Shocked and got sex my first time
Shocked First Timer
first times
I was a freshman at college, financially okay due to my family being well-off. Still a virgin and thought now I was college I should lose my virginity. No use trying to date a girl from college, I hadn't yet had a date with any girl at college or at high school. I decided to hire a hooker, I had the money, just needed the place to do it. A motel was the best place I decided and booked in and failed, the motel was okay, I hadn't picked a woman to call before booking in. I rang several numbers, and none answered, and a message no longer connected played. I gave it a miss that time and would check out chosen numbers before booking into the motel again. Several weeks later I was ready to try again as family events interrupted my plans in the meantime. Using a cheap phone, I phoned a number got the message unavailable before 6pm. I decided she was the one and booked into the motel again had dinner at the diner and showered and at 6pm rang the number again. A woman answered and I made the arrangements to meet her at 7pm. She sounded very nice, the ad didn't say much, an attractive brunette 37-year-old with great body. I was nervous and just before 7 there was knock on my door, I opened the door and was shocked. The woman I knew already, she was my last English teacher at high school, and she remembered me also. At first, she thought it a setup as she was getting a divorce at the time and thought soon to be ex-husband put me up to it. But once we had both calmed down and it wasn't a setup. We had sex twice; I paid for both, and she became my paid sexual trainer. She finally met another man and married me. But she had trained me very well and I'd the confidence to ask girls out on dates and met my not wife my last year at university.
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