My wife Kerri part four


The following morning, I was up before anyone else; I sat drinking my coffee in the living room. I deliberately left the bedroom door open again, Nolan joined me when he got up and as usual, he sat on the love seat. I could tell that he was feeling a little anxious about what happened when she tucked him in bed the night before.
I knew that I had to reassure him so I said, “You enjoyed her tucking you in last night then? She told me that she worked you off.”
He looked worried so I smiled and said, “She told me that you have the biggest dick she has ever seen and, how much you cum.”
He looked even more nervous so I said, “I was surprised that she didn’t stay there and do it again, she said that you were still hard when she left you.”
He smiled and I said, “Next time, tell her to stay until you are totally fulfilled bud, I don’t care.”
His smile got bigger and, I think that I had calmed his nerves. Kerri finally was awake and called for some coffee.
I looked at Nolan and asked if he would like to pour her coffee and take it to her; he eagerly agreed. A couple of minutes later, I looked into the bedroom to see her, standing in front of him and; kissing him. Again, his hands were gripping her naked ass as they kissed. It was at least five minutes before she got back into bed, tits still on full display to him.
Fifteen minutes later, I heard her tell him that she was going to shower; she told him that he could wait in the bedroom as she would only be a few minutes. She got out of bed and walked to the bathroom, while she was in the shower; he came and got two more cups of coffee.
He asked me, “She told me to stay in the bedroom while she showers, is that okay, Gary?”
I looked at him and said, “Of course it is bud, I’m going to be watching the news on TV; shut the door if you want, I don’t want the noise of the TV drowning out your chat.”
He took their coffee into the bedroom and did close the door. It was almost an hour before they emerged from the bedroom; she was fully dressed in a short jean skirt and white vest. It excited me that she had dressed in front of him and I asked her, “What bra and thong are you wearing today?”
She looked at Nolan and teased, “You were there when I put them on, you tell him.”
Nolan quickly replied, “A tiny white bra and, thong; with little pink roses on the front of it.”
After we had breakfast, we spent the morning tidying up the house and Nolan helped me put the exercise bench that I had made, in the guest bedroom; the bedroom that he uses.
“That’s all ready for you tomorrow,” I said with a smile.
“I had better go back to the apartment and give you both some time alone,” Nolan said.
Kerri looked at me, she seemed sad that he was going to leave us; so was I!
“Why don’t you go home and grab some clean clothes for work tomorrow and come back,” I said, “You will be coming back her after work tomorrow to do her exercises anyway.”
Kerri smiled and grabbed his arm, hoping that he would agree.
“That way, you can spend the day with us and you can ride to work with Kerri in the morning,” I said.
“Are you sure that’s okay?” Nolan asked.
“Yes, that will be perfect!” Kerri shouted, “We’ll go to your apartment and grab some clothes for you and; you can spend the day with us.”
“Okay, that would be great,” Nolan said happily.
“I’ll go with you,” she said, “Maybe we should bring enough clothes for you to last until Tuesday,” she continued, “After the workout tomorrow; you can stay tomorrow night as well.”
He gladly accepted her offer and she gave him a long, passionate, lingering kiss, then she came and kissed me and whispered, “Thank you Gary.
They left to go and get him some clean work clothes. I had to work myself off while they were gone and I cum within five minutes.
They returned about an hour later, Kerri told me how tiny his room was that he had, she also told me that he has to share the kitchen and bathroom as well as the living room with his friend.
I told her that he can stay with us as often as she wishes because I liked having him here and also, I liked how she was around him. I told her how much I like seeing her kiss him and how often she’s naked in front of him.
She teased me by saying, “I will ask him to stay here often then.”
We spent the day laughing, chatting and I cooked some steaks on the grill for dinner, and they kissed at every opportunity that they could find.
We started on the wine around seven o’clock and by nine, I was feeling very tired. Kerri said that she was going to shower; she as usual left the bedroom door open while she stripped naked. Nolan again, obviously loved his view. She returned wearing only her short, white, cotton bathrobe and we finished the last bottle of wine. I said that I was tired and needed to go to bed, Nolan said the same and my wife said that she was going to tuck our guest in again and give him, his good-night kiss, she would join me shortly.
Nolan went to the kitchen to get some water to take with him, Kerri went with him and they kissed again.
I shouted to her, “Do you want me to take your robe to the bedroom with me?”
She called back, “That’s up to Nolan, if he wants me nude or not.”
She whispered to Nolan and then shouted back to me, “Yes please, take my robe with you, he wants me naked when I tuck him in.”
She threw her robe to me and I watched her walk naked hand in hand to his room. Somehow, the sight of her walking naked to his bedroom excites me.
I went to bed and waited for her, I hoped that she would be a long time naked in his bedroom with her; I closed my eyes and imagined what they were doing, I needed to cum but, I wanted to wait for my wife. I needed to hear everything that happened in his bedroom, I thought the longer she’s in there, the more they will be doing.
It was almost forty minutes before she came walking into the bedroom, she had a big smile on her face and went to go to the bathroom but, I told her to kiss me first.
“Let me go and brush my teeth first,” she said.
I told her to kiss me first! I needed to hear what they had been doing! She sat on the edge of the bed and moved her lips to mine, I pushed my tongue into her mouth and… I could taste cum!
I imagined that she had kissed his dick after he had cum and asked her what had happened?
“I’m going to brush my teeth first,” she told me, “Then I will tell you everything.”
She spent five minutes brushing her teeth before she climbed into bed with me. Immediately, she took hold of my erection and I advised her that I was almost ready to cum.
She started telling me what happened in his bedroom. She told me that as soon as they got in the room, they kissed, deep, passionate kisses. His hands squeezed her ass and he even ran his fingers in between her cheeks. She said that she gasped when his finger reached her butt hole and he asked her if she was okay. She told him that she felt wonderful and kissed him again.
Then he stripped naked and they kissed again, she told me that she was squeezing his naked, black ass as they kissed.
“I could feel his big erection pushing against my pubic area,” she said, “It was so hard and big.”
She told me that he leaked a lot of pre cum over her pubic area again before he got into bed. He pulled the cover over him and she pulled them back.
“I took hold of his huge cock and started to masturbate him,” Kerri told me, “I sat with one leg on the floor and the other bent at the knee and resting on his legs.”
“So he got a good view of your pussy?” I asked.
“Yes, I made sure that he could see as much as possible,” she told me.
She told me that she started to work him off, she used one hand on his shaft and she cupped his balls with her other hand. She told me that his left hand was stroking her right thigh while she masturbated him. She said that it took over ten minutes before he announced that he was almost ready to cum.
“He said that he didn’t have any tissue to cum in,” she went on, “I told him not to worry and cum.”
She told me that he suddenly gripped her thigh tightly and she knew that he was about to spurt his cum, her hand was covered in his juice as she worked his dick faster.
“I could feel him tense up,” she said, “I knew that it was imminent!”
I was about to cum as well; she was working my own erection perfectly.
She told me that, with seconds to go; she moved her mouth to his dick and opened her mouth. She took his dick in and wrapped her tongue around it.
“He shot his warm, creamy cum straight into my mouth,” my wife told me, “You may have heard him scream as he cum.”
I told her that I didn’t hear anything and to continue with her account.
“Gary, he cum so much, I had to swallow twice before he slowed down,” she said, “God, it tasted good.”
“He cum in your mouth?” I asked, “I knew that I could taste it when you kissed me.”
“I tried to brush my teeth before I kissed you but, you insisted on kissing me,” she explained.
She told me that when he had finished, she gently licked his shaft and the head of his penis clean and; kissed the head before looking up at him.
She told me that he thanked her for doing that and that he couldn’t believe that she did what she did.
“Did you mind me taking him in my mouth and swallowing him?” Kerri asked.
“Hell no, I don’t mind,” I shouted, “I love that you did that for him.”
I asked her if he touched her tits or pussy, she said, “Sadly no.”
She told me that they kissed again before she pulled the covers over him.
“I did kiss his cock one more time as I covered it up with the covers though,” she said, “That was the first time that I had seen his cock limp, and it was still huge.”
I told her that I was about to cum, she moved her head down and did the same for me, I shot into her mouth and she swallowed every last drop.
I was first up the following morning, I had an early job that I had to get to so, I kissed my wife good-bye and, told her to leave her tits showing while she was in bed, she liked that idea. I told her to call me at lunch time.
I deliberately left the bedroom door open as I left her, hoping that Nolan would go in there when he got up. I couldn’t wait for lunch-time to arrive, I was eagerly waiting to see if anything happed after I had left for work.
At one o’clock, she called me; she went to the restroom to talk to me.
She told me that Nolan got up before she did and, he took her a cup of coffee.
“I was still in bed with the covers down, showing my boobs,” she told me,” He sat on the bed and kissed me, good-morning.”
She told me that they chatted and kissed for at least fifteen minutes, and then she told him that she needed to shower and get ready for work. She said that he stood up to allow her to get out of bed.
“He stayed in the bedroom while I got out of bed and went to the shower,” she said, “He asked me if he could choose my bra, and thong for me!”
“Did you let him?” I asked.
I showed him my lingerie drawer and told him to pick out what he wanted me to wear,” she said, “He kissed me before I went to shower.”
She told me that he was sitting on the bed when she left the bathroom and, he showed her the bra, and thong, that he wanted her to wear. She stayed naked while she went to the closet and chose a dress to put on.
She continued the account of what happened she said that he stayed in the bedroom and watched her dress.
“I asked him if he wanted breakfast as we had thirty minutes before we needed to leave for work?” she said, “He said that he wasn’t hungry.”
She told me that she dropped to her knees and opened his pants and, pulled his dick out and, she sucked him off!
I almost cum myself when she told me that.
I couldn’t wait till later when they would be alone in the bedroom doing the exercises.
I was already home when they got home, I had fixed dinner and we sat down to eat.
After dinner, we sat and relaxed for thirty minutes before she said, “Shall we go to the bedroom and workout?”
Nolan jumped up, he was rearing to go!
“I won’t disturb you,” I said, “I’m going to be watching the TV so, you won’t be disturbed.”
They were in there for almost two hours, I was lying on the couch when the bedroom door opened and they walked out. I was shocked and incredibly happy when she walked out totally naked!
“I’m going to shower,” she said as she kissed Nolan,”
She came to me, leaned over and kissed me, I grabbed her tit as our mouths met; I gave it a gentle squeeze then I realized that while she was bent over kissing me; Nolan had an amazing view of her bent over ass. I know that he could see her butt hole and probably her pussy lips. I kept her in that position as I kissed her again and again; I wanted him to see as much as possible.
She started walking to the bedroom and said to Nolan, “You can come and wait for me in the bedroom if you don’t want to watch what Gary is watching on the TV.”
He didn’t need asking twice, he marched to the bedroom with my naked wife. It was roughly twenty minutes when I heard them talking and kissing again so, I realized that she had finished her shower. I couldn’t quite hear what they were talking about now, they seemed to be whispering but, I soon found out when they came back to the living room. She was still in the nude!
She said, “Gary, Nolan has asked me if I would stay naked,” she went on, “Do you mind if I sit in the nude with him until it’s bed time?”
My erection was about to explode, she would be sitting in the nude, right next to him for the rest of the evening!
“I don’t care,” I stuttered, “It’s not like he hasn’t seen it all before is it?”
I continued to lay on the couch and watch my TV show, he sat on the end of the love-seat and Kerri; nestled into his side. His left arm was draped over her shoulder and his hand was only inches from her left tit.
I watched the TV with one eye and did my best to look at my wife and Nolan with the other. They kissed frequently which got me even more aroused. During the commercial break on my show, I turned to them and asked if they wanted a coffee. They both accepted my offer so, I went to the kitchen to brew a fresh pot.
I could hear them talking and heard Kerri say, “He won’t mind if you hold my boob.”
I shouted, “What won’t he mind?”
“If Nolan holds my boobs while we sit here,” Kerri answered, “You don’t mind do you Gary, he’s been touching them all evening but; he’s worried what you will say if you see him holding them.”
A large drop of cum shot from my hard dick as she asked that question.
“I don’t care what he holds,” I shouted, “I told him, if you don’t mind what he does then, I don’t mind.”
“See,” my wife said to our guest, “Hold any part of me, I like you touching me!”
Coffee was made and I took theirs over to them, Nolan was cupping her left tit and, running his finger over her nipple. She had repositioned herself on the love-seat and now, her left leg was bent at the knee and raised up with her foot on the seat; thus allowing him a perfect view of her beautiful shaved pussy!
I placed the cups of coffee on the coffee table and looked at her pussy; her vagina lips were open and glistening with her juice. He went to move his hand from her tit and she grabbed it and said, “He doesn’t mind, leave it there.”
I smiled and said, “Nolan, her nipples are very sensitive, and she likes them squeezed.”
“He knows that,” Kerri teased.
I started to say, “And another part that is very sensitive…” But, Kerri stopped me and said, “He knows about that spot as well.”
She knew and I knew and, I firmly believe that Nolan knew that I was talking about her clit.
“Oh,” I joked, “He knows about that as well does he.”
She was feeling horny as she quickly replied, “Yes he does and, he teases it very nicely!”
I knew that I had to say something to prevent him from becoming nervous so I said, “Way to go bud, she likes it being teased with a tongue as well.”
“He knows that already!” Kerri replied.
I put on a movie to watch although; I don’t think that they were going to watch it as they were too busy enjoying themselves. Kerri asked me if we could switch seats as the couch gave them more room. She wanted to lay with Nolan on the couch and I agreed, soon she was lying on the outside edge of the couch with her neck on the armrest and Nolan was laying beside her on the inside of it; they were snuggled cozily as I lay on the love-seat.
My new position gave me an even better view of them and within seconds his hand was caressing her tits. I looked at them as often as I could without making it obvious as to what I was doing, I saw his hand move from her tits right down to her pubic area and back up; she let out a sigh every time his hand got close to her pussy. They kissed often and I also witnessed him suck on her left nipple from time to time.
The movie was about thirty minutes in when I looked over at them just as his hand was moving southward towards her pussy area. They were locked in a deep, passionate kiss; his hand got to where her pussy air would have been if she had any and then started to move back upwards to her tummy. She grabbed his hand and pushed it between her legs and gave a big sigh. She moved her left leg to the floor to allow her to open her legs and therefore give him more access to her pussy!
I desperately needed him to see that I could see what he was doing to my horny wife so, I got up to grab a beer form the refrigerator. As soon as he saw me, he moved his hand but my wife immediately pushed it back and said, “Stop worrying about Gary, he’s okay with you touching me there.”
I said, “I told you bud, I don’t care what you both do,” I went on, “I want you to do things out in the open and not behind my back so, stop worrying.”
I got my beer and went back to my seat, as I walked passed them, I could see that his finger was teasing my wife’s clit, his finger was running over it very fast and she was sighing loudly now; his mouth was firmly fixed on the left breast and her legs were open as widely as she could get them without falling off the couch. I went back to the movie and listened to them, suddenly Kerri gasped and placed her hand over his; I guessed that she was climaxing. Her tell tale giggle that she does when she’s finished confirmed my suspicions. Then it was motionless on the couch apart from the odd kissing, his hand was still placed in between her legs; covering her open pussy.
The movie ended shortly after their romp on the couch and I said that I was going to bed. His hand was still covering her pussy as I stood up, she said that she was going to tuck him in and give him his good-night kiss.
I went o the kitchen to throw my beer bottle away and she met me there, she gave me a long, sensual kiss and whispered, “I may be a while when I tuck him in, is that okay?”
I told her that it was fine, and that I would probably be asleep when she joins me as I had another early start tomorrow.
I said good-night to Nolan and hugged him to let him know that I was okay with what happened on the couch with my wife. They walked hand in hand to his bedroom; her naked little body looked sexy as she walked away with him.
I jerked myself off in the bathroom before getting into bed, I fell asleep within ten minutes, I was exhausted watching and listening to them all evening.
I woke at six o’clock the next morning and I saw that Kerri’s side of our king bed had not been disturbed. I got an instant erection as I pondered whether she had slept in Nolan’s queen bed with him.
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