My father divorced my mother
Contented Son and Husband
My father suddenly told my mother (41) he was divorcing her as she was too boring for him. Made her a very good offer on take it or leave it basis. She was caught off guard and signed the agreement while in shock and so the divorce went thru quickly. My mother was well looked after by the agreement and so was I as their only child even those I was 22 at the time. My father has always been a wealthy man decided he wanted some excitement in his life. Also, knowing his only chance of a quick divorce (2013) was a great financial agreement for my mother. No claims of duress when she signed it would hold up with such a great offer in the agreement. Of course, I was to stay with my mother as he wanted a clean break and freedom to do whatever he wanted too. My mother was and still is a great looking woman, but she was I admit lacking an adventurist nature and to my father that meant boring. She went to pieces during and after the divorce and I was left to support her as best I could. I'd no girlfriend but I did date, and I wasn't a virgin. My mother isn't a drinker, and she started to drink, and it didn't much to get her drunk. So, I came home from university, and she was passed out drunk and barely dressed. She was either dressing or undressing and had passed out before finishing. I got to see her assets you could say, and I got horny. But resisted the urge to take advantage, mainly because she was in a so fragile state at the time. But I did feel her up a bit and then undress her fully and myself. Taking her to her bathroom and showering with her to first wake her up and dress her then planned to put her to bed. She awoke no problems with being naked with her son in the shower and after dressed and put to bed. That was a Thursday and I'd a free day Friday. I got up early checked on mother she was still asleep, and I made us breakfast, we could if we wished, have a housekeeper, but my mother prefers to do everything herself. With breakfast made I woke her, and we had breakfast together on her small balcony. She thanked me for helping her and I told her we were going out to enjoy ourselves for a change. She said she had to catch up on her housework, I said it can wait and she accepted that. I knew she would start drinking again and so I wanted her out and about. We went out seen the museum and then an art gallery and had lunch and then seen a movie. The movie was a bit too romantic for me, but my mother wanted to see it, so we saw it. After we went shopping had dinner out and got home after 9pm. I gave my mother a cuddle and a feel up as well, to my surprise she kissed me on the lips. I was shocked at first but kissed her back anyway. She said she would shower and then go to bed and asked me to shower with her. I wasn't shocked as much as I shouldn't been I suppose, but I agreed. In the shower she washed my body, and I did hers, I of course was having sexual thoughts about my mother and it showed. I got a hard-on, and it pleased my mother to my surprise. She started playing with it and then I should use it on her in her bed. Shocked and happy at the same time, I followed her lead, and we had sex twice and again in the morning. Only later after lunch did it dawn on my mother she wasn't protected, having not needed to take any precautions since before the divorce. My father only had wanted one child. But just maybe due to her age she would okay, she told of her mistake and was trying mainly to convince herself it would okay. I was shocked at the idea I might've gotten my mother pregnant. But I accepted her reassurance she wouldn't get pregnant. It didn't stop us fucking again, albeit with the use of condoms. Then she missed her period, getting tested straight away to be of the safe side. A weak positive was the result and another test several days later showed a stronger positive result. I was shocked at first but wanted to be strong as they say and support my mother. I made out that I was happy I had gotten her pregnant, but it was all show. My mother done a third test, and it was very strong positive and so she went to see her doctor and have a pregnancy test done. Confirmed as pregnant and I was afraid she might fall apart again and start drinking, I kept telling I was very happy to have gotten her pregnant. This made her feel a great deal better and made her firmly committed to have my baby for me. It backfired you could say, but I couldn't backtrack now. She had every test there is and as the baby grew inside of her and she was confirmed to be very healthy. Also being girl made my mother very happy also. I also came around to becoming a father and then I got some bad news. I'd to tell my mother as well, my father's adventurist new lifestyle had killed him. She was sad to hear of his death but had moved on with her new life with me. I as his only heir got everything and was sleeping every night with my mother and still dating also to please her as well. The birth of my daughter/sister was hard on my mother due her age among other things. But her and the baby were okay no problems for the baby. But my mother was told she should've her tubes tied and so she did. It suited her as she was happy with our baby, and one was enough at her age she said. Sex without any precautions could continue once she had recovered from the birth. A year later I met my now wife while at university and we quickly became lovers, and she moved in with me and my mother and daughter. I got her pregnant shortly after our marriage after I had graduated, my wife had a year to go. She knows of sexual relationship with my mother and likes my mother to join us during sex. My mother and wife are more like best friends than mother-in-law and daughter-in-law and have no secrets between them. Now I've 6 children, 1 with my mother and 5 with my wife including twin girls giving me 3 of each. My eldest child loves her baby sisters born in February this year. Life is great and thinking back I wouldn't change a thing.
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