She changed


I (32) was great friends with my 2 neighbors (35 and 31) in my apartment building. They were always talking of having a family, but it didn't happen. He died in an accident hit while crossing the street, by a drunk driver. She was devastated by his death and became very reclusive. They were well off before the accident and with insurance and compensation from his death and the accident was well setup for life. For about 2 months following the funeral I rarely saw her, believing she wanted to be alone I didn't bother her. Finally, she came to my apartment and straight out asked me to get her pregnant. I was shocked, mainly because I was taken unawares by her request. All I could reply was why me and she said I was the only single man she knew, and she didn't want to delay having children anymore. I said if that what she wanted I would be happy to assist her in her quest to be a mother. Corny I know, but I was still in shock I think, lucky for me she didn't want to start straight away. She was still researching her options; her preferred option would've been her late husband. But that was impossible, and he had no brothers or close male cousins. So, as I was a close friend of theirs, I was chosen and the more I thought it over the more I was willing to assist her whatever way she chose to proceed. I also thought she might change her mind, as she had completely changed after her husband's death. A week later she saw me again and said we would better use straight sex as other options were a legal minefield for an unattached woman. Especially in our state, which is strange as they profess to be for the right to life and put up roadblocks on everything for people to achieve it. After an awkward start we started trying for a baby together, but we weren't having any luck. But I decided to buy a house in a quiet suburb, I asked her to live with me saying it might help us in a more relaxed area. She agreed and a month after moving she got her positive test result and then another, then saw her doctor it was confirmed she was pregnant. Then she decided we should marry; give the baby a legal father was the term she used. I was okay with that and had been trying to think of a way to ask her before she got pregnant. We didn't wait and got married as quickly as we could. Now having our son named after her late husband and soon to celebrate our first wedding anniversary. We're happy and she wants more children as quick as we can have them. She is back to her previous self, with the pressure to have a family gone for the most part. But I'll let her have as many children as she wishes. No precautions ever taken.
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