My Great Aunt Maud
Im Robert now 65 and just retired, married 4 grown children and 6 grandchildren. Long time ago when I was a single 19yrs old, I went my grandmother Alice then to visit her sister Maud then 68 and was starting lose her memory and such things. Maud was the older of the 2 and had lost her husband Dennis the year before. I had been sent to take care of Alice who also was a widow of 3 years. I was told I looked like a younger Dennis, but hadn't taken all that notice. On arrival Maud kept looking me and was soon calling Dennis, it was bit a creepy at first. But I put it down to her age and fading memory, the second night we were there. I awoke in the early hours to someone moving around the room I was in. It was maud and she was acting strangely even for her, but then my gran Alice came in and took her back to her room. Next morning Alice said that Maud was mixed up and I shouldn't worry about it. I wasn't worried just bewildered, that afternoon Alice fainted and was put in hospital for a observation. I rang my parents and I told them about Alice and they said If there was anything serious with they come straight away. I would let then know if her condition was bad. That I took Maud to see Alice in hospital and she was calling Dennis almost all the time now. After we got home she went to her room and to bed, I rang my parents first. Telling them that Alice would be released next day or the day after depending on when all the test results were back. But nothing serious had so far had been found, then I went to my bed. Again in the early hours Maud came into the room and got into bed with me, telling not make too much noise or it would wake her parents. I tried telling her I was Robert, but she took no notice and kissed me and put her hand inside my PJ's shorts. She grabbed my cock and was stroking it, while cuddling up to me. My cock got hard and then she went down on me, I was soon enjoying it. It wasn't my first blowjob, but it was really good. Then stopped and got on top me, mounting my cock and so I fucked her. We were still together in the morning and she still called me Dennis. Later that morning I went and saw Alice, I told her Maud coming into my room again. But not about the sex, I just said She wouldn't leave and got into bed with me. She said You did the right thing not chasing her away, she thinks your Dennis and it makes her happy to sleep next to Him/You. I replied What if she wants to do something, what do I do then. Just tell her your got a headache or something she replied. Alice had to stay another night in hospital and that night Maud again came into my room and had sex again. Next morning I went to the hospital and got Alice, on getting back to Maud house she rang Maud's children and told them about Maud's condition and Judith Maud's oldest arrived next day. So Maud went back with Judith and they arranged for her stuff to follow and the sale of her home. Alice and me helped pack up things and then left to return home in my car. On the way home Alice asked How did you like fucking Maud, I was shocked at first and then Alice added I know you did by the cum stains on the bed sheets. I had say I did and that I had just laid there and she had done it all. But did you enjoy it she asked, Yes I did I replied. Then as we came into a small town, she said We'll say here tonight, I need a break. So I parked that the only motel in town and we got a room for the night. Alice rang my parents telling them that she needed a rest and we would be home next day around lunchtime. All they said is Don't over do it and see a doctor if you still feel unwell. After rest afternoon we went to a local diner for dinner and then back to the motel, watched some TV and I went to bed, I got into the single bed and she was in the bathroom. On her return she said Not that bed the double I want to see what you gave Maud. That how I started fucking my Gran and I had great time with doing her for about 3 years.
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