

I'm from a well-off family and done well university and started in my chosen field. Not good at dating, so usually work late and stopped on way home for dinner at a diner near my apartment. I got on friendly terms with a mature waitress 47 (no family) and as it wasn't crowded, we would talk. She worked 2 jobs to get by and was still struggling and her other job was as a cleaner. One night I arrived at the diner and the waitress was doing the cooking as the normal cook was in jail (just over night) for drunk in a public place I was told. The following week I'd a chance of a promotion, which would mean moving to another state. I decided might as well apply and I got the promotion, so I bought a 4-bed (only one available) apartment in the city I was going too. I then found cleaning services were limited by shortage of cleaners, I was told by a friend it's better to have a live-in cleaner as you never get the same cleaner every day with services. But cleaners in general were in short supply in my future home city. So, after my dinner that evening I was talking with the waitress as usual and she said she would need to get another job to get by. Feeling bold I asked her would she be interested in a live-in housekeeper's job in another city. Adding it paid almost twice the going rate and no rental costs or utilities to pay, she was interested. So, I told her of my promotion and transfer and what I wanted from my housekeeper, cleaning, laundry and cooking. She said she was willing and so I hired her, and we would be leaving in 10 days. Which caused her a little trouble as her then rental was week by week and I said I've a spare room at my current apartment. So, she would move in with me for the few days before we left for our new home. I decided to drive the 5 hours instead of just shipping my car and flying there. We left at 8am only shopping for lunch and arrived at 2.30. Mainly due to not knowing the city layout and we settled into a motel for the first night as my furniture wasn't to arrive till next day. It was installed by noon next day and we went exploring the city to get our bearings. First, we found my new workplace and then found the closest supermarket and stocked up on groceries we would need; while heading back to our new home I saw a restaurant and I decided we would eat out as everything would need to be unpacked for the kitchen. We settled into living together and neither of us dated but could if we wanted too. After a few weeks we were into a routine that suited our lifestyle, I returned home for Christmas (2019) 3 weeks later and took along my housekeeper. Once back we were back into our routine and nothing much else happened. Then the pandemic started, and a lockdown enforced, isolating together wasn't much different to our normal routine. I worked from home, and she did her work as usual. As the lockdown dragged on, we would talk and play cards to pass the time and sit on the balcony for breakfast, lunch and dinner. But one day it was raining and with the wind blowing rain onto the balcony we were trapped inside. Mucking about to stop getting too bored, we ended up kissing then fucking. Of course, we didn't at just the once and she started sharing my thereafter. After the lockdown was over and returned to somewhat normal lifestyle, albeit regularly having sex together. We were each other's only real friends in the city, we knew other people. But not to the degree that you could call actual friendship. I was then given a project assistant, to help me get the project back on track after the lockdown. She was a quiet woman 5 years my junior (no known family) and lived quite a way from the office and my home. At my housekeepers/lover suggestion she was asked to move in with me and my housekeeper. As there was talk of another lockdown, my housekeeper convinced her it would better for the project and her not living alone again during another lockdown. After she had moved in, I went away for a week to inspect the project up close. On my return on a Saturday instead of the Sunday I was supposed to return. I entered my apartment, and it seemed empty and thinking they were shopping I went to put my bags in my room. Opening the door, I saw my housekeeper and PO naked on the bed getting it on you can say. At first my PO was totally shocked, but my housekeeper invited me to join in. So, I did, and it soon became a normal part of our relationship. Only one thing my PO wasn't on anything to prevent babies and my housekeeper knew that. She had decided my PO was the perfect wife for me and so she seduced her. After I was informed of the possibility of my PO getting pregnant by my housekeeper, I took her advice and asked my PO to marry me. Which we did several weeks later, and we all still slept together every night up to the wedding and ever since. My wife was confirmed as pregnant after our marriage, my housekeeper isn't my housekeeper as such. But is still living with us and is referred to as aunty and treated as family even by my parents. In the years since we've had 2 children, and my wife is again pregnant. My life is perfect now.
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