Secret Area
Horny Landowner
I (31) inherited a house (2021) on 23 acres outside of my old hometown, it had belonged to a cousin of mine. He hadn't ever married or had any children, and I was his closest living relative. I was sick of living in the city and saw my inheritance as a way of getting out of the city. Able to work via internet and already doing quite well careerwise, I would sell in the city to return to hometown. I was a late child born when my mother was 40 and father 49 my cousin was already 30 by the time I was born. He had gotten Covid and with longstanding lung problems from heavy smoking it finished him. I'd the house modernize before I returned, everything I would need added and replaced the old wooden barn with a large steel shed as it was about to fall over. It took 10 months to complete everything, but I'd to finalize the sale of my apartment and shift everything to my new home. In February 2022 I was back in my hometown after 12 years, having left for university and my career afterwards. At first, I kept to myself and in early April I finally got around to looking over my property. It has a natural spring that fills a small pond and a grove of trees down in a hollow at the back of the property. In the grove I found a ring of white Quartz stones. Didn't think much of it at the time the next weekend on Saturday evening I was standing on the top step at the back of the house, and I saw lights flickering in the grove of trees. I thought there must be fire starting in the grove of trees and went to investigate. But as I got closer, I saw the lights moving about and realize some people were there. I entered cautiously and as I got close enough to see, I saw women. They were prancing around the ring of stones all naked, I was a little confused why they were there. But as I recognized several of them, I decided to leave them do whatever they were doing and ask one of them later what was going on. On the following Tuesday I came across one of the naked women, now fully dressed while shopping. So, I asked she wasn't shocked that I'd seen them dancing naked and told my cousin had let them perform their nature worshipping rituals in the grove for years. She then asked did I want them to stop, I replied No you can keep going it isn't doing any harm that I can see. The following Friday afternoon 3 of the women came to see me. The lady 49 I'd spoken too and her daughter 27 and the local doctor 39. They were visiting me to ask me to join in their rituals as I'd had seen them. It's lot more involved, but the simple reason was I was drawn by the natural power of the area and therefore was the chosen one. Something my late cousin hadn't been, as they had approached him to use the grove of trees. He wasn't interested in nature and showed no interest in why they wanted to use the grove of trees. As all the women were unattached (widowed, divorced or just single) my involvement was to be sexual. I could if I wished bed all of them, the daughter was plain looking okay body, and the others were okay looking an a little overweight. Another 3 women members of their group were similar to the mother and doctor and were 53, 57 and 60. A shortage of available single males also, maybe made me a possible lover. I'm average height slim and balding and wear contacts, of course I accepted and all 3 stayed the night with me. I'd a fairly good dating history, no long-standing relationships. The Saturday night I'd the other 3 women stay the night with me and left for their homes around 10am Sunday. Just after lunch the mother and daughter visited me again, I at first thought they wanted more sex with me. But they had a proposal for me, they wanted me to get the daughter pregnant and I was somewhat shocked and replied you want me to marry you. Not required to marry unless I really wanted too, was their reply, just father a child or 2. Was what they really wanted, and it was quite appealing to me and even the thought of being married appealed to me. We married 2 months later and mother and daughter having both moved in with me after I'd agreed. Now I've 2 children one with my wife and the other with the doctor. I still fucking all the women as when they want fucking. Only my wife and the doctor are very regular sex partners of mine, my wife may be pregnant again and the doctor also wants another child. It was my lucky day I found their secret area.
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