I got helped
Contented Wife
I was the party girl and didn't focus on my studies very much. Being a cheerleader I was always out on dates, but my grades kept dropping. Finally, my parents told me, if my grades didn't improve drastically, I would be taken off the cheerleading squad and not allowed to date until they did. I realized I'd to improve quickly as my parents weren't all that patient and if I improved too slowly for them, they would act. I needed a tutor a good tutor, but also a free tutor as my parents would pay a tutor without taking me off the cheerleading squad. I focused on the class nerd/geek, he wasn't the skinny type you see in movies. He was of a solid build and could be mistaken for a jock, but he didn't play football or basketball at the university at least. He studied and didn't date as far as I knew, with nothing to lose I asked him for help. He was reluctant but agreed only if I focused on my studies. But wouldn't stop me attending cheerleading practice, at first, I found studying boring. But then there was a fire in the university library roof, short circuit they said. Unable to study there we started studying at his home only a block away from my home. My home wasn't used as my parents wouldn't have believe he was there to tutor me to improve my grades. It was then I saw all his trophies, I finally realized why the jocks didn't provoke him like the other nerds. He had trophies (State and National Trophies) for various martial arts and archery. He also had a home gym where he worked out. I also found why he studied like he did, his mother (widow) he had promised, and he keeps promises. The more I was with him the more I liked him and wanted to impress him. Party girls are a dime a dozen and if I wanted him to really notice me, I'd to improve my grades a great deal. So, I knuckled down as the saying goes and was soon doing quite well. Still a cheerleader, but not into partying anymore as I focused on my grades more and more. The change in me didn't go unnoticed first by my parents and then by my tutor. We were always together, and everyone thought we were dating. Not really, just being tutored at first. But then my parents impressed with improved grades, asked my tutor was he going to escort me to my cousin's wedding. He said he knew nothing of the wedding, but said he would escort if I so wanted. I was a bit ashamed that my parents had asked him for me, but also quite happy he agreed to escort me. That I count as our first date and more followed, by the last year of university we were lovers and engaged. Much to my mother's delight, her and my soon to be mother-in-law were best friends and I think they had started our wedding planning even before our first date. Both our families are well off financially, the wedding was to be after our graduation. I got pregnant before the wedding, but it wasn't confirmed until after it. Now years later we've 5 children and I'm very happy with my life and thank my parents for pushing me to study harder and that led me to my husband.
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