Lucky Me


I've been friends with Lacy for many years, never dated just school friends and after still just friends. I got a great job and was set as they say, Lacy had married and was happy for a while. But her husband kept putting off them having children, then he was caught playing around. Divorce followed, Lacy now dejected and felt a failure having skipped university for marriage. No real skills to get a good paying job, we'd kept in touch, not real closely during marriage. But still spoke on the phone about once a month, during the divorce and after it was over we connected more often. She was in need of a good paying job, and I considered employing her as my assistant. But I'd no real need of an assistant, during one of our conversations she said how lousy she felt and that she was useless. I said you're not useless and she replied I'm not worth having children with my ex-husband thought that and nobody else would want me now. I told I thought she would be a wonderful mother and a perfect wife. She responded with your just saying that. I said I would marry you in a heartbeat, but you'll never accept me as a husband as you only see me as a friend. She stayed quiet for a time and then said I'll marry you if you really want me, but we will have to start a family asap. Caught in my attempt to boost her esteem, but also realized she was what I wanted in my life. So, I said when do you want to marry today or tomorrow. Asap was her reply, so we married and as she wanted started trying to start a family straight away. She got pregnant quickly and is now 7 months pregnant according to the doctors, I've realized I'm a very lucky man to have Lacy was my wife. We still go along as before, with the addition of sex in our relationship. I had never thought I was in her orbit, more of a geek than a boyfriend to her. Lucky lucky me I was wrong.
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