Then there was just me


I was the dumb one of our family and youngest and left school at 16 trained as a mechanic and had my own place close to the family home. I didn't attend the social events the family hosted, my parents and 2 siblings succeeded in everything they did. Not by luck but by their knowledge and hard work. My father died first heart attack, then my sister car accident and she was soon followed by my mother complications after surgery. My brother died skiing hit a tree and so that left just me. At 26 I was last surviving member of my family, my siblings hadn't married or had any children and neither had wills. Thinking they were too young I think, in a 6-year period I lost my entire family. Now rich and not dating at the time, I was coming to terms with the loss of the family. I finally decided I should find a wife and not one of high society either. Someone closer to my social station, so I sold up everything and moved interstate. As the family home had too many of my family memories and made me sad. A new start was what I wanted, and I moved to a country town. Got a job as a mechanic, bought an old farm to live on. The town didn't have a bank and so my wealth wasn't liable to be leaked to the local. Buying a farm at my age, was put down to family inheritance. Not showing my wealth at all continued as I'd before I started inheriting. I met a nice woman 39 who had one daughter 21 but worked multiple jobs to survive. Which is how I met the mother, I saw an ad for ironing and housecleaning. So, I hired her, and she would clean my house and do my washing and the little ironing I had. It wasn't a set time or day, just when she could fit my job in. So, when she was busy her daughter would help her, and we got on fairly well. Their old car kept breaking down and I would fix it, but it wasn't going to last much longer. I decided as I thought of them as friends to get them a better and more reliable car. But they were very proud and didn't like being thought of as charity cases. So, I hit upon an idea to get a late model of their car and do it up for them. I found a suitable car, but it needed work and parts. I found another of the same car damage in an accident and written off by the insurance company and I bought it for parts. I'd led them to believe I loved working on cars for fun, like a hobby. So, I could keep their old running at minimal cost to them no labor cost. They thought it was my love of working on cars and so it didn't upset them when I said it was a short or just sparkplugs needed cleaning and didn't charge for doing that. But they would cook some meals as a reward, I tried asking the daughter out and she was always busy working some job or another. My luck changed in 2020 the pandemic struck, I was set as I'd plenty of money to keep me going without working. But they lost one job after another, and their room rental would be affordable for them for long. Unless something happened, I saw my chance and asked them both to live with me. They keep the house and cook the meals, and I give them a room each to live in. No Charity involved; they accepted as they really had no other choice at the time. They moved in just as a lockdown was announced and our first days together was getting everything, we thought we might need before the start of the lockdown. We got everything in bulk and had left nothing to chance we thought. We didn't think the lockdown would last as long as it would. The only thing we didn't get that we might have needed was condoms. As we weren't in any relationship sexually it didn't come to mind. Overtime we got closer as the lockdown proceeded and I had sex with the daughter and then again and our third time her mother caught us. She asked could she join in as she was horny herself and so we started a three-way relationship. I don't know which fuck got my now wife pregnant, but she got pregnant during the lockdown. But we didn't know at the time, and she would be followed by her mother also getting pregnant. My now wife tested positive a few weeks after the lockdown was lifted and her mother a week or two later. So now I've two willing women sleeping with me and 5 children. Three with my wife and two with her mother. I'd married my now wife in January 2021 and had proposed before the end of the lockdown. As far as the locals know my wife had the 5 children, as we don't mix all that much or talk about our sex life. People take it for granted my wife had the 5 children even they were born weeks apart, but the city. My wife and her mother know of my wealth and like me don't advertise the fact we're rich. I fancy cars or anything that shows our wealth, we live as before quietly and happily together.
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