Secret Friend
This story is a real accounting of some very good times during my freshman year in junior high. The school was about 5 miles away from my house and a lot of times I would walk home from school because it was fun andi found neat things sometimes. I lived out in the country, and I never knew what to expect on the way back from school. Sometimes there would be snakes to watch eating a rat in an old abandoned barn from yesteryear, or I would find and bring home a reptile, much to my mom's dismay.
She stepped on one of my king snakes with her bare feet during the middle of the night one time and I thought the world had ended from all the commotion going on down stairs. Then there was an ominous thud, thudding of the stairs as someone was coming up to my room now, and by the sound of the steps, they meant business. Naturally I pretended to be asleep when the door to my room suddenly opened. This time though instead of quietly looking around, the light went on and my mom barked out my name in a firm voice. I couldn't imagine what would get her all in a kerfuffle at such an hour! I rolled over and gave her my attention. Here was my mother in her nightgown standing there in the doorway with a king snake in her hand and she was foisting it at me and scolding me up and down about how she said to move my snakes outside before one got out! Well one got out alright! I had to take the cage outside with the snake in it right this very moment! I thought it was pretty cool that I had a mom that wasn't afraid of snakes but they all had to live outside from then on! ...She surely was more surprised than pleased when she stepped on its wriggling cold midsection in the dark to receive a startling bite in return! If she was only half asleep then she was certainly more than just half awake now, giving me the hairy eyeball as I took the snake and went passed her to get the cage and take it outside.
I was into all sorts of animals and a virtual magnet for dogs for some reason. I had a black lab that was a stray so we called him duggie because at first when we were sure someone would come looking for him, he was D,O,G, then that started to morph into doggy and eventually became douggie. He was a dog that I ran into during a walk home one time from school. He and I got it off and I had some explaining to do for getting home so late and all wet and full of sand with a small rip in my new shirt from this strange dog, who was standing right behind me acting all proper and nonchalant, wagging his formal greeting to my mother... His dick swinging gently from side to side I noticed. I doubt that my mom looked at him like that but she undoubtedly saw his member because she knew that he was a He. The famous, "Can I keep him momma!?" came out before she could speak. (There was another dog that followed me home on another occasion that became a great lover and would meet me after school almost everyday! I never passed up a chance to be with her! Douggie actually introduced me to her! That's another story for later though.)
So after school one afternoon it was hot and the lizards were fast, tumble weeds the size of Volkswagens were rolling around and piling up on fences and behind trees. It was windy and the air was full of static! My kind of weather! I was walking down the riverbed that ran along in between the two closest towns nearby and the deep sand was scalding hot between my toes but it felt good, strangely enough, and an occasional dip in the cool water running quietly along side me, was a great relief. I suddenly spotted a black dog up ahead in the distance and I don't think he or she saw me yet! My heart quickened with the thrill of possibly getting to meet a strange dog! I often dreamed of getting to play in private alone with a fully intact big dog, male or female, as a bedtime way to relieve myself as I feel asleep. I was sexually frustrated and hadn't managed to do anything yet except for with a good friend of mine at the time on occasion. We used to exchange hand jobs and blow jobs sometimes and I felt kinda sheepish doing that but it was fun nonetheless. I guess I discovered that I wasn't gay at least with humans during those times. I never thought about other animals until a girlfriend started playing girly games with me and it was hurtful. I also had guy friends who would one day be telling me that they are growing up now so they aren't going to be hanging out with me as much because they got a girlfriend now and she's taking up their time. And that is as it should be! Only to have them, a mere week later, come groveling back to me again admitting defeat and heart broken and the whole 9 yards. It was a matter of a shrug to me since I kinda knew they wouldn't last very long before they'd break up. It was my choice to accept their friendship again and I usually did since they weren't mean about it or anything, just a bit rode hard and put away wet with nothing to show for all their efforts typically. I was a jock but not quite because I hung around with the geeks, so I didn't fit into either of those groups but more so with the geeks.. My gorgeous Arab mare was who allowed me to experience what sex was like for the very first time when I must have been around 12, and I couldn't think of doing it with anyone else that was a human! As they say, once the native preference is established, there's no changing it. But you can gain new flavors! Having a ten in good looks and many other people to confirm that she was a supermodel of a horse, I felt no use for the games women play, they were complicated and hurtful as evidenced by how many of my friends I saw getting themselves wiped all over the place unceremoniously, only to turn right back around and do it again to get the same results! I could not understand that dumb behavior! But at the same time, while all my hormones were raging, I had all the pussy I could ever want! I felt empowered over those hurtful women that would use the mighty lure of their pussy to entangle guys everytime working on their weakness, then shit on them over and over again. That seemed too demoralizing to me and much too stupid. So I simply thought I could just have guy friends for the human interaction I needed and other than that, other animals were my best friends. Ok, that worked all through my early days but not so good later on, and I went into the big game with high stakes and no common knowledge that most guys already have which really sucked! All these side snippets could be different stories but they are all somehow intertwined too.
So this black dog stopped digging and noticed me, but then without much concern, he remained busy with digging and chasing birds along the shoreline while I steadily kept my pace and walked in his same direction of travel... I could see now that it was a boy from his thick squared off sheath swinging heavily as he dug in various spots. But he kept his distance. One thing I knew was if you want a pet to stay with you say, on the couch, or on your bed, the worst thing you could do was try and make them stay there.. when he wants to leave, ya gotta let him go. Just make sure that his visit was a good experience. If you let him have his way in the matter, and give him his freedom, but pet him while he's there, then he may likely come back shortly and stay with you. So I just kept on walking like he wasn't there. Just made sure that he knew he wasn't my focus and we were just bumping into one another by chance. Then I saw him looking more often at me and so I pretended to notice something on the ground and knelt down and flicked up a little wet sand paying more attention to the mystery stick than him, and soon enough he came loping up to meet me and see what it was that I was doing there. That started a long relationship that I will cherish forever. He was boisterous and interested in whatever I was doing and would dig exactly where I pointed to in the ground. And he was smart and could make decisions on his own and I found him to be a fucking wonderful caring and kind hunk of dogflesh after I got to know him better! I looked around for other people carefully, because I was longing to touch his sheath. It was so big and heavy looking, and fuzzy, but I knew that there's a sharp dick inside that would come out when he got aroused. I had not had any experiences with dogs since my parents only had a little foofoo dog and he didn't cause any tightening feelings in my loins... But this one, with the added element of the unknown and a wild, exotic fun and adventurous aire about him, was unmistakingly causing me to go head over heels if there even is such a thing... The Irish would call it a knee bender! He was so shiny and clean and his fur was so incredibly thick and soft. His body was built for power and his swimming abilities were next to nothing I had yet seen! And he was eager to join in whatever I wanted to do with a "can do" attitude that left little to no doubt that he would ever bite me unless I did something really bad to him. I wasn't the kind to have to worry about that and held a lot of respect for dogs. They put up with so much abuse and will still come to their owners for attention, only to get kicked and told to "Get!"...! So I guess I kinda feel a little protective towards them too! I wanted to always show them the best time I could by discovering their games and playing with them, doing what they did. It is simple and carefree! They live in the moment and relish it fully with nary a care about the next moment-sheesh, that would be nice in a way for as long as it lasted! But I could arrive at much the same feelings through them just by getting dirty and being their teammate instead of the one commanding the pack. They still know who you are and at any time if I thought there was a bad decision being made by the dog, like getting ready to go chase a ball out into the street, I could just tell him "No" and that would buy enough time for him to think about it and hopefully see the car, plus I would reinforce the idea there's something really bad about this moment involving a car. When you become one of their best friends they respect you and will listen and actually do their best to understand you. I never got bitten or treated like I was not to be trusted by any dog.
I slowly reached out and petted his flank and moved back towards the webbing between his back leg and his belly, and he stopped what he was doing to look back there and then at me directly, and I watched how he reacted and lingered there for a second before I slid underneath his belly and barely touched the side of his sheath. I was gently rubbing along side it, getting ready to move into having the whole thing in my hand, when he beat me to it by pushing himself onto my hand then jumping back at if he was toying with my intentions and playing coy by dancing around with a whole new demeanor! This time his focus was on me and touching his dick wasn't the problem at all, it was keeping it away from me that was! He was svelte and quick and agile and ready to play! I was so aroused that there's no doubt that he knew exactly what I was thinking! Afterall, all mammals know about sex, and by the looks of it he was no first timer! I was a first time and probably about to be deflowered by him! For him, feeling his big cock wasn't any issue and he was all over me with his scratchy wet claws and all that wet sand... I stood up and remembered my book bag up further on the bank and retrieved that while he was bouncing all around looking up at my face with a big shit eating grin! He knew what I wanted and he was going to oblige. I think he must have been out looking for some adventure to! I discovered over the years, that typically if you find a dog, it'll be a male, and those boys are capable of dishing out some of the most vigorous sexual encounters that I've ever had! There was a three foot diameter tunnel not far ahead, so I made for that. I was just as excited to see what he was packing as he was to find out if he can score on a human or anything for that matter, especially if he or she would stand there for him. So I looked all around as I was resting my rear side against the cement spillway to the drainage tunnel and didn't see anyone. The big black lab was clamped onto my leg and waste and gouging my skin so I kept removing him and finally said "sit!"
To my surprise, he sat and his tail was wagging and sweeping a sort of half moon shape in the sand, but I was looking at his penis that was also wagging, and the top had protruded partly. It was pink and shiny and he was squirting a little bit. I saw a huge lump down inside near the base that was taking up most of the room inside his sheath. I wondered what that was and held on to him incase he jumped up and clawed me again, while I examined that. In fact he sat very still so I got a close look and finally was able to feel what a big dog erection felt like in my hand. I could smell Him and it was a smell that I would, from them on, associate with lust. That wet, sandy fur and the cold droplets of water from the river combined with musky smells.. I didn't find offensive at all because I was in lust and capable of doing things that I could regret--all caution was thrown to the wayside! I somehow realized that I had my mouth around his cock and that smell was driving me crazy! His tinny flavor was not gross, it was hot and exciting and there was this big svelte overly excited black lab in control of it... And my mouth was gently allowing it to search around as I kept my tongue cradling it and opened my eyes to see his underside and felt his bristling hairs at the end of his sheath prickling my lips. I started to feel his balls when he suddenly had a weird quirky motion in his hips and then I was feeling his balls with my chin! My face was so smashed against his crotch where there was little room for his package before, now I traded with that and it was all down in my stomach it felt like now! I gagged and spasmed forward with a dry heave, but doing that opened up my mouth even further and he was thrashing my face with powerful jabs! I heard some gurgling sounds asmy body desperately kept heaving as a reaction, but I was pushing on his inner thigh with one hand and holding onto his leg with the other. He was stabbing past all my efforts! I heard smacking sounds as my lips were being forced to contort and conform to his many studly curves..and that big bulb was clearly getting jammed as far in as he could manage it if I didn't do something fast! That smacking sound continued to loudly echo from the inside of his thighs while I went through another heave that caused him to insert part of his knot past my teeth and I heard ayike and with that he was outta there! I was dumbfounded with how hard and fast he suddenly got and how helpless I felt underneath him... I could still feel where he been deep down in my throat and his spunk was strangely delightful and so taboo that I almost came in my shorts right there. He was air humping and his dong was way bigger than mine and it was bobbing heavily between his legs,, but he wasn't finished at all! That much was clear because he had that thing pointed at me again and was groaping at me again with his vice-like forearms! I kinda held him back long enough to get further into the tunnel while he humped my thigh. My back had already gotten wet from him spilling generous amounts of prostate fluid as I pulled down on my pants to expose my poor butthole soon to get ravished by this beast that cared not about how it felt to me or how much my butthole was going to stretch to accommodate him. He was going to get off inside me! I was going to be his focus! Looking at him swinging, I thought it looked a bit bigger than a big turd I had once when I was badly constipated, but I didn't know. Plus I had already decided that I was going to let him fuck me and was too excited about that to have much of any second thoughts. I think it got in the way of my better judgement! He was already eagerly prodding at my rear end as he stepped around to line up. I felt little cold water droplets on his fur and his wet body made me cringe but soon was warm and clamp like. I saw a momentary glimpse of his heavy cock swinging from side to side as he stepped the rest of the way around and he quickly closed the gap between us as I felt him poking my right butt cheek, then the other, and hit just below my butthole and he jabbed me there like a spear! That hurt! He made a puffing sound and got air hit my neck...a near miss. It made a sharp turn downward between my legs at the back side of my balls and I felt one squirt of fluid warmly trickle down my nut sack! H dismounted and licked my backside there quickly including the underside of my cock and my balls where he just was and then refocused his efforts closer to my target until, just for a moment, everything paused when I felt it almost part my butthole with another hot squirt of his juice that went just inside me! I knew this was it! It was still a little bit too high, there was another hot squirt, and then one big ugly thrust that moved my butthole up into position and impaled me at the same time! I heard myself get forced to grunt out loud and I remember seeing the opening of that tunnel framing an otherwise fine afternoon with the green chaparral wetlands and oak trees, and Him! My eyes were for sure as big as saucers! hHe was so fucking deep inside me in that one thrust that again, I thought it was in my stomach and I literally felt like I was gonna vomit! He was so powerful and his muscles were rolling under his skin and I felt his dew claws gouging at my sides.. I wanted to lift them off but his driving force was causing my hands to skid in the sand and his thighs were tightly wrapped all the way around my ass from cheek to cheek! I was taking all of what was in the middle, all of him and there was no choice and no remorse! I started to feel like I wasn't going to be able to take any more of him as it got bigger, but it kept getting bigger and longer until I panicked and tried to get away, but that hurt even worse and put the stop to any thoughts of getting him out of me! All I could do was just look at my hands making fists in the wet sand.. And clench my teeth! There was nothing else I could do but hope he would stop growing bigger!
Meanwhile, he was drooling down my neck and his thrusts were so vigorous they made my whole body lurch. He was a jackhammer! He was nibbling on my ear now and every effort from every one of his strong muscles--that could propel him fast like the wind, and make him swim better than any marathon swimmer, they were all now one hundred percent focused on getting every millimeter of his cock driven as deeply as he could into my asshole! My guy was protesting and moving aside for him as he barged in in and past the deepest part I think I ever felt anything go! I had to find room for him inside of me if I could. He was stepping up on my legs for more grip and tucking his chin over my shoulder on either side and puffing loudly in my ear, licking my neck,and nibbling on my ears, and I felt like I was forced to giving him a lot more than I thought I had to give! There was this sensation of being totally constipated and it was scary to know that a strange dog had his penis completely embedded into me and I was being forced to stay there and grunt and take him while he merrily had His way with my body! He showed some apology for me though for all his panting and drilling by tenderly licking my head and cheek. Once the pounding part was over, he settled down to heavy panting, and his weight was all on me to support. He was tuckered out from injecting everything he had into me.
It was a painful pleasure that has no other description. I didn't feel belittled or lesser than him in any way either, but I had to stay there because any tugs or movement was met with an internal punishment of renewed passion that was full and deeply penetrating, giving me a few more heavy thrusts thrusts just to make sure I wasn't thinking about leaving. His member was throbbing and I knew it was shooting his seed each time and it kinda felt like an enema after a couple minutes as he filled me up inside and the sensation of it overflowing and trickling down through the bridge to my balls tickled and exhilarating! It was dripping off onto the ground under me. I looked down there to see if I could see his balls but I only saw a puddle forming right there instead.. he was flooding me out inside! When will this be over! I felt a pang of panic--that he wasn't going to go down enough to slip out, or he was going to jerk it out of me and take my sphincter with him! Holy shit! What if someone were to walk up on me here in this situation! Fears swept through me but I started to notice that his throbbing was getting less forceful and he was starting to act like he was done with me, but his member disagreed, and was still lodged quite tightly. I kept trying to get him to just stand still until he would finally let it slip out on it's own, but just about then he yanked it out of me and it was all I could do to keep from yelling out in agony! That was it! It was over quick and I collapsed there in the sand for as long as it took for the pain to subside. Then slowly reached back to feel what was left of my butthole and it was still all there too, but it felt like I had bad diarrhea and everytime I relaxed, it would start to gush out and run down my leg! But my new friend was right there to luck it all up and he even licked faster when I just relaxed and let it all come out! That wasn't all of it though I found out, and after I thought it was for sure all of it, and had pulled my pants back on again, more came shooting out! It was totally clear liquid though so I went to the river to at least get that area more wet so it wasn't so perfectly in line with my poor anus that was now aching pretty badly. I felt a sort of attachment to my new friend now too and I hugged him and smiled at him as he looked back at me with a big lolly tongue hanging out one side of his mouth like you would hold an after sex cigar! At that thought, I couldn't help but also French kiss him too! It was so exotic and taboo and fucking thrilling that I had to. I think I was instantly in love for the first time ever, and it was with a dog dammit?! But it was pure and he was direct and forthright about what he wanted or wanted me to do, and it wasn't always about sex either. The connection I had with him went far beyond anything I had dreamed of. We almost could simply know what each other was thinking and it was magical and I didn't care what other people thought about it either. I wasn't meek but I hung out with geeks because they were smarter and not so into girls and competition with each other, despite the fact that I was a black belt in taekwondo already and working on my second dan, which means mostly that I went to a lot of competitions and learned a lot of katas, not so much that I could kill anyone with a single finger! In martial arts, a lot of what you discover is how not to fight and how to be humble but not humiliated by much of anything. It's honest like my dog was. He loved me for real and I loved him back. I swore to myself that I would not ever let him fuck me with his whole member again, but I was looking at both hands gripping my carpet in my room not four days later! I was going through another thorough rogering by him, and my parents were down stairs! I couldn't sit hardly at all for about three days after that first time! It did get better but it always hurt way down inside. There was an equal helping of passion and lust that combined with pleasure that comes with that sensation that kept me going for years.
She stepped on one of my king snakes with her bare feet during the middle of the night one time and I thought the world had ended from all the commotion going on down stairs. Then there was an ominous thud, thudding of the stairs as someone was coming up to my room now, and by the sound of the steps, they meant business. Naturally I pretended to be asleep when the door to my room suddenly opened. This time though instead of quietly looking around, the light went on and my mom barked out my name in a firm voice. I couldn't imagine what would get her all in a kerfuffle at such an hour! I rolled over and gave her my attention. Here was my mother in her nightgown standing there in the doorway with a king snake in her hand and she was foisting it at me and scolding me up and down about how she said to move my snakes outside before one got out! Well one got out alright! I had to take the cage outside with the snake in it right this very moment! I thought it was pretty cool that I had a mom that wasn't afraid of snakes but they all had to live outside from then on! ...She surely was more surprised than pleased when she stepped on its wriggling cold midsection in the dark to receive a startling bite in return! If she was only half asleep then she was certainly more than just half awake now, giving me the hairy eyeball as I took the snake and went passed her to get the cage and take it outside.
I was into all sorts of animals and a virtual magnet for dogs for some reason. I had a black lab that was a stray so we called him duggie because at first when we were sure someone would come looking for him, he was D,O,G, then that started to morph into doggy and eventually became douggie. He was a dog that I ran into during a walk home one time from school. He and I got it off and I had some explaining to do for getting home so late and all wet and full of sand with a small rip in my new shirt from this strange dog, who was standing right behind me acting all proper and nonchalant, wagging his formal greeting to my mother... His dick swinging gently from side to side I noticed. I doubt that my mom looked at him like that but she undoubtedly saw his member because she knew that he was a He. The famous, "Can I keep him momma!?" came out before she could speak. (There was another dog that followed me home on another occasion that became a great lover and would meet me after school almost everyday! I never passed up a chance to be with her! Douggie actually introduced me to her! That's another story for later though.)
So after school one afternoon it was hot and the lizards were fast, tumble weeds the size of Volkswagens were rolling around and piling up on fences and behind trees. It was windy and the air was full of static! My kind of weather! I was walking down the riverbed that ran along in between the two closest towns nearby and the deep sand was scalding hot between my toes but it felt good, strangely enough, and an occasional dip in the cool water running quietly along side me, was a great relief. I suddenly spotted a black dog up ahead in the distance and I don't think he or she saw me yet! My heart quickened with the thrill of possibly getting to meet a strange dog! I often dreamed of getting to play in private alone with a fully intact big dog, male or female, as a bedtime way to relieve myself as I feel asleep. I was sexually frustrated and hadn't managed to do anything yet except for with a good friend of mine at the time on occasion. We used to exchange hand jobs and blow jobs sometimes and I felt kinda sheepish doing that but it was fun nonetheless. I guess I discovered that I wasn't gay at least with humans during those times. I never thought about other animals until a girlfriend started playing girly games with me and it was hurtful. I also had guy friends who would one day be telling me that they are growing up now so they aren't going to be hanging out with me as much because they got a girlfriend now and she's taking up their time. And that is as it should be! Only to have them, a mere week later, come groveling back to me again admitting defeat and heart broken and the whole 9 yards. It was a matter of a shrug to me since I kinda knew they wouldn't last very long before they'd break up. It was my choice to accept their friendship again and I usually did since they weren't mean about it or anything, just a bit rode hard and put away wet with nothing to show for all their efforts typically. I was a jock but not quite because I hung around with the geeks, so I didn't fit into either of those groups but more so with the geeks.. My gorgeous Arab mare was who allowed me to experience what sex was like for the very first time when I must have been around 12, and I couldn't think of doing it with anyone else that was a human! As they say, once the native preference is established, there's no changing it. But you can gain new flavors! Having a ten in good looks and many other people to confirm that she was a supermodel of a horse, I felt no use for the games women play, they were complicated and hurtful as evidenced by how many of my friends I saw getting themselves wiped all over the place unceremoniously, only to turn right back around and do it again to get the same results! I could not understand that dumb behavior! But at the same time, while all my hormones were raging, I had all the pussy I could ever want! I felt empowered over those hurtful women that would use the mighty lure of their pussy to entangle guys everytime working on their weakness, then shit on them over and over again. That seemed too demoralizing to me and much too stupid. So I simply thought I could just have guy friends for the human interaction I needed and other than that, other animals were my best friends. Ok, that worked all through my early days but not so good later on, and I went into the big game with high stakes and no common knowledge that most guys already have which really sucked! All these side snippets could be different stories but they are all somehow intertwined too.
So this black dog stopped digging and noticed me, but then without much concern, he remained busy with digging and chasing birds along the shoreline while I steadily kept my pace and walked in his same direction of travel... I could see now that it was a boy from his thick squared off sheath swinging heavily as he dug in various spots. But he kept his distance. One thing I knew was if you want a pet to stay with you say, on the couch, or on your bed, the worst thing you could do was try and make them stay there.. when he wants to leave, ya gotta let him go. Just make sure that his visit was a good experience. If you let him have his way in the matter, and give him his freedom, but pet him while he's there, then he may likely come back shortly and stay with you. So I just kept on walking like he wasn't there. Just made sure that he knew he wasn't my focus and we were just bumping into one another by chance. Then I saw him looking more often at me and so I pretended to notice something on the ground and knelt down and flicked up a little wet sand paying more attention to the mystery stick than him, and soon enough he came loping up to meet me and see what it was that I was doing there. That started a long relationship that I will cherish forever. He was boisterous and interested in whatever I was doing and would dig exactly where I pointed to in the ground. And he was smart and could make decisions on his own and I found him to be a fucking wonderful caring and kind hunk of dogflesh after I got to know him better! I looked around for other people carefully, because I was longing to touch his sheath. It was so big and heavy looking, and fuzzy, but I knew that there's a sharp dick inside that would come out when he got aroused. I had not had any experiences with dogs since my parents only had a little foofoo dog and he didn't cause any tightening feelings in my loins... But this one, with the added element of the unknown and a wild, exotic fun and adventurous aire about him, was unmistakingly causing me to go head over heels if there even is such a thing... The Irish would call it a knee bender! He was so shiny and clean and his fur was so incredibly thick and soft. His body was built for power and his swimming abilities were next to nothing I had yet seen! And he was eager to join in whatever I wanted to do with a "can do" attitude that left little to no doubt that he would ever bite me unless I did something really bad to him. I wasn't the kind to have to worry about that and held a lot of respect for dogs. They put up with so much abuse and will still come to their owners for attention, only to get kicked and told to "Get!"...! So I guess I kinda feel a little protective towards them too! I wanted to always show them the best time I could by discovering their games and playing with them, doing what they did. It is simple and carefree! They live in the moment and relish it fully with nary a care about the next moment-sheesh, that would be nice in a way for as long as it lasted! But I could arrive at much the same feelings through them just by getting dirty and being their teammate instead of the one commanding the pack. They still know who you are and at any time if I thought there was a bad decision being made by the dog, like getting ready to go chase a ball out into the street, I could just tell him "No" and that would buy enough time for him to think about it and hopefully see the car, plus I would reinforce the idea there's something really bad about this moment involving a car. When you become one of their best friends they respect you and will listen and actually do their best to understand you. I never got bitten or treated like I was not to be trusted by any dog.
I slowly reached out and petted his flank and moved back towards the webbing between his back leg and his belly, and he stopped what he was doing to look back there and then at me directly, and I watched how he reacted and lingered there for a second before I slid underneath his belly and barely touched the side of his sheath. I was gently rubbing along side it, getting ready to move into having the whole thing in my hand, when he beat me to it by pushing himself onto my hand then jumping back at if he was toying with my intentions and playing coy by dancing around with a whole new demeanor! This time his focus was on me and touching his dick wasn't the problem at all, it was keeping it away from me that was! He was svelte and quick and agile and ready to play! I was so aroused that there's no doubt that he knew exactly what I was thinking! Afterall, all mammals know about sex, and by the looks of it he was no first timer! I was a first time and probably about to be deflowered by him! For him, feeling his big cock wasn't any issue and he was all over me with his scratchy wet claws and all that wet sand... I stood up and remembered my book bag up further on the bank and retrieved that while he was bouncing all around looking up at my face with a big shit eating grin! He knew what I wanted and he was going to oblige. I think he must have been out looking for some adventure to! I discovered over the years, that typically if you find a dog, it'll be a male, and those boys are capable of dishing out some of the most vigorous sexual encounters that I've ever had! There was a three foot diameter tunnel not far ahead, so I made for that. I was just as excited to see what he was packing as he was to find out if he can score on a human or anything for that matter, especially if he or she would stand there for him. So I looked all around as I was resting my rear side against the cement spillway to the drainage tunnel and didn't see anyone. The big black lab was clamped onto my leg and waste and gouging my skin so I kept removing him and finally said "sit!"
To my surprise, he sat and his tail was wagging and sweeping a sort of half moon shape in the sand, but I was looking at his penis that was also wagging, and the top had protruded partly. It was pink and shiny and he was squirting a little bit. I saw a huge lump down inside near the base that was taking up most of the room inside his sheath. I wondered what that was and held on to him incase he jumped up and clawed me again, while I examined that. In fact he sat very still so I got a close look and finally was able to feel what a big dog erection felt like in my hand. I could smell Him and it was a smell that I would, from them on, associate with lust. That wet, sandy fur and the cold droplets of water from the river combined with musky smells.. I didn't find offensive at all because I was in lust and capable of doing things that I could regret--all caution was thrown to the wayside! I somehow realized that I had my mouth around his cock and that smell was driving me crazy! His tinny flavor was not gross, it was hot and exciting and there was this big svelte overly excited black lab in control of it... And my mouth was gently allowing it to search around as I kept my tongue cradling it and opened my eyes to see his underside and felt his bristling hairs at the end of his sheath prickling my lips. I started to feel his balls when he suddenly had a weird quirky motion in his hips and then I was feeling his balls with my chin! My face was so smashed against his crotch where there was little room for his package before, now I traded with that and it was all down in my stomach it felt like now! I gagged and spasmed forward with a dry heave, but doing that opened up my mouth even further and he was thrashing my face with powerful jabs! I heard some gurgling sounds asmy body desperately kept heaving as a reaction, but I was pushing on his inner thigh with one hand and holding onto his leg with the other. He was stabbing past all my efforts! I heard smacking sounds as my lips were being forced to contort and conform to his many studly curves..and that big bulb was clearly getting jammed as far in as he could manage it if I didn't do something fast! That smacking sound continued to loudly echo from the inside of his thighs while I went through another heave that caused him to insert part of his knot past my teeth and I heard ayike and with that he was outta there! I was dumbfounded with how hard and fast he suddenly got and how helpless I felt underneath him... I could still feel where he been deep down in my throat and his spunk was strangely delightful and so taboo that I almost came in my shorts right there. He was air humping and his dong was way bigger than mine and it was bobbing heavily between his legs,, but he wasn't finished at all! That much was clear because he had that thing pointed at me again and was groaping at me again with his vice-like forearms! I kinda held him back long enough to get further into the tunnel while he humped my thigh. My back had already gotten wet from him spilling generous amounts of prostate fluid as I pulled down on my pants to expose my poor butthole soon to get ravished by this beast that cared not about how it felt to me or how much my butthole was going to stretch to accommodate him. He was going to get off inside me! I was going to be his focus! Looking at him swinging, I thought it looked a bit bigger than a big turd I had once when I was badly constipated, but I didn't know. Plus I had already decided that I was going to let him fuck me and was too excited about that to have much of any second thoughts. I think it got in the way of my better judgement! He was already eagerly prodding at my rear end as he stepped around to line up. I felt little cold water droplets on his fur and his wet body made me cringe but soon was warm and clamp like. I saw a momentary glimpse of his heavy cock swinging from side to side as he stepped the rest of the way around and he quickly closed the gap between us as I felt him poking my right butt cheek, then the other, and hit just below my butthole and he jabbed me there like a spear! That hurt! He made a puffing sound and got air hit my neck...a near miss. It made a sharp turn downward between my legs at the back side of my balls and I felt one squirt of fluid warmly trickle down my nut sack! H dismounted and licked my backside there quickly including the underside of my cock and my balls where he just was and then refocused his efforts closer to my target until, just for a moment, everything paused when I felt it almost part my butthole with another hot squirt of his juice that went just inside me! I knew this was it! It was still a little bit too high, there was another hot squirt, and then one big ugly thrust that moved my butthole up into position and impaled me at the same time! I heard myself get forced to grunt out loud and I remember seeing the opening of that tunnel framing an otherwise fine afternoon with the green chaparral wetlands and oak trees, and Him! My eyes were for sure as big as saucers! hHe was so fucking deep inside me in that one thrust that again, I thought it was in my stomach and I literally felt like I was gonna vomit! He was so powerful and his muscles were rolling under his skin and I felt his dew claws gouging at my sides.. I wanted to lift them off but his driving force was causing my hands to skid in the sand and his thighs were tightly wrapped all the way around my ass from cheek to cheek! I was taking all of what was in the middle, all of him and there was no choice and no remorse! I started to feel like I wasn't going to be able to take any more of him as it got bigger, but it kept getting bigger and longer until I panicked and tried to get away, but that hurt even worse and put the stop to any thoughts of getting him out of me! All I could do was just look at my hands making fists in the wet sand.. And clench my teeth! There was nothing else I could do but hope he would stop growing bigger!
Meanwhile, he was drooling down my neck and his thrusts were so vigorous they made my whole body lurch. He was a jackhammer! He was nibbling on my ear now and every effort from every one of his strong muscles--that could propel him fast like the wind, and make him swim better than any marathon swimmer, they were all now one hundred percent focused on getting every millimeter of his cock driven as deeply as he could into my asshole! My guy was protesting and moving aside for him as he barged in in and past the deepest part I think I ever felt anything go! I had to find room for him inside of me if I could. He was stepping up on my legs for more grip and tucking his chin over my shoulder on either side and puffing loudly in my ear, licking my neck,and nibbling on my ears, and I felt like I was forced to giving him a lot more than I thought I had to give! There was this sensation of being totally constipated and it was scary to know that a strange dog had his penis completely embedded into me and I was being forced to stay there and grunt and take him while he merrily had His way with my body! He showed some apology for me though for all his panting and drilling by tenderly licking my head and cheek. Once the pounding part was over, he settled down to heavy panting, and his weight was all on me to support. He was tuckered out from injecting everything he had into me.
It was a painful pleasure that has no other description. I didn't feel belittled or lesser than him in any way either, but I had to stay there because any tugs or movement was met with an internal punishment of renewed passion that was full and deeply penetrating, giving me a few more heavy thrusts thrusts just to make sure I wasn't thinking about leaving. His member was throbbing and I knew it was shooting his seed each time and it kinda felt like an enema after a couple minutes as he filled me up inside and the sensation of it overflowing and trickling down through the bridge to my balls tickled and exhilarating! It was dripping off onto the ground under me. I looked down there to see if I could see his balls but I only saw a puddle forming right there instead.. he was flooding me out inside! When will this be over! I felt a pang of panic--that he wasn't going to go down enough to slip out, or he was going to jerk it out of me and take my sphincter with him! Holy shit! What if someone were to walk up on me here in this situation! Fears swept through me but I started to notice that his throbbing was getting less forceful and he was starting to act like he was done with me, but his member disagreed, and was still lodged quite tightly. I kept trying to get him to just stand still until he would finally let it slip out on it's own, but just about then he yanked it out of me and it was all I could do to keep from yelling out in agony! That was it! It was over quick and I collapsed there in the sand for as long as it took for the pain to subside. Then slowly reached back to feel what was left of my butthole and it was still all there too, but it felt like I had bad diarrhea and everytime I relaxed, it would start to gush out and run down my leg! But my new friend was right there to luck it all up and he even licked faster when I just relaxed and let it all come out! That wasn't all of it though I found out, and after I thought it was for sure all of it, and had pulled my pants back on again, more came shooting out! It was totally clear liquid though so I went to the river to at least get that area more wet so it wasn't so perfectly in line with my poor anus that was now aching pretty badly. I felt a sort of attachment to my new friend now too and I hugged him and smiled at him as he looked back at me with a big lolly tongue hanging out one side of his mouth like you would hold an after sex cigar! At that thought, I couldn't help but also French kiss him too! It was so exotic and taboo and fucking thrilling that I had to. I think I was instantly in love for the first time ever, and it was with a dog dammit?! But it was pure and he was direct and forthright about what he wanted or wanted me to do, and it wasn't always about sex either. The connection I had with him went far beyond anything I had dreamed of. We almost could simply know what each other was thinking and it was magical and I didn't care what other people thought about it either. I wasn't meek but I hung out with geeks because they were smarter and not so into girls and competition with each other, despite the fact that I was a black belt in taekwondo already and working on my second dan, which means mostly that I went to a lot of competitions and learned a lot of katas, not so much that I could kill anyone with a single finger! In martial arts, a lot of what you discover is how not to fight and how to be humble but not humiliated by much of anything. It's honest like my dog was. He loved me for real and I loved him back. I swore to myself that I would not ever let him fuck me with his whole member again, but I was looking at both hands gripping my carpet in my room not four days later! I was going through another thorough rogering by him, and my parents were down stairs! I couldn't sit hardly at all for about three days after that first time! It did get better but it always hurt way down inside. There was an equal helping of passion and lust that combined with pleasure that comes with that sensation that kept me going for years.
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