Rebuilding my Family Tree.


Short History of my Family. We were numerous before World War 2 and after a greatly reduced family emerged and over the following decades our numbers fell further. Till at the beginnings of 2015 year I was the only one under the age of 75 at 30 and that was because my father passed away. My late mother kept telling I was the last of the family line. No cousins or siblings just me and with my passing without children the family would cease to exist. My mother passed away 4 years before him from a brain tumour, my father was heartbroken and over the years since he just faded away. The older family members that are left are in poor health, mainly due to smoking and drinking to much. I'm Jacob am very well off in money, properties and shares etc, I'm not what you would call handsome, I wear glasses and am short and overweight. I like reading history and thru doing this I kept reading about Kings and Sultans have lots of children. I thought this would revitalize my family, but you can only have 1 wife at a time by law. Then I started reading about surrogates having babies for family where the wife couldn't have a child. I thought it would be great to have a few women pregnant with my children at one time. But I first thought this impossible to do, but realized with money anything is possible. All I had to do is go to a poor country and I could do almost anything I wanted. But then there was another problem, poor country poor medical facilities. IVF was almost out of the question, I final realized if I was to pay to father the children, I could fuck each woman and get them pregnant without the doctors. So I went and eastern european country and went to a remote backward area. There was a real shortage of young men in these areas, as they had most gone to the cities for work. There wasn't that many young women either, but there was a few and fair number of widows still young enough to bare a child. So I started to work out how to go about it and how to take care of the babies once they were born. Another thing was the cost, I decided a flat rate per woman was the way to. I had also got a home in a small third country to raise my children. I also decided that the less attractive women were better, less chance of someone elses child being passed off as mine. Weird thinking I know, but when you go outside the norm it soon gets a bit weird. I thought I would start with 7 women and have 7 children by them and then return a year or so later and have more. I picked 7 women from those who were willing to carry a baby for me and to have sex with me. One women 39 widow had a daughter 21 who was helping her mother run their small farm. I chose both of them and the 5 others who close relatives of the first two. I had a large supply of test kits for use before and after the sex. Over the period of 2 months I fucked each woman on a regular basis and to my great relief I managed to get all pregnant. The daughter took the longest to get pregnant, she was the last to get pregnant. but was first I started with by October 2016 the babies had all arrived, 8 of them a set of twin girls to daughter. So I had to pay her double as I had promised an amount per baby. Six months later I was home with my children. I had nurses to care for them, I return to visit their mothers in November 2017 and had another rounds of mating with them. By September 2018 I had became a father again, 7 babies this time and this is the last time I will be doing this. Things were changing and the government was getting to nosey for my liking. I return home last week with all my new babies, as well as the widow and her daughter to wet nurse all the babies. The daughter was also to have more children for me, her mother was also to have sex with as well, but I think she might be passed having more children. The daughter is not to be my wife, but as a sought of concubine. Twenty is the number I aiming for. I have 10 girls a 5 boys so far.
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