My Nerdy Nephew
Horny Helpful Aunt
I'm 52 and my husband Donald is very lacking in the bedroom, talks a big game. But fails to match his boastful rhetoric, a case of all talk and very little action. My sister 56 has a son Andrew (Andy)22 who is going to university, he's the youngest of 4 quite smart and skinny in build only child still at home. Doesn't play sports only studies and uses his laptop to run an online business. Anyway, I said I would watch over him while his parents were away, just make sure he ate properly, and he done his washing that about all I was required to do. I had keys to let myself in and for two weeks I could do that nothing much else planned. His parents left on Saturday morning and my sister had left prepared meals in the freezer for him while they were away. As my husband was playing golf and wouldn't be home till at least 6pm. I went over to check on my nephew, letting myself in. As I expected he wasn't in the lounge or kitchen and so I went to his room and walked straight into his room expecting him to be on his laptop. He was, but he was totally naked and masturbating himself while watching porn on his laptop. I was shocked at first and so was he, but I soon recovered and took note of how big his aroused cock was. It was bigger than my husbands by at least several inches and thicker as well. I instantly got wet just looking at it. He asked me not to tell his parents, I could only nod. Finally, I recovered me censes. Told him the usual he should get himself a girlfriend, knowing it wouldn't be easy for him as I said it. Then I got an idea, he would need confidence to even try and ask a girl out and I could give him that confidence and satisfy myself at the same time. I told him he would need a lot more confidence to ask a girl out and I would help him get it. I started to undress as he was already naked and used him for my personal sex toy on his bed. Twice I fucked him before I'd to go, saying I'll be back tomorrow to train him some more. I was sore after the sex, but more satisfied than after sex with Donald. Sunday morning Donald went to golf again and I went to visit my nephew, besides fucking him, I got his schedule of lectures at the university so I could arrange to train him more. Donald was going away on business (3 days) Tuesday and Andy no morning lectures on Wednesday morning, so I planned to stay the night Tuesday. Unfortunately, the two weeks went fast, and my sister and her husband were back home. But Andy liked my training a great deal and started visiting me to get more lessons. As yet he hasn't a girlfriend, but when he gets one, she will be very well serviced.
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