The Librarian
I'm self-made not mega rich, but comfortable. My mother departed when I was 7 and my father drank himself to death by the time I was 15. No siblings and I was left in the care of an uncle widowed and too busy to worry much about what I did. But he did make sure I okay at least, being left to do whatever took my fancy. I was interested in the internet and slowly started an online business. By the time I was 21 (2019) I was making more than my uncle, who suddenly died in 2020. Heart attack not the virus, he only had me as a relative and I got his house and the few other things he owned. I made sure he was given a good burial and then continued my online business. Unable to afford university, I had read books to get any information I required. So, I visited the local library quite a lot (I'm a bit of a bookworm) and learnt what I needed to know that way. I'm quite smart, but not smart enough to get a scholarship. Also, my online business at the time took a lot of my time. I'm quiet not shy but only talk to people when I've something to say or ask for. In late 2022 the local library got a new librarian (48), the other retired I was told. She was okay looking for her age and divorced, single or widowed I still don't know, she has never said, and I never asked. Anyway, by April 2023 we were very friendly, and I always talked to her when at the library. Not a crowded place most of the time, in late April on a Saturday afternoon. I was the only person beside her in the library, we were talking, and she asked was there any room or cheap houses available for rent. As her rental owners were returning and she needed another place to live. I said I knew of none and a few days later I heard she still hadn't found anything either. On my next visit to the library, she was checking rental list all too expensive on her wages. Plenty of rentals available, but she couldn't afford them on her own and nobody wanting someone to share either. I was living alone in a 3bedroom house only 5 blocks from the library. I thought she wouldn't want to live with a man and so hadn't offered her a room. That changed when she mentioned she couldn't even get a share house with anyone even a man. I was a little shocked at first but soon got over it. So, I thought I should offer my spare room at least, so she could refuse it. So, I offered my spare room, she asked could she look at it before deciding I said no worries and gave her the address. Just after 5pm she turned up at my home and I showed her the spare bedroom, it was the main bedroom my late uncle's room. I'd stayed in same bedroom I've had moving in with my uncle. She liked it and asked what I wanted to rent it out for. I hadn't thought about it and had no idea of what to ask for. So, I said whatever you think is fair, leaving it up in the air while she thought it over. Anyway, she decided to take it and moved in the following weekend. The main change for me was having someone living with me again and eating our meals together. Nothing much happened till November, I would take trips to the city and while there and hire a hooker. Electrical problems at the library closed it for 3 days while it was rewired and power board upgraded. So, we were together all day for the 3 days, and we started mucking about one evening and ended up becoming lovers. It was just mutual satisfaction, not a relationship other than friendship. But as they once you start, it can be hard to stop. We are still sleeping together regularly once, maybe twice a week on average. We are happy with our arrangement as is.
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