
A few years back I had just gotten a good promotion in my career and chose to find my own place to live (early 2019). But I'm not that great at housework cooking, cleaning or washing clothes. I decided to hire a housekeeper, at first, I thought she would come and do what needed doing and then go to her own place. A shortage of housekeepers for such jobs existed locally, but there was one lady available. The agency had a lady available with slightly different needs to my requirements. The first difference was she needed a live-in situation I was informed and the second she was a SMH as they framed it. SMH meaning short in height and mature, I'd a 2-bed apartment and I could if she was suitable have her live with me. Her height was 4'1" not a problem I thought and then they added the reason she needed a live-in job. She had recently separated from her husband and was living in a women shelter, as her husband was a violent person and was then in jail for attacking her. They had her at the agency while I was there so I thought I should at least meet her before making up my mind. She was slender and had a well-developed chest okay looking for her age, a quiet woman (timid) they told me. I decided to hire her, so she actually came back to my apartment with me picking up her few belongings on the way. Her soon to be ex-husband got violent every time he drank and being the brave asshole, he was attacked his wife. Drinking more and more the attacks became more and more often. The women's shelter had asked the agency to find her suitable live-in work. Unless you see her, you don't know she is there. I wasn't disappointed in my hiring of her, as she was a great cook and kept my apartment spotless. I dated often and had some success, and my housekeeper made me and breakfast in the morning a successful date. Then in November I got another promotion, but it was also a transfer. My now divorced housekeeper was willing to travel to my new job with me a big plus in my book. Also, her ex-husband was due to be released in September on parole, but got extra time added on for threatening to harm his ex-wife on his release overheard by the prison officers. The judge added 5 more months to his sentence before parole could be thought about again. We left for a new state and city and a new 3-bed apartment, settled in just before Christmas. We continued on as before; I tried dating not with much success till February. My housekeeper done as she always did and made my date and me breakfast. Then the first signs of the pandemic started to appear, not a worry to us at the time. I hadn't yet a steady girlfriend and date different girls each time. Then news of a possible lockdown was mentioned and then it became a fact. We'd stocked up on everything we would need, not expecting the lockdown to be all that long at first. But we'd a month's supply of almost everything, I and my housekeeper shopped again the last day before the lockdown. Toilet paper was in limited supply in smaller packages 8, 10 or 12 rolls and my housekeeper grabbed the last package available, it contained 48 rolls which turned out to be lucky as toilet paper became harder to get in the next few months. As the lockdown dragged on, I started to get horny from being locked down unable to date. Only woman I'd access too, was my housekeeper and then one day as she done her work, I got really aroused watching her. I'd to ask for my own peace of mind, I made sure she knew she could say no, due to her past troubles with her husband. But she said she would think about it, I left it at that and that evening after dinner. She told me should share my bed if I was still wanting her too, so we became lovers that night. Next morning as we had breakfast together which was normal for us, she told me she had decided to agree because I'd asked her and didn't pressure her to agree. Regular sex followed and on the ending of the lockdown, we continued having sex on a fairly regular basis. But I was back dating, and she would make my date, and I breakfast like she had before the lockdown. If I failed to score on a date, she would let me join her in her bed. Not always for sex, but just cuddling isn't bad either. Finaly finding a girlfriend and she became a regular in my bed and like my housekeeper quite a lot. My girlfriend was and is bi-sexual and asked me about a threesome including my housekeeper, she knew we were most liking already fucking due our very close interactions. Not threatened by my having sex with my housekeeper, sees it as a big plus in our relationship. With my housekeeper joining us, I asked my girlfriend to marry me and accepted. Once engaged she moved into my apartment with us, then we married, and my wife got pregnant fairly quickly. I also got another promotion mainly due to the pandemic thinning out some people above me in the company. It also meant a transfer back to my home city, my now wife became my PA as she also works for the same company. Our treasured housekeeper was worried about meeting her ex-husband, but my wife enquired on her behalf. Finding out he had been released and then had passed away during the pandemic, ignoring all the measures to stop transmitting the virus. With no worries of meeting her ex-husband she would return with us. Buying a house instead of renting an apartment, we still live together and share the same bed regularly. My wife is a career woman but has given me 3 children 2 boys and a girl. Still able to pursue her career with our SMH/nanny watching our children.
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