keep up, and slid off of us, but the cool air of the bedroom only invigorated me at this point. Our three naked bodies exposed from head to toe, I banged the hell out of Lorelle, drawing gasps and little screams from her. I'm sure if any of my neighbors had made it home in the storm, they thought I was killing the poor girl.
My hips slammed into Lorelle's soft, round ass harder and harder, and Tracy slid her fingers down Lorelle's stomach, and started to tease her clit. That was all it took for Lorelle... she screamed long and loud, every muscle in her body locking up in a total rictus of orgasm. Her cunt gripped down on my cock and the muscles of it rippled, and I was THIS close to cumming inside of her when I remembered the lack of protection. Without finishing, I pulled out of her, gripping my cock tightly to hold off my orgasm. There was another girl here who hadn't had nearly enough fun, yet... and I was starting to feel like the longer I held off, the more amazing my own cum would be.
Lorelle actually came for a couple of minutes, emitting long, deep grunts and groans as her body shuddered. I kissed Tracy hard, grabbing her by the back of her hair, and she melted against me, holding me tightly. We broke the kiss, and she looked down at my still throbbing member.
"Did you... did you cum in her?" she asked. The question seemed to partially bring Lorelle back to reality.
"No," I said, breathing heavily. "No protection... didn't think it was a good idea. Besides... I've got something else to do with it."
Lorelle looked up at us, her body covered in sweat as was mine. "Are you... can... can you untie me, now?" she asked. I looked at Tracy.
"No" said Tracy, her voice strong and somewhat dominant. "You stay right there until I've had my fun."
"But... but..." said Lorelle, squirming under me. Tracy leaned down, and kissed her.
"Behave, and you'll cum again," she said. I stepped out of the bed, and got a couple more of my ties from the closet. Tracy put the tip of her finger in her mouth, and Lorelle looked at me with a combination of lust and fear. If I'd had a camera, the image would have made me a millionaire.
"What... what are you going to do?" asked Tracy, again in that little girl voice that she knew drove me so crazy. I took her by her hand, and pulled her so that she was straddling Lorelle's hips. Then I held her by the back of her hair again, and forced her to bend down, pressing her massive breasts against Lorelle's more modest ones, her lips inches from Lorelle's.
"Kiss her," I hissed. The girls didn't hesitate, they immediately engaged in a long, deep kiss. As they did, I took Tracy's hands, brought them over her head, and tied them down right next to Lorelle's. The two girls squirmed nicely against one another, and I knew that I wasn't going to be able to hold off my own orgasm too much longer. I was starting to get an ache in my balls that was screaming "LET ME CUM!"
First, though, I pulled Tracy's head back by the hair, breaking the kiss, and slipped a tie around Lorelle's eyes, tying it behind her head. She gasped as I blindfolded her, throwing her head back and forth and making little mewling sounds.
"What are you doing?" asked Tracy, a little concerned, now. I got behind her, and gripped my cock tightly, looking down at her upturned ass.
"There's one place I never got to fuck you," I said, as I reached down with my free hand and fingered her hot, wet pussy. Tracy was an awesome fuck, but she wasn't nearly as tight as Lorelle was. I had an option, though, now that she was helpless under me again.
Tracy stopped moving, and looked back at me over her shoulder. "No... you... you're not serious... you can't..."
"What?" asked Lorelle, sensing the panic. "What's he doing, Jenn?"
"Oh, God, Lorelle," said Tracy, as I rubbed the head of my cock against her dripping slick pussy lips. "I... I think he's going to fuck me in the ass!"
"Are you serious? Isaac, are you serious? Can she take that?" Lorelle was extremely concerned, which was actually even more of a turn on. I started fingering Tracy's clit from behind, causing her to moan and rotate her hips on top of Lorelle.
"I... I don't know," said Tracy, between moans. "Isaac... I... I'm a little scared..."
"Good," I said, reaching a little further down. Lorelle gasped as my fingers found her well-fucked slit, and gently teased her clit as well. The girls started grinding their pussies together, and I guided Tracy's hips a little so they made a good clit-to-clit connection.
"Oh, you fucker," said Tracy, as she started really grinding against Lorelle. "Do it... come on... DO IT..."
"Oh... GOD... please, Isaac," said Lorelle, "Don't hurt her..."
Tracy kissed Lorelle deeply as they thrust their hips at one another, and said "it's ok, Lorelle... I want a little pain..."
I couldn't take it any more. I slipped my cock into Tracy's hot, wet pussy, and pumped her good and hard for a minute. It felt good, but it wasn't nearly tight enough to bring me off. She moaned and thrashed on top of Lorelle, who started to panic a little.
"Is he... is he doing it?" asked Lorelle. "God DAMN it, I can't SEE..."
"N...No," said Tracy, as she shuddered. "He's... he's getting it wet inside me... in my pussy..."
When I blindfolded Lorelle, this was what I was hoping for. Tracy was going to give her the play-by-play on what I did to her, which would only make things hotter for all three of us.
Just for the sensation, I pulled my cock out of Tracy's pussy, and I slipped it between the two girls, right where they were grinding their slits together. I moaned and they both screamed, rubbing their clits against my throbbing cock. I think they both came at the same time, they were certainly yelling enough.
Before that stimulation could push me over the edge, I pulled my cock back again, and started to work it between Tracy's soft round ass cheeks. Our combined body heat, with all of the exertion, was warming up the whole bedroom, now. I was feeling warm and cozy as I pressed the slick head of my throbbing cock up against Tracy's little pink pucker.
"Oh God..." said Tracy, between breathless pants. "He... he's doing it... oh GOD... Lorelle..."
"Tracy... oh Tracy..." Lorelle cried, as they pressed themselves more closely together.
I slowly buttoned the head of my cock into Tracy's hot, tight butthole, the slickness from her pussy and my own pre-cum lubricating the process just enough. Tracy screamed, Lorelle screamed in sympathy with Tracy, and I just growled... it was the tightest thing my cock had ever been in.
Tracy's asshole clutched down on my cock just behind the head, and I could feel her pulse as it cause her sphincter to contract rhythmically on me. I sat there, unmoving, allowing her to become used to the penetration.
There were tears streaming down her cheeks and dropping onto Lorelle's blindfolded face, but she turned to me, her whole body shuddering.
"More... give me more, Isaac... I want all of it..."
"That's my girl," I said, smiling. Lorelle started craning her neck up to kiss Tracy anywhere she could make contact; on her lips, her cheeks, her neck. Tracy laid on Lorelle, quietly sobbing as I slowly pressed more of my hard cock meat up her ass. I would press in an inch or so, then give her a moment to rest and adjust. Every time I pressed in another inch, Tracy would grunt, and Lorelle would let out a little moan.
As I'd hoped, the force of my thrusts up Tracy's ass was being transmitted through Tracy's slit to Lorelle's. Then, as Lorelle squirmed from the pleasure, it caused Tracy to wiggle her ass and press back against me. It was the perfect moment, and I wasn't going to last long.
Finally, I felt my balls rest against Tracy's hot pussy lips, and I knew she had my whole cock up her as.. She moaned and clenched down on me, and I bent down and wrapped my arms around both girls. This wasn't going to take long.
"Do it..." said Tracy. "Fuck me... please?"
I needed no more prompting. I started a gentle in-out motion, fucking Tracy up her hot, tight ass nice and slow. The girls moaned simultaneously with each thrust, and started to rub themselves together more fiercely.
I slid my hands back until I had a good grip on Tracy's hips, and started to fuck her ass harder and faster. The way she started screaming, she wasn't going to be able to take that for very long, but I wasn't going to be able to give it to her for long, either.
After about two dozen hard, fast thrusts I felt the cum boiling up from my balls. I yelled out loud and RAMMED my cock home in Tracy's ass, the motion of which brought both girls over the edge. All three of us came at the same moment, filling the bedroom with yells and shrieks and the occasional "OH GOD!" I could feel the cum pumping through my groin, and each spurt was like a whole new orgasm, racking my body with pleasure from head to toe.
I filled Tracy's bowels with my hot cum, and slowly collapsed next to the bound girls as they moaned and cried in their continuing orgasms. With a little effort I untied their hands, but they stayed right where I'd left them, Tracy on top of Lorelle, rubbing one another and softly kissing each other.
Eventually, they remembered me, and both of them kissed me deeply, stroking my hair and rubbing my back. The bedroom was almost uncomfortably warm, by now, but as we lay quiet, the heat settled down to a comfortable level.
It took three days for the storm to pass and the roads to clear enough for Tracy and Lorelle to get home. They didn't stay home long, though. After three days of mind-blowing three-way sex, they both decided to move in with me. The three-way rent split wasn't bad at all, and the constant sex was a great workout for all three of us.
Now, we even look forward to the nasty, blustery weather of winter, because the best sex of all is the survival sex.
As I ran for my car, I saw my ex-girlfriend Tracy struggling with her own transportation. Her car had never run that well, and in the cold weather, it had apparently given up the ghost. I couldn't just leave her there -- her home was a good twenty miles away, down some nasty county roads. She was never going to make it in her old Ford. Besides, we'd parted amicably enough, maybe this was a chance for a little nostalgia sex.
Putting my book bag over my head for protection, I ran over to her car and tapped on the window. She actually smiled when she looked up at me, and rolled the window down.
"You know you'll never make it before the roads ice over," I said. "Come on... we can take my car to my place and wait this thing out, ok?"
She hesitated for a moment, and looked over to the passenger seat. I hadn't noticed that there was someone else there, with all the ice forming on the windshield. I bent down to see that her friend Lorelle was sitting with her. Inwardly, I winced... Lorelle was a nice enough girl, but she talked too damn much. That, and she was the kind of girl that would sit around for hours while a couple kept hinting that they'd like some "alone time," just not getting that she was cock-blocking people.
Thoughts of nostalgia sex fluttering away in the breeze, I smiled at Lorelle. "Was Tracy going to give you a lift home?" I asked her.
"We were carpooling, today," nodded Lorelle. I think she lived out by Tracy's, out in the boonies. "Do you really think it's going to get that bad?"
Mother nature never could resist a good cue. The sky opened up and dumped freezing rain in buckets on me, and the girls just about screamed.
"COME ON!" I yelled, running for my car. The girls didn't hesitate this time. They grabbed their stuff and jumped out of the non-functional car, and ran after me. It was a good thing that I'd cleaned out my little car that morning. I was really hoping we wouldn't have to use my emergency kit. I didn't relish being stuck in my compact for a day or more.
The three of us were soaked through to our skin when we got into the car. I started it up and blasted the heater, but there was only so much warming it could do. Both girls were starting to shiver, their teeth chattering, as I started navigating the hazardous streets.
The streets were full of people making a mad dash for their homes, or for the nearest shelter. This particular winter storm was on its way into the record books, and we had a few close calls. The girls didn't notice, I don't think. They were too cold, bundling up in their wet clothes as best they could. Ice was forming on the outside of our coats, even in the heated car. If we didn't make it to my place, we were in considerable trouble.
It took half an hour to make the five-minute drive. I pulled into my parking place, barely able to force the car into the foot-deep snow there, and took a deep breath.
"Fuck, it's going to be cold out there," I said. Tracy nodded, and Lorelle actually sobbed a little. She wasn't good in stress situations, I'd noticed. I grabbed her frigid hand and gave it a little squeeze. "We'll be inside in a minute... come on, ok?" She smiled a little bit, and nodded.
The twenty feet from my car to the front door of the apartment house felt like a mile. The wind-chill was around thirty degrees below zero, and freezing rain and sleet pelted us every inch of the way. When I got inside the building, and the lights were out, I started to really worry.
"Electricity is out... great," I muttered. Tracy's eyes went wide.
"What are we going to do? Isn't this place all electric?"
"Including the heat," I said, finishing her thought. "Quick, let's get in the apartment."
I was about halfway down the hall, and my fingers were so numb that I almost couldn't work the key in the lock. The three of us practically fell into the apartment. As we'd feared, the heat was off, and the chill air inside the apartment was only marginally better than the air outside the building. At least it wasn't blowing on us.
" cold..." said Lorelle. Her thick glasses were frosted over, ice forming on them, as were Tracy's. The three of us were soaked through with freezing water, and parts of me were going numb that I prefer to feel all the time.
:"B...b...bedroom," I stuttered out, trying to fight the chatter in my teeth. I started throwing off my clothes as quickly as I could... I'd never get warm in layers of wet, freezing cloth. "S....strip down," I said.
Tracy complied almost immediately... she'd always been good at taking orders. Lorelle hesitated, looking between the two of us. I threw my shirt into my shower, and looked at her.
"No heat... no hot water... the only things that are going to get us warm is us," I said. "No time to be shy, Lorelle... please, strip down!"
Not waiting to see if she complied, I grabbed all of my towels out of my closet and threw them on the bed. Then I finished shucking my clothes, throwing all of them into the shower. Tracy did the same, and I took a moment to look at her. Survival situation or not, I was still a guy, even if my penis was doing a great impression of a Shrinky-Dink.
She wasn't what most people would call "pretty," but I liked looking. She was what you might call a "Big Beautiful Woman," only about five feet tall but nicely round with a lot of curves, and one of the biggest sets of tits I'd ever seen. She caught me looking and smiled a chilled smile, her skin starting to turn blue.
Lorelle was finally getting out of all of her clothes. She was a big girl, too, in a different way. She stood maybe six feet tall, and was built on a big frame. She had some extra weight too, but she carried it more all over her body. Her complexion was a little on the pock-marked side, but she had a nice smile, and at least she tried to fit in, even if she was a constant cock-block.
I didn't hate the situation after all.
We toweled each other off as best we could, then we dove between the ice-cold sheets of the bed, all of us howling from the sensation. I took a minute to grab blankets, comforters, and pillows from all over the apartment, and throw them on the bed. Tracy arranged them in layers, and Lorelle packed the pillows between the sheets with us. By the time we all snuggled in, the bed was actually starting to warm up.
I'd actually managed to get myself in between the two of them, and our naked skin-to-skin contact was beginning to warm life back into us. We pulled a sheet over our heads to trap the warmth, opening it every few minutes for fresh air.
I wrapped my arms around both girls' shoulders and pulled them close, and neither of them complained or resisted. The warmth was delicious, and the contact was starting to remind me of other physical needs.
"We... we would have died out there," said Tracy. "I was going to try to make it to Lorelle's place... we would have been on the highway, now."
I shook my head. "You might have gotten stuck, but you probably could have stayed warm inside your car," I said. I was lying, just a little. In a storm like this, there were always stories about people freezing to death in their cars. Tracy's little Ford wouldn't have provided nearly enough protection.
She kissed me anyway, which I returned. Tracy always had been a good kisser. If it hadn't of been for the fact that our schedules never synched up, we might even still be a couple. As I kissed Tracy, Lorelle's arms wrapped around my chest, and she gave me a tight hug.
"Thank you anyway," she whispered. Her eyes were downturned and she had the most adorable blush. I didn't think she was a virgin, but if I remembered her rambling chats around the lunch table, she hadn't had a boyfriend in a long time. I hugged her back, and her softness felt really good against my muscled body.
Tracy smiled, and her hand started to slide down my stomach. "So... what are we gong to do to generate more heat in here?" she asked. "We're probably going to be here for a while... we're going to need a lot of heat."
She wrapped her little fingers around my hardening cock, and started to stroke me, sending a shiver up my body. Lorelle started, a bit, not quite realizing what was happening.
"Are you ok?" she asked, looking into my eyes. I liked her concern, and Tracy could tell, because it sent a throb right down to my dick.
"Oh, he's fine," said Tracy. She reached over and grabbed one of Lorelle's hands, and pulled it to my cock. "See?"
"Oh... OH," said Lorelle. She was a little startled by the sudden intimate contact, but she didn't pull her hand away. In fact, she slowly ran her hand up and down the length of it a few times, as if measuring it. The look on her face said that she was pleased with the results.
I don't get many complaints in that department, actually. Tracy and Lorelle were soon co-stroking my hard nine inches, Tracy with a playful smile, and Lorelle with a look of wonder on her face. This was turning out to be one of my favorite storms ever.
Tracy kissed me again, and I moaned under the increased stimulus. When I broke the kiss with her, I turned to Lorelle, and she tentatively leaned in for a soft, gentle kiss. Her lips were soft and warm, and the kiss rapidly deepened until I was stroking her tongue with my own.
I spent a few minutes turning my head to the left and the right, kissing first Tracy and then Lorelle. Tracy leaned in closer, as they both still stroked me, and I pulled Lorelle in closer. Our three mouths met in the middle, and it was fun as hell to feel Lorelle squirm.
I'd known that Tracy was bisexual before, but this experience seemed to be all new to Lorelle. Though the three-way kiss was a little awkward, it was also really damn hot. After a minute of it, I pulled back, and watched Tracy continue to softly kiss Lorelle. Lorelle was lost in it, I doubt she knew exactly what was going on. Soon, I could see their tongues gently meet as they moaned, and my cock throbbed against the bed sheets as they both released their grip on me and started to fondle one another.
It was freezing cold outside of that bed, but I was nestled between two pleasantly plump women who were laying up against me and exploring one another on top of me. I was actually kind of glad that they paused their cock stroking for a bit, because the situation alone was almost enough to make me shoot.
Their kiss broke eventually, and Lorelle took a deep breath, blushing furiously. Her breasts pressed against me in an entirely agreeable way as she breathed heavily. "Oh, Jenn... I... I never knew what that was like..."
Tracy giggled and kissed her on the nose. "I've wanted to do that for a while," she said. Then the girls were kissing again, and I figured that a little break from being in the middle would do my stamina some good.
When their kiss next broke, I kissed Lorelle myself, then lifted myself up by my arms and rolled to the other side of her, pushing her up against Tracy. Lorelle squealed from the unexpected movement, but got quiet again rapidly when Tracy dipped her mouth down to Lorelle's nipple. When I started kissing her other nipple, she moaned and threw her arms up over her head, giving us better access.
I met Tracy's eyes as we both tongued Lorelle's pert nipples, and she winked at me. As hot as things had gotten, they were going to get a lot hotter; I loved that look on Tracy's face. It was the look that she gave me when all of her inhibitions dropped and she went into full "wanton slut" mode. My fingers trailed down Lorelle's stomach, only to find that Tracy had beaten me to gently stroking Lorelle's hot, wet slit.
Lorelle moaned again, her head slowly moving back and forth, as two sets of fingers explored her hot, moist snatch. Tracy guided me to slip a finger inside of Lorelle's pussy, and I moaned around Lorelle's nipple as I felt how tight and slick she was inside. I slowly finger-fucked her, feeling her hips slowly rise to meet my finger's penetrations. She was in bad need of a good fuck, and I happened to be in the right place at the right time.
Lorelle dropped one hand back down beneath the sheets, and wrapped her fingers around my cock again as I finger-fucked her. She stroked my hardness to the rhythm of my hand thrusts, and said "God... you're so big, Isaac... I don't know if I can take you..."
"You can, if he's good and wet," said Tracy. She gave Lorelle's nipple a little nip with her teeth, which made Lorelle yelp, then slid her whole body down beneath the covers. I raised my head to Lorelle's and softly kissed her as Tracy settled down by our legs.
"Oh, God... is... is she going to suck you?" asked Lorelle. I smiled and nodded. Blowjobs were one of Tracy's specialties; she'd been giving them from a ridiculously young age, and she had a real talent for it.
Tracy started by just breathing her hot, moist breath on my sensitive cock, and gently lifted Lorelle's hand away. I held Lorelle close, playing with her engorged and sensitive nipples. "Careful, Jenn," I said. "I'm so hot and hard right now that you could make me cum by THINKING about sucking me."
Tracy chuckled deep in her throat, and clamped her fingers down on the base of my cock, her thumb coming up hard against the underside. Not only did the pressure feel incredible, but she could hold my orgasm back from there. Some of the best nights of my life started with that grip.
When Tracy's mouth slowly engulfed the head of my cock, my eyes rolled back in my head. Her tongue was pressing softly at the cleft of the head, and her teeth gently scraped over the most delicate parts. Then she moaned, and took it all the way down her throat without a pause.
Lorelle kissed the side of my neck as Tracy started slowly bobbing up and down on me, sending shivers that bordered on convulsions up and down my body. Tracy's free hand slowly caressed the underside of my balls, and her mouth was as hot and as wet as I remembered it being. Tracy liked to blow me slow, painfully slow. She liked making the blowjob last for a little while, and so she kept the grip on the base of my cock tight and kept her motions slow. Lorelle's eyes kept flicking down to where the motions of Tracy's head made the bedcovers rise and fall.
"Does that really feel good?" asked Lorelle. I could only moan in response... Tracy had control over my whole body with her mouth on my throbbing member. She sped up her action a little bit, her tongue moving in a hot, wet spiral on the underside of my shaft the entire time. I could actually feel my orgasm being held back, and the intensity of the sensations continued to build. When I came it was going to be monumental.
Sensing that she was pushing her luck, Tracy pulled her mouth off of my cock slowly, licking the very tip as it exited her mouth. Lorelle continued to kiss and lick the side of my neck as I shuddered. She pulled back a bit to look in my eyes.
"I... I want you to fuck me, Isaac," she said. "I've wanted it for a long time, but you... you were always with someone else... and I didn't know..."
I quieted her with a kiss, noting with some interest that Tracy hadn't come back up yet. Lorelle kissed me passionately, then asked "Do... do you think I'm wet enough?"
That's when her eyes opened wider than I'd ever seen, and her mouth stretched into a silent "O." I could feel Tracy's long hair brushing back and forth against my thighs, and I knew that she was eating Lorelle's pussy, with every bit as much expertise as she had sucked my cock.
Lorelle's voice came out in a gurgle... she'd obviously never experienced oral sex before, and the sensations were overwhelming her. Her arms went back over her head, and she started flailing around, a little. It actually started to get a little dangerous, as I ducked her wildly swinging hands.
As Tracy continued to lap at Lorelle's cunt, oblivious to the reaction she was having above the covers, I decided to take a chance, for my own safety and for Lorelle's. I rolled halfway out of the bed, feeling the icy chill of the winter air in the bedroom, and grabbed one of my ties from the closet. Rolling back, I wrapped it around one of Lorelle's wrists, and secured it to the headboard over her head. Lorelle looked at me in surprise and shock, still unable to vocalize, as I tied her second wrist on top of the first.
"Now you're all mine," I said, smiling at her. I started to kiss her behind her ear; something I couldn't have done if she had continued flailing. When I ran my tongue along her earlobe, she finally got a full breath, and screamed in orgasm. I mean really screamed. There were no words, just sheer, uncontrolled passion. Tracy came back up from under the covers quickly, her lips and chin wet with Lorelle's juices.
Lorelle started breathing in rapid pants, her eyes closed tightly, still in the throes of orgasm. Tracy looked up at her bound wrists.
"Oh, Isaac... and I was hoping that you'd tie ME up again," she said, pouting. "Will you?"
"Maybe," I said. That did it... I was going to start dating her again. There was something else demanding my attention, just at the moment, though. Lorelle finally calmed her breathing down, and looked up at me.
"Wh...why did you tie my hands up?" she asked, a little frightened. I kissed her again, and stroked her hair.
"Well, at first, it was so you wouldn't beat the hell out of me... you were flailing around pretty wildly," I said. Tracy giggled.
"Did I do that?" she asked, in her best little-girl voice. My cock throbbed, the way it always did when she used that voice. I leaned over and kissed her hard, before turning back to Lorelle.
"The other reason," I said, "Is because I LIKE tying women up... and Tracy can tell you what it does for sex."
Lorelle looked over at Tracy, her eyes no longer fearing, but glistening with excitement. "He tied you up, Jenn?"
Tracy laid down next to her, softly stroking Lorelle's nipples. "Oh, God yes, he did," she said. "Just relax, honey... Isaac's going to take you to heaven, and it's so much better when you're a little helpless. Don't worry... I'm here, in case he tries anything funny."
"Oh, fuck," said Lorelle, breathlessly. "If you're the only help I've got, then I'm in a lot of trouble..."
I slowly positioned myself on top of Lorelle, holding my weight off of her with my arms. She spread her legs wide for me, as Tracy reached down and took hold of my spit-slick cock.
Lorelle looked up at me, her eyes wide. "Please, Isaac... be gentle with me?"
I smiled and kissed her softly. "I'd never hurt you, Lorelle," I said, as Tracy guided the head of my cock to Lorelle's dripping, waiting pussy. "Not unless you really wanted me to."
Lorelle's questioning look gave way to one of unbridled passion as I thrust my hips forward, just a little, and Tracy's expert hand guided the head of my cock into Lorelle's slit. She gasped a little, obviously unused to the size. I don't know what her last boyfriend was hung like, but I was betting girls didn't wrap their fingers around his cock and find that they didn't meet on the other side. I loved it when that happened.
Slowly, I slid a little more of my cock into Lorelle, Tracy guiding me in until I was well seated. Then, Tracy took a gentle hold of my balls, and held them safe while I completed my thrust, filling Lorelle's pussy to the hilt.
Lorelle's eyes went wide again, and she started into mine, and gave me just a little scream before clamping her lips shut. Her wrists strained against the tie that held them, and Tracy smiled.
"Oh, she's lively," said Tracy, as I enjoyed the feeling of the tightest, wettest snatch I had ever been in. "Can we keep her?"
I refrained from commenting, starting the work of controlling my breath. I was going to take a long time with this fuck, and I wanted to have all of my stamina. I slowly pulled my cock out until just the head rested inside of Lorelle's creamy pussy, and then slid back in, just a little faster. Lorelle's legs came up on either side of me, and wrapped around my waist.
"Fuck me," she said, through tight teeth. "Fuck me HARD..."
I only smiled, and Tracy stroked Lorelle's hair.
"Oh, honey," said Tracy. "That's the best way to get a slow fuck from Isaac... I hope you can take it."
Tracy was right... now that I knew what Lorelle wanted, I was going to make her wait for it. I started a nice, long, slow fucking rhythm, using all of my muscles, from my toes to my legs to my back to my shoulders and arms, spreading the effort around my whole body. My cock slid into the wet velvet fist of Lorelle's inner folds again and again, and I moaned a little with every penetration. She was hot and she was wet and she was fucking tight, and I was enjoying myself immensely.
Lorelle began to thrash in earnest, yanking at the ties and trying to pull me into her faster with her legs around my waist. "Oh, FUCK... you BASTARD... FUCK ME.... GIVE IT TO ME... PLEASE! Oh, GOD... PLEASE... just FUCK ME!"
Once I've set up a rhythm, it's next to impossible to get me to speed up before I'm ready. Tracy had a little shudder, remembering all the times I did the same thing to her. She continued to softly stroke my balls while I slowly fucked Lorelle, and licked her nipples with her long, pink tongue.
Soon, Lorelle had been reduced to tears, eyes screwed shut, her hips thrusting at me, trying to get the hard fuck she wanted. "Please... oh fuck please... I'll do anything... anything you want... just fuck me... please?"
Tracy looked up at me with Lorelle's nipple between her teeth, and smiled. She'd broken the same way, and she knew what came next. She took her hand off of my balls, because there was going to be no way to hold them in a second.
Lorelle sensed something had changed, and opened her eyes. I looked down at her with unbridled lust, and RAMMED my hips home, slamming my cock into her cervix with a crash. She moaned so loud that it took her breath away, and I started to fuck her like a madman.
No finesse, no gentleness, I just pounded my rock-hard cock into her softest, tightest places like a jackhammer, giving her the hard and fast fuck that she'd been begging for. That's what I like to wait for... the begging. Then, when I'd given her what she wanted, I turned up the intensity.
I slipped my arms under her knees and pressed her thighs to her belly, damn near folding her in half. I used the position to get better, deeper penetration, and started to fuck her like there was no tomorrow. The covers on the bed couldn't keep up, and slid off of us, but the cool air of the bedroom only invigorated me at this point. Our three naked bodies exposed from head to toe, I banged the hell out of Lorelle, drawing gasps and little screams from her. I'm sure if any of my neighbors had made it home in the storm, they thought I was killing the poor girl.
My hips slammed into Lorelle's soft, round ass harder and harder, and Tracy slid her fingers down Lorelle's stomach, and started to tease her clit. That was all it took for Lorelle... she screamed long and loud, every muscle in her body locking up in a total rictus of orgasm. Her cunt gripped down on my cock and the muscles of it rippled, and I was THIS close to cumming inside of her when I remembered the lack of protection. Without finishing, I pulled out of her, gripping my cock tightly to hold off my orgasm. There was another girl here who hadn't had nearly enough fun, yet... and I was starting to feel like the longer I held off, the more amazing my own cum would be.
Lorelle actually came for a couple of minutes, emitting long, deep grunts and groans as her body shuddered. I kissed Tracy hard, grabbing her by the back of her hair, and she melted against me, holding me tightly. We broke the kiss, and she looked down at my still throbbing member.
"Did you... did you cum in her?" she asked. The question seemed to partially bring Lorelle back to reality.
"No," I said, breathing heavily. "No protection... didn't think it was a good idea. Besides... I've got something else to do with it."
Lorelle looked up at us, her body covered in sweat as was mine. "Are you... can... can you untie me, now?" she asked. I looked at Tracy.
"No" said Tracy, her voice strong and somewhat dominant. "You stay right there until I've had my fun."
"But... but..." said Lorelle, squirming under me. Tracy leaned down, and kissed her.
"Behave, and you'll cum again," she said. I stepped out of the bed, and got a couple more of my ties from the closet. Tracy put the tip of her finger in her mouth, and Lorelle looked at me with a combination of lust and fear. If I'd had a camera, the image would have made me a millionaire.
"What... what are you going to do?" asked Tracy, again in that little girl voice that she knew drove me so crazy. I took her by her hand, and pulled her so that she was straddling Lorelle's hips. Then I held her by the back of her hair again, and forced her to bend down, pressing her massive breasts against Lorelle's more modest ones, her lips inches from Lorelle's.
"Kiss her," I hissed. The girls didn't hesitate, they immediately engaged in a long, deep kiss. As they did, I took Tracy's hands, brought them over her head, and tied them down right next to Lorelle's. The two girls squirmed nicely against one another, and I knew that I wasn't going to be able to hold off my own orgasm too much longer. I was starting to get an ache in my balls that was screaming "LET ME CUM!"
First, though, I pulled Tracy's head back by the hair, breaking the kiss, and slipped a tie around Lorelle's eyes, tying it behind her head. She gasped as I blindfolded her, throwing her head back and forth and making little mewling sounds.
"What are you doing?" asked Tracy, a little concerned, now. I got behind her, and gripped my cock tightly, looking down at her upturned ass.
"There's one place I never got to fuck you," I said, as I reached down with my free hand and fingered her hot, wet pussy. Tracy was an awesome fuck, but she wasn't nearly as tight as Lorelle was. I had an option, though, now that she was helpless under me again.
Tracy stopped moving, and looked back at me over her shoulder. "No... you... you're not serious... you can't..."
"What?" asked Lorelle, sensing the panic. "What's he doing, Jenn?"
"Oh, God, Lorelle," said Tracy, as I rubbed the head of my cock against her dripping slick pussy lips. "I... I think he's going to fuck me in the ass!"
"Are you serious? Isaac, are you serious? Can she take that?" Lorelle was extremely concerned, which was actually even more of a turn on. I started fingering Tracy's clit from behind, causing her to moan and rotate her hips on top of Lorelle.
"I... I don't know," said Tracy, between moans. "Isaac... I... I'm a little scared..."
"Good," I said, reaching a little further down. Lorelle gasped as my fingers found her well-fucked slit, and gently teased her clit as well. The girls started grinding their pussies together, and I guided Tracy's hips a little so they made a good clit-to-clit connection.
"Oh, you fucker," said Tracy, as she started really grinding against Lorelle. "Do it... come on... DO IT..."
"Oh... GOD... please, Isaac," said Lorelle, "Don't hurt her..."
Tracy kissed Lorelle deeply as they thrust their hips at one another, and said "it's ok, Lorelle... I want a little pain..."
I couldn't take it any more. I slipped my cock into Tracy's hot, wet pussy, and pumped her good and hard for a minute. It felt good, but it wasn't nearly tight enough to bring me off. She moaned and thrashed on top of Lorelle, who started to panic a little.
"Is he... is he doing it?" asked Lorelle. "God DAMN it, I can't SEE..."
"N...No," said Tracy, as she shuddered. "He's... he's getting it wet inside me... in my pussy..."
When I blindfolded Lorelle, this was what I was hoping for. Tracy was going to give her the play-by-play on what I did to her, which would only make things hotter for all three of us.
Just for the sensation, I pulled my cock out of Tracy's pussy, and I slipped it between the two girls, right where they were grinding their slits together. I moaned and they both screamed, rubbing their clits against my throbbing cock. I think they both came at the same time, they were certainly yelling enough.
Before that stimulation could push me over the edge, I pulled my cock back again, and started to work it between Tracy's soft round ass cheeks. Our combined body heat, with all of the exertion, was warming up the whole bedroom, now. I was feeling warm and cozy as I pressed the slick head of my throbbing cock up against Tracy's little pink pucker.
"Oh God..." said Tracy, between breathless pants. "He... he's doing it... oh GOD... Lorelle..."
"Tracy... oh Tracy..." Lorelle cried, as they pressed themselves more closely together.
I slowly buttoned the head of my cock into Tracy's hot, tight butthole, the slickness from her pussy and my own pre-cum lubricating the process just enough. Tracy screamed, Lorelle screamed in sympathy with Tracy, and I just growled... it was the tightest thing my cock had ever been in.
Tracy's asshole clutched down on my cock just behind the head, and I could feel her pulse as it cause her sphincter to contract rhythmically on me. I sat there, unmoving, allowing her to become used to the penetration.
There were tears streaming down her cheeks and dropping onto Lorelle's blindfolded face, but she turned to me, her whole body shuddering.
"More... give me more, Isaac... I want all of it..."
"That's my girl," I said, smiling. Lorelle started craning her neck up to kiss Tracy anywhere she could make contact; on her lips, her cheeks, her neck. Tracy laid on Lorelle, quietly sobbing as I slowly pressed more of my hard cock meat up her ass. I would press in an inch or so, then give her a moment to rest and adjust. Every time I pressed in another inch, Tracy would grunt, and Lorelle would let out a little moan.
As I'd hoped, the force of my thrusts up Tracy's ass was being transmitted through Tracy's slit to Lorelle's. Then, as Lorelle squirmed from the pleasure, it caused Tracy to wiggle her ass and press back against me. It was the perfect moment, and I wasn't going to last long.
Finally, I felt my balls rest against Tracy's hot pussy lips, and I knew she had my whole cock up her as.. She moaned and clenched down on me, and I bent down and wrapped my arms around both girls. This wasn't going to take long.
"Do it..." said Tracy. "Fuck me... please?"
I needed no more prompting. I started a gentle in-out motion, fucking Tracy up her hot, tight ass nice and slow. The girls moaned simultaneously with each thrust, and started to rub themselves together more fiercely.
I slid my hands back until I had a good grip on Tracy's hips, and started to fuck her ass harder and faster. The way she started screaming, she wasn't going to be able to take that for very long, but I wasn't going to be able to give it to her for long, either.
After about two dozen hard, fast thrusts I felt the cum boiling up from my balls. I yelled out loud and RAMMED my cock home in Tracy's ass, the motion of which brought both girls over the edge. All three of us came at the same moment, filling the bedroom with yells and shrieks and the occasional "OH GOD!" I could feel the cum pumping through my groin, and each spurt was like a whole new orgasm, racking my body with pleasure from head to toe.
I filled Tracy's bowels with my hot cum, and slowly collapsed next to the bound girls as they moaned and cried in their continuing orgasms. With a little effort I untied their hands, but they stayed right where I'd left them, Tracy on top of Lorelle, rubbing one another and softly kissing each other.
Eventually, they remembered me, and both of them kissed me deeply, stroking my hair and rubbing my back. The bedroom was almost uncomfortably warm, by now, but as we lay quiet, the heat settled down to a comfortable level.
It took three days for the storm to pass and the roads to clear enough for Tracy and Lorelle to get home. They didn't stay home long, though. After three days of mind-blowing three-way sex, they both decided to move in with me. The three-way rent split wasn't bad at all, and the constant sex was a great workout for all three of us.
Now, we even look forward to the nasty, blustery weather of winter, because the best sex of all is the survival sex.
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