A Colleague asked me
When this happened, I was 35 single and in no relationship. My usual status you could say, I'm skinny and tall at 6'2". Early pattern baldness and wear glasses, so not the ideal image of a boyfriend for most if not all women. I've a great career and I'm financially sound and own my own home. The colleague 32 was out of my league in my mind, attractive and stacked and has a good career also. She like me came from a single child family who parents had us when they were in their late thirty's early forties. My parents had passed away before I was 31, my father from cancer and mother in a traffic accident. My colleague's parents had passed away due to Covid and other health problems in 2020 and 2021. With no known close relatives, we were alone you could say. My colleague wanted a family of her own and saw me as her perfect partner, but it was mainly because she knew more of me than other males who worked with us and the fact the others were already married. Both having very few friends outside of our work and all of them being married. Otherwise, I was her first pick, no running around the bush as they say she was straight to the point. She told me what she wanted from me and what she was prepared to give in return. I was at first shocked by her offer but a little interested also. We got together at my home on the following Saturday to talk it thru. First question I had was how many children you want. Her replied was at least two, she didn't want her child growing up alone like she had. I also felt alone growing up and knew how she felt. I agreed to at least two and I then asked how do you want the arrangement to proceed. I was somewhat shocked by her response; she wanted me to marry her and said it would give us both stronger ties to the children. I then asked the dumbest question I think I've ever asked. Dou you want to IVF I asked, certainly not was her somewhat shocked reply. She then said she would provide me with everything expected of a wife. I agreed and we started making wedding plans, no big wedding we just eloped and started trying for a family the night before we actually married. She had already moved in with me before we eloped, she kept her maiden name. But everyone that worked with us knew we were marrying a couple of weeks before we did. As our social life wasn't public knowledge they were taken by surprise at first. Returning after our wedding, I was given a promotion almost straight away. As the man I was replacing had retired to become a painter and also some health reasons. His PA was his wife, and she of course left with him. My wife looked at me as we were told of my promotion and so I offered her the job of my PA. She accepted it was a slight promotion for her, but it would give more flexibility during a pregnancy. It also gave us more time together at work, she got pregnant rather quickly. I thought it would take four to six months she done in two. We had a son and on him reaching one year old, we started trying for our second and had a girl March last year. As with our son on reaching one, we started trying again for another and succeeded in July. We of course have employed (after the birth of our son) a housekeeper/nanny 55 who runs the house and cares for our children when we're at work. I really like my wife; I think it's love but had so little experience with it growing up and not dating. I'm not quite sure, but my wife says she loves me and that what counts the most.
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