Our neighbor's dog
The married couple next door have never been very friendly. At first my wife and I thought it might be because their old dog was sick. But the dog died and they got a puppy and were still sort of distant. We have never been "dog people" and don't have a pet. I had asked if they would teach us how to care for a dog, but they acted strange like they did not know how to take care of dogs! (Even though they had explained that their families had always had big dogs, and so had they since they got married.) My experience was getting bit by dogs when I was a kid.
When either Fred or Debbie were in the yard with their dog Ben (the puppy was now a year old), I would go over and have them show me how to make friends with a dog and pet it. I was surprised that it is better to bring your hand under their jaw, not on the top of their head. Ben didn't seem to be interested in having me pet him, but always stuck his nose in my crotch to sniff me. Ben would get a stern "Sit" command if he did that, and he instantly stopped what he was doing and sat (and waited).
A friend had told me that the only reason anyone owns an "intact" male dog is to have sex with him. I asked about "breeding" the dog and got a laugh. "They will tell you all about his papers and "pure-bred" and a bunch of bullshit, but only prize winning dogs get to breed bitches- and not too many people spend the time and money to enter their dog in a dog show-- and even if they do, they are not likely to win. They have the dog for sex... it is just that simple. Male dogs love sex every day. A tough guy who would murder anyone who touched his wife will let his dog lick her for half an hour and fuck her even longer."
I sort of doubted that, but what did I know about dogs. I kept it in mind and wondered when and where they would have sex with Ben, if they did. And "how". A little reading on the intenet suggested that an unfixed male dog is every bit as horny as any human male. Their cock is often bigger than most human males, and they have a bone in their penis, so they don't need to be stiff to get their cock into a cunt (dog or human). They can be taught to allow anal fucking, and they can be taught to fuck women OR men. The only possible problem is the dog's "knot", which is the size of a tennis ball OR BIGGER, and which serves to keep the dogs cock in the bitch vagina while the dog pumps out sperm for up to half an hour. The bitch vagina has a powerful muscle that goes into spasm and keeps the knot inside the bitch. Humans have a muscle there, and pulling out the knot forcibly can be very painful or even tear the muscle. Most women can stretch to accomodate the knot, especially if they have had a baby or used big sex toys. A virgin might get torn some by a big dog cock and knot.
There are dog cock "toys" that have inflatable knots- probably best to make sure it fits inside you before you let the dog loose on your privates-- a horny dog will not slow down because you are uncomfortable, he will just FUCK you.
By far the most common way owners enjoy sex with a dog is to have the dog LICK them. A dog will lick lick lick... and just keep licking if there is something good to lick. Many women produce a lot of delicious vaginal mucus, and a dog will be way more enthusiastic than most men are. A man will want to start fucking- a dog can be teased and teased and will NOT lose interest if he is pretty sure he will eventually get to fuck you.
Male dogs love to get jerked off. It is easy and can be fast, or you can tease the dog and get him to lick you in return.
I tried to visit Ben in the neighbors' yard when nobody was out with him, but he was never out alone. I think they knew he would escape from the yard if he smelled a bitch nearby, and maybe they knew that some of the bitches who wanted Ben were human?
I had asked my wife Beth if she had ever allowed a dog to sniff her pussy; she said that dogs just did that, but I asked again, explaining that it is very different for a dog to do what they do, and for a woman to ALLOW the dog to do that.
She said, "NO!" but a few minutes later explained that when she was swimming at a friend's house, their dog had licked ALL of the girls who were changing into their swimming suits. They were in 6th grade and most of them were sexually mature or almost sexually mature (based on menses, pubic hair and breast development). The dog had licked one girl and she squealed and said it felt really good and it was sort of a contest for each of them to find out what it felt like. Beth did not say what it felt like, so I asked. It did feel really good, but it is so "wrong" that I knew I would never do that again, not even if there were a group challenge.
"Why not? because it is "wrong"?
"You know what I mean- if anyone found out and spread it around, my reputation would have been terrible. It was not worth any risk and certainly not THAT risk."
"How do you feel about that now? If we had Ben over, would you let him lick you?"
She did not say "No", instead she started talking about how we would not get Ben over here, and how did I know Ben would be interested in that anyway. Which told me that maybe she would, but she didn't consider it likely that the situation would develop. I explained to her what I had been told about "unfixed male dogs" and she expressed disbelief. Since I had no way of "being sure", I let the matter drop.
The next week I had to work late on Thursday, but that meant I did not have to come in to work until about noon. I slept late, and after I showered, I looked out our window into Ben's yard, and noticed Debbie gardening. It was already hot and she had on a Tshirt and short shorts, and Ben would stop by and stick his nose up the leg hole of the shorts. Debbie would push him away, but never did it very fast- she let him get a couple of licks in, and I found myself thinking that she probably did not have on panties (I could tell she did not have on a bra). We have old houses, and when she went inside, I could tell that she was in her bedroom, but the bottom half of the window was blocked, so I could not see if Ben was there- nor could I see the bed even. I realized that I might have a better "angle" if I went into the Attic, where there were some vents that I might see through. I took along a pair of binoculars and was rewarded handsomely for my cleverness.
Debbie had stripped off her shorts and T shirt and was lying on the bed with her legs far apart, and Ben was up on the bed with his nose between her legs. Her pussy was facing me, but Ben was blocking the view completely. I could see her legs moving and wondered if she was working toward an orgasm- her legs got stiff and then she started moving around a lot and pushed Ben away. Even with the binoculars, I could not see much because she had a lot of pubic hair. I thought the show was over, but she rolled off the bed and pulled out something from under the bed to kneel on, then lay with her chest on the bed, while her naked butt was presented for Ben, and he did not hesitate to mount her and start thrusting. I realized she was used to doing this if she had a prop that was just the right height to get her hole at the correct level for Ben.
I got an instant surge to my erection when it was obvious that Ben had found the hole, because instead of hump hump hump, he sort of LUNGED forward. I could imagine him getting his entire stiff cock into Debbie. He was still sort of pumping, but I was sure his knot was in her. She had her face turned away toward her pillow, so I could not see the expression on her face. She did reach back and grab Ben's front legs and hold them so he would not pull away. Maybe I imagined that she shuddered more than once- I had read that the huge knot gives a delightful feeling of "fullness" for women who can take it, and that the pulsations as Ben pumped doggy jiz into her would be right against her G spot.
I would mention that I started jerking off as soon as I realized I had a good view of Debbie naked... and by the time she was holding Ben's legs, I was also spraying Jimbo cum into my handkerchief. I managed to get to work on time by eating in the car. All the way to work I was wondering how often Debbie did that, and could not help thinking that if she was horny enough to let a dog fuck her, she probably would enjoy a neighbor fuck also? Of course that is not a logical sequiter- but it was fun to think about.
When I got home late, Alice had some dinner to warm up for me. She sat with me, drinking a glass of wine (and sharing it with me). I had decided to NOT tell Alice about what I had seen; but there is no way I could keep a secret like that! She was entranced but eventually explained (duh) that this was a violation of Debbie's privacy. "She left the window curtain open... and just closed the lower shutters". "You know that does not count if you go to a place to watch that she could not expect you to be." "We don't know that. Maybe she gets more excited by the idea that someone is watching her?"
I did not get an argument, so I knew Alice was "thinking".
"Anyway, now we know that Ben is trained.. that he seems to love licking pussy, and that he does not waste any time fucking a nice cunt if it is presented to him. I think you should find out about the licking part. You enjoyed it once and let society keep you from having more. Now is the chance to have more, and it will get me really excited also.
"So you have Ben do all the work, and you get to do the part you like? Maybe I should reward Ben the way Debbie does?"
"I was sort of surprised by the fact she would suggest that- but it got me so stiff that I stopped eating dinner and started trying to get her pants off. She did not resist, and I found that she was already soaking wet from listening to my story about the lovers next door! We had fast sex, but it was fantastic. Alice finished before me, but then she got on top and finished twice more (with short rests in between), so that my cock was soft by the time she was willing to stop. She does not need a stiff cock to get her off, although it adds something for her uterus to be stretched. She likes to rub her clit against my "big clit", and often before I finish, I will rub my stiff cock on her without penetration to get that result. I used to be jealous that she got "more" out of sex than I did-- but as long as I get what I want, she deserves more!
While I was thinking it, Alice said it:"That was FAN FUcking Tastic".
I chose this time to say, "I love you so much, and I love that you can enjoy being as sexy as you are."
When either Fred or Debbie were in the yard with their dog Ben (the puppy was now a year old), I would go over and have them show me how to make friends with a dog and pet it. I was surprised that it is better to bring your hand under their jaw, not on the top of their head. Ben didn't seem to be interested in having me pet him, but always stuck his nose in my crotch to sniff me. Ben would get a stern "Sit" command if he did that, and he instantly stopped what he was doing and sat (and waited).
A friend had told me that the only reason anyone owns an "intact" male dog is to have sex with him. I asked about "breeding" the dog and got a laugh. "They will tell you all about his papers and "pure-bred" and a bunch of bullshit, but only prize winning dogs get to breed bitches- and not too many people spend the time and money to enter their dog in a dog show-- and even if they do, they are not likely to win. They have the dog for sex... it is just that simple. Male dogs love sex every day. A tough guy who would murder anyone who touched his wife will let his dog lick her for half an hour and fuck her even longer."
I sort of doubted that, but what did I know about dogs. I kept it in mind and wondered when and where they would have sex with Ben, if they did. And "how". A little reading on the intenet suggested that an unfixed male dog is every bit as horny as any human male. Their cock is often bigger than most human males, and they have a bone in their penis, so they don't need to be stiff to get their cock into a cunt (dog or human). They can be taught to allow anal fucking, and they can be taught to fuck women OR men. The only possible problem is the dog's "knot", which is the size of a tennis ball OR BIGGER, and which serves to keep the dogs cock in the bitch vagina while the dog pumps out sperm for up to half an hour. The bitch vagina has a powerful muscle that goes into spasm and keeps the knot inside the bitch. Humans have a muscle there, and pulling out the knot forcibly can be very painful or even tear the muscle. Most women can stretch to accomodate the knot, especially if they have had a baby or used big sex toys. A virgin might get torn some by a big dog cock and knot.
There are dog cock "toys" that have inflatable knots- probably best to make sure it fits inside you before you let the dog loose on your privates-- a horny dog will not slow down because you are uncomfortable, he will just FUCK you.
By far the most common way owners enjoy sex with a dog is to have the dog LICK them. A dog will lick lick lick... and just keep licking if there is something good to lick. Many women produce a lot of delicious vaginal mucus, and a dog will be way more enthusiastic than most men are. A man will want to start fucking- a dog can be teased and teased and will NOT lose interest if he is pretty sure he will eventually get to fuck you.
Male dogs love to get jerked off. It is easy and can be fast, or you can tease the dog and get him to lick you in return.
I tried to visit Ben in the neighbors' yard when nobody was out with him, but he was never out alone. I think they knew he would escape from the yard if he smelled a bitch nearby, and maybe they knew that some of the bitches who wanted Ben were human?
I had asked my wife Beth if she had ever allowed a dog to sniff her pussy; she said that dogs just did that, but I asked again, explaining that it is very different for a dog to do what they do, and for a woman to ALLOW the dog to do that.
She said, "NO!" but a few minutes later explained that when she was swimming at a friend's house, their dog had licked ALL of the girls who were changing into their swimming suits. They were in 6th grade and most of them were sexually mature or almost sexually mature (based on menses, pubic hair and breast development). The dog had licked one girl and she squealed and said it felt really good and it was sort of a contest for each of them to find out what it felt like. Beth did not say what it felt like, so I asked. It did feel really good, but it is so "wrong" that I knew I would never do that again, not even if there were a group challenge.
"Why not? because it is "wrong"?
"You know what I mean- if anyone found out and spread it around, my reputation would have been terrible. It was not worth any risk and certainly not THAT risk."
"How do you feel about that now? If we had Ben over, would you let him lick you?"
She did not say "No", instead she started talking about how we would not get Ben over here, and how did I know Ben would be interested in that anyway. Which told me that maybe she would, but she didn't consider it likely that the situation would develop. I explained to her what I had been told about "unfixed male dogs" and she expressed disbelief. Since I had no way of "being sure", I let the matter drop.
The next week I had to work late on Thursday, but that meant I did not have to come in to work until about noon. I slept late, and after I showered, I looked out our window into Ben's yard, and noticed Debbie gardening. It was already hot and she had on a Tshirt and short shorts, and Ben would stop by and stick his nose up the leg hole of the shorts. Debbie would push him away, but never did it very fast- she let him get a couple of licks in, and I found myself thinking that she probably did not have on panties (I could tell she did not have on a bra). We have old houses, and when she went inside, I could tell that she was in her bedroom, but the bottom half of the window was blocked, so I could not see if Ben was there- nor could I see the bed even. I realized that I might have a better "angle" if I went into the Attic, where there were some vents that I might see through. I took along a pair of binoculars and was rewarded handsomely for my cleverness.
Debbie had stripped off her shorts and T shirt and was lying on the bed with her legs far apart, and Ben was up on the bed with his nose between her legs. Her pussy was facing me, but Ben was blocking the view completely. I could see her legs moving and wondered if she was working toward an orgasm- her legs got stiff and then she started moving around a lot and pushed Ben away. Even with the binoculars, I could not see much because she had a lot of pubic hair. I thought the show was over, but she rolled off the bed and pulled out something from under the bed to kneel on, then lay with her chest on the bed, while her naked butt was presented for Ben, and he did not hesitate to mount her and start thrusting. I realized she was used to doing this if she had a prop that was just the right height to get her hole at the correct level for Ben.
I got an instant surge to my erection when it was obvious that Ben had found the hole, because instead of hump hump hump, he sort of LUNGED forward. I could imagine him getting his entire stiff cock into Debbie. He was still sort of pumping, but I was sure his knot was in her. She had her face turned away toward her pillow, so I could not see the expression on her face. She did reach back and grab Ben's front legs and hold them so he would not pull away. Maybe I imagined that she shuddered more than once- I had read that the huge knot gives a delightful feeling of "fullness" for women who can take it, and that the pulsations as Ben pumped doggy jiz into her would be right against her G spot.
I would mention that I started jerking off as soon as I realized I had a good view of Debbie naked... and by the time she was holding Ben's legs, I was also spraying Jimbo cum into my handkerchief. I managed to get to work on time by eating in the car. All the way to work I was wondering how often Debbie did that, and could not help thinking that if she was horny enough to let a dog fuck her, she probably would enjoy a neighbor fuck also? Of course that is not a logical sequiter- but it was fun to think about.
When I got home late, Alice had some dinner to warm up for me. She sat with me, drinking a glass of wine (and sharing it with me). I had decided to NOT tell Alice about what I had seen; but there is no way I could keep a secret like that! She was entranced but eventually explained (duh) that this was a violation of Debbie's privacy. "She left the window curtain open... and just closed the lower shutters". "You know that does not count if you go to a place to watch that she could not expect you to be." "We don't know that. Maybe she gets more excited by the idea that someone is watching her?"
I did not get an argument, so I knew Alice was "thinking".
"Anyway, now we know that Ben is trained.. that he seems to love licking pussy, and that he does not waste any time fucking a nice cunt if it is presented to him. I think you should find out about the licking part. You enjoyed it once and let society keep you from having more. Now is the chance to have more, and it will get me really excited also.
"So you have Ben do all the work, and you get to do the part you like? Maybe I should reward Ben the way Debbie does?"
"I was sort of surprised by the fact she would suggest that- but it got me so stiff that I stopped eating dinner and started trying to get her pants off. She did not resist, and I found that she was already soaking wet from listening to my story about the lovers next door! We had fast sex, but it was fantastic. Alice finished before me, but then she got on top and finished twice more (with short rests in between), so that my cock was soft by the time she was willing to stop. She does not need a stiff cock to get her off, although it adds something for her uterus to be stretched. She likes to rub her clit against my "big clit", and often before I finish, I will rub my stiff cock on her without penetration to get that result. I used to be jealous that she got "more" out of sex than I did-- but as long as I get what I want, she deserves more!
While I was thinking it, Alice said it:"That was FAN FUcking Tastic".
I chose this time to say, "I love you so much, and I love that you can enjoy being as sexy as you are."
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