Moving On
Second Time
I was widowed a year before starting my new job, I was still in the same company as before. But got new top management level job, not actually a promotion as it was same salary level as before. But I wasn't the head of the efficiency and staff reduction efforts as I'd been. Now just a departmental head, staffing levels were finalized now the restructure was completed. But as they say my fame proceeded me everyone in my new area, were terrified I was there to reduce staff. At 54 I was starting my life over after my wife death from cancer and my two children were starting their own families. But visited me every few months, having bought a new home for a fresh start somewhere new. My first day I could see the worried looks on everyone's face, telling them their jobs were safe was pointless. Anyway, a bit of fear is good it keeps you on your toes as they say. No travelling in my new job and I had a secretary and an assistant. The assistant was short term as she was moving on with my predecessor after he had a break (2 months) to recharge. So, I'd an assistant teach her replacement before she would leave herself. Only employee already employed were to be select, as the company still had a no hiring policy. Of the available 7 women in my area only 3 were viable as assistant. Others in lower positions and hadn't training on computer even to do the basic tasks. One of the three already at the same pay rate was overweight and better left in her current position which sitting down a lot was part of her job. My assistant would've to be fit as a lot of walking was required to keep up with me. Also replacing her would just double the training required as someone would've to be trained to replace her. My acting assistant was vetting the possibles not me. Another was a qualified nurse and in charge of health and safety training and first aid training for my section of the company. Likewise training of her replacement would be a long process as I couldn't hire another already trained up. The last was petite brunette looked great for her age (51) divorced no surviving children. Very reliable and already in a job that duties could be transferred to several others without much effort. The only reason it hadn't been done she was seen as reliable and as a backup. So, when I called her to come to my office, she thought she was to be fired. But I got called away and postponed seeing her till the next day, I got back just before finishing time. My assistant soon left as did my secretary, I was about to leave, my soon to be replacement assistant approached me. She straight out offered me anything I wanted to keep her job, I asked are you suggesting sex, Yes was her reply. I took her into my office, I told her the reason she had been called to my office. She broke down and said I won't get that job now will I. I'd seen the stress people go thru before told I wouldn't hold it against her. I gave her a cuddle to help her relax, the only problem was I got a hard-on and the tent it made in my pants was seen by her. Well, I took her home to my place and we became lovers, she stayed the night, and I took her to her rented room to get clothes for work in the morning. Another change started then as well; she moved in with me to give me assistance on a 24/7 basis. We would marry twelve months later and have been for 7 years now.
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