Raped at the after party
Garces 1980
Every year that the Grammy Awards come around, I always look forward to them, but probably for different reasons than everyone else does.
It is allegedly the biggest awards show the music industry has, but the thing that I always look forward to is getting to work as a bartender at one of the numerous Grammy after-parties that take place, and getting the chance to be close to some of the hottest women in the world, and usually in various stages of drunkenness.
But I was quickly beginning to grow frustrated with the lack of progress I was making in trying to hook up with one of those cunts, since they all seem to think that someone like me is beneath them, so what I decided to do was hatch a plan to show them that they aren’t any better than me.
You see, not only was I the bartender for the biggest of the Grammy after-parties, I also knew some people of questionable morals who could get me any sort of drug that I requested, so I had them deliver me a fresh batch of the strongest Rohypnol on the streets right as the party was set to begin.
What that meant is that I would be raping one of those starlets before the night was over, the only thing I had to figure out was who.
I had been making lots of drinks for Katy Perry so far that night, and it seemed like every time she ordered another one, her tits would struggle even more to stay inside her shirt, but pretty soon she stopped coming over, so I had to look elsewhere.
I was intrigued by the possibility of Miranda Lambert, since she seemed to be rather flirtatious when drunk, and the same could be said for Taylor Swift, who I probably could’ve slept with without the aid of the little friend in my pocket had I wanted to, but let’s face it, picking on a known whore like Taylor would’ve been too easy.
I would’ve loved for my victim to have been Ariana Grande, but the little slut was at another party, so she wasn’t on my radar.
Which left me setting my sights on Hayley Williams, the lead singer of the band Paramore, and since it had been a successful night for them, being that I had heard they had won an award, I had already served Hayley, dressed in all black with a denim jacket to go along with it, enough alcohol that she was sufficiently drunk.
The only reason I hadn’t already made my move on her was because she was there with her fiancé, and I was waiting to get him out of the way before I drugged her.
“Hey baby…would you mind serving me one more so I can go back up to my room and jump my fiance’s bones?” she told me as she winked at me, her fiery red hair turning me on greatly as I poured her another of the vodka tonics she had been drinking, but due to her inebriated state, she never saw me mix a couple of Rohypnols into this one before I handed it back to her.
“The only person who’s going to be getting any of your pussy tonight is me Hayley,” I said to myself as I watched her walk away, waiting patiently behind the bar until the time was right to go check on her, and then turning over the bartending duties to my second in command.
And having lost of sight of Hayley, I went to go check the nearest restroom and found her slumped against the wall in peaceful slumber since the drug had taken effect.
“Oh…what’s wrong…did my little rock chick have too much drink?” I taunted her lifeless form as I dragged her into the middle of the floor and took a pair of scissors out of my pocket, cutting her shirt away right down the middle and smiling to myself when I saw a lack of a bra.
“Stupid cunt, it’s like you wanted this to happen,” I taunted her as I started sucking on her tits, slid down her pants and pushed her panties away.
“This ought to make sure we don’t have any interruptions until I’m done with you slut,” I said to myself as I took the “closed for maintenance” sign and placed in front of the door, locking it behind me as I took off my clothes and straddled Hayley’s unconscious body right there on the bathroom floor.
“UH…” she softly moaned as I lined my dick up with her pussy and slid into her, thrusting deeper and deeper into her as her walls began to open up for me.
“I’ve waited a long time to finally get some pussy from one of you sluts,” I taunted her as she started to come around, swinging her head back and forth as I pulled her hips forward and drove my dick into her, “I should’ve done this sooner.”
“MMMPPPPHHHH…OHGOD…who are you? Get off me!” Hayley moaned when she opened her eyes and saw me on top of her plumbing the depths of her pussy with my dick, her tight walls wrapping around it as I took the back of her head and drove into the tile floor to shut her up.
“Anymore lip out of you and I’ll kill you after I’m done raping you Hayley,” I taunted her, knowing that in reality I had no such plans to do that as I sawed in and out of her cunt, her eyes rolling back into her head from a combination of the way her body was starting to betray her and the fact she had just had her brains scrambled.
“OHGOD…why are you raping me? Where am I?” she cried out as I felt her walls tightening up and her back arching, her eyes trying to focus as I slapped her around and rammed my dick in and out of her moistening cunt.
“I’m raping you because I can, you worthless cunt!” I told her as I pulled her hips back into mine one more time, her juices starting to shoot out on top of my dick as I laughed in her ear and started to pound a little harder into her, “and right now, I’m about to cum inside your worthless cunt right here on the floor of this bathroom for the same reason!”
“NO…please…not inside me…I’m not on anything you freak!” she shouted as I elbowed her in the chin and buried my cock head into her womb as I lurched my hips into her one last time and came deep in her pussy, my hands over her mouth to drown out her screams of panic as I thrust into her a few more times, coating her insides with my baby batter before I pulled out of her.
“FUCK…OHGOD…where’s my phone?” she muttered to herself as she pushed me off of her and headed for her purse, grabbing her phone out of it and attempting to call for help when I slapped it out of her hand and flushed it down one of the toilets.
“I don’t think so bitch!” I shouted at her as she tried to fight me off, eventually trapping her against the wall and running my dick over her pussy lips menacingly as I roughly kissed her and sucked on her tits.
“What did you put in that last drink you asshole!” she shouted, cowering in fear as I slapped her a few times and lined my dick back up with her pussy, sliding it into her as I hissed the answer in her ear.
“Just a little date-rape drug to help me control you, my little rock star slut,” I hissed as I began to plunge my dick in and out of her, her walls stretching out yet again as I beat up her pussy.
“FUCK…you’ve had your fun with me…just let me go…” she tried to reason with me, my hands on her hips as I pounded away on her pussy, feeling her body starting to betray her again as she threw her head back against the wall.
“SHUT UP SLUT! I’LL BE THROUGH WITH YOU WHEN I WANT TO BE THROUGH WITH YOU!” I yelled at her as I sent my dick balls-deep inside of her, my balls slapping her ass as she tried to fight me off, desperate to keep me from cumming inside her again.
“Nice try slut, unfortunately for you, there’s still too much of that drug in your system,” I taunted her as she shot a load of her cream out over my dick, her eyes rolling into her head as she pleaded with me to let her go.
“OHGOD…please don’t let him cum in me again…” she silently told herself as I pinned her to the wall, jammed my tongue down her throat and thrust my dick into her one more time, blowing my load in her for the second time as she cried out in agony.
“Looks like someone’s gonna be carrying my rape baby, doesn’t it bitch?” I hissed in her ear as I filled her a few more times and pulled out of her, watching as she slumped to the floor and curled up into the fetal position.
“GET UP BITCH!” I screamed at her as I grabbed her by the arm and slung her across the tile floor, trapping her in the corner of the bathroom and bringing her to her knees.
“You better suck my dick and suck it good Hayley,” I hissed as she wrapped her hands around my dick and began to lead it to her mouth, gobbling it up in one motion and beginning to suck away on it, “or I’ll put it right back in your pussy and drown your womb with my baby makers.”
“MMMMPPPPPPHHHHH,” she moaned as I placed my hands on the back of her head, forcing her down onto even more of my dick as she struggled to bob her head back and forth on it, crying out in pain as I started to fuck her face.
“I’m gonna cum down your slutty throat Hayley,” I taunted her as I drove my dick to the back of her throat, leaving it there as I fucked her face, “swallow it all for me, slut, or bad things are going to happen to you!”
“MMMMPPPPPHHHH,” she moaned again as I lurched my hips into her face and came down her throat, her eyes closing as she struggled to drink down my cum, finally managing to do it after I slapped her around a few times, gulping it down in one motion as I backed my dick out of her mouth.
“Whoever’s in there, we’re going to have to ask you to leave, the party is ending,” I heard someone call into the restroom, putting a hand over Hayley’s mouth as I explained that the bathroom was closed to the public, and then pinning her face-first into the wall as I ran my dick over her pussy lips again.
“This is usually the part where I would rape your ass, but you don’t seem to have one Hayley, so I guess I’ll just have to rape your pussy again,” I taunted her as I slid my dick into her and began helping myself to her pussy for the third time, her cries of anguish being muffled her face being forced into the wall as I cut a path through her pussy for the third time that night.
“Please…put it in my ass…just don’t rape my pussy anymore…” she begged me, defeated, as I buried my dick balls-deep inside of her, my hands going to the back of her head and forcing her face into the wall a little harder as I continued to have my way with her.
“I’d put it in your ass…but then you wouldn’t be having our little love child nine months down the road, would you Hayley?” I taunted her as I grabbed her hips and forced my dick as far into her as it could go as her body began to go limp again.
“UH…UH…OHGOD…just…hurry…up…and…cum…inside…me…” she begged me as I slapped her ass and pounded away on her cunt, another load of her cunt juice beginning to trickle down my dick as I started to pick up the pace of my thrusting into her.
“Stupid little cunt…cumming for your rapist again…” I hissed in her ear as I pushed her head into the wall and slammed my hips into hers one last time, pushing my cock head past her cervix and into her womb as I began to cum in her again.
“Looks like our time together is over bitch,” I taunted her as I filled her pussy to the brim with another load of my cum, slapping her ass as I pulled my dick out of her cunt for the last time, “and the best part is, the party’s over slut. So there’s no one left out there for you to rat me out to.”
“OHGOD…OHGOD…my life is over…” she kept telling herself as she curled into the fetal position yet again and rocked back and forth, a shell of her former self as I gathered my things and calmly prepared to leave her there.
“Take really good care of my baby too Hayley, or I’ll have to come back here and rape you again,” I taunted her as I unlocked the restroom and clocked out for the evening, not a care in the world as I left her there in the bathroom.
“You didn’t hear this from me, but there’s a hot celebrity in that bathroom over there who’s just dying to be fucked,” I told the cleaning crew as they were finishing their work, sending them on their way so they could get some of Hayley’s pussy, as well, wondering just how many of the five-person crew were going to take their turn with her before they were done with her.
It is allegedly the biggest awards show the music industry has, but the thing that I always look forward to is getting to work as a bartender at one of the numerous Grammy after-parties that take place, and getting the chance to be close to some of the hottest women in the world, and usually in various stages of drunkenness.
But I was quickly beginning to grow frustrated with the lack of progress I was making in trying to hook up with one of those cunts, since they all seem to think that someone like me is beneath them, so what I decided to do was hatch a plan to show them that they aren’t any better than me.
You see, not only was I the bartender for the biggest of the Grammy after-parties, I also knew some people of questionable morals who could get me any sort of drug that I requested, so I had them deliver me a fresh batch of the strongest Rohypnol on the streets right as the party was set to begin.
What that meant is that I would be raping one of those starlets before the night was over, the only thing I had to figure out was who.
I had been making lots of drinks for Katy Perry so far that night, and it seemed like every time she ordered another one, her tits would struggle even more to stay inside her shirt, but pretty soon she stopped coming over, so I had to look elsewhere.
I was intrigued by the possibility of Miranda Lambert, since she seemed to be rather flirtatious when drunk, and the same could be said for Taylor Swift, who I probably could’ve slept with without the aid of the little friend in my pocket had I wanted to, but let’s face it, picking on a known whore like Taylor would’ve been too easy.
I would’ve loved for my victim to have been Ariana Grande, but the little slut was at another party, so she wasn’t on my radar.
Which left me setting my sights on Hayley Williams, the lead singer of the band Paramore, and since it had been a successful night for them, being that I had heard they had won an award, I had already served Hayley, dressed in all black with a denim jacket to go along with it, enough alcohol that she was sufficiently drunk.
The only reason I hadn’t already made my move on her was because she was there with her fiancé, and I was waiting to get him out of the way before I drugged her.
“Hey baby…would you mind serving me one more so I can go back up to my room and jump my fiance’s bones?” she told me as she winked at me, her fiery red hair turning me on greatly as I poured her another of the vodka tonics she had been drinking, but due to her inebriated state, she never saw me mix a couple of Rohypnols into this one before I handed it back to her.
“The only person who’s going to be getting any of your pussy tonight is me Hayley,” I said to myself as I watched her walk away, waiting patiently behind the bar until the time was right to go check on her, and then turning over the bartending duties to my second in command.
And having lost of sight of Hayley, I went to go check the nearest restroom and found her slumped against the wall in peaceful slumber since the drug had taken effect.
“Oh…what’s wrong…did my little rock chick have too much drink?” I taunted her lifeless form as I dragged her into the middle of the floor and took a pair of scissors out of my pocket, cutting her shirt away right down the middle and smiling to myself when I saw a lack of a bra.
“Stupid cunt, it’s like you wanted this to happen,” I taunted her as I started sucking on her tits, slid down her pants and pushed her panties away.
“This ought to make sure we don’t have any interruptions until I’m done with you slut,” I said to myself as I took the “closed for maintenance” sign and placed in front of the door, locking it behind me as I took off my clothes and straddled Hayley’s unconscious body right there on the bathroom floor.
“UH…” she softly moaned as I lined my dick up with her pussy and slid into her, thrusting deeper and deeper into her as her walls began to open up for me.
“I’ve waited a long time to finally get some pussy from one of you sluts,” I taunted her as she started to come around, swinging her head back and forth as I pulled her hips forward and drove my dick into her, “I should’ve done this sooner.”
“MMMPPPPHHHH…OHGOD…who are you? Get off me!” Hayley moaned when she opened her eyes and saw me on top of her plumbing the depths of her pussy with my dick, her tight walls wrapping around it as I took the back of her head and drove into the tile floor to shut her up.
“Anymore lip out of you and I’ll kill you after I’m done raping you Hayley,” I taunted her, knowing that in reality I had no such plans to do that as I sawed in and out of her cunt, her eyes rolling back into her head from a combination of the way her body was starting to betray her and the fact she had just had her brains scrambled.
“OHGOD…why are you raping me? Where am I?” she cried out as I felt her walls tightening up and her back arching, her eyes trying to focus as I slapped her around and rammed my dick in and out of her moistening cunt.
“I’m raping you because I can, you worthless cunt!” I told her as I pulled her hips back into mine one more time, her juices starting to shoot out on top of my dick as I laughed in her ear and started to pound a little harder into her, “and right now, I’m about to cum inside your worthless cunt right here on the floor of this bathroom for the same reason!”
“NO…please…not inside me…I’m not on anything you freak!” she shouted as I elbowed her in the chin and buried my cock head into her womb as I lurched my hips into her one last time and came deep in her pussy, my hands over her mouth to drown out her screams of panic as I thrust into her a few more times, coating her insides with my baby batter before I pulled out of her.
“FUCK…OHGOD…where’s my phone?” she muttered to herself as she pushed me off of her and headed for her purse, grabbing her phone out of it and attempting to call for help when I slapped it out of her hand and flushed it down one of the toilets.
“I don’t think so bitch!” I shouted at her as she tried to fight me off, eventually trapping her against the wall and running my dick over her pussy lips menacingly as I roughly kissed her and sucked on her tits.
“What did you put in that last drink you asshole!” she shouted, cowering in fear as I slapped her a few times and lined my dick back up with her pussy, sliding it into her as I hissed the answer in her ear.
“Just a little date-rape drug to help me control you, my little rock star slut,” I hissed as I began to plunge my dick in and out of her, her walls stretching out yet again as I beat up her pussy.
“FUCK…you’ve had your fun with me…just let me go…” she tried to reason with me, my hands on her hips as I pounded away on her pussy, feeling her body starting to betray her again as she threw her head back against the wall.
“SHUT UP SLUT! I’LL BE THROUGH WITH YOU WHEN I WANT TO BE THROUGH WITH YOU!” I yelled at her as I sent my dick balls-deep inside of her, my balls slapping her ass as she tried to fight me off, desperate to keep me from cumming inside her again.
“Nice try slut, unfortunately for you, there’s still too much of that drug in your system,” I taunted her as she shot a load of her cream out over my dick, her eyes rolling into her head as she pleaded with me to let her go.
“OHGOD…please don’t let him cum in me again…” she silently told herself as I pinned her to the wall, jammed my tongue down her throat and thrust my dick into her one more time, blowing my load in her for the second time as she cried out in agony.
“Looks like someone’s gonna be carrying my rape baby, doesn’t it bitch?” I hissed in her ear as I filled her a few more times and pulled out of her, watching as she slumped to the floor and curled up into the fetal position.
“GET UP BITCH!” I screamed at her as I grabbed her by the arm and slung her across the tile floor, trapping her in the corner of the bathroom and bringing her to her knees.
“You better suck my dick and suck it good Hayley,” I hissed as she wrapped her hands around my dick and began to lead it to her mouth, gobbling it up in one motion and beginning to suck away on it, “or I’ll put it right back in your pussy and drown your womb with my baby makers.”
“MMMMPPPPPPHHHHH,” she moaned as I placed my hands on the back of her head, forcing her down onto even more of my dick as she struggled to bob her head back and forth on it, crying out in pain as I started to fuck her face.
“I’m gonna cum down your slutty throat Hayley,” I taunted her as I drove my dick to the back of her throat, leaving it there as I fucked her face, “swallow it all for me, slut, or bad things are going to happen to you!”
“MMMMPPPPPHHHH,” she moaned again as I lurched my hips into her face and came down her throat, her eyes closing as she struggled to drink down my cum, finally managing to do it after I slapped her around a few times, gulping it down in one motion as I backed my dick out of her mouth.
“Whoever’s in there, we’re going to have to ask you to leave, the party is ending,” I heard someone call into the restroom, putting a hand over Hayley’s mouth as I explained that the bathroom was closed to the public, and then pinning her face-first into the wall as I ran my dick over her pussy lips again.
“This is usually the part where I would rape your ass, but you don’t seem to have one Hayley, so I guess I’ll just have to rape your pussy again,” I taunted her as I slid my dick into her and began helping myself to her pussy for the third time, her cries of anguish being muffled her face being forced into the wall as I cut a path through her pussy for the third time that night.
“Please…put it in my ass…just don’t rape my pussy anymore…” she begged me, defeated, as I buried my dick balls-deep inside of her, my hands going to the back of her head and forcing her face into the wall a little harder as I continued to have my way with her.
“I’d put it in your ass…but then you wouldn’t be having our little love child nine months down the road, would you Hayley?” I taunted her as I grabbed her hips and forced my dick as far into her as it could go as her body began to go limp again.
“UH…UH…OHGOD…just…hurry…up…and…cum…inside…me…” she begged me as I slapped her ass and pounded away on her cunt, another load of her cunt juice beginning to trickle down my dick as I started to pick up the pace of my thrusting into her.
“Stupid little cunt…cumming for your rapist again…” I hissed in her ear as I pushed her head into the wall and slammed my hips into hers one last time, pushing my cock head past her cervix and into her womb as I began to cum in her again.
“Looks like our time together is over bitch,” I taunted her as I filled her pussy to the brim with another load of my cum, slapping her ass as I pulled my dick out of her cunt for the last time, “and the best part is, the party’s over slut. So there’s no one left out there for you to rat me out to.”
“OHGOD…OHGOD…my life is over…” she kept telling herself as she curled into the fetal position yet again and rocked back and forth, a shell of her former self as I gathered my things and calmly prepared to leave her there.
“Take really good care of my baby too Hayley, or I’ll have to come back here and rape you again,” I taunted her as I unlocked the restroom and clocked out for the evening, not a care in the world as I left her there in the bathroom.
“You didn’t hear this from me, but there’s a hot celebrity in that bathroom over there who’s just dying to be fucked,” I told the cleaning crew as they were finishing their work, sending them on their way so they could get some of Hayley’s pussy, as well, wondering just how many of the five-person crew were going to take their turn with her before they were done with her.
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