I came into Money
Happy to Father Children
I got lucky when I helped an old man who fell down a slight slope in the local park (2018). He was unharmed and very grateful for my help. Offered me a reward and I said he didn't need to given anything as anybody else would've help. No, he answered most people these days would just walk straight pass. Anyway, I didn't take the money and help him to a taxi rank. Thought nothing more of it, then in 2021 I was contacted by lawyers of the old man, he had passed away and I was in his will. I'd to go to a reading of the will at their offices, I went not expecting much. I was surprised that his lawyers were a very large national firm, it should've made me think more. But it didn't, turns out the old man had no relatives left he had outlived them all. Staff members of his got generous gifts in his will, each higher than the next. So, then it was my turn I still wasn't expecting very much. The lawyer said my name then that the old man left the rest of his estate to me. I still didn't expect much as quite a great deal had already been given away and each gift to them decreased as they went on. The lawyer said the total of my inheritance came to a nine-figure sum. Made of properties, shares, bonds and cash and it wasn't a joke or some TV show it was real. It took me some time to recover from the shock. At 23 I was really rich, just for helping an old man, I was driven home in a limo and told my small family group. Covid had reduced our numbers quite a bit, besides me there was my grandma, sister and a cousin. We lost my parents, father's parents, mother's father and cousin's parents father's side of the family to Covid. All had other medical conditions that allowed Covid to finish them off. After the shock was over, we discussed what we should do. First thing was move into the apartment I now owned; its living room was the size of our old apartment. With bedroom for each of us, not being in any relationship or dating at all just mainly working to get by. I quit my jobs and so did the other 3, none of us were dating as we needed to work to afford our apartment and pay our bills. We were set for life you could say, in a new neighborhood we knew nothing about and were like fish out of water. None of us went out alone and so we went shopping as a group. We bought clothes to fit in and they each cost more than a month's rent we had paid before. After several months in our new home no one dating, my cousin came into my room one night and we became lovers. Of course, we were caught out first by my sister than by grandma. Who all decided to join in as well, Christmas 2021 my cousin missed her first period and would be confirm as pregnant in late January 2022, my sister also missed her period in January and confirm as pregnant March 2022. As tests showed the babies healthy no problems at all, it was decided my cousin act as my wife, and we continued on as before. My sister baby was passed off as the twin of her cousin's baby boy, being a girl made it easier. Thus, we continued our sexual relationships and now as of September 2024 I'm the father of five children 2 with my cousin and 3 with my sister. Talking about twins seems to have caused my sister to have twin boys. My cousin last child being a girl born just before Christmas 2023. I'm very happy with my lifestyle and my family is very happy to continue our new lifestyle together.
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